Drake [The Texas Senator's Sons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Drake [The Texas Senator's Sons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 12

by Hennessee Andrews

  “Please, please,” Alex sobbed while watching her father’s face contort as he struggled to hang on. Drake let out a yell, pulling back as hard as he could with Damon and Drew working in the same direction.

  “Grab my waist, Damon!” Drake let go of his hand so he could grab her father’s arm with two hands.

  The sound of crackling and tearing ripped through the air. A split second later, part of the roof tumbled by in the distance. Drew growled as his muscles protested. His face was red as he gritted his teeth, using every ounce of energy he had to hang on.

  Then, as soon as it started, it stopped. The roar began to evaporate, and the winds died down, allowing her father’s body to drop like a rock. He lay there, draped over the first step. Damon let go, and he and Drew fell back with a hard thud to the concrete floor. Drake still held her father’s arm. He had fallen on the stairs and struggled to catch his breath.

  Alex sprinted toward the stairs. Near the top, she dropped to her knees to check on her father and Drake. “Dad, Dad.” She patted his cheek. “Dad, are you okay?”

  He groaned and blinked his eyes. Light rain had replaced the torrential downpour and splattered off his face. The tears she had suppressed fell in continuous streams over her cheeks. In one moment, Mother Nature could have taken her father and Drake as well. Drake slowly pushed himself up, his face contorting with pain. “Drake, oh geesh, are you okay?”

  Worry held her captive as she examined his ribs for more damage. The poor guy couldn’t get a break so he could heal.

  “Ooh, sore,” he complained and pulled away from her probing hand.

  Drew and Damon moved up the stairs and helped lift Drake up. “Come on, bro. Let’s get you out of here.”

  Alex’s father pushed back and sat on his knees, looking up toward the once angry sky. The sun shone down and made him squint. Alex climbed out of the cellar ahead of Damon and Drake to allow them by. She stopped and knelt down by her father. “Dad, are you all right? Are you hurt anywhere?”

  His gaze fell to her face, and he sat quietly for a moment before speaking, as if he were reflecting. “Just my pride. That’s all.”

  She helped him to his feet and noted all the anger he had bottled and released when he arrived had dissipated. In front of her was a man that seemed conflicted, his face drawn with worry. He meant well, but at times went overboard, like today. He wrapped his arm over her shoulder, and they turned to survey the damage. Liv and Regan climbed out behind them in a daze with wide eyes.

  “Oh, my word.” Regan gasped and covered her mouth, unable to believe what her eyes were seeing. Tears fell from her eyes. Liv pulled her into a hug and worked to reassure that everything would be just fine.

  Alex turned toward the once beautiful two-story farmhouse and couldn’t contain her tears either. The wood siding had been completely stripped off one side. Windows were busted out, and the north end of the roof was completely gone. She allowed her gaze to turn and take in all the devastation around her. The once tall, stately shade trees that blessed the yard were a mess of broken limbs, shucked of their vibrant-green leaves. Toward the front yard, one tree had fallen and was leaned casually against the house. The porch swing Alex loved to sit in now hung busted in another tree.

  Behind her, Alex heard Damon talking to Regan. “Baby, it’s fine. We can rebuild.”

  Regan sniffled. “I don’t want to rebuild. I love that house.”

  “Okay, we can repair it. I promise, we will make it like new.”

  Alex’s chest constricted and she closed her eyes. The scene before her was overwhelming. Her father squeezed her tight. “Mother Nature can take in a matter of minutes what it takes us a lifetime to build.”

  She nodded before opening her eyes that burned with fresh tears. The old farm truck she and Drake spent the night in lay in a crumpled heap by the barn with a large oak fallen on top of it. Drew and Liv began walking toward the barn that managed to be spared the brunt of the storm. Parts of the roof had been peeled away, but the structure was still erect, seeming determined to survive. Thoughts of the livestock entered her mind and she shuddered, hating to think what could have come of them.

  Drake interrupted her thoughts, stepping up in front of her and took her hand in his. “Are you all right, Alex?” His eyes hinted of pain, yet sorrow. She nodded and he turned to her father. “Mr. Mullins, you have a wonderful daughter. I just want you to know that. I can’t imagine how proud of her you are.”

  “Yes, Drake, I’m very proud of her.” He shuffled his feet and glanced away before continuing. “Why don’t me and you take a walk while we look around?”

  Alex felt a nervous quiver roll through her stomach even though her father seemed more levelheaded now. Drake nodded and walked beside him, leaving her standing with worry. She crossed her arms and hoped for the best. The day was becoming one she’d like to be over with.

  Standing around allowed her mind to race with thoughts of the storm and the aftereffects that lay strewn over the ranch. Damon wiped a tear from Regan’s face. The act warmed Alex’s heart, and she realized how very fortunate they all were. Had any of them hesitated and not sought safety in the cellar when they had, they may very well be part of the destruction littering about and hanging from trees. She looked back to the house. Overall, the house was in fair condition structurally, but cosmetically, the place was a wreck.

  In the distance, cows began to bellow for their calves. Their cries were lonesome, sounding as distraught as a human might if their own children were missing. She dreaded this part. Damage to property could be repaired, but when it came to animals, her heart ached.

  Damon patted her on the shoulder. “We’re heading out to check the cows, Alex. Would you rather stay here with Regan and Liv?”

  She took a deep breath of saturated air and shook her head. “No, I’ll go. We probably have some injured livestock that will need attending to. I’ll grab some basic supplies from the barn we may need.”

  * * * *

  Drake knelt down in the soggy earth to check a calf he and Mr. Mullins came upon. He patted it softly, hoping for a rise out of the sopping wet baby. Nothing.

  “Little guy didn’t make it.” Mr. Mullins knelt down on the other side and began checking it over. “Such a shame.”

  Something about the loss of life from such an innocent creature made Drake’s eyes well up. His mother’s death changed him so much. He had started to realize just how much of a gift life really was. But it wasn’t fair. A gentle animal, a baby at that, had been killed. Where was the justice in that?

  Mr. Mullins studied him for a moment and cleared his throat. “Mother Nature is neither fair nor just.”

  “No, she isn’t.” Drake blinked back the emotion that welled up. It wasn’t just the calf, and it wasn’t just the storm. Thoughts of his mother, young as far as he was concerned, taken by cancer. Why did she deserve that? Why her?

  “Listen, uh, I’m real sorry about your mother. I know that it must still be very hard to cope.”

  “All I can do is take it day by day.” Drake stood up. “She was a wonderful mother, a fabulous person, and cancer took her. Fucking cancer.”

  Mr. Mullins nodded. “I lost my sister last year to cancer, so I understand your anger. I still wonder if we would have caught it sooner, maybe—maybe she’d still be here.” He swallowed hard and scrubbed his jaw as if thinking back. “No matter how angry I get, I’m fortunate to have had her in my life as long as I did. Now all I can do is hold onto the memories. We have to move on, not give up.”

  Drake had to turn away. The pain from the thoughts of the tortuous road his mother traveled with doctor’s visits, chemotherapy, and the pain she endured, became overwhelming at times. He could still picture her, crying as she brushed her hair with large clumps falling out. His once beautiful mother with long, flowing brown hair aged and became frail before his eyes. They spent many nights up late watching movies together because she was unable to sleep. The chemo made her violently sick and put her i
n an enormous amount of pain. The movies served as a distraction from the madness, a way to escape reality. When the weekend would come, Drake’s grandmother spent time with his mother, and he sought his solace and escape in bars with loose women. He tried hard to drink away the hurt, but it wasn’t enough.

  Mr. Mullins must have sensed his inner turmoil. He said no more as they continued to walk and check out the damage. Drake was expecting a stern lecture from him, maybe another “stay the hell away from my daughter,” but it hadn’t come yet. Off in the distance, he could see some of the cows resume grazing, a welcome sight. Life goes on, he thought. It just goes on.

  Chapter 11

  Late that night, Drake and Damon secured the last window with a piece of plywood. Drew and Liv had returned to their home on the other side of the ranch after the last cow was accounted for. There were five cows and six calves killed during the storm. Damon said he felt lucky, because he worried it would have been much more. As far as Drake was concerned, one was too many.

  Damon pounded a nail into the plywood, and the sharp bang from the hammer echoed, making Drake’s ears ring. Once one nail was in, Drake handed him another while holding the plywood tight against the wall. “I’m really sorry about the house, Damon. I’ll be here for you and help you put everything back like it was.”

  Damon stopped and turned to him, smiling with pride. “Thanks. That means a lot to me.”

  They finished up the task and stepped back. Drake set the handful of nails he held down on the table. “Well, that’s the last window.” He turned to look at the mess Alex and Regan were busy cleaning. “I guess I’ll help them finish up here, unless you need help somewhere else.”

  “Nah, that’s more than enough for tonight. The house is secure for now. Tomorrow, I’ll call the insurance agent. Hopefully, we can get started right away. For tonight, why don’t we all just take a break?” He clapped Drake on the back. “I appreciate your help.”

  All Drake could do was nod in response. He wanted to say, “That’s what brothers are for,” but he held back. One day he hoped to feel and be treated as a brother to not only Damon, but Drew as well.

  After his long walk with Mr. Mullins earlier in the day, he had a whole new respect for the man. They didn’t talk a lot, but what they exchanged spoke volumes. As Drake already knew, Mr. Mullins was worried about his daughter. Any father would be. The newspaper with their picture on the front page made the man snap, and for Drake, he found that totally understandable. If he himself had a daughter and she was splashed on thousands of newspapers in a compromising position, he would be completely pissed off as well.

  Drake explained to him his growing feelings for Alex, promising vehemently to do right by her. He was honest and sincere in his words, praying the man sensed genuineness behind what he struggled to admit. Alex had a hold on him, and all he wanted was to see how their relationship would develop.

  “That’s very nice handiwork for a city boy.” Alex smiled as she stepped up next to him.

  He pulled her into his arms and settled his gaze on her beautiful face. Dark-brown eyes twinkled up at him. “From you, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “So, I was thinking.” Alex blushed and bit her bottom lip.


  “A hot shower sounds really nice.”

  His cock sprang to life with her admission, pressing against his zipper with possible scenes running through his mind. “I scraped my knee.”

  Alex giggled. “What? How?”

  “While falling for you.”

  “You and your pickup lines.” She teased his hair with her hand and pulled him closer, engaging their mouths in a sweet kiss.

  Between kisses, Drake joked, “I can stop.”

  “No”—she smiled sweetly—“coming from your lips, they make me wet.”

  “Mmm.” He pulled her tighter to his body. “I’m past ready for that hot shower.”

  Damon and Regan smiled as they hurried by, not at all shocked by the obvious. With the house as secure as it was going to get, Drake had other matters to attend to, and that was making Alex writhe beneath him with sweet cries coming from her lips. One part of the upstairs had water damage, but miraculously, their bedrooms and the bathroom had been spared.

  At the top of the stairs, Drake swatted Alex’s ass, urging her to move faster toward the bathroom. She squealed and picked up the pace, throwing open the door and entering ahead of him. He stepped in behind her, already tearing his shirt up over his head, and tossed it to the floor.

  “In a hurry?”

  His gaze raked from her head to her toes. “I am when I see what I want.”

  Alex bent over in front of him and reached for the shower knob. She looked over her shoulder, offering a playful smile. Drake moved behind her and grabbed her hips, his cock aching to be buried inside her. He squeezed her hips, teasing her ass with his erection. “I want to take you from behind so I can watch your ass while my cock thrusts into your tight little pussy.”

  She moaned and clasped one hand over his. The shower spray erupted when she pulled the plunger up. Steam began to rise as she stood up, retaliating by coaxing his cock with a wiggle of her ass. His hands left her hips, easing under her shirt and pulling it up over her head. He made her bra a quick task, allowing it to fall to the floor at her feet. Erect pink nipples greeted him. With both hands, he caressed her breasts, stopping to flick his fingers over the nubs.

  “Oh, Drake.” Alex pushed her chest out, begging for more attention.

  His fingers teased, pinching her nipples and tugging gently. Her head fell back and rested on his shoulder, with her hand reaching back to stroke him through his jeans. Just feeling her hand grasp his cock sent a new wave of desire prickling over his flesh. The smooth skin of her stomach flinched as his hands traveled south, stopping to work at the button of her shorts. She offered a wiggle, helping him to slide her shorts down her thighs.

  The slick wetness between the folds of her pussy heightened his arousal. She hummed while his fingers explored, plunging into her hot entrance and retracting to do it again. Now, he had to have her now. “Grab on the rail on the shower door, I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll have trouble thinking.”

  Alex complied and held on with one hand. The other slid between her legs and began earnestly stroking herself. “Hurry, city boy.” She peered over her shoulder to watch him pull a condom from his pocket and slide his jeans down around his ankles. “Hell, yeah. Damn you’re hot, city boy.”

  “City boy?” He winked as he finished encasing his cock with the latex. “This city boy is about to give you a night to remember.”

  “Promise?” She closed her eyes with her hand still working her clit.

  “Keep stroking that pussy,” he stated with a growl, loving to watch the pleasure she gained at her own hand. Stepping up closer, he positioned his cock at her entrance. With one hard thrust, he impaled the length of his cock inside her.

  “Oh, God!” she wailed and grabbed the rail with both hands to steady herself. A quiver worked throughout her muscles. She smiled at him, bowing her back with a hum on her lips. Steam enveloped the room around them and made perspiration begin to bead on their bodies. “More,” she pleaded with her hand releasing the rail to pinch and tease her nipple.

  As he eased out to the tip, her muscles gripped him tight, caressing his cock and sending shock waves of pleasure down to his toes. “Amazing.” He thrusted back inside, fed by her sweet whimpers. Slow and measured strokes continued as he worked to maintain and not blow like a volcano.

  His chest squeezed tight as he poured his energy into pleasing her. It was then he realized he’d do anything for her, be anything for her. She touched his heart and soul, bringing him to his knees to face his demons then lifting him back up and restoring faith in love and life.

  Chapter 12

  Three months later, Drake stood in front of a full-length mirror. His fingers worked their way down the white, collarless starched shirt, buttoning each on
e. There was no bow tie, only a black pearl cabochon instead. He tucked the tail into a pair of black Wranglers then zipped and buttoned the fly. A black leather belt lay in a box with a new embellished silver buckle attached. On the front of the buckle, emblazoned in gold, was the Radcliff Ranch logo. Drew had given it to him that morning.

  He pulled the belt from the box and smiled. The last few months had been a test of will and patience. Since the hospital scene with their father, Drew had come around a little more each day. After the storm that devastated the ranch, the three brothers worked together tirelessly to repair the damage. Damon hired a contractor to repair and make the house as beautiful as it was before that fateful storm struck. The cleanup had been time consuming and tiring, but they trudged along, restoring everything back to working order along the way. Drew’s house on the other side of the ranch had been spared the brunt of the storm. Outside of a few busted limbs in trees, there was no other damage.

  Drake tugged the belt through the loops of his jeans. He felt an immense sense of pride as he secured it and glanced at his reflection. The road had been long and stressful, but he and his brothers had managed to build a relationship, one that was strong and would survive a lifetime. At the core lay three beautiful women, working to reason with them, becoming the glue that helped bind them all together.

  When Drake lost his mother, he had almost given up on living. The pain being such a nuisance daily, he wasn’t sure how he could continue on. Had it not been for his initial introduction or his mother’s wishes left to her attorney upon her death, he might not be here now with the brothers he always yearned for, celebrating life and love today. He may have lost his mother, and damn it all, he’d miss her for the rest of his life, but the gift she gave him after leaving this world made him the man he now looked at in the mirror. He had become Drake Radcliff, shucking off his mother’s maiden name at the request of not only his brothers, but their mother, Evelyn, and their father as well.


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