Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Page 633

by <unknown>

  "However, after the General Staff evaluated the situation of the battle, a very risky decision was made. They planned to fake a defeat and tempt the enemy deeper so that we would be able to swallow the main force of the coalition army. Not a living soul was going back to the Blood Demon Sector!

  "Many towns were abandoned by us, and many faults in our strategies were made on purpose, in order to mislead the coalition army of demons into making a wrong judgement about our capability and intentions!

  "Both the soldiers and the civilians paid an extremely high price just so that the Grand Desolate Plateau would become a graveyard for the coalition army of demons!

  "While the coalition army of demons marched forward unstoppably on the Grand Desolate Plateau and finally reached the Giant Blade Pass at the south of the Grand Desolate Plateau, their supply line was longer and longer, and even the toughest soldiers of the demon race were showing signs of fatigue.

  "In the meantime, twelve of the sixteen crystal suit legions of the federation were moving to the rear of the coalition army of demons from their flanks quietly, like the two pinchers of a giant crab, hoping to cut off the connection between the enemy and the Blood Demon Sector and keep them in the Heaven's Origin Sector forever!

  "The plan was like a dance on a razor blade. It was highly risky. Naturally, it was a top secret.

  "In order to hide the plan, and to explain why the crystal suit legions did not show up on the Grand Desolate Plateau, the General Staff and the Department of Defense made quite a good play. The federal army pretended that it was preserving the strength and merely defending passively in panic. The speaker of the Department of Defense was also asked to spread out talks such as 'crystal suit legions are not built easily and should not be wasted'. Ostensibly, the sixteen crystal suit legions were all mobilized to the major cities in the inland, especially those around the capital, as if unwilling to be deployed.

  "My Flying Tigers Legion was one of the earliest legions in the federation to be equipped with crystal suits. We were moved back to the capital city.

  "But nobody knew that the real Flying Tigers Legion was marching clandestinely in the depths of the Grand Desolate Plateau. The 'crystal suits' that showed up around the capital city were but vivid models and 3D projections.

  "The strategical deception was very successful. The coalition army of demons knew nothing about our real purpose. They thought that they could break through the Giant Blade Pass as long as they worked a little bit harder. Therefore, they continued their bombardment despite the difficulties of their supply.

  "But the citizens of the federation were fooled at the same time.

  "All the citizens burst into fury as the federal army continued to retreat!

  "During that period, the federal army was a target for everybody. Countless furious citizens were cursing. For ten years, the nation had been in the highest warring state, and the military budget had been multiplied. Everybody was offering whatever money they had to establish the sixteen crystal suit legions. They claimed to be invincible, but where were they exactly when a real battle broke out?

  "Many celebrities were posting through various social media platforms. Why were the crystal suit legions still cowering in the major cities in the heartland when the situation on the Grand Desolate Plateau was so urgent? Had the crystal suits been installed with power rune arrays or not? Were they nothing more than fixed turrets?

  "A lot of citizens were mailing turtle shells and soft shrimps to the Department of Defense and the General Staff, scorning our gutlessness.

  "When the soldiers in military uniform walked on the street, they were often surrounded by angry citizens, who would question what they were fighting for. Did they only care about the officials and big shots living in the capital city and around? Were the citizens on the Grand Desolate Plateau nothing to them?

  "The most serious incident was that the students of the First Military Academy and the Second Military Academy, along with the students of the 'Nine Elite Universities', started a demonstration.

  "At that time, Admiral Zhang Siqian, a speaker of the Department of Defense, declared by the order of his supervisor in the media that there were still issues regarding the performance of the Mystic Skeleton Battlesuit and it would be best to ask them to defend the cities to avoid unnecessary losses.

  "As a result, Admiral Zhang Siqian was vilified as a capitulator. One of his personal residences was even burnt to the ground by the angry students.

  "As for me, as a commander of a 'leisure legion' stationed in the capital city, I was naturally slandered, too. Titles such as 'traitor of the federation' are nothing new to me.

  "Right. 'Leisure legion' was a nickname that the public gave the crystal suit legions at that time.

  "I remember that, half a month before the 'Giant Crab Operation' was put into action, I appeared in the capital city to participate in the parade to celebrate the establishment of the federation.

  "It was also part of the strategical deception. I was going to fly into the depths of the Grand Desolate Plateau at night and lead the Flying Tigers Legion to become the first crystal suit legion to charge at the enemy!

  "According to the plan, once the two 'pincers' of the 'giant crab' closed, my Flying Tigers Legion would pierce into the feeble part of the link between the coalition army of demons and the Blood Demon Sector at quickly as possible in order to cut off their connection.

  "It was not hard to imagine that the enemy would definitely try their best to reestablish the connection to their homeland. The troops from the Blood Demon Sector would reinforce them crazily, too.

  "The Flying Tigers Legion would suffer attacks from both sides and endure the most pressure. It was very likely that the entire legion would be wiped out. Everybody, from me to the cook, was prepared to be sacrificed.

  "At that time, my only son was studying at the First Military Academy in the capital city. The General Staff gave me half an hour's leave so that I could meet him, who was also participating in the parade, when it was over.

  "Naturally, he did not know anything about the 'Giant Crab Operation', nor did he know that it was going to be the last time we would meet.

  "However, do you know what he did after he met me?"

  Li Yao was deeply engrossed in the story. He asked, "What did he do?"

  Han Tuhu seemed to be laughing. "The little brat tossed a handful of calcium tablets toward me heavily the moment he saw me. He said, 'Why are you shameless enough to join the parade? You should grow a spine!' Then, he left without even looking back.

  "From the beginning to the end, I never had a chance to speak to him."

  Li Yao was silent for a moment before he asked softly, "Did the Giant Crab Operation work out?"

  "Of course not." Han Tuhu smiled bitterly. "However, it was not because of our problem, but because something went wrong within the coalition army of demons.

  "According to our plan, as long as the coalition army of demons continued attacking the Giant Blade Pass for three days, no more, the siege would have been completed. Even if my Flying Tigers Legion was to be wiped out, I would not let a single pest of the coalition army of demons escape to the Blood Demon Sector!

  "But nobody expected a mutiny of the low-level demons in the frontline!

  "The mutiny of the low-level demons caused the collapse of the coalition army of demons. Their main force made the decision quickly. They abandoned all the cannon fodder in the frontline and ran back to the Blood Demon Sector as rapidly as possible.

  "The incident was far beyond our expectations. We could only shift our strategy temporarily and attacked them in advance. It was why I followed Suo Chaolong for thousands of kilometers and eventually caught up to him in the Dark Desolate Domain. Then, we both ended up as captives.

  "It's funny when you think about it. We planned carefully for more than half a year. We paid countless sacrifices and shouldered the most vicious curses. We were so close to victory, but our plan failed because of the enemy's
own problem.

  "But this is how a war goes. You never know what will happen next."

  Li Yao sighed. "Right now, your son must understand your reasons and feel sorry for what he did."

  "You didn't get the point of my story, Major Li."

  Han Tuhu put the military hat on his head squarely again and soothed all the crinkles on it. He then moved the red star medal to the center of the hat. "What I'm trying to say is, I do not care whether the brat or any other people understand or feel sorry for me. It doesn't matter even if they despise and detest me forever.

  "I don't need their sympathy.

  "I only want them to live on."

  Chapter 956: Meat or Mincer! |

  Han Tuhu's eyes were filled with the most freezing heat like magma frozen in frost. Intense smoke of war was leaking out of his every pore, and he marched forwardly quietly in the smoke like a black shadow by himself.

  The black shadow was etched into Li Yao's heart and made him even more determined about his belief. The road ahead of him had never been clearer.

  Li Yao took a deep breath and said sincerely, "Thank you, Colonel Han. You have given me a good lesson. I know what to do now."

  Han Tuhu laughed and rose up. "You've convinced me, but it is far from enough. Human beings and demons are in vastly different circumstances right now.

  "Time is on the Star Glory Federation's side. The Cultivation technology of the Heaven's Origin Sector is developing much faster than the biochemical technology of the Blood Demon Sector. Even in the past ten years of war, which were the hardest for us, we have managed to establish sixteen crystal suit legions despite the pressure. In the decades to come, we will only become stronger.

  "It is needless to say that a new Sector of human beings has been discovered right now. Even though the assistance of the Flying Star Sector is merely symbolic, the exchange of knowledge between two different worlds and two different systems of Cultivators will certainly lead to the most brilliant sparks and make the technology of both worlds develop exponentially quicker!

  "We have the whole future ahead of us. As long as we have a rest of five to ten years, our technology and comprehensive capability will be far higher than those of the Blood Demon Sector!

  "Therefore, peace at present is in the interest of the Star Glory Federation. It is also the biggest reason I'm willing to agree with you.

  "But what about the Blood Demon Sector?

  "As of now, their comprehensive capability and the number of super experts are still higher than those of the Heaven's Origin Sector, but the gap is being reduced at a visible speed. It is the greatest motivation for the Blood Demon Sector's assault.

  "They have to seize the most critical 'window' right now. After the precious ten years or so pass, they will stand absolutely no chance.

  "Moreover, right now, with the help of the Flying Star Sector, our comprehensive capability is improving at an even higher speed. It is possible that we will surpass the Blood Demon Sector within several years!

  "If you were the leader of the Blood Demon Sector, would you be willing to stop the war now?

  "Let's play a mind game. Imagine you are Jin Tuyi, the commander-in-chief of the coalition army and the incumbent leader of the Blood Demon Sector. One day, a Nascent Soul Stage Cultivator named 'Li Yao' suddenly shows up and tells you everything about the Flying Star Sector and the Imperium of True Human Beings. What will you do?

  "You have two options.

  "Firstly, you choose peace. You sign a truce with the Star Glory Federation. You wait and watch the communication between the Heaven's Origin Sector and the Flying Star Sector getting heated and the technology to support super-long-distance space jumps growing mature, to the point that a universal bridge will be established between the two human Sectors, which leads to the boom of the Cultivation techniques and technology. In a few years, the Blood Demon Sector will be left far behind.

  "Then, the demons of the Blood Demon Sector will be the meat on a chopping block, and you can only count on the integrity and mercy of human beings.

  "Alas, the history of the past five hundred years tells you that mankind has never been a merciful species. In fact, we are probably not.

  "Secondly, you bet everything and start a strategic war before the large-scale communication between the Heaven's Origin Sector and the Flying Star Sector begins and the technological boom happens!

  "You will try to crush the Star Glory Federation before the reinforcements of the Flying Star Sector arrive. At the very least, you will fight for better conditions for your negotiation even if there will be a ceasefire eventually, in order to maintain the mutual deterrence!

  "Hehe, Jin Tuyi, commander-in-chief of the coalition army, these are your only options. Which one will you choose?"

  After a brief silence, Li Yao shook his head. "The Blood Demon Sector will definitely fail if they wage a strategic war right now."

  "So what?" Han Tuhu said coldly. "You will be killed either way. It is better to make a great gamble with all the wagers you've got while you still have a chance than to wait and get killed!

  "If I were the commander-in-chief of the coalition army of demons, I would gather all the troops I have unhesitatingly the first second I learned of the existence of the Flying Star Sector and start planning the ultimate war against the Heaven's Origin Sector!

  "The future of the Blood Demon Sector depends on the war!"

  Li Yao could not help but observe, "However, under the threat of the Imperium of True Human Beings, we cannot afford to consume so many resources to fight a lose-lose war! Even if we successfully annihilated all the demons of the Blood Demon Sector after decades, so what? We will still be smashed into smithereens by the Imperium of True Human Beings!"

  In a mysterious smile, Han Tuhu replied unhurriedly, "As the commander-in-chief of the coalition army of demons, I have every reason to believe that the so-called 'Imperium of True Human Beings' is nonexistent. It is a great strategical deception!"

  Li Yao was dazed. "What?!"

  Han Tuhu sneered. "Assume I am Jin Tuyi. I have received reliable intelligence that the Heaven's Origin Sector has discovered a new world of human beings and that the two Sectors are about to communicate on a large scale.

  "The news has been verified to be true through various sources. My think tank has also concluded, after calculation, that the Heaven's Origin Sector will surpass the Blood Demon Sector in terms of military power and comprehensive capability within ten years should the large-scale communication be established. As time goes by, the gap will only be greater, and there is no way that I can catch up to them again.

  "My only choice is to start a final and ultimate war without considering the cost!

  "However, at this moment, I've got another piece of intelligence. It is said that a formidable force named 'Imperium of True Human Beings' is marching toward the Heaven's Origin Sector and the Blood Demon Sector maliciously. In order to deal with the force, I must end the war.

  "The intelligence, on the other hand, is not supported by any proof. It is just the words of human beings.

  "Should I believe the news?

  "No, certainly not! I will never believe it!

  "I'll be highly suspicious that this is fake news that human beings are throwing out to stall the strategic war that I'm going to wage. They are trying to win temporary peace for five to ten years so that they will have enough time to surpass us!

  "In short, it is a delaying tactic!

  "Therefore, the only choice I have is still to start a suicidal war at any cost by exploiting the last bit of our potential!

  "I will destroy you, or I will be destroyed. There is not a third option. Peace? In your dreams!"

  Li Yao gnashed his teeth. "The existence of Imperium of True Human Beings can be proved. In five years, their first minor apocalypse will arrive!"

  "Yes, in five years," Han Tuhu said. "But the Blood Demon Sector cannot wait for five years. They cannot even wait five months. The Heaven's Origin
Sector is getting stronger, and the hope of victory is getting slimmer with every passing second!"

  Li Yao opened his mouth, only to come up with nothing.

  Han Tuhu's conclusion was too cold, but it was flawless, like a machine that was functioning precisely.

  Han Tuhu mumbled, "The Dark Forest Theory? The guy who proposed it was truly smart! Right now, the Heaven's Origin Sector and the Blood Demon Sector are like two highly nervous desperadoes who are sticking poisoned daggers to each other's hearts in a dark forest. Not far away, another desperado named the 'Flying Star Sector' is bringing a powerful storm bolter to the Heaven's Origin Sector.

  "Do you think that the arrival of the Flying Star Sector will make the Blood Demon Sector concede and choose peace?

  "You're wrong. On the contrary, the arrival of the Flying Star Sector will only make the Blood Demon Sector take a wild gamble and risk danger in desperation!

  "Because in the dark forest, there is no way that you can prove that, after both of them put down their daggers and move ten meters backwards, the Heaven's Origin Sector, which is now equipped with a storm bolter, will not shoot the Blood Demon Sector all of a sudden!"

  Li Yao took a long breath.

  He did not realize until this moment how insignificant the first step he had made in the dark forest was and how simple-headed he had been.

  "What should I do?" he asked Han Tuhu sincerely.

  "I suggest you go to chat with Suo Chaolong and get him on your side," Han Tuhu replied.

  Li Yao was dazed. "Is it possible?"

  "It is," Han Tuhu remarked emotionlessly. "Suo Chaolong and I are the same. We are real soldiers. Soldiers are the most realistic people in the world because nothing in the world is colder than a war.

  "Wars don't believe in tears and slogans. Wars don't believe in speeches and boiling blood. In a war, the most resolute fighting will is still going to be ripped apart by waving blades and burning bullets, and the most shrilling cheers will be drowned in the noises of the cannon fire.


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