Slave For Rent

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Slave For Rent Page 4

by Samantha Cayto

  Danny tried not to fiddle with his bottle and felt relief when the master plucked it from his hand. It was the seventh inning stretch, the Sox were up by three and the master had finished his own beer. A chin nuzzled against Danny’s head.

  “I don’t think you’re really enjoying this, the drink or the game.” Before Danny could demur, the master added, “Can I at least offer you a cola or root beer instead?” The master’s teasing breath wafting across Danny’s cheek scrambled his brain so much he could only shake his head no.

  The master bussed him quickly right above the ear. “Okay. If you change your mind, let me know.”

  The master turned his attention back to the game and as he did so, he pulled Danny in closer to his side. Danny kept his hands clasped over his lap to hide his erection, but relaxed enough to lay his head on the master’s shoulder. The gesture seemed to please the man because he pressed his face against Danny’s head while sliding his hand over to Danny’s chest. Even though the fingers were on the outside of Danny’s T-shirt, they still managed to tease his nipples into hard points. The jolt of pleasure he felt by the seemingly casual touch surprised him. It all went straight to his cock and made him squirm even though he tried to stay still.

  The master chuckled around the bottle top. The man knew exactly what effect he had on his slave. He was trying to arouse him. Danny moved his gaze from the television to his master’s lap and saw his own need mirrored in the large bulge pressing against the master’s fly. A smile popped out before he could school his features to the usual slave mask of indifference. He couldn’t help it. He liked the idea he could make his master hard just by sitting next to him and giving him access to his body. Not that Danny’s body belonged to him, or that he had the power to give a master anything. The illusion of it mattered anyway.

  By the time the game ended with the Sox edging the other team by one run, every nerve in Danny’s body was strung tight. He desperately wanted more than the playfulness his master had afforded him so far. When the master clicked the television off and twisted their bodies toward one another, Danny was more than ready for the kiss that came. The master’s lips brushed against his, a gentle exploration before his tongue pressed for entrance to Danny’s mouth. No one had ever kissed him before, not like this. Danny’s eyes fluttered closed and not knowing the rules of this game, he sat passively while the master swept his tongue around and down.

  In the blink of an eye, the master’s touch turned more demanding, his hands roaming insistently all over Danny’s chest. They slid under his shirt and fingers plucked at Danny’s nipples now with no more barrier. The pinch and pull turned almost painful, and Danny half-moaned, half-whimpered. The master pulled away, all but panting.

  “Sorry, baby. I’ve waited too long for you. This is going to be faster than I’d planned.”

  Danny kept his eyes closed, not sure what the master had meant. Would he flip Danny over the back of the couch and fuck him? But the master did nothing of the kind. After pulling Danny’s shirt over his head, the master turned Danny and pushed him onto his back. Danny popped his eyes open as the master maneuvered one of Danny’s legs onto the couch, too, and settled himself into the V he’d created. The man loomed over Danny, a hungry look in his eyes. Danny thought he would kiss him again when the master’s face descended. But instead, he latched his lips onto one of Danny’s nipples and sucked.

  Danny gasped and arched his back up. A plaintive moan escaped him. “Master?” He didn’t know what he wanted to ask. He only knew he hadn’t expected to be assaulted in this wonderful way.

  The master chuckled and did the same to the other nipple. “Like that, do you, baby?”

  Danny vaguely worried he should give some kind of answer. Words, then thoughts, failed him as the master continued to lap and suck his way down Danny’s chest and stomach. When the master reached the snap of Danny’s jeans, he yanked them open and pulled them and Danny’s underwear down just far enough to free Danny’s cock. Danny’s fried brain had only a split second to register what the master intended to do, a thing the master should have been insisting Danny do for him instead. Then the master sucked Danny’s rigid length into the man’s generous mouth.

  One tug was all it took for Danny to shoot his load, right down his master’s throat. Danny bucked and cried out as the orgasm ripped through him. Bright lights danced behind his eyelids, and his fingers clawed against the slippery leather. His whole body shook with the force of his relief and when the final spasm abated, he melted into the couch. As the master slowly pulled back, his tongue licked up Danny’s shaft.

  “Hmm, now that was a tasty treat.”

  Danny forced his eyes open. The master smiled down at him, licking his lips like a cat with cream. Nothing in Danny’s life had prepared him for this kind of adventure. He’d expected to be used for his master’s pleasure with the hope of finding some of his own. A freeman deliberately sucking him off and enjoying it defied logic. But he couldn’t deny the evidence. The master had no reason to pretend he’d liked it.

  “Thank you, Master,” he said because surely what had just been done to him required some kind of gratitude. A whole fuck load, actually. Danny needed to pull himself together because he still had a job to do.

  Sitting the way he was, with his leg bent, Danny could feel how the master’s hard length demanded attention. Danny sat up slowly, sliding his own leg past the master’s back so that he could slip off the couch and onto his knees. The master cocked his head at Danny’s movement and opened his mouth as if to ask a question. He shut it again, however, when Danny reached up to the master’s waistband. With ease born of long-ago training, Danny freed the master’s rod. The familiarity of the movement gave him a moment’s pause before he ruthlessly shoved the old memories back down where he’d buried them years ago. He wouldn’t let that old shame affect him now.

  With gentle, yet firm, tugs, Danny managed to turn the master so that he sat back against the couch and Danny could wedge between the man’s splayed legs more easily. The master sighed and let his head drop back when Danny clasped the cock in his hand and slowly pumped it. A moan escaped parted lips the moment Danny’s thumb flicked the leaking head. Danny used the pre-cum to lubricate the taut flesh. He stroked it a few times to prime the master and his reward was another moan and the restless movement of the master’s legs.

  Danny smiled at the effect he was having on the man. Obviously the master liked what Danny did and it pleased Danny almost as much as having his own dick sucked. He wanted to make the master happy. He could picture living here with this man for years to come but only if he did his job right. And that meant more than jerking him off. Taking a deep breath, Danny curled over the master’s lap and replaced his hand with his mouth. The master’s hips bucked up in response to the switch. Danny smiled again around the mouthful of flesh and pressed down.

  He laved the underneath of the shaft and sucked hard. Then he opened wide the way he’d learned and took the cock even farther into his mouth, down into his throat. He pulled up, sucking and licking as he did so, closed his eyes, relaxed his throat and went down again. His lips touched pubic hair and he swallowed convulsively against the thickness blocking his airway. His stomach threatened to rebel. He quelled it with an iron will, determined to do the blowjob right. This time it really mattered, for him and not just for someone else. He swallowed again and a strangled cry above his head rewarded his effort. The master’s hips jerked, and the cock in Danny’s mouth pulsed cum down his throat and into his increasingly irritable stomach.

  Pulling back, Danny sucked in air through his nose. He still worked the master’s dick through the last of its spasms. Visions of another time, another place, another man flashed behind his closed eyelids. His mind screamed at them to go away, but they wouldn’t listen. When Master Paul’s cock slipped past Danny’s lips, Danny opened his eyes and blinked rapidly to clear the images in his head. He gagged, bile rising up. He swallowed it back down and pressed the back of his hand again
st his lips.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  Danny’s gaze flicked up to the concerned face of his new master. Danny opened his mouth to reassure him. His stomach heaved. He realized with growing horror that he was losing the battle. Jumping to his feet, Danny raced to the hallway bathroom and flung himself down to his knees once more. He barely got the seat up before he vomited Chinese food and cum into his new master’s toilet.

  Chapter Four

  Paul stood near the sink, hands jammed into the front pocket of his jeans, feeling helpless and disgusted with himself in equal measure. What an asshole he’d been. The kid’s first night with him in his new home, and Paul had made the kid puke by shooting cum into him. Idiot! He should have pulled back. Despite Danny’s practiced moves proving he had some experience with giving blowjobs, it didn’t mean he enjoyed swallowing semen. It was often an acquired taste. Add it to unfamiliar food and even a small amount of alcohol and no wonder Danny’s stomach rebelled.

  Paul winced in sympathy as the boy’s body bucked once more. The coughing and spitting told him Danny had entered into the dry-heaves stage, so Paul grabbed a paper cup from the dispenser he kept by the sink and filled it with water. When Danny sat back on his heels, Paul stuck the cup in front of his face. The poor slave turned his big, wet eyes in Paul’s direction. He saw fear and that nearly undid him. Before Paul could reassure him, the boy spoke.

  “I’m sorry, Master.” Danny’s voice quavered and he ended with a large gulp, as if more bile threatened to spew out.

  Crouching down, Paul pressed the cup closer. “It’s okay, Danny,” he soothed. “You don’t have anything to apologize for.”

  Danny’s hand trembled as he took the cup and sipped some water. He swished it around in his mouth and spit it out in the toilet. When he sat back again, Paul flushed for him.

  “Finish the water if you can.”

  Paul grabbed a washcloth from under the sink before standing up again. He ran it under cool water, rinsed it with a quick twist of his hands, then squatted back down again. Clasping Danny’s chin with a gentle hold, he swiped the cloth around the boy’s face to both clean it and hopefully calm the boy. Danny trembled ever so slightly in Paul’s hold and his fingers crushed the now-empty paper cup.

  Paul tried again to be reassuring. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I should have pulled my dick out of your mouth before coming.”

  Instead of easing Danny’s mind, Paul’s words seemed to make things worse. With a violent shake of his head, the slave looked at him with pleading eyes. “No, Master, please. That wasn’t what made me sick.” He dropped his gaze before continuing in a softer voice. “I—I think maybe it was the new kind of food and maybe the beer. I shouldn’t have accepted it. I don’t really drink.”

  Despite Paul’s earlier thought about the mix of food, beer and cum, he couldn’t believe Danny. The boy was obviously trying to appease Paul by attributing the slave’s reaction to something other than the service of his own master. After all, the servicing was the whole point behind the leasing agreement, at least as far as Danny must be concerned. No one, especially a slave, would believe that a freeman would want something deeper from him than sex.

  “Then, that’s my fault too,” he said, clasping Danny by the arms and helping him to stand up. Paul hovered for a moment until he was sure Danny wouldn’t topple over. “It’s time for bed.”

  He ignored the startled look in Danny’s eyes, understanding that the kid probably worried how he’d hold up to being fucked after puking. Paul could try to reassure him but figured maybe actions at this point would be more helpful than mere words. Tossing the washcloth in the sink, he steered the slave slowly down the hall and into the bedroom. He detoured to turn on the nightstand lamp, and kept going right into the master bathroom, before letting go.

  “I’m going to shut everything down for the night. You go ahead and brush your teeth and get into bed. I pretty much sleep in the middle, so pick whichever side you’d like. It doesn’t matter to me. Wear whatever you usually do,” he added before leaving.

  He resisted the urge to glance back to make sure Danny was okay. The slave didn’t have the flu or anything. He should be able to take care of himself. Suddenly exhausted, Paul wanted to hurry up and get to bed himself. He’d waited so long for this night, this chance to have Danny to himself. Now that his dream had come true, he didn’t know whether it made him deliriously happy or petrified. A little of both, he supposed. One thing was for sure, he now had another person’s life to take care of. He hadn’t really appreciated how serious that responsibility would be until he’d stood helplessly watching someone he cared for suffering and not being able to do anything useful.

  He made short work of turning off the lights and checking that the doors were locked. By the time he returned to the bedroom, Danny had tucked himself in on the far side of the bed. He watched Paul with those big eyes of his, tracking his movements. Paul shot him a reassuring smile before heading into the bathroom. Because he’d showered earlier, he only needed to attend to teeth and pass some more beer through his dick. He stripped off his shirt as he left the bathroom and tossed it, then his pants and socks on the small chair he kept in the corner. Tidiness wasn’t his strong suit, but then that was what weekends were for. House cleaning could wait.

  Danny still watched him with the single-minded attention of a prey animal keeping track of a predator. It made Paul feel a little like a molester or something, except he had no intention of doing anything other than going to sleep. The night’s events had reminded him of his vow to take things slowly with the boy. Regardless of his experience with blowjobs, the slave was likely a virgin if Ben Tanner had his facts right. Paul could take the time to do things properly, woo the kid, get him settled down before introducing him to more intimacies.

  Paul pulled back the covers enough to slide under them. He could see that Danny wore his underwear the same as Paul did. Sleek, olive-toned skin tantalized him, but he didn’t run his hands over it the way he wanted to. Instead, he leaned over and gave Danny a quick kiss before turning out the light.

  “Good night, Danny. Sweet dreams.”

  On a sigh, Paul rolled onto his side, away from where Danny lay. He could hear the boy’s quick breathing, testament that his nerves hadn’t eased any. Because it satisfied his deepest desire anyway, Paul convinced himself that it would help Danny if Paul held him. So, he did just that. The slave quivered at the touch, but turned when silently prompted to do so until he lay spooned up against Paul’s chest.

  Paul palmed Danny’s stomach and made lazy, soothing circles. At first Danny remained stiff in his hold, his chest rising and falling in a rapid rhythm. Eventually the boy’s muscles relaxed against Paul’s body.

  “Is this all right?” Paul asked in a low, sleepy voice.

  “Yes, Master.” Danny’s voice was equally low and his breathing had slowed.

  “Paul,” he corrected.

  “Master Paul,” the slave answered.

  And, that would have to do for now.


  Paul woke alone is his bed the way he had for virtually every day of his life. This time, however, it felt strange. His hand instinctively patted the space that Danny had occupied throughout the night. The sheets were cool to the touch, testament to the slave having left a while ago. With a stifled groan, Paul rolled over and blinked at the clock on his nightstand. He’d always liked being able to see the time in glowing red lights instead of having to fumble for his phone. Eight. Practically the middle of the day for him. He usually worked on Saturday mornings, except this weekend he wanted to spend as much time with Danny as he could. He’d told his crew he’d be by around eleven to check out the progress on the new project.

  He stretched his arms over his head and yawned loudly. The bedroom door was shut, something he hadn’t done when he’d gone to bed. Danny must be up and about having breakfast. He tossed himself out of bed to go join him. He took a moment to piss and brush his teeth, frowned a
t the tangled mess on his head before running wet fingers through it. A hair cut had been on his to-do list for a couple of weeks, but this wasn’t the day for it. He wanted to make the time with Danny count, be about doing things for him and not Paul. No way he wanted the kid to get his hair cut. Paul loved the mop of wavy dark brown hair framing the slave’s face.

  Taking another moment to slide on sweat pants, Paul left the bedroom and ambled down to the kitchen. The tantalizing smell of coffee hit his nose before he’d taken more than a single step into the hall. Paul inhaled sharply and smiled. He didn’t have one of those fancy machines that could be programed to make coffee before one got up, so Danny must have done it. His suspicions were confirmed when he caught sight of the boy standing by the stove, a fresh carafe of coffee sitting under the drip brewer. Danny didn’t have a cup for himself, though. Instead, the slave had a sponge in his hand and scrubbed the stove top.

  Jesus, the kid was cleaning, an odious chore that Paul usually put off until Saturday afternoon, or even Sunday afternoon, and not every weekend, either. He’d taken a quick swipe at things before bringing Danny home, but apparently hadn’t done a good enough job. Then again, he never did, as his mother always remarked the few occasions when she came for a visit. Yet, seeing the slave so at home did funny things to his insides. The scene was sweetly domestic and it gave Paul’s dick all kinds of bad ideas. He needed to take things slowly, he reminded himself.


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