Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

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Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Page 90

by Colleen Gleason

  “That I did.” He released her and she dropped to the ground, gasping, dragging in blessed lungful’s of air. “Emily shall be free from any blood bond to me if you bring me the silver dragon’s heart.”

  Rubbing her throat, she looked up. “Why is it so important to you?”

  He scowled and for a moment she feared he’d squeeze her throat again, only this time never let go. But instead the wizard turned around and gazed at the distant trees. “The dragon is important to me. That is all you need to know. You are a dragon seeker. Now seek. When the full moon turns ripe and round, you are free to lie with Robert, and let him fill your belly with his seed. But unless you bring me the dragon’s beating heart, Emily remains a prisoner of her fate. She will be enslaved to me.”

  He glanced at the sky. “Two days following the next full moon, when she turns twenty-one.”

  And she will die. Em can’t handle the stress of slavery, not with her disability.Two days after I’m to mate with Robert. I’m running out of time. Aurora’s stomach clenched.

  With the wave of his hand, Cadeyrn vanished, but not before showering the nearby plants - and Aurora - with fat droplets of gray mist.

  “Thanks,” she muttered, brushing the water from her eyes.

  She heard a distant laugh and resisted the impulse to give the sky her middle finger.

  Robert would be looking for her, perhaps worried the Shadow Wizard had eaten her or destroyed her or turned her into a pile of ashes.

  She had to do everything in her power to please Robert, so he would not send her away. Not until she found the dragon. But how?

  You’re a dragon seeker. So seek.

  All those abilities had not been used in many years. Aurora stretched out her hands like a divining rod.

  She chanted a few words from her rusty memory, but nothing happened. Terrific. The wizard had changed her into a slave and turned off her dragon seeking powers. She still could use the weaker Mage magick and the spells she’d been taught, but would have to find the dragon the old-fashioned way - through using her wits.

  A cooling breeze rustled through the sun-dappled trees. Aurora shivered, rubbing her still-damp arms.

  She heard nearby voices, including the deep, smoky timbre of the pack alpha. Aurora walked toward them. Robert stood on the path with Susan.

  “You ok?” He touched her cheek, his gaze filled with concern. “What happened? Why are you all wet?”

  “Just Cadeyrn doing his usual service. Pissing all over his subjects.” She bit her lip, regretting the outburst, but he smiled.

  His smile dropped. “What did he want with you?”

  She quickly thought of a white lie. “To remind me of my duty, and why he gave me to you as a gift. He likes to remind his subjects of how helpless they are.”

  Robert growled, “He’s an ass.”

  Two lines dented Susan’s brow. “I know you’re probably shaken by your experience with the wizard, but I’ve been searching for you. I need help in the café with inventory before we open to the public tomorrow.”

  The café. Her heart sank. Far from the back fields where she needed to explore.

  “I, um.” Aurora rubbed her wet arms again. “I am pretty much shaken. The Shadow Wizard is pretty scary.”

  Disbelief touched the other woman’s face, along with the faintest scorn. “Not as intimidating as the Silver Wizard. Then again, you are a Mage with weak magick.”

  And just like that, all the respect she’d earned from Susan, all the praise, was erased by the Lupine’s contempt.

  Robert held up a hand. “Get Melanie to do it. It’s about time she learned the café end of the business. Aurora’s off duty this afternoon.”

  Susan stared at him. “But Robert…”

  “Do it!”

  Shaking her head, Susan left. Robert guided Aurora through the trees toward the back of the property. In a small clearing sat a wooden cottage. A hot spring, ringed by rock, bubbled to the home’s left side. Aurora glanced into the distance and her excitement grew. The ground sloped gently upward, rising about fifteen feet.

  “I didn’t know Florida had any hills,” she remarked, keeping her voice neutral. Or hot springs, like the type caused by a fire-breathing dragon living underground…

  Robert glanced in the direction of her pointing finger. His expression shuttered. “It’s artificial. Built many years ago.”

  “Oh? Why? For agricultural purposes?”

  “You might say. That area is off limits.”

  Aurora kept her expression innocent. “Swampland or poisonous animals?”

  “Something that could hurt you badly.” He picked up a strand of her wet hair and wrapped it around his finger. “I forbid it. That’s all you need to know.”

  Two wood tables and stacks of crates sat off to the cottage’s side. This looked like a place for packing and storing fruit. A bricked walkway led to the cottage and two stately coconut palms flanked the walkway.

  He stopped and bent down to pick up an injured bird, a blue jay. “Ah, shit.”

  She looked at the small bird flopping about in his large hands. It struggled to fly.

  “His wing’s broken.” Robert gently cradled the creature.

  “Can you fix it?”

  “Perhaps. But I need to find a box to keep him safe until I can bring him back to the lodge. Fetch one of those fruit crates for me.”

  She hurried back with the crate, the sweet scent of oranges teasing her nostrils, and set it on the ground. Robert lined the box with grass and leaves. Torment flickered in his gaze as he gently set the bird inside and then carried it to the table.

  “This has never happened before. All the wildlife on this land is… healthy. Come on inside. I’ll find him fresh water.”

  He unlocked the cottage and went inside. She followed.

  It was more of a guest house, with a sofa, table and chairs, a kitchen the size of a postage stamp with a narrow stove and range, and a small mini fridge.

  Robert headed for the kitchen and hunted through the cabinets. “There’s a bathroom inside the bedroom, if you need it.”

  “Oh I need it.” She touched her wet hair. “I need to rinse away the Shadow Wizard’s funk.”

  He found a small container and filled it with water, bringing it outside for the bird. When he returned, she stared out the back window.

  “Does anyone stay here? Seems a little far from the main grounds for a guest house.”

  His expression remained guarded. “It serves the purpose when we have to remain in the fields for a frost warning, to irrigate the palms and fruit trees. Go shower, and I’ll heat some cocoa for you. It’s getting chilly outside.”

  In the tiny shower, she scrubbed her body with ferocious energy, erasing any touch of the Shadow Wizard’s magick. When she stepped out, she saw that a clean white robe hung from a hook on the back of the door. Steam misted the air as she opened it and stepped out.

  Aurora snuggled into the fleece, relishing the warmth of the fabric. She didn’t like the coldness of the Shadow Wizard’s mist. It felt icy as death.

  Shoving her hands into the robe’s pockets, she examined the bedroom: serviceable, with a queen-sized bed and a dresser. Aurora opened drawers, to find nothing but neatly folded men’s clothing.

  There were no clues to the dragon’s whereabouts, or even to the truth of its existence. Aurora sighed and flopped onto the bed, fighting sleep. Verbal duels with Cadeyrn always left her drained.

  A creaking sounded as Robert opened the bedroom door. She lifted her head. “What?”

  “I got worried, thought you’d drowned.”

  Sitting up, she pushed a hand through her long hair. “Oh wow. I fell asleep. What time is it? I have to cook dinner…”

  He gently pushed her back onto the bed. “I got Melanie to cover for you.”

  Great. The bitch now had more reason to hate her. But for today, she would not care.

  “I put your wet clothes in the dryer. They’ll be ready soon.”

>   Her robe had gaped open, displaying the curve of her breast. Before she could draw the robe tight around herself, he noticed. Desire flared in his gaze, turning his eyes a deeper green.

  “Don’t cover yourself. You’re exquisite.”

  She’d been called many things. Stubborn, spoiled, impulsive. No one had ever called her exquisite before.

  He touched the corner of her mouth with his thumb. Robert then brought his thumb to his lips and licked it slowly, his intense gaze never leaving hers. Heat sizzled in the air. Her limbs felt loose and pliant, her nipples tight.

  Hot, heavy need surged within her. She wanted to feel him naked against her skin, feel those hard muscles rub against her body. Her fingertips ached with the need, the yearning to touch him, explore muscle and sinew.

  Never before had her need been this intense. She quivered, her lips parting. The air grew heavy with expectance, charged with sexual awareness. Robert stretched, and she watched his muscles flex with the movement.

  “There’s a hot spring outside. The weather is perfect for swimming,” he murmured. “Join me.”

  The collar felt tight around her neck, reminding her of the role she played. He could do with her whatever he pleased, and the wolf had a domineering streak. Aurora rose off the bed.

  Taking her hand, he led her out the back door. A brick patio overlooked an oblong spring, ringed with natural rock. Water gushed over falls wreathed by green plants. It was lovely, lush, and very tempting.

  Robert pulled off his shirt and let it drop to the ground. Then he unzipped his pants and then tugged at the waistband. In one swift move, he bared his body in all of its muscled glory.

  Her startled gaze met his heated one. Aurora glanced at the dark, curly hairs covering his sculpted chest, marching in a tempting line down his muscled abdomen.

  A warning rang through her mind. When they came together, he would be primitive and possessive. Images shot through her mind - the two of them naked, tangled together, their bodies sweat-slicked as they surrendered to the overpowering desire and made love. Her gaze shot downward, past the ridge of muscle at his lean hips, down to his long, taut legs and then up to…

  Straining upwards from the dark hair at his groin, his thick penis was erect. Moisture gathered between her legs, her sex pulsing in natural response, her nipples tingling and hardening.

  The harsh sounds of his breath twined with the gurgling of the waterfall. Robert approached the stone steps. Her hungry gaze riveted to the smooth muscles of his spectacular ass as he waded into the water.

  Robert ducked beneath the water and turned over, his smoldering, predatory gaze riveted to hers. He treaded water, watching her.

  “Come, Aurora.”

  Aurora’s heartbeat kicked into turbo-time as her breathing hitched. The space between her legs felt aching, her core pulsing in response to his naked body. She envisioned those strong hands holding her fast as his thick cock pushed deep inside her.

  He wanted her, and she wanted him equally. They had been thrown together by fate, and mating with him would fulfill her duty, but duty wouldn’t necessarily be unpleasant. Her desire sparked to life, as fierce as her need to live.

  Their joining would be intense, passionate, and blazing. It had been so long since anyone had held her close… had bothered to show her any affection.

  Even the touch of a man needing a woman would be better than the cold emptiness she felt inside.

  But she reminded herself that they would not make love. It would be only sex.

  Hot, steamy, deep thrusting, clawing sex. Sex that would leave her feeling empty and alone afterward. But it was better to push aside the aching loneliness, even for one night.

  Aurora dropped the robe. It fell to the ground like a wilted flower. She glanced at it and felt a shiver of premonition. My virginity?

  Wading into the water, she sighed at the delicious warmth. Aurora resisted the urge to cover her breasts, and watched Robert, noting the predatory heat in his gaze, feral as his wolf. Sand squished between her toes.

  She swam over to him in sure strokes and he caught her in his arms and kissed her. Aurora opened her mouth beneath his as his tongue slid into her mouth, stealing away her breath. His kiss was demanding and yet gentle. Then it became urgent, almost desperate.

  At last he pulled away, began to touch her.

  Symbolic and soothing, his actions roused her desire as he slid his hands over her arms, the slope of her neck. It was the wolf claiming his mate in the most basic of Lupine ways – through touch. Droplets clung to his thick hair, sparkled in his long, black lashes and the silver and black stubble on his face. Water cascaded down his strong, muscled neck, beaded in the black hair on his sculpted chest and slid lower.

  He looked sexy and intent, and it took her breath away. This wolf would become her first lover. Her mate.

  His heated gaze remained fixed to hers as he stroked her wet, glistening skin. Robert brushed sweet, tender kisses alongside her jaw. His hands cupped the rounded curve of her hips, pulling her tight against him.

  “Turn around,” he said, his voice thick.

  Aurora closed her eyes as he stood behind her, cupping her breasts and gently teasing the hardened nipples with gentle strokes of his thumbs. Massaging gently, he molded his body to hers, his erection rubbing against her bottom. Each languid stroke aroused her senses, chasing away every rational thought with sensual awareness.

  Taking the lobe of her ear between his teeth, he gently bit it.

  She moaned.

  “Good,” he murmured, flicking his fingers lazily over her nipples. “You have a deeply sensual nature. It will serve me well. And you.”

  His mouth went from her ear to her throat, nuzzling down to her bare collarbone. Then he moved in front of her and suckled her breasts, his tongue flicking over each crested peak, creating new, aching need inside her. Aurora sagged against him, pushing her hot skin against his questing mouth.

  More. More.

  Sensation speared her, so fresh and tantalizing. She, who had never experienced passion, felt desire or the tender touch of strong, skilled hands.

  Robert’s hands.

  He stroked a path down to her belly. He dipped a finger into her navel, then trailed his fingers down between her legs.

  He slid a finger between her slick folds as she gasped, her passage growing wet and ready for him. Then lifting her into his arms, he carried her over to the rock ledge and sat her upon it.

  Robert spread her legs apart. Suddenly shy, feeling the wanton sensuality replaced with apprehension, she resisted. He lifted a dark brow.

  “Someone will see us,” she whispered.

  A tender smile graced his handsome face. “No one will see us. Open your legs. I promise, I’ll make it good for you.”

  She drew back, remembering the feral wolf. Robert shook his head. “I will be gentle, Aurora. Trust me in this.”

  His deep, husky voice carried a note of sincerity. Soon, he would become her mate. Aurora parted her legs and watched as he lowered his head and put his mouth on her. Shock filled her, but she had no time for maidenly, bashful protests. The rush of pleasure he delivered as she felt the delicious roughness of his tongue delve between her slit, left her speechless. The roughness of his beard abraded her flesh, but each scrape only heightened her senses, a lick of pain followed by incredible pleasure.

  A nearly unbearable ache of pleasure filled her lower belly as he kissed and licked her. Water streamed down her body, mingling with her natural moisture. As she leaned back, moaning, Aurora splayed her hands against the rocks.

  Then he put a single finger inside her and she opened her legs wider, the pleasure too intense to bear.

  “So very tight,” he murmured, blowing a breath against her feminine folds. “I can’t wait to make you mine. All mine.”

  Aurora tightened her grip on the rocks as he pumped his finger in and out of her slick passage, imitating what he’d soon do with his penis. She squeezed hard around him, feeling the
incredible pressure build until she cried out and climaxed, gasping for air, feeling as if she were flying. Flying high, like a dragon riding the air.

  And that she would never descend.

  Aurora gulped down several breaths, aware of the pounding of her heart, the blood rushing through her veins. Air brushed against her overly sensitive skin. She lifted her head and looked at Robert, whose face was stamped with pure male satisfaction, even as he breathed heavily, as if he wanted more. He planted a tender kiss on her quivering thigh and helped her down. His nostril flared, and he seemed to be fighting his own desire.

  Aurora glanced down through the water and noticed his very impressive erection.

  But Robert made no move to have sex with her. Instead, he turned away.

  She thought he’d be rough and feral. Instead he’d been only gentle. And now she wanted to have sex with him. Wanted him badly.

  “Um. What about you?” she asked in a hesitant voice. “Do you want…”

  He turned with a rueful look. “Not until we are mated. I made a promise to save myself for the earth until then.”

  Odd. Save himself? But he did not clarify, only escorted her out of the spring.

  After they went inside and dried off, he fetched her clothing. His movements were brisk and businesslike.

  They left the cottage and Robert locked it. Then he went to the crate holding the injured bird. Surprise flared on his face as he gently lifted the bird into his hands. “His wing is healed.”

  “Healed? How?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Opening his palms, he released the blue jay, who squawked and flew into the woods. Then he stood and gave her a pensive look.

  “I’ll walk you back.”

  The cold remoteness of his deep voice chased away their earlier intimacy. Once more the alpha had returned, replacing the man.

  Aurora hugged herself, her stomach clenching with hard disappointment. The erotic pleasure he’d given her had drawn them closer together. Perhaps too close, for she’d nearly forgotten herself with each delicious stroke of his tongue, his touch upon her naked skin.

  In his strong arms, she could easily lose track of what was truly important. Lose herself, her very identity, become the meek, shadow mate of the pack alpha, longing only for his touch at night, the wicked pleasure he delivered in bed… pleasure’s slave. His slave. A willing one.


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