Solitude Gorge

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Solitude Gorge Page 20

by Shirleen Davies

  “If he’s David Peeler, then he’s the right one. I’ve a warrant for his arrest.”

  Isabella gasped, her hand moving to cover her mouth.

  “What’s he done?” Travis slipped an arm around her shoulders.

  “Stole a large amount of money from his partners. The charge is embezzlement.” Joel spotted his coat hanging on a hook. “If you’ll check my pocket, you’ll find the warrant.”

  David blanched, his shaky voice pleading. “I’ve done nothing wrong, Isabella. You must help me.” He struggled again, stopping at the feel of handcuffs locking his wrists behind him.

  She stepped around Travis, walking up to Joel. “How do you know he’s the man who stole the money?”

  “I don’t know all the proof they have on Mr. Peeler. What I do know is he left town in a hurry, missing a prearranged meeting with his partners. If you check his room, I’m certain you’ll find a satchel containing a large amount of money.”

  She glanced between David and Joel. “Perhaps he needed the money for his trip west.”

  “His banker confirmed he is all but broke, and funds under his supervision are missing.” Joel rolled his head, wincing at the pain before rubbing the back of his neck. “He’ll get to plead his case in front of a jury. I can assure you, though, he’s the right man. They have a good amount of proof.”

  Lips parting, she felt a mixture of contempt and relief. Everything fell into place for Isabella. David’s urgency in coming to Splendor, why he wanted to marry her, and his insistence her late husband desired the union. She stepped in front of David.

  “Arnott never mentioned us marrying, did he?”

  Shoulders sagging, David appeared to shrink away, his face turning a pasty white. “No.”

  She stared at him, eyes wide with disbelief. “What happened to all your money? Your father left you a substantial sum, and your business always did well.”

  Shaking his head, he looked at the floor. “I lost it.”

  “Lost it?” Her voice rose. “How can you lose…” A vague memory appeared of an argument between Arnott and David. “You gambled it all away?”

  “I didn’t mean to, Isabella.” He refused to lift his head to look at her. “The information I had was good, but nothing ever worked. I thought I could make it back on the next bet.” His voice broke.

  “But you never did.”

  “I tried, Isabella. Truly, I did. If my partners would’ve just let me use the money, I wouldn’t have had to borrow it.”

  A red flush crept up her face, frustration and disappointment replacing her anger. “You stole their money, David. You didn’t borrow anything.”

  “What is going on in here?” Clay stood next to Travis, arms crossed. “Mr. Peeler, you need to get back in bed.” His eyes widened when he saw the handcuffs.

  “Would you be able to treat Mr. Peeler at the jail, Doc?”

  Clay pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’d prefer to lock him to the bed, Dutch. If all goes well, I’ll release him to you in the morning.”

  Dutch unlocked the handcuffs. “Lie down and don’t do anything stupid.”

  “I’m not a criminal,” he shot back, but did what Dutch asked.

  “The hell you aren’t, Peeler. Embezzling money redefined your entire life. You’d best get used to it.” Picking up David’s left arm, he locked the handcuffs around his wrist and the bed frame, pulling to make sure it held. “May not be the most comfortable, but it’s not the jail.” Dutch looked at Joel. “I’ll be happy to stay here tonight so you can sleep.”

  He touched the bandage around his head. “I may be a little dizzy, but I’m not incapacitated, McFarlin.”

  Dutch shrugged, turning back to Clay. “Send for me if there’s trouble.”

  Clay moved to the side of the bed. “If you’re all done here, I’d like to check Mr. Peeler’s wound, then get back to the rest of the patients.”

  Isabella thought of saying more to David, changing her mind when Travis took hold of her arm. Walking down the stairs, her shoulders drooped. “I wish there was something I could say or do.”

  Reaching the first floor, he guided her outside. “David won’t listen to a word you say, sweetheart. He doesn’t believe he did anything wrong.”

  Dutch caught up with them, keeping pace as they walked between a couple buildings toward the main street. “Peeler will deny everything until he finally realizes the depth of the trouble he’s in. I sure hope he can afford a decent attorney in Philadelphia.”

  “Is that where Mr. Eastman is taking him?” Isabella fidgeted with the fabric of her skirt, still trying to accept what happened.

  “It is. I don’t envy him the journey.”

  Stepping onto the boardwalk, they turned at someone shouting Travis’s name. Dax and Luke reined their horses to a stop, expressions none too happy.

  “Ginny’s worried sick about you, Isabella. What are you doing in town?” Luke slid to the ground, tossing the reins over a post.

  “I expected you back hours ago, Travis. We thought that group of deserters found you.” Dax stepped up to him, his expression grim.

  Travis rubbed his forehead, grimacing. “In a way, one of them did. Let’s go into the jail and I’ll explain everything.”

  “Have supper with me tonight, Isabella.” Travis closed the door to the jail, leaving Dax, Luke, Dutch, and Gabe to further discuss the prisoner and the whereabouts of the other men. Not one believed they’d ridden to Wolf Creek Mountain. He settled his arm over her shoulders, tugging her close. “We can go to the Eagle’s Nest.”

  “I should probably get back and help Ginny. If I start now, I’ll get there before dark.”

  Travis fingered the slim gold band in his pocket. He’d been fortunate to find it in Petermann’s store before he left to find Isabella that morning. Never had he believed the day would turn out with David arrested and a member of the gang in jail. He shuddered each time the image of a gun, inches from Isabella’s head, flashed in his mind. His arm involuntarily tightened around her.

  “She’ll be fine without you for another evening, sweetheart. I’ll escort you back after supper.”

  Biting her lower lip, she thought of the few occasions they’d been alone. Most of their time together included other people—church, supper at Dax’s or Luke’s, the hunting trip. They deserved a few moments to themselves.

  “All right. Would you mind if we went to Suzanne’s?” The grin on his face told her she’d made the right decision.

  “Wherever you want, sweetheart.” He dropped his arm from around her shoulders, taking her hand as they continued down the boardwalk.

  The late afternoon breeze felt good after so much time in the shared space of the clinic. Travis preferred being outside, working with his hands, seeing what he’d accomplished at the end of each day.

  Opening the restaurant door, he stepped aside for her to enter.

  “Isabella, Travis. What a nice surprise.” Suzanne walked up, hugging both. “Are you here for supper?”

  “We are.” Isabella glanced at Travis before returning her attention to Suzanne. “And pie.”

  “Ah, so that’s why you wanted to come here tonight.” Travis settled a hand on the small of her back, following Suzanne into the dining room.

  Isabella’s face lit up. “Someone at the clinic said she made several fresh berry pies this morning.”

  “I did. How is this table?” Suzanne gestured to a table in the corner.

  “Perfect.” Travis pulled out a chair for Isabella.

  “Would you like your pie before or after supper?”

  “Both,” they said in unison, then laughed.

  Taking a seat, Travis leaned back, letting out a slow breath. “It’s been a long day, Suzanne.”

  Glancing around, she decided to take a seat next to him. “I heard someone attacked Isabella and another man.”

  “David Peeler,” Isabella said.

  “Oh yes, the man you knew in Philadelphia.” She patted Isabella’s arm. “Well,
you’re safe and the outlaw is in jail. Where’s Mr. Peeler?”

  Travis chuckled. “Shackled to a bed in the clinic.”

  Suzanne’s mouth opened, then closed. Standing, she shook her head. “You’re going to have to tell me the entire story sometime. Right now, I’ll get you some food. Pot roast is the special.”

  Both nodded.

  “Pie first, pot roast second, and pie last, correct?”

  The corners of Isabella’s mouth tilted up. “Small slices for me, Suzanne.”

  “Big slices for me.”

  “I figured as much, Travis. I’ll be right back.”

  Reaching under the table, he grabbed Isabella’s hand and squeezed. “How are you doing?”

  Enjoying the warmth of his hand in hers, she relaxed, her mind moving to the events of the day. “Tired, relieved, grateful I’m still here. If you hadn’t come along…”

  “But I did. You’re safe, and I’m going to make sure you stay that way.”

  “What a nice thing to say, but not very practical given where we live. You’re at the ranch and I’m at Luke’s most of the time.” Her eyes met his. “I’m not complaining. It’s a fact. No one’s completely safe out here.”

  Leaning toward her, Travis lowered his voice, glad for the privacy of their corner table. “We can get close to it, though.”

  Her eyes narrowed in confusion. “How?”

  Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the gold band, sending up a prayer he’d made the right decision. Pushing aside his fear and doubts, Travis placed it in the palm of his hand, holding it out.

  “I love you, Isabella. Have for a long time. Marry me, sweetheart. Let me keep you safe.”

  When she just stared at the ring in his hand, saying nothing, fear began to build, causing a deep burn in his chest. Then her gaze lifted to his, tears filling her eyes.

  She leaned toward him, cupping his face in her hands. “I love you so much, Travis. I’d be honored to be your wife.”

  Setting the ring on the table, he jumped up, lifting her into his arms. A shout of joy sprang from his lips as he twirled her around.

  Laughing, she grasped his shoulders. “Travis, everyone is staring at us.”

  “And they should be.” Setting her down, he turned around, his gaze locking on Suzanne, who stood a few feet away, a plate with pie in each hand. “Isabella just agreed to marry me.”

  A broad smile broke across her face. “Well, it’s about time.” Setting down the plates, she looked at the other diners. “This has been a long time coming. Pie is on the house tonight!”


  A month later…

  Reverend Paige closed his Bible, focusing his attention on the couple before him. “Travis and Isabella, you’ve carried the weight of many burdens alone. By the grace of God, you’ll now share life’s joy, pain, and pleasure with the person you love. I’m proud to have joined you in marriage. Travis, you may kiss your bride.”

  Whistles and cheers echoed against the stone walls of Solitude Gorge as Travis took Isabella into his arms, kissing her as if he’d never get enough. Raising his head, his heart raced, seeing the same joy he felt reflected in her eyes. Straightening, he took her hand.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Travis Dixon.”

  Applause and congratulations greeted them as they walked amongst their friends. Glancing around, Travis couldn’t imagine a better place to seal their future than in the spot where he’d spent so much time thinking of Isabella.

  “She’s a beautiful bride, Travis. Congratulations.” Walter Evans shook the groom’s hand.

  “Thank you, sir. I don’t deserve her.”

  Tilting his head back, Walter laughed. “None of us deserve the women who love us. By some miracle, they see past our faults and stand by us.” He turned to walk away.

  “I’m hoping for that, sir,” Travis murmured, drawing in a deep breath, enjoying the scent of pine. Someday, he hoped to buy this land from Dax and Luke, build a house, and raise his own prime horses. For now, he felt content with a future he never thought possible a few short months ago.

  “Here. It’s time to celebrate.” Wyatt held out a flask.

  Travis didn’t hesitate to take it from him. “Whiskey?”

  “What else. I thought I’d share it with you before those two scalawags over there want to take a slug.”

  Travis touched the flask to his lips, following Wyatt’s gaze to Beau and Cash. Taking a sip, he handed it back. “You can’t trust anybody these days.”

  Wyatt shook his head, a grin curving the corners of his mouth. “Especially a couple lawmen.”

  “Have you ever been here before?” Beau asked Cash.

  Taking a gulp of punch, he grimaced, shaking his head. “Never. It’s a heck of a long ride for a wedding.”

  Looking across the field at Travis talking with Wyatt, Beau grinned. “Well, it took him a heck of long time to figure things out. I figure it’s worth the ride to watch him make it legal.”

  “That it is.”

  Beau’s expression sobered. “What do you think about the message Colonel McArthur sent?”

  “You mean about finding a couple bodies a hundred yards up Wolf Creek Mountain?”

  Beau nodded.

  “The message said they weren’t the deserters. I think the men who raided Splendor never rode north. They headed south. At least I hope they did. Gabe sent telegrams out to every town for five hundred miles. Someone’s going to figure out who they are and get justice for those they killed. I just wish I could be there to see it.” Cash’s gaze moved to a spot several yards away, their voices carrying across the open space. “What’s Mack doing over there?”

  “Making a darn fool of himself.” Beau took another sip of punch, choking on the syrupy sweetness.

  “How many times has he asked Miss Lucero to supper and been turned down?”

  “More times than I can count.” Beau nodded toward Mack. “You can ask him yourself.”

  “Either of you have any whiskey?” Mack placed fisted hands on his hips.

  Cash reached into a pocket. “I was saving this for a special occasion.”

  Mack didn’t ask before grabbing it from his outstretched hand. Taking a long swallow, he shook his head, enjoying the slow burn. “Thanks, Cash.”

  “You look like you could use more.”

  “Nope. More than one and I might make a bigger fool of myself than I already have.” He handed the flask back.

  Beau sent Cash a knowing smirk, waiting for what would come next.

  “Sylvia is the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met. Beautiful, willful, with a sweet smile and sharp tongue.”

  Cash glanced away to hide a grin.

  “You have your pick of available women in Splendor, Mack. And you’ve made no secret of your desire to never marry. Why waste your time on the one woman who doesn’t want anything to do with you?”

  Looking at the ground, Mack shook his head. “Darned if I know.” He looked up in time to see Sylvia glance his way, gracing him with a coy smile.

  “Don’t fall for it. The woman’s trying to tempt you.”

  “And succeeding,” Mack ground out. “One of these days, I’m going to break down the walls Sylvia’s built around herself and get her to say yes to having supper with me.”

  “Then what?” Beau asked.

  Mack smirked. “I’m not sure, but I’ll think of something.”

  Thank you for taking the time to read Solitude Gorge. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

  Watch for book eleven in the Redemption Mountain series, Rogue Rapids.

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  About t
he Author

  Shirleen Davies writes romance—historical and contemporary western romance with a touch of suspense. She is the best-selling author of the MacLarens of Fire Mountain Series, the MacLarens of Boundary Mountain Series, and the Redemption Mountain Series. Shirleen grew up in Southern California, attended Oregon State University, and has degrees from San Diego State University and the University of Maryland. Her passion is writing emotionally charged stories of flawed people who find redemption through love and acceptance. She lives with her husband in a beautiful town in northern Arizona. Between them, they have five adult sons who are their greatest achievements.

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  Books by Shirleen Davies

  Historical Western Romance Series

  MacLarens of Fire Mountain

  Tougher than the Rest, Book One

  Faster than the Rest, Book Two

  Harder than the Rest, Book Three

  Stronger than the Rest, Book Four

  Deadlier than the Rest, Book Five

  Wilder than the Rest, Book Six

  Redemption Mountain

  Redemption’s Edge, Book One

  Wildfire Creek, Book Two

  Sunrise Ridge, Book Three

  Dixie Moon, Book Four

  Survivor Pass, Book Five

  Promise Trail, Book Six

  Deep River, Book Seven

  Courage Canyon, Book Eight

  Forsaken Falls, Book Nine

  Solitude Gorge, Book Ten

  Rogue Rapids, Book Eleven, Coming next in the series!

  MacLarens of Boundary Mountain

  Colin’s Quest, Book One,

  Brodie’s Gamble, Book Two

  Quinn’s Honor, Book Three

  Sam’s Legacy, Book Four

  Heather’s Choice, Book Five


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