Expecting_An Mpreg Romance

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Expecting_An Mpreg Romance Page 21

by Sarah Havan

  “Fantastic. Rest for a moment. Wait maybe not, and push.”

  And the contractions kept coming. After an hour and a half of pushing, I was convinced our babies liked it where they were.

  “Are we done? I can’t go on. They’re not coming.”

  “We’re making progress. It might seem slow, but each push helps.”

  I squeezed Conrad’s hand as pain gripped me again, and for the next hour, it kept coming, so little relief in between them.

  “Never again,” I said, panting, sweat stinging my eyes. I was spent.

  And as I screamed through another contraction, Dr. Garcia said, “I see hair. Oh, baby has a lot.” The nurses all gathered around and oohed and awed.

  “Want to reach down and touch?”

  I shook my head because I had to push again.

  “Look at the hair,” Dr. Garcia said, holding up a lock of our baby’s hair. “Want to see in the mirror?”

  One of the nurses fixed the mirrors so I could look. And there our baby was. One of my children about to be born into the world, and I bore down. It was just me and my pushing and the sound of the doctor’s voice.

  “More hair. And push. Another good one.”

  My body shook, and I pushed with everything I had.

  “Keep going. There is the top of the head. Push, Mason. Push. Baby’s crowning.”

  I bore down and screamed, and it was incredibly painful. It burned so much and felt like I was ripping wide open, but I knew I had to get through it. I had to push and get my baby out.

  “The top of the head. Keep going. You got this.”

  I bore down again, screaming. I’m sure everyone in Pine Wood Falls heard me.

  “Here comes the top of the head. Look at that. Do you want to touch your baby?”

  I reached a shaky hand down and touched my baby for the first time ever. It was unbelievable.

  “And push. Push, Mason, push. Here comes baby number one. Here’s more of the head. Would you look at that face? Now give me another good push.”

  And I pushed my baby out. “Here baby comes. Here comes your first baby.” I felt a rush of relief as the head popped all the way out. “Hold up a sec. Let me check.”

  I looked up at Conrad, and he smiled, tears streaming down his face.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  “And here she is,” the doctor said. I started weeping as my baby’s cries filled the room. Dr. Garcia took her and placed her on Mason’s chest.

  “My baby. Hello, baby,” Mason said, breathing heavily.

  “You’re wonderful,” I whispered to Mason, and I pet Elizabeth’s head with my fingers. She was a squished-up blob of white goo, blood, and pinkish-purple skin.

  “Welcome to the world, Elizabeth,” Mason said.

  “Cut the cord, Dad?” Dr. Garcia asked, holding out a pair of scissors to me.

  I nodded and let out a sob, and he showed me where to cut. It was nerve-wracking and awesome all together. A nurse scooped up Elizabeth from Mason, and Mason pressed his head back into the pillow, looking thoroughly exhausted.

  “Hey, honey,” I said, and Mason took my hand and crushed it in is.

  “Let’s get this second baby into the world,” Dr. Garcia said.

  “Oh God,” Mason said with a whimper.

  “Not too much longer and it’ll all be over. You are a champ at this. Here it comes. Here comes your contraction and push.”

  And a half hour later our son Reid was born.

  As I cut the cord, Mason lay back in his bed panting, sweat dripping down his face, his hair matted down, and he looked so handsome. One of the nurses took away Reid to be checked, and I kissed Mason’s cheek.

  “You’re amazing.”

  Mason closed his eyes and let out a breath.

  “And I’m going to work your stomach some so we can deliver that placenta,” Dr. Garcia said.

  “He has to deliver it like a baby?” I asked. He had already been through so much.

  “Yes, but it won’t be nearly as bad.” He pushed down on Mason’s stomach, and I winced watching him. “Give me a little push. Okay, good. Having some small contractions there?”

  “Yeah,” Mason said.

  “When you feel another one, give me another push.”

  He pressed on Mason’s stomach some more and about fifteen minutes later, out it came.

  “We’re going to get you cleaned up here so you can rest and cuddle those babies of yours.”

  “Okay,” Mason said.

  His mom stood close, taking five million pictures.

  I took his hand. “You did so awesome.”

  “That lasted way too long.”

  “I’m in awe.”

  “And here is your Elizabeth,” Jose said, bringing her over. A little knit hat on her head.

  “We’ll have her curl up here, right on your chest.” He placed her on Mason, and I teared up again. And we’ll wrap your gown around. And the two of you will be nice and cuddly. In a minute, we’ll bring over baby Reid.”

  Mason hugged Elizabeth to his chest and kissed the top of her little head. “Hi, baby girl. Hi.” Elizabeth rolled her head around and opened and closed her mouth.

  “I think somebody is looking for a snack,” Jose said.

  “Just like that?” Mason asked

  “Being born worked up her appetite.” He gave Mason a big smile.

  “What do I do?”

  “Try to hold her like a football or off to your side. There you go,” he said as Mason put Elizabeth into position. “Now cup your breast like a C and tickle her lips with your nipple. And when she opens her mouth, you want to make sure she gets a mouthful of your breast and not just the nipple. Once you get the hang of feeding one baby, we’ll show you how to tandem feed.”

  Mason was incredible.

  There he was feeding his baby as nurses cleaned him up and others took care of Reid, and Dr. Garcia talked to Mrs. Donnelly. So much was going on and there were so many people, but there was my Mason so sweetly feeding our baby.

  “She latched right on. After a while, you’ll want to switch to the other side. Okay?” Jose said.

  Mason nodded and looked down at our daughter, sucking on his breast, filling her little baby tummy. I kissed the top of his head. “This is so beautiful.”

  Mason looked up at me and smiled.

  “You already are the best dad ever. You’re a natural.”

  “Mason, my baby and grandbaby. She is hungry.” Mrs. Donnelly pulled out her phone and began taking more pictures.

  Mason looked up at his mom, too tired to smile. “I’m just so happy to see her little face.”

  “She looks like you,” his mom said.

  “You think? She looks smashed up and splotchy.”

  “She looks like her daddy,” Mrs. Donnelly sweetly said.

  “Ha, I could ask which one.”

  “You, Mason.”

  “Her mama daddy.”

  “Aww,” I said. “That’s precious.”

  “She has your hair color I think,” Mason stroked a finger over Elizabeth’s head.

  “Here you go, Dad,” a nurse said, handing me Reid.

  I tried to hold in my tears, but I lost that fight, and they rolled down my cheeks as I held my son for the first time in my hands.

  “And I am all done here,” Dr. Garcia said. He helped take Mason’s legs down and snapped back on the end of the bed. “We’ll be moving you to your room in a moment.”

  “Thanks,” Mason said.

  “You did great. Beyond great. You could be a spokesperson for natural childbirth.”

  Mason laughed.

  “I’ll check in later.” Dr. Garcia squeezed my shoulder. “Congrats, Dad.”

  “It feels good being called that,” I said, trying not to cry again.

  “Oh my gosh, you two are so goddamn adorable,” Mason’s mom said.


  “You are.”

  “How do I get baby girl here to switch si
des?” Mason asked Jose.

  “Pop your finger in the corner of her mouth, and it’ll release the latch.”

  Mason switched Elizabeth to the other side and fell asleep feeding her. Jose woke him up to tell him not to sleep when holding the baby and then got him ready to go to his room.

  “Knock, knock,” someone said, waking me from my sleep. Mason fed Reid, and Elizabeth was asleep in her little bassinet.

  “Mom. Dad. Steve?” They all stood in the door to Mason’s room.

  “You didn’t think we’d show up?” my mom asked, putting her hand to her chest.

  “I don’t … um…” They didn’t come to the shower. I thought it was some made up excuse, so I didn’t know what to think. I guess Steve really did have a court date. I’d have to find out what he did.

  “Come here, baby,” my mom said with her arms open wide. I walked over to my mom, and she squished me in a hug.

  “Holy shit,” Steve said. “He’s breastfeeding your baby.”

  “Don’t talk about him like he’s not here and yeah, what else would you call that?”

  “Congrats, Conrad. Mason,” my dad said.

  “Now which baby do I get to hold first?” my mom asked.

  Steve stood with his mouth hanging open, watching Mason.

  “I can make him leave, Mason,” I said, pointing to my brother.

  “No, it’s okay. Nobody’s going to ruin this moment for me.” Mason smiled down at Reid.

  “Steve,” my mom hissed through her teeth, scooping Elizabeth up from her bed.

  After hours of cuddling the babies, my family finally went home, promising they’d visit again soon. It almost felt like I stepped into some alternate universe.


  We couldn’t wait to go home, and when the nurse handed me the release papers, joy overcame me.

  We were going home with our children.

  Mason worked on buckling Elizabeth into her car seat. “She looks so tiny. We got the correct car seat, right?”

  I worked on changing Reid’s diaper for the five millionth time.

  “Yes. She’s a newborn baby. She’s going to look tiny in whatever you stick her in. Their seats will keep them nice and safe. Won’t they?” I said to Reid, wiggling his little baby foot with my fingers. He turned his head in the direction of my voice, and every time he did that, it made me want to cry. He knew his daddy’s voice.

  I think Mason’s hormones were catching.

  “Your chariot awaits,” Jose said, coming into the room with a wheelchair.

  Mason looked at the wheelchair and scrunched up his nose. “Do I really have to ride in that thing?”

  “Hospital policy. Enjoy it. You need to sit for a minute. These babies will keep you on your toes.”

  He sat down, and I placed Elizabeth in her seat on his lap. I buckled Reid into his seat, and Jose pushed Mason down the hall.

  We headed off into our new life as being parents, a family.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  I forced Conrad to go to class. He’d only be gone for the morning. It was just me, Elizabeth, and Reid, and they were hungry again. I sat back in bed and propped up pillows around me and got Elizabeth into position. She latched on without hesitation and began pulling milk from my breast. I let go of her and then got the squirming little Reid into position. He wiggled his face against my breast, but after a few tickles on his lips with my nipple, he latched on. I held each of their sweet little heads in a hand and fed my babies. I was still getting used to it. The tug and pull feel of them eating, the soreness of my nipples, the constant exhaustion, and God all the milk. When they weren’t eating, I pumped my milk, and when I wasn’t pumping, one would want a snack, and then the other would want one. Then I’d change their diapers, and it’d be time for the two of them to eat again. It was a non-stop cycle. And in between all that eating and pumping, my breasts constantly sprung leaks. I could’ve probably fed a whole village. And Jesus did I have big boobs, so swollen and full of milk. Once they finished eating, we all took a nap.

  Conrad woke me up when he came in from class.

  “This is such a beautiful sight to come home to.” If he considered me with milk stains on my bra, messy hair, and me wearing maternity pants because of my still floppy and squishy tummy, and no shirt, with a baby on either side in their little baskets, sure, we could’ve gone with beautiful.

  “How was class?”

  “Boring. I couldn’t wait to get back home. What do you need me to do?”

  “I’d actually love to take a shower.”

  “Will they be okay?” Conrad asked, looking a bit panicked.

  “They’ve done nothing but eat all day, so hopefully, they’ll hold off for a few more minutes.”

  “Okay, baby, go,” he said, giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

  “When are you starting up at work again?”

  “Tomorrow. Is that okay?”

  “It’s more than okay.”

  “Are you doing okay, being here alone with the babies?”

  “If I need company or a break, I can always call my mom or Mr. Wilson. He’s the omega who volunteered to help us out when we need it.”

  “Okay, good. You happy?” Conrad asked, locking his eyes on mine.

  “I’m beyond happy. I’m happy here with you and the babies. I love our life.” My life at that moment was all about the babies, but I really did love it. I never imagined I’d enjoy being a parent so much. I didn’t want to leave their side.

  “I do, too. Our family of four. And maybe one day our family of forty-four.” And I bet he did the math already. If we procreated every year for the next twenty years and had twins each time, we could’ve seriously had a big enough family for our own town. But dear God, that was nowhere in my plans and talk about expensive. I already knew I wanted more kids, though. It felt so natural and wonderful to me now, and I kind of loved being pregnant (okay, not every single second of it, but the majority), and I knew I’d be able to do whatever else I wanted to do in the future with my life. But once the babies got a bit bigger, the one thing I did plan on doing was helping out other pregnant omegas: incoming ones new to Pine Wood Falls, ones that didn’t have an alpha, ones that just needed someone to talk to. Someone to be by their side when they delivered.

  I smiled. “We changed it, remember? Ten to eleven.”

  “Fourteen,” Conrad said. Giving each baby a peck on the cheek.


  Conrad smiled. “Let’s go back up to ten to eleven.”

  “Oh, dear God.”

  The next several weeks were a whirlwind of crying (all four of us), sore nipples, stinky diapers, leaking breasts, and exhaustion, and I wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world. I sat on the couch, feeding Elizabeth. “I think she is the hungriest baby ever.”

  “Aw, my baby.” Conrad came over and kissed the top of her head. “Let’s get married now.”

  “Now?” I asked, thinking when was the last time I even took a shower.

  “Yeah, we got so wrapped up in babyness, we forgot about us. I want to marry my fiancé.”

  “I guess we can go down to the courthouse.”

  “You guess?” Conrad drew down his eyebrows.

  “We don’t have time to plan a wedding.”

  “What if it’s already arranged?”

  “What did you do?” I asked as Elizabeth waved her little arm as she sucked down a good gulp of milk.

  “A little reception down at the Pine Woods Park where they have that little gazebo. An officiant, some family and friends.”

  “That could be nice.”

  He smiled from ear to ear. “It’s going to be lovely.”

  And it was.

  “Can I look now?” I asked. I wore Reid in a baby carrier strapped to me. He cuddled up against my chest, and Conrad wore Elizabeth. With the babies, we each wore some khakis and a gray T-shirt. I wanted to keep it simple, and I also didn’t want to squish my gooey body into a suit.
  “Yep, here we are.” Conrad took his hands away from my eyes, and it was beautiful. The gazebo sparkled, lights and flowers were strung up everywhere, and there were beautiful bouquets of flowers on the tables, white seat covers with big pretty bows, and petals strewn all over the ground. And it all overlooked a glistening pond.

  “Conrad, I’m going to cry. You put all of this together?”

  “I had some help,” Conrad said with a smile.

  “This is more than a few people.” My mom was there, and his family, Sam and Tyler, Margo and Jill, Thomas, Mr. Jones, everyone’s kids, all the people we had met on our journey to becoming parents. There were cousins of mine and aunts and uncles from Conrad’s side, and I didn’t know what they all knew, but they all did look happy to see us.

  “We have too many people that love us. I had to invite them all.” Conrad took my hand in his.

  “This isn’t something you threw together overnight,” I said as we walked up the gazebo’s steps.

  “No, maybe about a month or two.”

  “You’re the best.”

  And standing there in the middle of the gazebo, we got married. Conrad and I kissed, smashing our babies between us.

  I couldn’t stop smiling the whole evening. We talked, danced, laughed. I took a couple of breaks to feed the babies, and it all made my heart explode with happiness.

  After we cut the cake, somebody clinked a glass, and Conrad cupped my face and kissed me. We were mates for life.

  About the Author

  Sarah Havan grew up in the Midwest and still actually lives there. She has an appreciation for having all four seasons. She writes all kinds of romance, but most recently has focused on gay romance in her writing.

  She is also the author of Falling Into Trust and One Night Alone.

  Stay in touch!








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