Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Page 585

by <unknown>

  Those gladiators were not as healthy as Li Yao. Although they had woken up, almost everybody was tied up in thick bandages and holding multiple bags of healing drugs. Some of them were even soaked in the portable biochemical slots and pushed over with the help of others.

  They were still at a loss now that they had returned from death. Seeing that their companions who should have been killed in the Hell Bone Swamp were also alive, they were even more surprised.

  Only several gladiators—including Mo Tiesheng, who had thick plasters bound to his chest and looked like an iron statue—were deep in thought and seemed to have realized what was going on.

  "Congratulations on your rebirth!"

  After a moment of faint laughter, deafening noises echoed below the ground at the end of the temple. The floor spread out like a blossoming flower, and a throne slowly rose up.

  The throne was designed in a very strange shape. It seemed to be made of countless interconnecting gene strands. The gene chains were all crystal clear and emitting glamorous colors from within, filling the enormous temple with the scent of life all of a sudden.

  But nobody was sitting on the throne. In front of the throne, three high shadows were standing.

  The two standing on the two sides emotionlessly were the Death Teeth Guards who had 'killed' them.

  But the most magnificent shadow in the middle turned out to be Yuchi Ba, the master of the Skeleton Island!

  Li Yao had seen it coming so was not surprised, but the other gladiators were caught unprepared and exclaimed in shock.

  Right now, Yuchi Ba had taken off the gorgeous robe that he wore in the arena and put on a plain training armor with an emblem of the Blade of Chaos made of black iron on his chest. Bloody streaks were all over the black emblem. There was no telling whether they were intentionally added when the emblem was carved or it was the blood of his enemies that had leaked onto the emblem after he killed too many of them.

  Yuchi Ba carried an intimidating aura with him although he had not said anything. He slowly walked to the crowd one step after another. He glanced over the wounds on everybody and stopped for a long time on Li Yao. In the end, he stared at Mo Tiesheng and said frankly, "I know that you must have a lot of questions, brothers, and I'm going to answer all of them since I'm talking to you under my real identity today!

  "Before I answer your questions, allow me to reintroduce myself. I, Yuchi Ba, am the owner of the Skeleton Island, but I am also a believer of Chaos. You may consider me as the highest representative of the Blade of Chaos in Void Turmoil City!"

  Many quick-minded gladiators had already guessed his identity through his dress, but hearing him acknowledge it so straightforwardly, they were greatly startled too and whispered to each other.

  Many gladiators had accepted the ideas of the Blade of Chaos during their training. Right now, after they were 'reborn', they were rather moved as they felt that they had finally found their calling. For a moment, hot tears were flowing inside their eyes, and they did not know what to say.

  But Li Yao and Mo Tiesheng remained as untouched as before. Mo Tiesheng even furrowed his brows and said solemnly, "Master Yuchi, so to speak, everything was your scheme the whole time?

  "You captured us on purpose and ordered us to receive the harshest training and undergo life-and-death battles just so that you could pick the strongest of us for the Blade of Chaos?"

  His hands behind his back, Yuchi Ba replied peacefully, "That is the first question that many brothers ask me when they wake up.

  "And my answer has been the same every time. Yes. Everything was my scheme. You may even accuse me of kidnapping you through the most shameless approaches!

  "On the Skeleton Island, you have undergone the most rigorous training and taken strengthening drugs dozens, if not hundreds, of times the normal dosage. Many of our brothers were mentally deranged, and their cells collapsed. Still more brothers were killed miserably in the arenas, sometimes even with no bones left!

  "Everything was my scheme. I plead guilty to all charges!"

  Chapter 880: True Meaning of Chaos |

  Yuchi Ba talked in such a resolute and righteous way that even Mo Tiesheng was momentarily dazed.


  Yuchi Ba suddenly changed his tone and demanded, "Brothers here, you might as well recall your past and think about the obstructions that you met when you ran away from your homes to avoid the war. Do you think that you would have survived if I had not brought you to this place?

  "You wouldn't! In the Blood Demon Sector right now, being a black-blood demon or a chaotic-blood demon is your original sin. There is no way you would have survived!

  "The Skeleton Island is not the only arena in the Blood Demon Sector. All the demon kings are now desperate to recruit soldiers and slaves. If I had not captured you, it is possible that you would have been captured by other slave-catching teams or even the army!

  "On the Skeleton Island, while you received the harshest training, you also had the best strengthening drugs and abundant food. Also, in the seemingly perilous games, I was always doing the best I could to save your life! Only by a 'fake death' can you disappear from the world and sever your past!

  "You wouldn't be so lucky in other arenas or in the army! The Riot of the Bloody Blade has not entirely died down yet. I believe that you have all heard a lot of rumors and have a basic idea what roles the black-blood demons and the chaotic-blood demons are playing in the army.

  "So, do you really think that I was wrong?

  "Yes. On the Skeleton Island, many of our brothers are killed every day, during the harsh training, because of the excessive dosage of strengthening drugs, or in the dangerous the Lightning Dungeon, the Thorny Flame Dungeon, and the Hell Bone Swamp! If possible, I would not want any brothers to die in vain!

  "However, this is Void Turmoil City, full of silver-blood demons! Sacrificing some of our brothers can help save the lives of others so that they can become the warriors who shatter our shackles and rise up in resistance! There are no alternatives!"

  Yuchi Ba's words raised a riot among the gladiators, who were all whispering to each other and yet could not make out the situation. In the end, they all looked at Mo Tiesheng and Li Yao.

  Mo Tiesheng was deep in thought, too, and did not give a response for a long time.

  Yuchi Ba opened his thick arms and said solemnly, "Brothers, the shackles that we are bound with have been imposed on us for forty thousand years. An unprecedented great war between the Blood Demon Sector and the Heaven's Origin Sector is about to break out, and the master of the new world will soon be decided. However, no matter who the winner of the war is, cannon fodder such as us will be equally doomed!

  "If we don't stand up to fight, we will either be tormented to death in the dark mining pits or have to kill each other in the arenas for nothing other than the chuckles of the nobles. Or, we may end up as worthless cannon fodder as members of the 'beast tides' or the 'insect oceans', waiting to be blown into smithereens by the crystal cannons and the crystal warships of the Heaven's Origin Sector!

  "If you do not want such a horrible future to become reality for you and your family, then join the Blade of Chaos and fight back. We will break the so-called Four Pillars System and forge our own way of life with our own hands!"

  Yuchi Ba's words ignited the eyes of many gladiators like invisible sparks.

  Even Mo Tiesheng, who had been silent the whole time, seemed to be rather moved.

  However, after pondering for a while, Li Yao raised a rather sharp question. "Master Yuchi, you… don't seem to be a black-blood demon or a chaotic-blood one?"

  His question made all the gladiators focus their eyes on Yuchi Ba's body again.

  Yuchi Ba smiled and replied unhurriedly, "Yes. According to the classification of the Blood Demon Sector, my bloodline belongs to the purest silver blood. But in fact, such a way of classification is just hilarious! Allow me to show you the truth!"

  "The truth?"

Li Yao raised his eyebrow in great interest.

  "In the made-up legends and tales, the so-called saint blood, silver blood, bronze blood, and black blood are all natural-born and unchangeable. Whoever tries to even slightly alter their blood will only degenerate into the most humble, lowly, and untouchable chaotic-blood demons!


  Intense demonic energy suddenly spurted out of Yuchi Ba's body and circled around his magnificent body, forming complicated patterns.

  Creepy noises of flesh being torn apart and reorganized echoed deep inside Yuchi Ba's throat and his body. A moment later, the intensity of his demonic energy reached a whole new level, and five black blades that looked like the forelegs of a mantis grew out of his fist that was larger than a pot!

  "This is—"

  All the gladiators were shocked. It was clearly a feature of a certain type of the Insect Clan or the Claw Clan, but Yuchi Ba was clearly an out-and-out member of the Horn Clan!

  Yuchi Ba waved the five blade limbs softly, drawing waves that looked like water currents in the air. He stared at everyone through the gaps of the newly-grown organs and said, "Have you seen it, brothers? The features of two different kinds of demon species have appeared in me, a pure silver-blood demon!

  "There is only one possible explanation. The classification of saint blood, silver blood, bronze blood, and black blood does not exist at all! The differences of our appearances are our 'forms' that are shaped in different environments. A demon should be able to activate different 'forms' to adapt themselves to different battlefields or jobs so that they can fulfil the destiny that God Chaos designed for them!"


  All the gladiators were whispering to each other.

  Yuchi Ba slowed down and said in a low voice, "Yes. On the Skeleton Island, you must have heard the tales of God Chaos creating the modern demon race. They are not groundless legends but the real history that happened forty thousand years ago!

  "Forty thousand years ago, it was the last years of the era of ancient Cultivators. Human beings were finally swallowed by their own greed and ambition. They waged a prolonged civil war in all the three thousand Sectors. Countless worlds were mired in the swirls of destruction, torn apart into cosmos dust. The planets that were lucky enough to survive the catastrophe found their ecological system completely ruined, and they could barely catch their breath in the fire of war.

  "The universe at that time had been seriously polluted by human beings and was not suitable for the survival of most creatures.

  "That was the time when God Chaos showed up. He excavated the relics of the Pangu Clan that were left from the primeval era, found the legacy of the thirteen ancient demon clans, and created the modern demon race, hoping that we could repair the damaged worlds like the ancient Pangu Clan did!

  "The three thousand Sectors at that time were no longer paradises with singing birds and fragrant flowers. Volcanoes, earthquakes, smog, and venomous gas were everywhere. Many worlds lost their atmosphere, and even more worlds were entirely consumed by oceans.

  "Therefore, God Chaos granted us marvelous techniques, allowing us to awaken the primeval force inside our body to resist the harsh environment so that we could modify the worlds like our ancestors in the primeval era!

  "Our appearance does not stand for anything except for the task that we were entrusted with at the very beginning.

  "If our ancestors were projected to a planet that had been drowned in the ocean, naturally, they would activate their forms as the 'Sea Clan'.

  "If our ancestors were sent to a planet whose ground was desolate with all the resources buried deep beneath the ground, it was only reasonable that they would be in the form of the 'Insect Clan'!

  "If a planet was frequented by blowing wind all year round, to make best use of the wind power, our ancestors would activate the broad wings to fly freely in the sky!

  "They were the original demons forty thousand years ago."

  Yuchi Ba sighed and said, "It is a pity that desire for power eroded not only the human beings but some of the demons, too, who were shocked by the brilliant civilization that mankind once established while they were modifying the universe. They worshipped the splendid palaces and amazing magical equipment left by human beings, and from the human beings, they learned of the fun that came with conquering and slaughtering. Gradually, they were no longer contented in the dull, never-to-end repair work. They craved to be the masters of the sea of stars!

  "Gradually, those demons betrayed the ideals of God Chaos and evolved with countless naturally-endowed techniques and features specifically for killing through the abilities that God Chaos granted them. They considered themselves to be rulers of the demon race and blatantly conquered and enslaved other demons. They even froze the cells and genes of the conquered demons with weird secret arts so that the conquered demons would always look the same!

  "The surviving human beings taught them sleazy schemes. They secretly established enormous armies in the depths of the planets, and when the timing was appropriate, they ambushed God Chaos when he was at his weakest!

  "Under their sharp blades and claws, the resistance of God Chaos failed. He was forced to run to a small world in the periphery of the universe and fall into a deep sleep for forty thousand years!

  "This is the truth.

  "Therefore, I never believe that there is much difference between silver blood and black blood. In the radiance of Chaos, all brothers and sisters are the same!"

  Although the gladiators had heard the tales of Chaos many times on the Skeleton Island, they had never learned so many details. They all looked at each other in bewilderment, not knowing what to say.

  "Although the privileged saint-blood demons and silver-blood demons tried everything they could to freeze the bloodlines of other demons, they never expected that the offspring of different types of demons were much more likely to break apart the shackles that had been imposed upon them for tens of thousands of years!

  "That is why chaotic-blood demons are so despised in our society.

  "Not because they are humble, but because they are dreadful. The silver-blood demons are scared that the chaotic-blood demons will chop off their shackles completely, reveal their ultimate form, and overthrown their reign. That is why they have been isolating the chaotic-blood demons!"

  In Christianity, original sin is the state of sin in which humanity has existed since the fall of man, stemming from Adam and Eve's rebellion in Eden. To put it simply, it is the sin we are born with.

  Chapter 881: Explore the Mausoleum, Wake Up Chaos! |

  Yuchi Ba's sharp claws were slowly retracted into his body. There was nothing unusual about his appearance any more. He looked at the gladiators peacefully, his eyes full of expectation.

  Furrowing his eyebrow, Mo Tiesheng asked, "Master Yuchi, we are told that the 'Riot of Bloody Blade' that is led by the Blade of Chaos has been suppressed. The Blade of Chaos suffered a major blow. Quite a few elders have been captured. The members of the Blade of Chaos that were killed are simply too many to be counted!

  "Right now, how capable is the Blade of Chaos? What can we do even if we join you?"

  Yuchi Ba grinned, revealing his teeth that looked like spades. "First of all, the ideology of God Chaos has been spreading in the Blood Demon Sector for a thousand years, and the Blade of Chaos has existed for almost a hundred years, too. We have lurked for one century and drafted countless plans. How can we be uprooted so easily?

  "Secondly, the Riot of Bloody Blade was far from a fiasco. Instead, it was a successful operation because we've achieved all of our purposes!

  "You think that the Blade of Chaos wanted to overthrow the order of the Blood Demon Sector with a simple 'Riot of Bloody Blade'? It's impossible! Our purpose was simple, which was to take over Bone Sand City, or more specifically, a secret lab that belonged to Elder Nether Spring in Bone Sand City.

  "Forty thousand years ago, after God Chaos was betrayed by part of the demons and escap
ed to the Blood Demon Sector, he never forgot to annihilate the traitors and therefore established an enormous underground palace in the depths of this planet as his laboratory and research center.

  "It is a pity that God Chaos was so seriously wounded that he fell into hibernation before he completed his research, and the laboratory ended up being his tomb.

  "For thousands of years, rumors about the Mausoleum of Chaos have been spreading in secret. It is said that whoever opens the Mausoleum of Chaos and receives his legacy will be able to change the entire demon race!

  "The Insect Clan is best at developing the underground world. According to our intelligence, Elder Nether Spring has been working on the tales of the Mausoleum of Chaos for a long time and is in possession of a batch of very important map pieces that lead to the Mausoleum of Chaos. The lab he established in Bone Sand City was exactly meant to repair and fill up the pieces of the map so that he would be able to locate the precise coordinates of the Mausoleum of Chaos!

  "The Mausoleum of Chaos!"

  There was another riot among the gladiators.

  "As believers of Chaos, the Blade of Chaos has a lot of leads as to the location of the Mausoleum of Chaos. With the pieces of the map, we are now able to calculate the precise location of the Mausoleum of Chaos and even infer the traps inside the tomb for our exploration!

  "It was the real reason we initiated the Riot of Bloody Blade without caring about the consequences!

  "We are very clear that we are absolutely no match for the Pantheon of Demons in a head-on clash. However, once we open the Mausoleum of Chaos, even if we cannot wake up God Chaos, we will be able to receive the legacy of Chaos inside the mausoleum, explore the origin of the demon race's evolution, and perceive the primeval techniques!

  "Therefore, I'm hoping that we can form an expedition team made of elites in order to explore the Mausoleum of Chaos!"


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