Home > Romance > HER FINAL FLING > Page 16

by Joanne Rock

"Don't you dare try to talk me out of it." He pulled her chair closer to his, sitting so close his thighs bracketed hers at the table. "As long as you're protecting your health with lots of SPF, I think you'll look great in wrinkles. And frankly, I've been more of a family guy than a jet-setter most of my life. I think I was just waiting for the right incentive to come back home."

  She gulped back the lump in her throat.

  "Me?" She opened her palm to stare down at the heavy ring he'd given her.

  "Yes." Leaning forward he brushed a featherlight kiss over her mouth. "You. I love you, Christine."

  Twining her arms around his neck, she draped herself across him, flung herself into him the way she'd wanted to from the moment she'd spied him in his tuxedo today.

  "I can't believe it. You never gave me so much as a clue." She squeezed tighter, a gurgle of teary laughter escaping her lips. "I love you, too, Vito. And I can give you very good assurances that if you want to take me out for dinner this week, the answer will be a highly affirmative, all-systems-go yes."

  His hands slid around her waist, smoothed over her back as he held her to him. She could almost feel their heartbeats settle into an easy rhythm, a compatible tune that would echo in her ears long after the noise of the rock band faded away.

  "And as for me giving up the insane amounts of money, I wouldn't be so sure about that." His breath was warm against her ear as he spoke.

  Leaning away from him, she peered up into his eyes, confused. "What do you mean?"

  "You know how I spent so many hours on the computer this summer?" Trailing one finger down the strap of her dress, he favored her with a conspiratorial smile. "Part of the reason was because I wanted an excuse to spend more time around the house so I could be close to you. But my other reason was that I've been creating software for a commercial racing game and a system to let players design their own racetrack."

  "Are you telling me that behind the Ferrari exterior beats the heart of a techno-geek?" She straightened his tie, smoothed a hand over his tuxedo jacket to savor the muscles beneath. "No wonder you were so helpful when I was having trouble with that digital sprinkler system."

  "Hey, don't knock the nerd. This geek just licensed the rights to his first mass-produced computer game." He sounded genuinely excited. Happy.

  "That's wonderful." She kissed his cheek to appease Uncle Giuseppe and Mary Jo who were making more smoochy faces two tables away. "I'm so happy for you."

  "I've got a brand-new career that will ensure I don't ever have to make cabinets for a living again. And since I'll be loafing around the house while I work, I can probably venture out to some of your job sites just in case you need a hand during your first year in business." He straightened. "Assuming that doesn't tread on the whole independence thing you've got going."

  "Hell, no." She pointed a finger at him. "I've seen you with pruning shears, Cesare. You could make yourself very useful at All Natural if you know how to take orders from a woman."

  His gaze narrowed as he stared at her in the glow of the tiny white lights that decorated most of the yard now that night had long since fallen.

  "I don't know how I'll do with that. Why don't we have a test run tonight after everyone else leaves? You can give me a few orders in the outdoor shower and see how I perform?"

  She shivered in anticipation. Running her fingertips discreetly up his thigh, she whispered, "You've got yourself a deal. Now, what do you say we join everyone else on the dance floor?"

  Vito's mouth slanted over hers, tasting her with a thoroughness that left her breathless. "It would be my pleasure to dance with you."

  Christine followed him toward the pavilion lit up like a southern Christmas. The band switched tempo from a rock and roll beat to a more traditional Italian dance. As Vito's million and one relatives formed a circle holding hands, the bride left a space beside her for them.

  They danced until they were hot and thirsty and laughing so hard Christine's belly hurt. And when Vito called for champagne all around to make one last toast to the bride and groom, his eyes never left hers.

  Clinking her glass to his, she knew exactly which bride and groom he meant.

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