Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 5

by Vivien Vale

  Heat rushes through my body at the thought that I’m the reason Wyatt is behaving this way. I feel my face turn red as his lips form a smile. I can’t help but smile back.

  I wonder if he’s thinking what I’m thinking?

  I’ve never been so horny. I just might implode. I need to feel his hands on me, caressing my body, kissing me all over.

  I’d do my best to please him, make him come deep inside my pussy. I want to be his everything.

  His lover. His wife. The mother of his baby…


  I need to figure out how to get this man alone. Neither one of us can make a move with my damn family sniffing around.

  Jake takes a call and leaves the room. Now, I’m alone on the floor with my own dirty thoughts.

  I’ve got an idea!

  “Guys, we should build a fire outside and listen to music and watch the stars!” I suggest, directing the idea to my parents, who are visibly tired.

  My father replies just as I had hoped. “Honey, I think we’re going up and having showers soon.” He yawns. “And then we’re going to bed. It’s been a long day for your mother and me.”

  “Okay, Dad,” I let out, faking a frown.

  “Oh, Ruby, don’t do your pretty little face like that. We’ll have a fire tomorrow night,” my mother promises, kissing my forehead.

  I watch my father follow my mother upstairs. I don’t turn to Wyatt until they’ve disappeared from my sight.

  Wyatt and I are finally left alone in the living room.

  I just love when a plan works out.

  “I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I’m pretty good at starting fires,” Wyatt teases.

  I know you are. You’re the one responsible for the one that’s been burning my loins the last seven years.

  “Are you really?” I prod. I add drama to my fake shock by opening my eyes and mouth wide, simultaneously covering my cheeks with the palms of my hands.

  Wyatt walks slowly into my direction, and I take the opportunity to find his cock through his shorts.

  As if he knew what I’d been thinking, he stops walking when his cock is just a couple of inches from my face. This sends my fantasies into overdrive.

  I’ve got to find out how he tastes.

  He reaches his hand out to me. I grab it, and he pulls me to my feet with no effort at all.

  Our bodies press against each other for a quick second. It’s just long enough to convince me to find a way to make a move tonight.

  This could be the first night of forever.

  Once we’re outside, we gather branches for our fire. Wyatt is so strong, he doesn’t struggle with a single one.

  I’m trying not to drool, but I love watching the muscles flex throughout his body while he works. His thin t-shirt helps me see everything I need.

  I can’t stand to be around Wyatt for another minute without telling him how I feel.

  I put all my effort into walking as sexily as possible, like a Victoria’s Secret angel on the runway. Locking eyes with Wyatt and carelessly holding a branch to toss into the fire.

  I’m trying a sexy, outdoorsy thing.

  “Wyatt, I’m really glad you came on our vacation this year,” I start in a sultry tone.

  “Oh, really?” His deep blue eyes travel up and down my body. Confirmation he wants me as badly as I want him.

  “Yeah. I was thinking maybe we ca—”

  I don’t know if my shriek was more from surprise, pain, or embarrassment. My life is over, regardless.

  I fell in the middle of my sexy walk, landing on the branch I was carrying. Now I’m on my knees, staring at a big ass gash in my palm.


  I run to my room for some bandages before I start to cry. Wyatt follows behind me. It doesn’t take long for him to catch up.

  My hand and knees hurt like hell. I’m embarrassed as fuck…I just can’t believe this.

  I pull out some bandages with my good hand and starting to wrap them around the one I cut open.

  “Ruby, you can’t just cover it up right away. Here, let me help you.”

  Wyatt leads to me to the powder room to properly clean my hand. First with soap and water, then with alcohol.

  I wince at the burning and bite hard onto my lip.

  “It’s a bitch, I know. I’m sorry,” he says gently.

  My mortification won’t allow me to speak or look him in the eye. I just stare at my hand while Wyatt fixes it up. A skill I’m sure he learned in SEAL training.

  How am I still so turned on? Through the pain and embarrassment, I still want to get him naked.

  Wyatt truly impresses me every time we interact. Especially now, when he knows exactly what to do. I’m hypnotize by him flawlessly stopping the bleeding and bandaging my hand up.

  “I’m so fucking clumsy,” I admit, embarrassed. “Thanks.” I look up into his eyes with a new sense of love for him.

  “No problem. Now, let me finish getting the fire together, and we can just hang out.” There’s no negotiation in his tone, and I’m fine with it.

  I’m pretty sure the rest of the house is asleep while Wyatt and I sit closely together, watching the flames dance in front of us. Neither one of us says much, but this is one of those comfortable silences. Like we’d been dating for years.

  We fill the silences with stories about our dates that never worked out, memories from old vacations, gossip and random facts about ourselves. I’ve come to realize that, although Wyatt and I had spent tons of time together, this was our first time really talking.

  And we continue doing just that until we’re ready for bed. God, it seems like we have just so much natural attraction to one another.

  Everything he talks about is interesting, from his continued interest in hot rods to his gym routine. It all just keeps getting me hotter and hotter for him.

  I notice he’s rubbing his eyes and petting Rowdy very softly. It’s bed time.

  “Well, don’t let me keep you up,” I say. “We have a long hike tomorrow.”

  “No, I’m fine,” he lies, trying to cover up a yawn. What a man thing to do.

  “Oh, come on,” I start. “Well, if you’re not tired, I’m unfortunately going to have to leave you awake by yourself. I’m exhausted.”

  “Alright, you caught me,” he finally admits. He grabs a bucket and puts the fire out, and we walk inside together. As we step through the door, his fingers graze my back, and I squeal on the inside.

  He walks me upstairs, and we part ways to our rooms.

  “Good night,” we each say practically at the same time, our tones even matching one another.

  After exchanging our pleasantries, I go into my room and lock the door behind me. I dive into my fluffy queen-size bed and scream into a pillow, giddy like a schoolgirl.

  I can’t believe the night Wyatt and I just had. It felt like a dream come true.

  I curl up with my favorite book of the moment, my old weathered journal. I read stories about Wyatt and me with a huge, cheesy smile on my face.

  With every page I turn, I know I’m closer to having him for myself.

  I picture how intense it would be if Wyatt was in my room right now. If he knew what I had been reading and feeling.

  I visualize his warm, wet tongue circling my nipples, slowly working his way down my body. He takes his time reaching my pussy. And when he gets there, he stays.

  As I think hard about what his hair looks like from the top of his head, my eyelids flutter, and I blissfully fall asleep.

  Chapter 11


  These fucking anxiety-inducing full blown episodes have made it so I’ve barely fucking slept all night. How am I supposed to keep up with Jake and his challenges without any sleep?

  Naturally, I have to win every fucking competition. Not just for the sake of beating him, but also because Ruby is paying attention. I’m not going down while she’s watching.

  Rowdy curls into himself at my feet. He nestles in, making sure h
e’s comfortable and that I’m okay.

  “Yeah, boy. I’m fine,” I say, reaching down and patting him on the head. “Good boy.”

  He's such a good dog. I'm happy to have him for my own emotional support; he’s helped me through so much.

  I only wish I had a person that I could confide in. Someone that could talk back. Someone like Ruby, if that's even possible.

  It’s eight in the morning now. I’m sitting in a brown leather recliner in the living room. If I look out the window beside me, I see the mountains, the sun still climbing them to reach the apex of the sky. What a beautiful sight!

  I’ve always loved this part of the cabin. It’s where I bonded the most with Jake’s family. We’ve always had some good times here. And I have such good fucking memories, ones I’ll never forget for the rest of my life.

  Especially the ones with Ruby. God, I always spent so much time trying to impress her, but honestly, probably not enough talking to her. But I can fix that on this trip. Ruby will have my attention today.

  Rowdy shifts, his back touching my feet. It’s kind of funny, he always has to touch me when I’m sitting or lying down. It’s one thing I’ve learned since I got him. It’s like he knows he’s protecting me, or that we’re protecting each other even. This dog is my ride-or-die.

  I sip on a glass of Maker’s Mark. Men don’t need a special time of day to call ‘drink time’. That shit is just fucking stupid. I don’t give a fuck what time of day it is. If I’m thirsty for some damn whiskey, then I’m drinking it.

  Much to my benefit, I’m not having to share it with Jake right now. He’s asleep. Well, actually, everyone else is still sleeping. I’m glad.

  It gives me time to think. Think of Ruby and how fucking hot she’s become. Think of that little black journal I saw in her room last night.

  Where in the hell have I seen it before? That broken spine, the cracking leather...I know she must have had it forever. I keep pressing myself to think when I’d last seen it...

  Shit. That’s it.

  I remember now. Years ago, when we were younger, Ruby always brought a journal every time we camped up here.

  She would sit and write in it while Jake and I played basketball or whatever sport it was at the time. We played a few different ones, so our free time depended upon what season it was.

  Ruby sure paid attention to Jake and me when we were playing. I had always silently hoped she was using her journal writing as an excuse to sit outside and watch.

  I have no fucking idea what she wrote that much about and what she was so focused on while she did. Shit, she sure could write. It’s like she never put the pen down. I’m amazed there was still room in the thing by the end of vacation.

  I sure as hell would love to know what was in that thing. Maybe it would give me an edge when I try to talk to her. I want to know Ruby better than I ever have.

  And what better way than peeking into her most intimate thoughts?

  Fuck. I can’t do that. It’d be a total breach of trust.

  But it’s not like she hides it. We all know it’s there. She’s never stopped anyone from picking it up, but then again, no one had ever tried.

  And besides, it could be nothing or it could be some bullshit about stuff at school or a poem, or who the hell knows. It could be so obscure, it wouldn’t even help.

  But, on the flipside, it could be nothing but the best of Ruby’s brain.

  Heh, maybe it has mentions of me. I’d love to know some of that.

  No matter what’s in it, I’ve gotta know.

  Growing up, Jake and I gave her hell all the time. I don’t know about Jake, but I never meant anything by it. I kind of just did because Jake was, and I needed a way to say something, anything, to her.

  What dumb fucking teenager logic. Yeah, pick on her. That’ll land her. What the hell?

  Even though at the time she wasn’t the fucking sexy woman she is now, I’ve always felt something for her. She wasn’t like any of the other girls in school. There was just something about her.

  I’m pretty fucking sure she had feelings for me back then, too. I can’t be sure, but by the way she followed outside every chance she could, I’m pretty fucking sure I’m right.

  She could have done anything else. Why in the hell would you sit outside and watch two teen boys, your own brother and his best friend, get all fucking sweaty playing basketball? It’s not like she was out there for Jake.

  There had to be something there.

  Of course, she’s my best friend’s sister. I would have caught hell back then if I had tried to date her. Guys just didn’t date their best friend’s sister.

  So, I steered clear back then.

  But, honestly, now times are different. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks. My wariness of how Jake feels about it dwindles more with each passing hour.

  Shit. She’s so fucking beautiful now.

  I picture her in my head. I haven’t stopped thinking about her since yesterday, after seeing her for the first time in several years.

  Fuck. What would I even be to her? I’m a goddamn mess.

  I am so fucked up after serving time. I mean I was medically discharged by the military. Who in the hell wants to be with someone who fucked up so much the Navy kicked him out?

  I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be with a guy like me. I’m a fucking monster. I don’t deserve anything good—most especially a woman like Ruby.

  And she deserves so much better than me. Shit, she works in a lawyer’s office. She has bigger and better things ahead of her.

  That’s no place for me to be. I’m not in her fucking league.

  I shouldn’t even be trying to win her over. In a logical perspective, it’s not worth the stress.

  I’m already fucking stressed over everything else in my life. I sure as hell don’t need to add anything else. But I want her.

  I lay my head back against the head rest on the chair and close my eyes. I try to force reason and logic to throw out the desire for a relationship with Ruby out of my head.

  She’s only my best friend’s sister. I have to fucking accept that. It’s the only way I can have her in my life.

  But that smile…those cheeks…that beautiful head of red hair…her soft, kissable lips.

  I’m failing.

  I just hope I don’t fuck up this weekend for any of us. I need this time away from home. I need the peaceful mountains to clear my head the best I can. I know I’ll have to face reality again, but for a few days, I can try and relax.

  Try and relax in the same thought? That’s a fucking laugh.

  I sit there in silence. Eyes still closed.

  Rowdy stirs at my feet and wakes me up. I down the rest of the whiskey in my glass.

  Chapter 12


  Sunlight filters through my curtains, a gleaming trail washing over my still shut eyes. I groan in annoyance.

  Do I really have to go to work?

  Maybe I’ll just stay in bed. I could sleep in late, ignore my phone calls. Who needs a job, anyway?

  My sleep-addled mind turns the idea over relentlessly, like it does most mornings.

  As usual, I finally decide against it. For some reason, I’m just hell bent on keeping a roof over my head.

  Go figure.

  I open my eyes slowly, instantly feeling confusion wash over me.

  It takes a long moment before I’m awake enough to put it all together.

  Right, I actually don’t have to go to work today!

  I’m on vacation. Back up at my family’s lake house with Mom, Dad, and Jake.

  And—I sit up in a hurry.


  Something solid falls into my lap the moment I’m upright, and I glance down to find my journal, still open to the last page I was reading.

  Must have fallen asleep mid-sentence then.

  Hell of a bedtime story.

  I lay back down, smiling now at the thought of Wyatt.

  How could I forget?

  The very notion that he’s somewhere in this house with me makes my skin tingle with delight.

  I sigh contently, rolling over to grab my phone from the nightstand.

  The moment the screen unlocks, the smile falls from my face.

  Four messages from Fentress.

  Of course, even on vacation, I can’t seem to get away from that guy.

  I click the icon, groaning as I read the text:

  Can’t wait to get those pictures!

  Then, two hours later:

  Well, this is disappointing. I was looking forward to those, Ruby. Now, you’ve made me a bit upset.

  I roll my eyes, scrolling further down:

  Well, I guess I’ll just be going to bed without them. Very disappointing.

  And finally:

  You and I are going to have a conversation about this when you get back.

  I toss the phone down gently beside me, regretting even reading the messages.

  What kind of asshole even does that?

  Well, one thing’s for sure, I will most definitely not be responding.

  I might have to deal with Fentress when I get home, not to mention five days of every week, but I sure as fuck don’t have to deal with him on my vacation.

  I push the texts and all the baggage that accompanies them to the back of my mind, refusing to dwell on it further.

  Today is not about Mr. Fentress, it’s about me.

  And, hopefully, Wyatt.

  The thought brings the smile quickly back to my lips.

  After some of the glances exchanged yesterday, I’m actually feeling pretty hopeful about this situation.

  This might just work out.

  Though not if I stay in bed all day, I think, sitting up with a sigh.

  What I need now is a shower, clean clothes, and a strong cup of coffee.

  I stand and cross to my dresser, rifling through the drawers until I find something causal enough to look effortless, and sexy enough to catch Wyatt’s eye.

  My very tightest jeans and a top just low cut enough to be appropriate.

  Grinning, I turn and head for the bathroom.


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