Executive Assistant

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Executive Assistant Page 5

by 12 Author Anthology

  “May I use your bathroom?”

  “Go ahead.” He watched the retreat as her hips swayed. Those killer heels set her ass cocked high, ready to be fucked. After what just happened, he didn’t need to think about any more action with Melissa.

  There had to be something on his desk to keep him busy until she exited his bathroom and got the hell out of his office. From here onward, he vowed that there would be no further skin-to-skin contact with him.

  A clean break. No relapse. She was here to work—that was it.

  Melissa emerged from his bathroom, the pearls back in place, a reminder of their double use. She picked up her pocketbook and headed to the door. “You’re looking much better.”


  “You look more relaxed. Less pinched around the mouth.” She opened the door and headed out. “Glad I could help.” Without waiting for his response, she exited.

  The electricity that practically sizzled in the atmosphere disappeared, along with the woman with the rocking body, with the lush curves and the hypnotic eyes. What special powers had she tapped into?

  “No way that I’m walking down this road again.” His statement was harsh, no nonsense, emphatic for his sake. As his cock ached for the comfort of her mouth or the sweet warmth of the pussy he remembered, hold out was bound to be difficult.

  This was war. Time to reinforce defenses for the expected invasion.

  Melissa knew she’d made a dent. A small one, but a slight breakthrough, nonetheless. Every inch mattered. Her plan with Laila had been only on how to get on the grounds. After that, she was on her own. Thinking on her feet or on her knees, as she’d done only a few minutes ago, wasn’t a problem.

  In the last two years, she’d built a small business and faced numerous obstacles. Her learning curve had been steep, sometimes painful, but ultimately rewarding. Every day that she worked on the business and grew it to its current level forced her to be focused and forward thinking. Sometimes, she had a final goal, something to aim at. Other times, the end game wasn’t fully formed, but she had to go on faith.

  This day was definitely under the ‘flying by the seat of her pants’ heading.

  “Hey, Laila, I need to get the conference room set up, but I also need to make copies.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  “No. You need to be here for the attendees.” She hesitated, but plunged ahead. “Is it all the executives?”

  Laila nodded. Her phone rang and she held up her finger for her to wait.

  Executive team retreats were an annual event. They came in on one day and then the next day they left for a private setting that catered to big corporate accounts. She’d never been to one, but it did give the other employees the rare break of the big dogs being out of the office. Many were arriving from Asia and Europe—England specifically—and from smaller offices in the United States—each attendee offering a wonderfully diverse representation of the company.

  Laila finished her call. “Sorry about that. Guess my phone is about to blow up.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just point me in the right direction and I’ll manage.”

  Laila pointed down the hallway on the other side of the front desk. “Supplies are in there. Here’s a write up of what’s needed and where things should be in the room.”

  “Got it.”

  “You’ll do fine. If you need anything, shout.” Laila leaned forward. “And, how did it go with your boss?”

  Melissa shrugged. No point in starting a lie that she couldn’t tell without looking guilty.

  “Don’t try to be coy with me.” The older woman playfully jabbed her with her elbow. “Did he have a fit or did he scoop you up in his arms?”

  Melissa had to laugh at the image of Chang sweeping her into his arms. “Maybe when I was younger that was our relationship. Today, it was frigid to frosty with a quick thaw before the ice froze over,” she summarized as close to the truth as possible.

  “Well, don’t let him intimidate you. When you left, he wasn’t right for a long time. Don’t think he ever got over the suddenness of you leaving.”

  “I didn’t mean to hurt him. We both weren’t ready. And…things got complicated.” Melissa had shared a lot with Laila. Not everything, though. Although the lady had been kind and instrumental with helping her to this point, she couldn’t share her one deeply buried secret.

  “This is your do over, babe. Don’t fuck it up!” Laila grinned, taking the sting out of her message.

  “Not deliberately,” Melissa countered. “Anyway, I’ll get going now.” She didn’t need any more pep talks. It was boots on the ground time.

  Melissa headed off to complete the task. Hopefully, the mindless tasks would stop her thoughts from wandering. Give her brain a pause before thinking of the next step. Her body looked forward to a next anything. That fact was evident with how she’d creamed her panties several times while pleasuring Chang. As a result, she had to go commando. One thing for sure, she didn’t have to worry about panty lines for the rest of the day.

  “Excuse me, can you tell me if the coffee has been brewed? I’m in deep need of caffeine.”

  Melissa’s hand stilled with the remaining writing pads clutched against her chest. Her back was to the speaker. But damn if she didn’t know the low timbre of his voice. Her deeply buried secret. The man who didn’t have a clue how much she loved him.

  Slowly she turned. “Hi, Jack.”

  “Melissa? You’re back.” He approached with arms outstretched and enveloped her with a big hug. “Damn, it’s good to see you.”

  “Good to see you, too.” She sighed in his tight embrace. And meant it.

  Chapter Three

  10:15 a.m.

  Jack Vincent knew he should focus on the charts and graphs that constantly flashed on the screen since the meeting. Every time he looked at the screen with its facts and figures of the company’s mid-year results, his dick grew hard. Thank goodness for the fifteen-minute break.

  Statistics didn’t grab him by the balls. Melissa Honsou did.

  Without a single touch to his skin, she affected every part of him. His cock had never been controlled by an absentee lover. Although, he couldn’t really say she was absent when they had never been intimate. She’ had no clue that he was even interested.

  At that instant, the woman who took and held his thoughts hostage walked in. Actually she’d been entering and exiting the room doing her work. Only doodling on his writing pad stopped him from staring and tracking her every move like a radar beam. In that close fitting business suit, she looked like a tight-ass-conservative, no nonsense. But the highly polished shoes with spear-length heels offered a hint that there was a bit of a freak under the façade.

  Walking in on her and Chang, a few minutes ago, had sealed the deal—she was his type of woman.

  “What’s going on with you?” Chang tossed a paperclip at him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Not happy with the results? It’s not so bad.” Chang gestured toward the handouts.

  “You’ve got it wrong. It’s not the results. The company is pushing into new markets. All the departments are running efficiently. We met some goals already. This is great.”

  “Then why don’t you look like it’s good news? You’re freaking out everyone.”

  Jack stood. “Just had a few things on my mind. Nothing major. I’ll be better.”


  Jack didn’t know what was Chang’s problem. It was obvious he had gotten back with Melissa. Now he could stop playing the bitter, jilted lover.

  Melissa wheeled in a cart with binders for the next session on the agenda. “Oh, excuse me. I thought the room was empty. I’ll come back.”

  “No need. I’m leaving.” Chang slammed down the pen and pushed back his chair. His exit was brisk and created a slight wake with loose papers flying off the table.

  Jack witnessed the hurt on Melissa’s face that his colleague missed. On the one hand, he wanted to slap Chang
on the back of the head for being an ass, while the other part of him wanted to apologize for his behavior. Anything to establish a connection with her.

  “You okay?” He remained seated.

  “Yes.” She set the binder in front of each chair. Her hair partially shielded her face from his view.

  He waited until she got to his seat before extending his hand for the next set of reports that were sure to bore him. “Glad to have you back.”

  “It’s temporary,” Chang interjected without looking in their direction from the doorway. He gathered up the work that littered the floor.

  “I have a temporary employment agency. New Dimensions is a client.”

  “Congrats! Proud of you, boss lady.” He held up his hand for a high-five, which she responded to with a quick, light touch. It took every ounce of restraint not to slip his fingers between hers and keep clasping hands. He would if he didn’t think that Chang would stroke out, despite his odd behavior.

  Finally she left the conference room, but not before she slid a glance over to Chang, who pointedly ignored her. Screw Chang.

  Jack wanted to wave his hand to let her know that he was ready and willing to be noticed. Unlike his college roommate, best friend, and business partner, he’d show his appreciation before, during, and after they fucked.

  “What the hell is your problem, Chang?”

  “With what?” Chang pushed in his chair, ready to take flight. But Jack wasn’t about to let him off the hook that easily.

  “Melissa. You’re acting like a jerk with the way you’re treating her.”

  Chang snorted. “I’ve barely noticed her.”


  “Yes, really. We did our thing back in the day. It’s over. We’re all grown up and moved on.”

  “Yeah. That must be why you look like a lost, angry, puppy whenever she comes in the room.”

  Chang tossed his pen at him. “I gave her the terms of our arrangement. She made her choice. Walked out of my life.”

  “For the record, you suck. Looks like she’s strutting right back in.”


  Jack shrugged. “You sure that you’re ready for the reality?” No matter how hard Chang protested, the facts said otherwise. “Don’t let her go again.”

  “I’ve moved on.”

  “To whom? You have had your silly flings, but no one has come close to Melissa’s shadow.” Jack tried to tone down his lecture. But the train had left the station and she needed an advocate. “She is intelligent, has a kind heart, and cares about you. I can see it.”

  Chang pushed away from the table. A weird grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Well, here’s what I see, Einstein. Thinking you got this all figured out.” He leaned on the back of his chair. From across the table, his pointed glare had only one target—Jack. “I see a man, my friend, who lost his college sweetheart in a random act of cruelty by a drunk driver. I also see a man who had moved on and who couldn’t find anyone to fill that special place in his heart. Until Melissa.”

  “What?…No.” Jack’s face flushed with scalding embarrassment.

  “I saw it when she worked here. And I see it now. So don’t bullshit me about any fairytale fantasies between Melissa and me.”

  Jack’s frustration grew. He’d worked hard to keep his feelings under wraps. He didn’t like being outed, even by his best friend. “So what are you saying? You’re giving me permission?”

  Chang stood at the door. “Permission? Hell, I welcome it. ʼCause I’m telling you, it’s over with the games.”

  “Better tell the little head that bit of news.” Jack pointedly looked down at Chang’s pants. “And then let the big-ass, hard head of yours realize that Melissa isn’t the type to get down on her knees for no man.”

  Chang opened his mouth. Not a damned sound came out. His turn to blush the color of a hot pink rose.

  On that heavy note of stunned silence between them, Jack got up and walked past Chang. Angry, frustrated and ready to explode—his emotions spun in a tight mass. He needed to get away. Escape. Vent.

  What on earth made him tell Chang about what he saw?

  He stormed down the hallway. For the next fifteen minutes until the break was over, he’d go hunker down in his office and force his brain to focus on work. He yanked open the closet door to grab a few supplies.

  “Oh.” Melissa stepped back with a ream of paper clutched to her breast.

  “Excuse me.” He retreated into the hallway, but stopped in midstep. “No. No. I’m not sorry. Not asking for an excuse, either.”

  “Huh?” She blinked.

  He took the ream of paper out of her arms and set it down on a shelf.

  She eyed his movements.

  “I didn’t know you were in here.” His voice sounded like he’d swallowed a spoon of sand.

  She nodded without looking at him.

  “I’m glad that you’re here, though.”

  “In the closet?” Now, that crazy remark seemed to catch his attention.

  Jack laughed. “Yeah, actually, I guess I am glad that you’re in here.” He looked around the small supply room. It was cozy. Quiet. And felt like a good break from whatever was happening out there.

  She retrieved the ream of paper and pressed it against her chest. “Well, I’d better be going.”

  “Do you really want to go?”

  She licked her lips, a sensual action that was like tossing a lit match to what fueled his desire.

  “ʼCause I don’t know what to say, other than I want to be with you.” He stayed put.

  She locked her gaze with him for a quick second and then looked toward the door.

  “I won’t keep you.” He stepped aside. It killed him to give her the space to exit. He didn’t want to rattle her more than he’d probably done. “But I don’t want you to leave.”

  This time, she set down the paper and took the three steps toward him. A brief pause and then she tiptoed and held his head firmly between her hands. With an upward cast at his mouth, she closed the space and softly pressed her mouth against his.

  Whoa! He was supposed to do that.

  She broke contact. “Hold me, damn it.”

  He obeyed. Like an eager brown-noser, he’d gladly do whatever she demanded. His hands had been aching for that slice of a miracle that he could touch, even if it was when she handed him a pen in the conference room. Fingers brushing against fingers.

  Now he had more than a light contact. He held her body between his hands. His fingers roved all over her frame, in every direction. It was an introduction of sorts, mixed with a sense of urgency that this magical place and time would disappear if he allowed logic in.

  Her mouth willingly opened in a heady welcome. His tongue made a sweep between the sweet, delicate fullness. Their lips stayed pressed and locked with each other’s. The mutual exploration underway as his tongue did its mating dance with hers. The tempo had a frenzied beat to rival a salsa dance.

  Slowly his fingers slid up her thighs, drawing up her skirt, bunching it in his hands, until he got to….her bare ass? No underwear. Sweet.

  Realization excited the hell out of his cock. It wanted to take over, pushing against his pants for its time to play.

  “Does it help if I said that I had worn panties earlier today?”

  “No complaints.” His hands hadn’t relaxed their ownership of her fleshy bum. Now his hand traced the curve of her backside, cupping her cheeks. In one swoop he hoisted her up, her legs readily wrapped around his waist. “Don’t stop kissing.”

  She moaned. Her mouth sought his. They had a constant need for contact. Letting go even to take a breath felt like hard work.

  “Baby,” he paused, breathing hard. “Look, I will step back if you want me to. But I’m about to go deep, deep sea diving. Once I hit that head space, my thinking might get fucked.”

  She laughed, and the sound tickled his throat. “I’m good. You may have to handle me in my space.”

  Now wasn’t the tim
e. But damn if his conscience didn’t pick this time to storm through. “And Chang?” He gritted his teeth and bowed his head, waiting for the answer that could wreck his nerves.

  The top of her head rested at his cheek. Now that he had the guts to ask the question, he wasn’t sure that he had the balls to hear the answer.

  “I love Chang.”

  Only cold water dashed on his face could have blasted him back to earth. He knew there was mutual attraction. That meant like, not love.

  “Hey, it’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. Chang may be an ass for letting you go, but he’s still my friend.”

  “I love Chang and I want him back in my life.” She touched his cheek. “You, I’ve watched from far. Wanting you, but afraid to approach. Afraid that you’d reject me. I knew you were still mourning. But I couldn’t help how I feel. Or what I feel…for you.” She stopped talking, but thankfully didn’t lower her hands.

  “Baby,” he showered her face with tiny kisses on her forehead, on her eyelids, down the elegant slope of her nose to its pointed tip. “You have made me a happy man.” He looked in those hypnotic eyes, olive green with touches of gold and brown. “One wish. Right here. Right now.”

  “Finger fuck me. The break is almost over. I’ve got to head back.”

  “I can do a better than that.”

  Chapter Four

  10:26 a.m.

  Melissa hadn’t planned for any of this: to be lifted up, with the wall as her back rest, her pussy hoisted at eye level with Jack’s mouth. His devilish tongue proactively drew the infinity symbol around her delicate, moistened lips.

  No way that she could muffle the deep throated moans that erupted with every sweep of his tongue. Worse, she didn’t want to. The instigator with his honey-blond hair, shockingly blue eyes, and full lips continued to swirl her desire into frenzy. Her legs wrapped tighter around Jack’s shoulder, feet crossed at the ankle. Her hips bucked, inviting him to continue.

  God bless him for making her feel like she weighed nothing. Frankly if she was on her own legs, she’d buckle under the onslaught of his tongue. Now he sucked her flower, taking each petal and plucking it into an uber-aroused state.


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