Midnight Secrets (Midnight Dynasty Book 4)

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Midnight Secrets (Midnight Dynasty Book 4) Page 18

by CR Robertson

  “Ash was very specific about everything since you were in Tuscany,” Annabelle chittered in the background.

  I smiled briefly. “He’s an accountant and thrives on details.”

  “I might be biased, but I think our display is the most imaginative. It’s got a fairytale quality that draws your attention to it. The jewellery has been discreetly displayed that you discover each piece individually as you translate the story.”

  The room started to close in around me, my head spinning and nausea burning a trail up my throat to choke me. “I need some air.” I dashed from the room toward the exit. I should never have left Tuscany and the safety of those huge walls that surrounded it.

  Jordan found me crouched outside with my hand over my mouth. He stooped beside me. “You need to decide what you want, Lucy, because you can’t keep going on like this.”

  My eyes burned with suppressed tears as I stared at him. “I’ve made such a mess.”

  He shrugged. “Relationships are fucking hard and you have no experience with them, considering you grew up in the equivalent of a convent.”

  “How did you know?”

  One eyebrow rose in indignation. “I wouldn’t be a very good head of security if I couldn’t work out you two were crazy about each other.”

  “Ash doesn’t want me.”

  “There’s a different between not wanting someone and knowing what’s best for them. Zee is going mental right now over what happened to Cas. He was security mad before, but this is insane right now.” He gave me one of his intense stares that bored into your soul. “Ash is trying to keep you safe.”

  “Papa would understand.”

  Jordan shook his head. “This is not about Lucas. There are powerful men who would exploit a weakness like you to destroy Ash. They would torture you to make him suffer. Men like us aren’t allowed to fall in love.”

  “What about Zee?” I asked.

  “He never did play by the rules.” Jordan rolled his eyes. “You finished in there?”

  “Yeah, but I left my bag inside.”

  “It’s in my car. Come on and I’ll take you home.” He stood up and held his hand out to me.

  “Jordan?” He peered down at me. “What am I going to do?”

  He hauled me up when I put my hand in his. “You’re going to put your big girl panties on and go in there tomorrow night and be the woman I know is hiding inside that terrified little girl.”

  I chewed the side of my mouth. “Are you going to be there?” I really wanted to ask about Ash, but after the cold reception from this morning, I doubted it.

  “Ash and I will both be there. He has meetings for his father this morning but he has this in his diary for tomorrow. Zee can’t come as he’s babysitting Cas.”

  Jordan tucked my hand through his arm and led me back to the car. “Do I get to meet this Cas?”

  “Considering Zee has a ring on her finger and managed to impregnate her, I would think so.”

  “Zee is going to be a papa!” I stopped to gawk at him because I never thought I’d see the day that my cousin settled down.

  Jordan grinned at me. “Is this the point that I have to warn you of the evils of unprotected sex?”

  “Jay!” My voice hit a high octave of indignation.

  “What? It’s my duty as a big brother to stop you being impregnated by evil spawn.”

  “And they say romance is dead.” I nudged him with my elbow.

  “Romance didn’t die, it was cuffed to a bed and spanked until it submitted a few years ago.”

  My mouth dropped open and he chuckled at my shocked expression.

  “One day that may not shock you so much,” he said with a wink.

  The thought of being strapped to Ash’s bed appealed to me more than I would ever admit. The problem was that he didn’t want me anymore and that was the deepest cut to my soul. It permeated so deep that it bled emotional tears that wouldn’t stop crying.


  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I stood in my bedroom and stared at the red silk dress that had been delivered an hour ago. Since I hadn’t been to buy anything, I’d intended to wear a cocktail dress that Catarina had hanging in her wardrobe.

  There was a rap at the door before Francis popped his head around it. “A woman has arrived downstairs for your hair and make-up.”

  “What?” My brow furrowed as I wandered out the door. A woman stood in the hallway below the balcony staircase of Papa’s London home. She waved up at me before gripping her silver case again. “Did you order her?”

  Francis shook his head. “Nope. Nothing to do with me.”


  He was the only one organised enough to put all of this together.

  “Do you want me to set up down here or in your bedroom?” she called up.

  “Up here is fine,” I replied and returned to my room.

  She appeared a minute or two later and oohed and aahed over my dress before opening her silver case and sorting through all the paraphernalia inside. Her name was Sharon and she was a beautician that the mysterious Cassandra used.

  “Do you want me to style your hair wet or dry?” she asked.

  “I’ve already washed and conditioned it this morning.” I didn’t have the energy to start and wash my hair and listen to the hairdryer again.

  “No worries, let’s start by getting some volume into your hair and then move onto your make-up.”

  I sat while she sectioned my hair, lathered it in styling lotion, and put it into huge rollers. Then she began to put layers of make-up on as she transformed me from a pale, nervous wreck into the cool and calm woman that I had mastered as an exterior over the years. The make-up reminded me of putting on war paint to wear into battle.

  When the rollers came out, my hair framed my face in large waves that she coated in layers of hairspray so that it wouldn’t move an inch tonight.

  “Do you want me to help you into your dress?” Sharon asked.

  There was only Francis here, and I didn’t want to ask Jordan when he arrived. I nodded and a tear slipped down my cheek.

  Sharon grabbed my hand. “Are you okay?”

  “No. I messed up with my boyfriend and now he hates me.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed and tugged me down beside her. “I doubt that if he went to the trouble of organising me to come here today.”

  I sniffed. “How do you know it was him?”

  Sharon shrugged. “Men tend to request different things depending on what they feel for the client. Sometimes they just ask me to do their hair and make-up. The man who phoned and booked me specifically told me to accentuate your eyes and lips. He said that the rest of you didn’t need any highlighting as you were perfect the way you are. That is a man who cares. I should know, my boyfriend doesn’t give a damn about me.”

  Her words slowly sank into my consciousness.

  “There are some of my clients that go to an underground sex club where apparently they have orgasms every night. Is it too much to ask for one?”

  She managed to draw a laugh from me.

  “Do you want my advice?” Sharon asked. “Grovel if you have to. Men love that sort of crap. And if all else fails, resort to a blowjob. That gets their attention every time.”

  “I don’t think I’m very good at them. My sister taught me how to do them with a banana and two peaches.”

  Sharon burst out laughing and shook her head. “That’s a new one on me! Come on, let’s get you in this dress so you can go to the ball.”

  It dipped so low at the front, there was no way I could wear a bra. I hated strapless dresses and was thankful that Ash had ordered me one with straps. It hugged my curves and flared from the hips outward to give me room to move. The sides of my breasts peeked out of the inside of the dress and made me cringe. I never showed this much flesh.

  Sharon slapped my hand away as I tried to pull the dress closed to cover the swell of my breasts. “If you’ve got it, flaunt it,�
� she chided me. “You look beautiful.”

  I pulled my stilettoes from the cupboard to complete the outfit. My phone and purse fitted into a small matching clutch bag.

  Sharon packed up and left me with a thumbs up and a smile. It was only when she spoke to someone at the door that I realised Ash was standing there.

  My heart skipped a beat and my breath caught in my throat. He was dressed in a black suit and shirt. His red silk tie was the only splash of colour and matched my dress. His dark blond hair had that messy appearance of him running his fingers through it too many times.



  “Not tonight, Lucrezia. Let’s get this over with so we can both move on.”

  My heart plummeted into my stomach.

  Yesterday he had looked furious, tonight there was no emotion left in those eyes. That terrified me more than anything else. I could plead my case with someone who was angry, but someone who’d given up on me was a different matter altogether.

  Ash held up a black velvet box. “This is the one you’d set aside with your jewellery in it for tonight.”

  I took the box and opened it. Everything was as I left it. “You’ll need to put it on for me.” Lifting the necklace from the box, I then held it out to Ash and turned around.

  His fingers lifted my hair out of the way to slide the toggle into place. The metal felt cool against my skin and the pendant part of the piece hung between my breasts. It was obviously the reason why he’d picked this dress.

  I turned, my eyes at the level of his chest. Swallowing my emotions so that he could never see them, I lifted the cufflinks and one at a time removed the black pair he had on, replacing them with the ones I’d designed specifically for him. He twisted the wrist of his right hand when I attached the first one to study it.

  Tonight, I would become the creature who stood beside Papa to smile and nod. No one would ever see that I was slowly dying inside, my emotions withering one at a time. I didn’t stop because I needed to keep moving forward or I would collapse in a heap of tears again. Jordan stood downstairs completely in black. It didn’t escape my attention that Ash had wandered into my bedroom twice now as if he had permission to be there.

  When this was completed tonight, I was travelling to Aberdeen to Sofia and then home to Tuscany. Papa could find me a husband or keep me in the prison cell. I no longer cared.

  “When did you grow up?” Jordan smiled and took my hand to twirl me around. “You get more beautiful every day, Lucy.”

  “You too, Jay. Annabelle was salivating over you yesterday.”

  He rolled his eyes and shook his head at me. “I noticed. Why do you think I got us out of there?” Jordan never gave the impression of noticing the women around him. He must love whoever this mystery woman was very much.

  “Ready?” I gave him the brightest version of my fake smile that I possessed. Footsteps sounded on the staircase behind me. “Francis and I are travelling to visit Sofia tomorrow. I’m going to look into university, she’s researching some courses for me.”

  Jordan’s gaze moved beyond me to the man standing on the stairs for a split second before returning it to me. “Why not give yourself some time to see how this opportunity turns out for you?”

  I shook my head and prayed the tears would stay behind my eyes. “Sofia has a life, I need to find one too.”

  Jordan squeezed the hand he still held. “Need me to go up with you?”

  Nature had never given me a brother, but I found one anyway. “Sofia would love to see you.”

  “Then let’s get you to your show. My security guy says your collection has been garnering a lot of interest. Let’s show them who the mastermind behind it is.”

  That display had nothing to do with me, and every piece in that collection had aspects of Ash in it. I normally kept one memento from each compilation, but this one had too many memories associated with it.

  Francis put a black velvet cape around my shoulders and gave me a reassuring smile I wished I could respond to. My big girl panties were starting to feel a little too tight. A limousine waited outside for us, a chauffeur standing beside the door.

  My feet stumbled and Ash’s hand gripped my elbow. “You can do this,” he muttered and my back straightened.

  This had been my dream for the past few years—to openly stand beside my designs and claim them as mine. Tonight it was about to happen, but I finally realised too late that my priorities had changed and there was nothing I could do to save my new dream.

  The lighting in the hall was dim, with bright lights above the displays to draw your attention to all the jewellery. Two security guards stood close to my area. There was no doubt in my head that they were there on Jordan’s instruction.

  A red carpet stretched along the middle of the room where models would flaunt our goods later.

  That moon in my display caught my attention and I thought of all the nights I stood staring at the moon while talking to Ash. Those moments had meant so much to me, they had bored deep into my soul and made a place for him there.

  It felt like every eye in the room turned in our direction and panic rose in my chest and lodged in my throat in a lump. Ash’s hand found mine, his fingers linking through mine to infuse strength into me. Jordan acted as a distraction, deflecting many of the people who surged in our direction. Those warm fingers intertwined through mine were the only force holding my emotions together right now.

  Seth raised a champagne flute in my direction, winking at me before returning to his conversation.

  Ash had made all of this possible with his unique way of doing business. He was a force of nature like all the elements in my collection. A pathway opened for us as we made our way toward my display.

  “Miss Black, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Can I just say that your craftsmanship and designs are unique and absolutely stunning?” A tall man with black hair that was highlighted with grey at the sides stood waiting for us. “Your model for this evening is Monica and she will be here shortly for you to start to dress. Mr. Blackwood.” He nodded to Ash before leaving.

  I shot him an inquiring look.

  “Fred is one of the organisers. I’ve known him a long time,” he explained as he removed the cloak from my shoulders. One of the security guards stepped forward to take it. I’d noticed in the past that Papa never used the cloakroom facilities of where he visited. Security was paramount in this world of deception and death.

  Ash moved his attention to the crowd, scanning it as if he was mentally cataloguing every single person here. I was never the confident sister and all this attention overwhelmed me. Every time someone moved in my direction Ash or Jordan appeared to run interference until I finally had my game face on and turned around to face everyone. That was when both men took their place at my sides.

  Cameras flashed and journalists appeared from nowhere to start asking me questions. I was the anomaly here since the other designers were already known to the industry. In their eyes, I had materialised overnight. They had obviously quickly researched me and knew that my other collections incorporated nature elements in their designs.

  After what seemed like hours, Jordan held his hands up. “Guys, come on. Give Lucrezia some space, this is her first show and you are terrifying her. You have more than enough information for your articles.”

  He flashed them that superstar megawatt smile that dazzled them into turning their attention to him.

  My hand shook as I touched the necklace at my throat. “I need some fresh air,” I muttered and moved to the side exit that was for artists only. Ash went to follow me, but a female journalist stopped him, her hand landing on his arm.

  The corridor was cooler than the exhibition room and a breeze of fresh air made goosebumps rise on my flesh. I closed my eyes for a brief moment to centre myself.

  “You created an impressive collection.” Nigel Billingham stood watching me, his back pressed into the wall. “You have some very powerful allies who have been makin
g my life very difficult.”

  “Excuse me.” I went to push past him to go back into the exhibition room.

  “I don’t fucking think so.” He shoved me into the wall face-first, his body caging mine in. I smelt the stale alcohol on his breath as his face moved too close to me. “Call your attack dogs off or I will destroy you.”

  “Get your hands off me,” I demanded, trying to wiggle free.

  “Women like you make men use the wrong head. Maybe I should have a taste of what has broken through that ice cold exterior of a Blackwood.” His hand slipped down my front until he found my pelvis. “I’m sure he won’t mind me playing with his little toy.”

  Nigel was ripped away from me violently, his back hitting the wall beside me, Ash towering over him with his hand gripping his throat. Nigel desperately tried to prise Ash’s fingers away. There was nothing left of the gentle man who’d held me and whispered to me in the darkness. This man was barely controlled rage and hatred.

  “I think you’ll find that I do mind you touching her,” Ash grated out from between clenched teeth. “I’ve killed men for less.”

  Nigel’s feet desperately tried to reach the ground and his face burned bright red. His mouth opened and closed but he couldn’t get any words out.

  “If I even see you looking in Lucrezia’s direction, I won’t go after your business, Nigel. I will personally tear you physically to pieces until there is nothing left of you to identify. Do you understand me?” Ash’s hand around his throat flexed and I saw Nigel try to nod.

  Ash released him to fall in a crumpled heap on the floor, gasping for breath. He glared up at us as he struggled to his feet. Without warning, Ash punched him, sending him tumbling back to the floor before he kicked him in the stomach.

  “Don’t go anywhere fucking near her again. Understand?” Ash sneered.

  Confused was an understatement of how I was feeling right now. I stared up at Ash as he tucked my hair behind my right ear, his knuckles sweeping down the side of my face. He didn’t ask me how I was feeling, instead he studied me with that predatory precision that left me naked to his scrutiny.


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