The Assassin's Destiny (Isle of Dreams)

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The Assassin's Destiny (Isle of Dreams) Page 51

by Jones, Kirsten

  ‘Stay out!’ Samson growled, shoving her roughly behind him.

  He held her back with one arm and immediately drove his sword straight into one of the circling harpies, killing it instantly. Leaving the harpy to tumble lifelessly to the ground, Samson turned and grabbed hold of Mistral, shoving her roughly towards Grendel.

  ‘Keep her out of this!’ Samson ordered sharply then turned back to the fight.

  Grendel grunted and lifted Mistral from her feet. Tucking her easily under one arm he carried her, struggling furiously, to a safe distance away from the fight.

  ‘Let me go!’ Mistral howled and kicked uselessly against Grendel’s massive arm.

  Grendel ignored her and stood passively waiting for the fight to finish while Mistral swore and cursed, calling him every name under the sun while she remained firmly locked under his arm.

  ‘You can release her now.’

  Samson’s rasping voice called and Mistral cursed again when Grendel immediately released his grip and dropped her unceremoniously to the ground.

  ‘Why the hell did you do that?’ she screamed, leaping to her feet and striding over to thrust her face in Samson’s.

  He held her enraged glare calmly, one scarred eyebrow slightly raised, ‘Do you recall any of the promises you made to Fabian this morning?’

  Mistral’s eyes widened in fury, ‘Don’t you dare to lecture me Samson! You’ve no right!’

  ‘I have every right. I swore to Fabian that I would keep you safe for him, and I have.’

  Mistral glared at him, her lip curling in anger. She started shout at him again and suddenly Phantasm was by her side, speaking softly in her ear, making no sense at first until his repeated words gradually sank through the red mist and finally registered.

  ‘– Fabian let you hunt today. Don’t betray his trust in you. He loves you Mistral –’

  The rage drained from her body. Deep, crippling shame crept into the void left behind. How easily, willingly even, she had broken every single promise made to Fabian only hours earlier. Her word was nothing, worthless. Like her.

  She stared wretchedly at Samson, ‘He knew I’d fail him, didn’t he?’

  Samson met her stricken gaze and shook his head slowly, ‘No Mistral. He just knows you.’

  Mistral dropped her head into her hands, ‘I’ve let him down. He trusted me and I – I couldn’t even keep my word for two hours –’

  Suddenly she was consumed by the need to be with Fabian, to tell him that she loved him, that she was sorry … so sorry … that he had been right not to trust her and plead for his forgiveness. The compulsion to hear his voice was undeniable. Nothing else mattered.

  Mistral’s head snapped up, her eyes filled with fearful urgency, ‘I’ve got to go!’ she turned and sprinted towards Cirrus before Samson could stop her.

  Flinging herself onto Cirrus’ back she dug her heels into him. The powerful horse responded immediately, leaping away with a surprised snort before her feet were in the stirrups.

  ‘Hell fire!’ Samson cursed, running towards his own horse. ‘Get those harpies Grendel!’ swinging himself into the saddle he pulled his horse around to chase after Mistral before anyone else had moved.

  ‘She hasn’t even got her crossbow!’ Phantom bent to retrieve Mistral’s dropped crossbow.

  ‘I don’t believe that girl.’ Phantasm muttered and ran to his horse. ‘Let’s hope she doesn’t meet any more harpies.’

  ‘Or Columbine.’ Grendel added, shoving the limp bodies into a large sack and slinging it over his back.

  The twins shared a brief look and kicked their horses after Samson.

  Mistral clung to Cirrus’ neck, urging him to go faster. He responded to her frantic pleas, crashing recklessly through the tangled undergrowth and stumbling unchecked over fallen logs and hidden tree roots. Heedless to the sharp pain of the branches that whipped at her face and arms, Mistral could only think of the expression on Fabian’s face when he had watched her ride into The Emerald Forests. He had known … he had known all along that she would betray him; that she would be unable to resist her stupid, cursed selfish nature.

  Tears of shame at her own weakness blinded her as they galloped through the trees. Giving Cirrus his head, Mistral closed her eyes and buried her face into his mane, sobbing mindless words of encouragement to him, begging him to go faster.

  In less than half the time it had taken them to travel into the forest Cirrus was bursting out into the open grassland again, galloping wildly into the startling bright sunshine. Mistral felt the cool air on her face and looked up, staring around desperately for the face that she so longed to see. Wild sobs wracked her, fear and desperation making her frantic. The sight of a lone figure on a burnished gold horse bought her senses to a crashing halt. Hauling Cirrus to a jerky standstill, Mistral threw herself from the saddle and landed in a heap on the ground. Staggering to her feet she began to run towards Fabian, crying and calling his name in a hoarse voice.

  And then he was there, gentle hands holding her face, forcing her to meet his panic-filled eyes.

  ‘What is it?’ he demanded urgently. ‘Where are you injured?’

  ‘I’m n-not,’ she sobbed. ‘But, I’m so sorry –’

  ‘For what?’ his black gaze travelling quickly over her, frowning at her torn clothes and scratched arms.

  ‘Please … please, forgive me Fabian!’

  ‘Mistral, I want you to calm down and tell me what has happened.’

  ‘I-I let you down Fabian … you were so right not to believe a word I said this morning! I couldn’t help myself … the hunt … I –’ she trailed off and gazed tearfully up at him.

  ‘Ah, and now I understand.’ Fabian smiled, his eyes softening to deepest black velvet, filled with such love that it made her cry even harder.

  ‘Don’t … I don’t deserve for you to l-look at me like that!’

  ‘How can I not?’ still smiling, he kissed her tear-streaked face. ‘You are safe, almost in one piece, and back where you belong.’

  ‘How can you not be angry with me?’ Mistral whispered, twisting in his arms to gaze up at him. ‘I’m angry with me!’

  ‘Mistral, when will you realise that I love you? There are no exceptions to how I feel. I love all of you, unconditionally.’

  Closing her eyes, Mistral sighed and let her head sink against his chest, ‘I really don’t deserve you.’

  ‘I agree. You deserve someone far more respectable.’

  Mistral looked up, her eyes blazing with emotion, ‘Never say that! You are everything to me Fabian. I love you with my heart and my soul.’

  ‘Then I am the one who does not deserve such love.’ he lifted a hand to brush a leaf from her hair.

  ‘I swear –’

  ‘Hush.’ Fabian pressed a finger to her lips and smiled. ‘Make me no more promises today.’

  Bending his head to kiss her, Fabian vanquished all her guilt and remorse with an ease that left her sinking with relief into his arms.

  A hunting horn sounded loudly in three short blasts. The two hours were up. Fabian released her and looked up at the sound of approaching hooves. Mistral followed his gaze to see the rest of the Ri warriors riding towards them to greet their returning hunting party.

  ‘Oh no,’ she groaned, dreading explaining her lone appearance.

  ‘Let me deal with this.’ Fabian strode to meet the warriors.

  ‘Mistral! What happened to you?’

  ‘Where are the others?’

  ‘Did Columbine attack you?’

  Mistral blinked under the hail of questions … Columbine … she hadn’t even given her a second thought.

  ‘There is no cause for alarm.’ Fabian called in a clear voice. ‘Mistral became separated from the rest of the party during the course of hunt and thought it safest to return here and wait.’

  Her brothers regarded her with openly dubious expressions but said nothing. The rest of the warriors seemed to accept Fabian’s simple explanation and immed
iately began talking amongst themselves again, turning to watch the treeline for the first glimpse of the hunting party.

  Relieved to have been let off so lightly, Mistral avoided the questioning look Saul was giving by bending to fuss Prospero.

  ‘Here they come!’

  Mistral looked up; apprehension and guilt mixing on her face when she saw Samson cantering towards them flanked by the twins. They were too far away for Mistral to see their faces but their auras were like thunderclouds above their heads. Grendel followed at a slower pace, weighed down by the bag of harpies.

  ‘Looks like it was a good hunt!’ Xerxes grinned. ‘How many harpies did you all get Mistral?’ he called, reaching automatically for the tatty piece of parchment in his top pocket.

  ‘Four,’ she responded distractedly, her anxious gaze not leaving the approaching party.

  ‘Four! Good haul!’ Xerxes exclaimed and traced a finger down the piece of parchment. ‘Ah! Brutus, my favourite brother –’

  ‘Oh favourite now am I? Try only!’ Brutus responded sourly. ‘That’s means I won the sweepstake and you don’t want to pay me!’

  ‘I was actually going to suggest an off-set against your next bet!’ Xerxes said in wounded tone.

  ‘Hail brothers!’

  The Ri warriors swiftly gathered around Samson in response to his greeting, all eager to hear about the hunt and examine the slain harpies.

  The twins halted and swung themselves down from their saddles, leaving their docile horses to graze they slipped through the crowd of warriors and walked quickly towards Mistral. Their abrupt exit unnoticed thanks to Grendel opening the bag of harpies and pulling one out to be passed around and examined. Leaving the warriors exclaiming over the lifeless creature, Samson dismounted and strode over to greet Fabian. They turned away from the rest of the warriors and began walk slowly together, talking in low voices.

  Mistral watched Fabian walking away with a sinking feeling. Turning back to meet Phantasm’s stony look she realised that she would have to deal with his anger on her own.

  ‘What the hell did you think you were doing riding off like that?’ Phantasm immediately snapped.

  Mistral sighed and swiftly revised anger up to fury.

  ‘Reckless … stupid … none of it quite covers what you did this time! You have absolutely no thought for the consequences of your actions do you?’

  Suddenly exhausted, Mistral had no fight left and hung her head dejectedly.

  ‘What if Columbine had attacked you? What if you had fallen and broken your neck riding like that? After everything my brother and I have done to try and protect you during this festival! Not least of all giving up a place in the final just for you to go and pull a ridiculous stunt like that! Sometimes, Mistral, I almost wish I’d never met you! You’re more trouble than I can take!’

  Mistral looked up to meet his furious green eyes and felt tears sliding down her face again.

  ‘Don’t be so harsh brother.’ Phantom moved quickly to Mistral’s side. ‘She probably saved my life today.’

  Phantasm glared at his brother, ‘That may be so, but it doesn’t excuse her behaviour! Riding off like that was –’

  ‘Ill-advised, I agree.’ Fabian cut in quietly. ‘However, I would appreciate it if you did not cause my wife any further distress.’

  ‘Distress? Have you any idea how much distress your wife just caused us?’

  Fabian stiffened. Mistral turned quickly to catch his hands, the action more than one of comfort, she was preventing him from reaching for his sword or Phantasm’s throat.

  ‘He’s right to be angry with me. Please Fabian – just give me a moment to explain myself.’

  Fabian held her beseeching look for a long moment then gave a tense nod, ‘Two minutes.’

  She reached up and kissed him, letting her lips linger against his to breathe words no-one but he could hear. Then, sliding her hands from his, she quickly turned and strode past Phantasm without speaking to him.

  He watched her go and turned to give Fabian an astounded look, ‘She expects me to chase after her again?’

  Fabian returned his look expressionlessly and shrugged.

  Inhaling sharply, Phantasm shook his head and abruptly strode after Mistral, catching her up to walk beside her in icy silence.

  Mistral stood his disapproval for what felt like forever before trying a hesitant, ‘Brother –’

  ‘I am not sure I want you to call me that anymore!’

  ‘Oh Phantasm! Please don’t!’ Mistral stopped and turned to face him, tears filling her eyes once more. ‘I’m really sorry!’

  Phantasm made a derisive noise and looked away.

  ‘Don’t turn away from me!’ Mistral begged. ‘I – I know I’m impulsive … reckless … and so ungrateful it astounds even me!’

  Phantasm flicked his gaze back to meet hers, his eyes giving their silent verdict. Guilty as charged.

  ‘And … and I know I don’t deserve to have brothers like you and Phantom –’

  Phantasm snorted.

  ‘Today, on the hunt … I didn’t just let Fabian down did I? I let you down too.’

  Mistral dropped her gaze from his and hesitated for a moment before reaching out to take hold of his hands. Phantasm stared at her in stunned silence while she interlaced their fingers.

  ‘I know what you and Phantom go through for me.’ she looked up and smiled briefly at his astonished expression. ‘Without you two keeping me on the straight and narrow I’m sure I would have been mauled to death long ago by something with more claws than that bag of harpies. But you do more than that. I want … no, that’s not right. I have to let you know that I need you, both of you, so much.’ Mistral paused and drew in a deep breath, holding his gaze steadily. ‘What I’m trying to say is that you mean a lot to me brother.’

  A silence fell while Phantasm gazed at her speechlessly.

  ‘You know what I’m trying to tell you don’t you?’ she asked, frowning at him a little uncertainly.

  ‘I think so –’

  ‘Good.’ Mistral suddenly grinned. ‘Because I’ve said it twice already today and that’s probably a record for me.’

  ‘We were so worried about you!’ Phantasm exclaimed and abruptly pulled her into a tight hug.

  ‘Yes, well, you can see I’m fine – so you can let me go now!’ Mistral muttered, squirming uncomfortably from his arms.

  ‘Did I miss something or did the iceberg just succumb to physical contact?’ Phantom enquired, strolling over with a wide grin on his face.

  Mistral glared at him, ‘Not willingly I assure you!’

  ‘Ah, normal service has resumed I see.’ Phantom sighed theatrically. ‘But I’ve really interrupted this touching moment to tell you that one of Bryden’s tribe is here to tally up. We may have three Ri warriors in the final yet! Are you coming to find out?’

  ‘Yes brother.’ Phantasm turned to follow his twin back towards the rest of the warriors. After a pace he looked over his shoulder at Mistral, his bright green eyes continuing to hold hers while he walked away.

  Fabian was waiting for her, holding Spirit and Cirrus. He smiled as she approached. Meeting his amused gaze Mistral gave half-shrug.

  ‘Killing stuff is easier than apologising.’

  ‘Always.’ Fabian laughed softly and held Cirrus steady while she mounted.

  ‘One more event to go, then we’re going home.’ Mistral glanced down at her dishevelled state and sighed longingly. ‘I’ve missed that bath.’

  Fabian swung into his saddle and looked across at her enquiringly, ‘Would you like to have a swim before the last event? We do have quite a bit of time.’

  ‘Really?’ Mistral looked at him, a wicked grin spreading across her face. ‘You’re coming with me?’

  Fabian gave her a half-smile and kicked Spirit into a trot, ‘Perhaps I should clarify my intentions. I will only be accompanying you to and from your swim, not in the water.’

  ‘Too bad,’ she murmured, giving him
a long look.

  Fabian met her frank look and smiled before returning his attention to controlling his excitable mare. They were nearing the party of Ri, all gathered around a harassed looking elf from Bryden’s tribe.

  ‘So let me get this straight. None of these harpies were actually shot using the coloured dye?’ the elf prodded one of the harpies with his boot.

  ‘No.’ Samson replied through gritted teeth. ‘For the third time, we killed them with swords.’

  ‘Hmm, so you say.’ The elf made a note on his parchment before giving Samson a suspicious look. ‘But what you are actually telling me is that you have no proof that you killed these harpies.’

  Samson fixed the elf with an icy glare, ‘Would you like me to stab you with my sword so that you can compare the wounds?’

  ‘There’s no need to threaten me!’ the elf snapped. ‘I’m merely trying to ensure that no cheating has taken place! I personally can’t see why you didn’t use crossbows. Then we wouldn’t be wasting time having this discussion!’

  ‘Have you ever shot a harpy with a crossbow?’ Samson asked coldly.

  The elf snorted and gave Samson a condescending look, ‘Why would I use a Ri weapon? I’m a pure-blooded forest elf! Our skill with the bow is legendary!’

  ‘And so is your ignorance!’ Samson snarled. ‘Bolts are useless on harpy skin! In fact, tickling them with a peacock feather would have been more effective!’

  The elf bristled, ‘I dislike your tone!’

  ‘And I dislike you.’ Samson’s took a step closer, his scarred face twisted into a frightening mask of anger. Around him the Ri stirred, their hands moving instinctively for their sword hilts.

  The elf shrank back, ‘Er, I think our business is concluded. Four it is then.’ he made a quick note and hurried away, nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste.

  ‘Wait!’ Xerxes shouted over the noise of the other warriors laughing. ‘How did we fare against the other tallies?’


  ‘What?’ Samson roared. ‘Who got more than us?’

  ‘Centaurs, with six –’

  ‘Damn it!’ Samson swore, banging his fist into his hand with frustration. ‘I thought we had another place in the final for certain with four!’


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