Slave For Rent

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Slave For Rent Page 17

by Samantha Cayto

  Holy shit, the man knew how to give a world class blowjob. Danny’s eyes rolled around and his chest heaved with increasingly faster gasps of breath. He tried to arch his back as pleasure shot through his dick and into his aching balls. Paul held him in place, making the rising need almost painful. Danny clutched at the bedding to keep from grabbing his master’s head and pushing it deeper down his rod. He wanted as much of that wet heat on his straining flesh as he could get, but had enough presence of mind to not want to gag the man. When Paul suddenly released Danny’s cock with an audible pop, Danny whined in complaint.

  The cap of the lube snicked open, so Danny’s mind switched gears. Time to get fucked, which was fine by him. He opened his legs even wider and drew his knees up to give Paul access. But no cool lube hit his hole. Instead, Paul slicked some up Danny’s cock. The sensation of it was so startling, Danny looked up. Paul stared down at him, his eyes shining brightly, his dick standing straight up between their bodies. His hand gripped Danny’s cock at its base and pulled.

  “Up you go, baby,” Paul said, moving back.

  Danny didn’t understand at first. Paul tugged some more and used his other hand to clasp Danny’s arm and pull from there. Still confused, Danny sat up and allowed himself to be maneuvered around so that when Paul had finished, they had reversed positions. Paul’s thickly muscled thighs were spread wide, his dark balls tucked up tight against his body. His dusky hole, a thing Danny had never seen before, peeped out of from firm cheeks. Without conscious thought, Danny reached out to touch it before he remembered his place and snatched his hand back.

  “No, it’s okay,” Paul crooned. “That’s why I switched us around. I want you to touch me.” Paul paused and licked his lips. “I want you to fuck me.”

  “What?” The statement startled Danny so much, he couldn’t stop the question from popping out. Slaves didn’t say that word in particular to a free person, not like that, as if the guy had said something Danny disagreed with. But Paul wanted them to have a different relationship, a more equal one, so Danny supposed that meant he could ask any question he wanted. “Don’t you want to fuck me?”

  Paul rolled his eyes. “Always. Tonight, though, we’re going to change things up. For one thing, your hole has to be too sore for fucking after last night. Remember?” Danny tried not to squirm at the reminder. He was sore. “For another,” Paul continued. “After what you told me, I want you to experience what it’s like to be more in control.”

  Danny shook his head. “That’s not necessary, Paul. I promise, I’m fine.”

  “I believe you. I still want you to fuck me. I like bottoming every once in a while and I promise you’ll love sticking your dick in my hole. It feels fantastic.”

  The words coupled with the look on Paul’s face made Danny’s cock twitch with renewed excitement. He huffed out a puff of breath. “Okay. What should I do?”

  “The same things I do to you. Slick up your fingers and get me ready for your cock.”

  Danny’s heart pounded with excitement as he squirted a dollop of lube on the first two fingers of his right hand. He shifted his body closer to Paul’s and pressed just his forefinger against the puckered hole. He didn’t slide it in right away, though. Paul always teased him first with slow circles, so he did the same and received the reward of Paul’s flesh quivering under the attention. He waited until Paul canted his hips in a silent invitation before sliding his finger in slowly. It entered an amazing world of spongy warmth. Danny had never felt anything like it before, not having dared do it to himself.

  Paul moaned and squirmed while his weeping dick bobbed between his legs. Although a part of him wanted to tease his master and make the experience last, the more sensible part of his brain urged him to get a move on. Paul might not be as agreeable to being kept waiting. So, he inserted another finger, then crooked both of them to scratch at the itch his master had introduced him to. When the man’s moans and restless movements edged into more commands than wordless pleas, Danny pulled out his fingers and lined up his cock.

  He took his master, his lover, in one surging thrust that had him seated to the hilt. It was impossible to say who made the most noise. Both of them let out loud groans that morphed into not-so-muted cries. The sensation of having his cock gripped in the now-wet heat of a man’s body overwhelmed Danny. All he could do for long seconds was sit there and immerse himself in the new experience of claiming another person. With his eyes shut tight and his head thrown back, he focused his concentration on how his dick felt. It pulsed against the cocooning flesh. He could have stayed that way perhaps forever.

  “Damn it, baby, I need you to move.” Paul emphasized his words with a quick squeeze of his sphincter and buck of his hips.

  “Oh, God!” Danny couldn’t hold back the cry. The pleasure was too intense for him to remain still even if he’d wanted to defy his master.

  He began to thrust, tentatively at first, then faster. He picked up speed and soon slapped against Paul’s body with the same driving force he’d experienced on the bottom. He didn’t need to worry about how to go about fucking a man correctly. His body knew what to do, the rhythm set by a primitive sense. His fingers clutched Paul’s thighs, while he gnawed his lower lip with concentration. A shout followed by a strong squeeze of Danny’s cock sent his eyelids flying open in time to see ropes of cum spatter Paul’s chest. The man had a death grip on his own cock, milking himself through the orgasm.

  Danny had done that, made someone come by fucking him. Seeing it, feeling it, sent him over the edge, too. His cock swelled and spasmed within the greedy embrace of Paul’s ass. Danny’s eyes shut tight again and he let out a keening cry. His thrusts stuttered to an erratic pace until the last of the cum shot out. When it was over, he collapsed into Paul’s waiting arms. They wrapped around him, holding the two bodies tightly together. All the while, the master murmured loving words to his slave.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Ben, do you have a moment?”

  Paul jogged to catch up to the man, who walked ahead of him through the warehouse. A nagging sense of urgency and unease drove Paul to take the time to locate Ben instead of heading to his own worksite. Logic told him that there was no hurry in talking to Ben about Danny, yet that wasn’t the part of his brain running the show. Since he’d woken up with the boy in his arms and his ass a little sore from the vigorous fucking he’d received, worry had plagued him. He understood on some level that his mind hadn’t had a chance to process fully the awful truth Danny had shared with him. He hadn’t given either of them much of an opportunity to dwell on it, allowing them both to escape with sex. Now, in the light of day, the story haunted him, and he had a driving need to solidify his claim over the slave, to keep him safe.

  Ben had stopped and stood half turned in Paul’s direction. He smiled and stuck out his hand when Paul reached him. “Hey, good to see you again, and thanks for coming to the barbeque. You kind of saved my life, actually.”

  Paul chuckled as he shook hands, although he wasn’t sure what Ben meant. His confusion must have shown on his face because the other man elaborated.

  “But for you, I would have been stuck eating with only my father and McGill.” He made a face that expressed Paul’s feelings about the slimy friend of the family exactly.

  Paul rocked back on his heels and made himself relax and ease into the topic on his mind. “Yeah, that guy struck me as being pretty awful. I hated the way he treated his slave.”

  Ben’s face turned hard. “Poor kid. Looks like Vince is starving him, and that’s the least of his sins.” He shook his head. “Nothing to be done about it, I guess. Anyway, I’m glad you and Danny could make it. I know it meant the world to his mother to have him there.”

  “That’s good to hear. Danny really wanted to go and I had a good time, Vince McGill notwithstanding.” He almost said something about how his own family event turned out, then thought better of it. No sense in laying crap at Ben’s doorstep. Best to keep it to what the guy co
uld help with.

  “So, um, I know you must have tons of work to do after a long weekend. I know I do, but I wanted to just put a bug in your ear about something.”

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  Paul rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly nervous to ask for what he’d wanted. What would he do if Ben said no? Best to get it out. “I’d like to amend our lease to have Danny spend weeknights with me.”

  Ben’s expression slowly turned into a thoughtful frown. “Really? I have to say I’m surprised by that. I mean you’ve only leased the boy for a couple of weeks now. Even though Danny seems to be doing well, it’s kind of pre-mature to change the situation.”

  Paul’s guts quivered at the response. He pushed through, determined to get his way because Danny mattered too much to give up easily. “I hear you, except….” His voice trailed off, the right words not coming to him. “I want to keep him safe.” He couldn’t stop the sentence from blurting out of his mouth.

  Awkward seconds ticked by. Ben’s face worked through a variety of expressions before he said, “You don’t think he’s safe here?”

  Paul shuffled his feet. He was really making a hash out of this. He was afraid of saying something that would spill Danny’s secret. Whether Ben knew what his father had done or not, Paul just didn’t know the man well enough to trust him not to say anything to his father, putting Mary at risk.

  “I think he’s safe here. Of course, I do. It’s just that honestly? Hanging with McGill, hearing him talk about Oliver the way he did, it set my teeth on edge.” Okay, not bad, sort of the truth. “I bet it really bothers you that he had a chance to put his hands on your boy.” He could see by the look on Ben’s face that he’d hit a real nerve, so he pressed forward. “It’s silly, I know, but it makes me worried about Danny being out around other men. I’ll sleep better having him with me every night.” He shrugged, trying to look sheepish. “I’m a worrier. What can I say?”

  “He sleeps in the bunk above his father during the week, you know?”

  Paul nodded. “Yeah, I do know, but John’s a slave. He can’t keep his son safe like I can.”

  “The other slaves would never prey on Danny. They respect John too much, if for no other reason, and I’d like to think I run a tight enough ship around here that discipline is maintained.”

  Damn it, this conversation was going nowhere. Paul’s concerns made no sense to even him. Not surprising that Ben didn’t buy them, either. That gnawing unnamed fear forced Paul to forge ahead with the one argument that he thought would get through to Ben even though it was a lie.

  “I guess I’m not worried about here so much as what if Danny’s at your father’s house for some reason. What if McGill’s also there and gets it into his head that he can take something that hasn’t been offered to him?” Or, something that is offered to him because Paul didn’t put it past the older Tanner to do that. He just kept that thought to himself.

  Ben slapped his hands on his hips and looked away. Obviously, Paul had hit upon the right combination of words to make the other man at least mull over Paul’s concerns. “It’s possible that Danny might end up at the house during the week for one reason or another.” He sighed heavily and looked at Paul. “I guess it’s also possible that McGill or someone else might take advantage of Danny. I wouldn’t be there to protect him because I have my own place.”

  Paul forced his lips to turn up in a self-deprecating smile. “It’s a long-shot worry, I know.” He shook his head and shrugged. “Like I said, I’m a worrier and even though it’s been a short amount of time, Danny’s become very important to me.” He leaned toward Ben. “I’ll do anything to keep him safe. I won’t let anyone hurt him.”

  His gaze locked with Ben’s and they stood staring at each other for what seemed like forever. For his part, Paul tried to send a strong, if oblique, message. Before Ben broke the contact, Paul sensed he’d gotten through to the other man.

  “Okay, tell you what, I’ll have Oliver broach the subject with Danny. Like before, I won’t agree to it unless Danny wants it.”

  Paul tried to hide his relief, probably failing. “Great, thanks. I haven’t brought it up to him because I figured you’d ask him. I want his answer to be as genuine and free from pressure as possible with a slave.”

  “Good. I’ll text you later with his answer so you’ll know whether to come back tonight.” He paused and cocked his head. “You realize this is going to add a lot of travel for you every day.”

  “Yup,” Paul replied backing up. He really needed to get going. “The boy’s worth it.”

  That was the right answer. He saw it in Ben’s eyes. With a quick wave, Paul turned and walked away. He breathed a little easier knowing he’d have Danny under his roof every night—he had little doubt Danny would agree. The nagging worry didn’t disappear entirely. For that to happen, he’d have to have the slave with him twenty-four/seven. Maybe one day. Maybe one day soon that’s exactly how it would be. Until then, if the day ever came, he’d have to learn to not worry so much.

  Yeah, like that was going to happen.


  Exhausted and a little harried given how busy his day had been, Paul ripped his truck into the parking lot of Tanner Lumber and pulled up to the side door. Danny stood waiting for him as promised by Ben, but Paul’s nascent grin died when he saw that Fahey stood next to him. The boy hadn’t seen Paul pulling up because his gaze was firmly fixed on the ground in front of his feet. With his arms clasped behind his back and his torso curled forward in a desperate submissive pose, Danny silently screamed his misery. Fahey had his hands on his hips, a study of cocky arrogance. His lips moved, and although Paul couldn’t hear the words, he knew they weren’t anything his boy wanted or needed to hear.

  In a spurt of anger, Paul hit his truck horn even as he threw open his door to get out. Danny started at the loud sound. While Paul felt bad about scaring him, he also liked the quick smile the boy sent him when he saw who’d made the noise. Besides, Paul had managed to spook Fahey, too. The man shifted about a foot back from the slave, his face twisted up into a sneer as he watched Paul approach. Paul had never been the kind of guy to look for a fight or ever welcome one. Right at that moment, he kept his gaze on Fahey and let his feelings show through.

  He didn’t even look at his boy as he called out, “Danny, get in the truck.”

  “Yes, Master,” the slave replied, his feet already on the move.

  For once Paul didn’t mind the deferential honorific or the tone. He wanted Fahey to be reminded that Danny belonged to Paul. He marched right up to the other man and had the satisfaction of Fahey backing up a step before standing his ground with an even more pronounced sneer. A wasted effort. Since Danny’s revelations of his childhood abuse, Paul’s instinct to protect him gave Paul the courage of a superhero. He planted his feet inches from Fahey and leaned into his face.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing, but whatever it is, knock it the fuck off. Danny is my boy, bought and paid for, and I never was much one for sharing my toys.”

  He cringed inside at his own words. Talking about Danny as if he were an object was the complete opposite of how he felt, what he wanted. He knew a guy like Fahey, though, would only understand the situation in that one way. If Paul had any hope of warning the guy off, he had to lay it out in terms that made sense to him. A man like that saw himself as an alpha dog even though to Paul’s way of thinking, he was more like dog shit. Still, possessiveness, aggression and selfishness were traits the guy undoubtedly aspired to.

  Fahey shrugged and gave Paul a look of disgust. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I’m the supervisor around here and that slut of yours is part of my slave crew. If I talk to him, it’s about his shitty performance. He always was a useless little pussy and now that you’re drilling him regularly, he’s twice as useless. Thinks he’s some kind of princess now that he’s taking cock. You obviously spoil him.”

  The pressure inside Paul’s
head climbed to the bursting point. He so wanted to plant a fist in Fahey’s face. Fahey probably even wanted that. A fight on the premises wouldn’t endear Paul to Ben, perhaps jeopardizing the leasing program. That would put Danny right where Fahey wanted him. Maybe the supervisor wasn’t clever enough to plan that fast. Paul could, though, and he didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks. So, he bit back what he wanted to really say and matched Fahey’s expression.

  “Danny works with Fiorello, not you. If he’s got a beef with my boy’s performance, he can let me know himself. I can punish my boy if need be. I’m the only one who gets to touch him. That’s part of the lease.”

  Okay, total lie. The lease actually had a clause that said the opposite. Paul couldn’t administer punishment unless and until he cleared it with Ben first. A provision that Paul gladly agreed to because he would never lay an angry hand on the boy. There was no way Fahey would find that out, though, so he bluffed his way through. He didn’t even wait for the other man to respond. Paul just turned on his heel and marched back to the truck.

  Danny sat on his side of the cab, already buckled in. His head hung down, not rising even as Paul hopped in behind the wheel. Paul waited until he’d peeled out of the parking lot before saying anything.

  “What was that fucker, Fahey, saying to you?”

  “Nothing,” the boy said quickly and in a quiet voice.

  Paul groaned in frustration. “What have I said about lying, or at least downplaying the truth?” He hated being stern with the slave, but like the confession about Tanner he’d wrung out the night before, Paul needed to know what was going on.

  Danny hesitated only a second before responding. “I’m sorry. It’s just not very important, and I don’t want you to be mad.”


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