How Sweet It Is

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How Sweet It Is Page 3

by Shermaine Williams

  “Sweetheart! How are you?”

  “I’m fine, thanks.” He stopped short of asking her how she was because he didn’t want to hear anything he didn’t really need to know. He considered his boss a lovely woman, he had a lot of respect for her, but he had never known anyone to be so excitable, optimistic and open. In fact, he found it hard to believe she had single-handedly built up such a successful business—she seemed a bit too…fluffy.

  “Glad to hear it,” she stated, giggling for no apparent reason. “Listen, darling, I’ve got a dilemma…or more like you have.” More giggling. “You know the woman you saw last night?”

  “Natasha? Yes?” The words tumbled out of his mouth before he had a chance to think.

  “Natasha, that’s her. She just called, wanting to book you for this evening…”

  A smile quickly spread across his face.

  “…but I told her you were already booked.”

  It disappeared just as quickly.

  She paused as if that was all she wanted to say.

  He felt as if all the blood had drained from his body, but he tried to keep his cool, not wanting his voice to betray how he was feeling.

  “Why, erm, does she have some function to go to?”

  “It’s a play, I think. She liked you, said you were good company so she offered more money.”

  “More money?”

  “Yep. A hundred quid extra. She was so insistent that I promised to ask you just to get her off the phone.”

  Ben was so elated that he grinned into the handset as if that was enough of a reply, giving Jacqueline a chance to continue.

  ”I thought you might like a few extra quid in your pocket, and she might become a regular. I can always rearrange your existing booking.”

  “Yes, let’s do that,” he replied quickly. “Is that alright?”

  “Course it is, honey. I’ll text you all the details once I get everything confirmed.”

  “Good, that’s great.” Though they spoke for a few minutes more, Ben was just going through the motions and would have been hard pressed to relay any of the conversation if he had been asked to. His mind was too occupied with the fact he had made an impression on Natasha and he was just so pleased with himself.

  After finishing the call, time dragged. After receiving her text, it seemed to stand still.

  Andrew returned in the early afternoon, but Ben left him in the dark about his change of plans. They usually discussed their clients, but he just didn’t want to tell him about Natasha. She was somehow so different from his other clients that the idea of talking about her, with anybody, was out of the question. He wanted to keep her all to himself.

  Finally the specified time arrived and he stood outside the theatre in a crisp, white shirt and understated blue suit. It was a change from what he had originally intended to wear, but Natasha deserved something special. He had even managed to get some crunches and press-ups done before leaving home, just so he would look particularly buff when he took his clothes off. That was a definite ‘when’ rather than an ‘if’, as with every minute that passed, he gained more confidence. How could he not? She wanted to see him again and was even prepared to pay extra to do so. It was a done deal.

  He glanced at his watch—she was five minutes late. After a last look up and down the street, he fixed his gaze on a lamp post across the road so he wouldn’t get caught rubbernecking like an excited child.

  “Hello, Ben.”

  He immediately recognised the dulcet tones that caressed his ear what seemed like seconds later, making him whip his head around to face her, abandoning his attempt not to seem anxious.

  “Good evening, Natasha.” She wore a low-cut, red blouse and a knee-length, black skirt, much like the one he had pictured in his dream. With her hair tied up in a loose chignon, she looked like she had just come from the office, but he still thought she looked striking. “You look really good.”

  “Thank you.” A small smile curved her lips as she looked down at her outfit. “So do you. Very smart.”

  “Thanks.” He smiled modestly, lightly tugging at his open collar.

  “I’ve actually got a confession to make,” she admitted, lowering her head slightly and nervously tapping her heel against the pavement.

  “Really?” He noted a definite twinkle in her eye as a slight smile curled one side of her mouth higher than the other. “What’s that?”

  “I don’t actually have a play to review, I just thought we could go to dinner. I booked a restaurant, is that okay?”

  Though he would have preferred that she confess the ceaseless lust that she felt for him, having her company over dinner was nearly as good. “Course it is.”

  As if pleased by his response, she smiled broadly before they set off on the short walk to the restaurant. Side by side, they chatted as they strolled along the street. Her scent was the same, he didn’t know what it was but he liked it. Wanting to take hold of her hand but thinking it too forward, he settled for walking close enough to her to be able to occasionally brush his hand against hers.

  Soon after they were seated and the waiter left them alone, she furtively slid a white envelope across the table, smiling knowingly. He was tempted to tell her she didn’t have to pay, but that was bound to make her suspicious. What kind of escort declined payment? As a compromise, he told her there was no need for her to pay extra.

  “Didn’t Jacqueline tell you?” he asked innocently in response to her puzzled look.

  “No. But it’s fine, just call it compensation for the late notice.”

  “Really, it’s not necessary.”

  “I insist.”

  The friendly disagreement continued for a few more minutes until they met each other halfway when she agreed to allow him to pay for the meal.

  It was a position he had found himself in many times before, spending time with a woman he barely knew, making polite conversation. However, this time was different. He felt as if it was essential that he sleep with her. He had always been able to take it or leave it, but he knew he couldn’t leave it this time.

  During dinner, his gaze kept straying to her cleavage, but she either didn’t notice or just ignored the overt glances. Usually he was a model date, a great conversationalist, but on this occasion he just couldn’t concentrate, and it was futile to try. He kept imagining her naked body, whether she had pubic hair, how big her nipples were, how tight her pussy was, whether she was loud, how long it would take to make her come.

  He wanted to undress her slowly and run his hands all over her body, exploring every inch with his tongue and his fingertips to discover what pushed her buttons. It would be his mission to make her feel like she never wanted to sleep with any other man again.

  His inability to focus on the present meant that, after what seemed like only a few minutes, they were sipping their coffees.

  “I’m just popping to the ladies.”

  At that point, it hit him—the evening would soon be over. It was a real possibility she might just have wanted some company for dinner and nothing else. It was possible he might not have done enough to entice her.

  The thoughts swirling around his head helped him to come to a quick decision, and he hurriedly threw down some notes after asking the waiter to bring the bill as quickly as possible. That done, he made his way to the ladies’ toilet where Natasha was still ensconced and, without hesitation or embarrassment, walked straight in to find her facing the mirror, running her fingers through her thick dark hair. Clearly surprised, she stared at him with her eyebrows raised, waiting for an explanation. He didn’t offer one. Instead he took her hand and pulled her into a stall, ignoring the curious look they attracted from a restaurant patron as she entered the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered, her gaze flicking between his eyes and his mouth, amused curiosity lighting up her face.

  He didn’t speak. With his body, he pushed her back against the side of the stall before finding her mouth with his and running the t
ip of his tongue over her top lip before crushing his mouth against the plump pair. She was as eager as he was and ran her hands around his waist before gripping his firm bum to pull him close as they kissed deeply. He wasted no time in running his hand up beneath her skirt, stroking the smooth warm skin of her thigh before slipping his fingers into her damp knickers, pulling back to watch her face as he did so. Her lips were parted, she was breathing with short, quick pants, her eyes half closed as she waited to see what would come after he stroked the smooth lips of her pussy. He kissed her again before plunging his finger into her dripping cleft, making her moan into his mouth as the delicious warmth enveloped his probing digit.

  As her juices ran down his finger, he knew she was ready, that she wanted him, that he would soon be fucking her, that she…

  “Excuse me?” The authoritative male voice and the accompanying knock startled them and they both stood still, his finger remaining inside her as they looked at each other, waiting for the man’s next move while they tried to calm their breathing. “Is everything okay in there?”

  “Er, yes, my girlfriend isn’t feeling well…I’m looking after her.”

  “Let me know if there’s anything you need,” the disembodied voice confirmed after a short pause. “I’m the manager.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  They both remained still and quiet until they heard him leave, then dissolved into fits of laughter as soon as they heard the door close.

  “Do you think we’ll be able to make a dignified exit?” she asked, smiling guiltily, her face flushed.

  “Way too late for that.”

  Tentatively opening the door, he poked his head out before leaving the stall, Natasha following closely behind.

  “I hope I didn’t embarrass you,” he said, watching her straighten her clothes.

  Grinning broadly, she threw him a quick, sidelong glance before considering her reflection as she smoothed her hands over her hair. “I’ll live.”

  After she had put herself in order, they awkwardly stood looking at each other for a long minute.

  “You ready?” he asked finally, holding out his arm.

  Hooking hers through his, she smiled seductively. “Yep.”

  They were well aware of the looks they attracted from some of the staff and the woman who had snitched on them, but they kept their heads high as they strolled out of the restaurant.

  “So?” He hadn’t thought about how he would broach the subject of them having sex, he’d just assumed it would happen. Not wanting to come out with a cheesy line, he was at a loss for words.

  “So, I’ve had a fantastic evening,” she said.

  Adrenaline surged through his body, causing his ears to be assaulted by a whooshing sound.

  “I appreciate you coming at such short notice.”

  “Do you want to go for a quick nightcap?” The rule of not bringing clients home hadn’t slipped his mind, he just chose to disregard it as it was the only place he wanted to take her at that point in time.

  There was no way he was going to let her walk away. He couldn’t even put his finger on what it was about her. Yes, she was beautiful, but he’d known beautiful women before and had been able to take it or leave it. But the idea of failing to take things further with Natasha was unthinkable.

  “Okay,” she replied, an easy smile on her face as she looked up and down the street, possibly considering the choice of bars and clubs.

  “No.” He took her hand, distracting her from her task. “I know an intimate little place not far from here.”

  Keeping hold of her hand, they walked to the kerb so Ben could hail a taxi, responding to her questions about their destination with a wry smile. After he told the driver the name of the road, she didn’t ask again. Apparently he’d made it clear he wasn’t going to reveal anything, so she seemed content to relax and wait and see.

  Chapter Four

  Natasha gave nothing away and left Ben with no idea of whether or not she was thrilled, not only by what had happened in the bathroom but also by the thought of what might happen next. He would have liked her to say something, to comment on what had just occurred, but she said nothing. There wasn’t a single indication she was hoping he might pounce on her right there in the back of the cab. He didn’t push her to say anything, he only took her hand which rested on her lap and squeezed it gently while he smiled at her.

  It wasn’t long before they turned onto the quiet road and, though Natasha peered out the window, she didn’t pass comment on the fact it was a residential one.

  With Andrew on an all-night booking, they found the flat dark and quiet. Only after he closed the door behind them did she comment that they obviously weren’t in a bar. “I take it this is your place.”

  “It is.” He smiled guiltily. “Coffee? Or something a bit stronger?”

  “A coffee will be fine,” she replied knowingly as he led her into the living room, settling her there before heading to the kitchen.

  Though he would have preferred immediately to jump on her, he went through the process of filling the kettle and turning it on as he wondered whether she really did want a drink. Leaning against the sink, he thought about the woman sitting in his living room, waiting for him. He racked his brain for a reason to go back in there and forego the coffee before he realised he hadn’t asked her whether she took sugar and milk. He turned off the kettle and spun around to leave the kitchen, only to be startled by her presence in the kitchen doorway. He was surprised he hadn’t heard her approach, then looked down at her bare feet.

  “Didn’t mean to scare you.” The smile on her face managed to make her look both cheeky and stunning at the same time.

  Failing to reply, he just returned her smile as he approached her, sliding his arm around her waist as soon as he reached her. She submitted to his lips, as if enjoying the fact he began softly before pressing harder. His insistent tongue thrust into her mouth, desperate to find hers. She entwined her tongue around his, her eyes closed and her arms around his neck, as if lost in the embrace.

  He was already aroused, he could feel his erect member pressing against her belly as he held her close. Awkwardly stepping back while keeping his mouth on hers, he succeeded in manoeuvring himself into a position to be able to lift her off her feet in order to carry her to his bedroom.

  Neither of them spoke as he laid her on the bed before lying next to her and parting her legs with one of his own. He watched her face as he ran his hand up her leg and between her thighs. Her lips parted slightly as his fingers opened her smooth, swollen labia.

  Natasha looked back at Ben, studying his face as she revelled in his touch, only closing her eyes when he plunged his finger deep inside her. She knew it shouldn’t be happening, but it just felt so good. She wanted him, and with his finger in her dripping pussy, she had no doubt he knew it.

  “I want you so badly,” he whispered, as if reading her thoughts.

  Her eyes lazily flickered open. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” She looked him in the eye but didn’t make a move to get off the bed or pull his hand away.

  “Why not?” His brow furrowed for a brief moment as he continued to stroke her vulva.

  “Because…” Initially, her mind was blank and she had to concentrate hard to think of how to reply. “…it’s just not right—I’m your client.”

  “No, you’re not,” he quickly retorted, pulling the envelope from his pocket and laying it on the bed. “Not tonight.”

  Her eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you your money back. You’re not my client anymore.”

  Withdrawing his hand from between her thighs, he immediately began unbuttoning her shirt. Doing nothing to stop him, she continued to watch his face until he leaned forward after pulling her bra down. He took one of her hard nipples into his warm mouth, sucking hungrily before grazing his teeth across the sensitive tip.

  Her heart pounded against her ribs as she leaned her head back and moaned with pleasure, running her
fingers through his soft hair, holding him to her breast.

  She no longer cared about the consequences—she would deal with them when they arose. She would just go with the flow.

  His fingers danced around the areola of the other breast before he gently pinched the nipple. As he squeezed one breast and sucked the other, she raised her hips, rubbing her pubis against his abdomen.

  He responded by getting off the bed and quickly stripping off his clothes, leaving them where they fell as he considered her reclining frame. She wanted to follow his lead, to jump up and discard her own clothes, to rip them off as if they were on fire, but she worried what he might think. So she lay back and watched him undress until he stood in front of her completely naked.

  For a moment Ben remained standing by the bed, enjoying seeing Natasha’s lips part as she looked at his body. Her eyes settled on his erect member. He was sure she was impressed—at least he hoped she was. He crawled back onto the bed, licking each of her nipples before pulling her into a sitting position to enable him to remove her shirt and bra. She aided him by quickly wriggling free of all her clothes so she was soon naked.

  “You’re so gorgeous.” Leaning back on his elbow, he traced his finger down her stomach to her cleft, feeling her wetness before sliding down the bed and positioning himself between her legs.

  With his hands grasping her thighs, he looked up along her body and met her gaze as he ran his tongue along her clit. The minor action resulted in her emitting the most beautiful sound he had ever heard as her back arched. It was a mixture of a contented sigh and a moan which he could have listened to all day. It made his eager cock twitch. Keen to further his achievement, he repeated the action while angling his eyes upwards until he could just see her face beyond her pert breasts and erect nipples. Not only was he able to enjoy the beautiful sight, but she tasted so good. Sliding his hands beneath her, he gripped her bottom and lifted it from the bed so she was in the ideal position to enable him to bury his face between her thighs, thrusting his tongue deep inside her to lap up the juices which were like molasses slipping down his throat.


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