Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 7

by Vivien Vale


  “Hey, Ruby.”

  The moment my eyes land on him, I’m turned on all over again. My pussy is aching at the sight.

  He looks me up and down quickly, a small smile tugging on his lips. His dirty blonde hair seems to glow in the dim lighting. His blue eyes lock onto mine with that familiar piercing sensation.

  As cheesy as it sounds, I could get lost in those fucking eyes. They seem to pull me in whenever I meet them, drawing me even harder towards him.

  I feel myself getting wet from his gaze alone, heat rushing through every inch of my skin.

  I don’t even understand how it’s possible. No other man has ever had anywhere near this strong effect on me. Still, I find eyes raking hungrily across him, my hands itching to reach out and touch his hardened body.

  “All ready?” he asks, pulling me from my very graphic thoughts.

  “I—yeah. All set. How about you?”

  He lifts a duffel bag up for my inspection, which I take to mean he is.

  “It’s a good day for a hike. Nice and sunny,” he says.

  I have to bite my tongue to hold in the laugh that threatens to burst from me. A minute ago, I was coming at the thought of him, fantasizing about the way his massive cock would feel pressing into me. Now, we’re talking about the weather.

  “Yeah, beautiful,” I say, noticing the strain in my own voice.

  His eyebrows rise in a way that suggests he notices as well but thankfully he doesn’t question me.

  “Do you hike often?” he asks, still looking at me oddly.

  “Not really. Only on these trips. You?”

  He shakes his head. “Nah, I’ve pretty much had enough hiking to last me a lifetime.”

  “In training, you mean?”

  He nods, his eyes taking on an odd, distant gleam.

  I think to question it, but decide it’s probably none of my business.

  “Oh, I wanted to ask,” he says, “how’s your hand doing?”

  It takes me a second to remember. Honestly, it hurts, but I’ve been so busy thinking about him I hardly had time to notice it. I don’t tell him that though. Obviously.

  Instead, I hold my bandaged hand up between us, rotating it as if for inspection. He follows my movement, smiling reassuringly.

  “Much better, thank you.”

  “Oh, it was nothing. No problem at all.”

  “Still, I appreciate it.”

  He smiles, nodding at me in response.

  “You’re sure it doesn’t hurt?”



  The word hangs between us for a moment, silence following in its wake. I take the opportunity to just stare at him again, taking in the breathtaking sight.

  “Well, I’ll see you downstairs then,” he finally says, looking at me with that questioning glance.

  “Perfect, yeah. I’ll see you there.”

  He chuckles lightly as he turns away from me. The broad expanse of his back quickly disappears down the stairs.

  I stand still for a long moment, staring at the direction he left even after he’s out of my sight.

  My skin is practically vibrating, my heart beating hard from my recent proximity to him. Again, I can’t help but fantasize. Again, I imagine his hands roving across the length of me.

  I can’t seem to be able to help myself. Not around him.

  It takes me a couple more minutes to calm myself, and even then I’m still half thrumming with desire. There’s nothing to be done about that though, I couldn’t stop it even if I wanted to.

  I take a deep breath, trying and failing to steady my racing heart before I head down the stairs.

  Chapter 16


  Twigs snap loudly underfoot as I glide up the hiking trail, finding it even easier than I remembered, despite the labored breath I hear around me.

  After being in the SEALs, not much comes as a struggle physically, I guess that’s one thing to be grateful for.

  I try to control my stride, slowing my usual brisk pace so as not to get too far ahead of everyone else. It’s difficult, since this is pretty much a walk in the park for me, but I manage to stay close enough.

  Just behind my right side is Ruby, trudging with deliberate footsteps as the incline increases. I turn my head, skimming my eyes over her in a way that I hope isn’t too obvious.

  There’s something going on with her.

  Ever since we picked her up from work, she’s been acting strangely. Different from the girl I remember. Now I know that could easily just be the passage of time, she could just be different now…I certainly am.

  Somehow though, I doubt it.

  I turn back to the trail ahead, wondering at the cause of the far-off look in her eyes, of the odd smiles that she occasionally throws my way.

  I wonder if it has anything to do with me. After reading her journals, I’d have to be a fool not to think so. For the umpteenth time, I find myself wondering, were those just the words of a teenage girl with a crush or something more?

  I’m still hoping for something more.

  “Are you okay back there?” I ask, throwing the question over my shoulder with a smirk.

  She huffs in response, blowing her fiery red hair from the front of her eyes. “Never better. Just enjoying the scenery.”

  I can’t stop the laugh that bubbles from my lips.


  I hear her picking up the pace, her crunching footfalls quickly approaching me. She materializes at my side a moment later, her eyes burning with challenge.

  “How about you?” she asks, “You’re not exactly moving like Speedy Gonzales.”

  I laugh again, shooting her an incredulous look. “I’m just trying not to leave you in the dust.”

  She laughs, her eyes falling downward to focus on her footing. “Good excuse.”

  “You think I’m kidding.”

  “I think you’re lying,” she says, finally looking up to flash one of her breathtaking smiles at me.

  I feel a grin pulling at my own lips in response. “Wanna put that theory to the test?”

  “How so?”

  “Well, a race, of course. I bet I can beat you to the next checkpoint, no problem.”

  That look of challenge flashes back across her face. Her lips pull back in a devious grin.

  “You’re on.”

  “Alright,” I say, coming to a halt. “Count of three.”

  She nods.


  We take off as one. Our shoes kick up clouds of dust that hover in our wake. I hear a delighted chuckle escape her as we go, her eyes tearing over to me inquiringly.

  I wasn’t kidding when I said this trail was easy. Even running it is damn near laughable. My legs eat up the distance easily, my breath still coming slow and steady.

  I start to pull ahead almost immediately but hesitate. Without even thinking, I slow my pace, keeping myself planted firmly at Ruby’s side.

  She glances over at me repeatedly, gauging my stride with those fucking gorgeous eyes of hers.

  “Fuck, Wyatt,” she finally says, her breaths coming in gasps, “and here I thought I was supposed to be left in the dust.”

  I chuckle. “We’re not finished yet.”

  She scoffs, putting more effort into her sprint. I match her new pace easily, feeling more like I’m strolling through a park than running up a mountain.

  I can’t seem to stop my eyes from going over to her, running over the length of her perfect body. Those long legs. That smile and, not to mention, those tits.

  I position my gaze forward, trying not to stare too long at her bouncing chest. Despite my best efforts though, I can’t exactly unsee them. My cock’s already getting hard in my pants.

  My hands itch to touch her.

  “Maybe I should have been a SEAL,” she jokes, “‘cause if this is your best, then it’s probably a cake walk.”

  Usually even the mention of the SEALs starts my mind racing, but
coming from her mouth, it feels like just another word. Harmless and simple.

  “You wouldn’t last a day,” I throw back, turning yet again to look at her.

  Her face is getting flushed. Her chest heaves.

  I smile wickedly, picking up speed just the barest notch, wanting to challenge her.

  She follows suit, her legs moving desperately to match my own.

  “Getting tired?” I ask, hearing her gasps more loudly now.

  “Not even a little.”

  “Fuck, you’re full of it.”

  She shoots a glare in my direction but doesn’t respond further. My guess is that she probably can’t.

  It would be so easy now to just pull ahead, to actually leave her struggling in a cloud of dust. I chuckle at the mental image that the thought brings to mind, but keep my restrained speed.

  Sure, it would be fun to take off now; show her what a man like me can really do. But watching her run beside me, eyes sparkling in determination, is much more entertaining.

  She throws a smile in my direction, radiating confidence as we continue to glide side by side up the trail. Our strides sync perfectly together.

  I feel a thrill run through me at the situation, at the sight of her.

  All semblance of the gangly teenage girl I once knew is gone, erased perfectly in this moment. I stare in wonder at the gorgeous woman at my side, skin glowing, eyes shining, her red hair streaming behind her in a blaze.

  Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

  Any awkwardness that’s been between us the last day vanishes as she runs, so confident and determined that I can’t even imagine taking this victory from her.

  I slow my pace incrementally, wanting her to win without knowing that I let her.

  She pulls quickly ahead, throwing another gorgeous smile over her shoulder at me as she goes.

  The last thing in the world that I want right now is to erase that smile by winning. I force an exasperated expression on my face, heaving air in my best imitation of exhaustion.

  It’s been so long since I’ve actually felt physically tired, I can only hope that I remember the signs right. Her echoing laugh as she turns her head back to the trail implies that I have. I smile, continuing my reduced speed. Ruby deserves a win.

  Besides, getting to see her from this new angle is victory enough.

  Chapter 17


  Ruby reaches the end of the trail moments ahead of me, spinning quickly around with a look of pure joy etched across her face.

  She raises her arms in triumph, beaming at me as I come to a stop before her.

  “Told you,” she forces between gasps of air. “Leave me in the dust my ass.”

  I laugh, leaning over to rest my hands on my knees to feign exhaustion.

  “Alright,” I say. “You got me this time.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll get you the next time, too.”

  “You think so, huh?”

  “I know so.”

  I just shake my head, standing upright again to take a look around. The best part of this trail is the end—a split path that winds slowly down towards the lake. If you time it right, as we have, you can arrive at the perfect time for sunset.

  It’s a beautiful sight really, an image burned into my mind from my many summers spent here. I look again at it now, seeing Ruby turn to also take in the view.

  I stare at the large expanse of water, the newly dipping sun painting its surface in reds and oranges that seem to glow with energy.

  I remember my first time laying eyes on it, all those years ago. It damn near took my breath away.

  Today though, I can’t seem to keep my eyes from straying away from it, pulling repeatedly to Ruby who is now standing at my side.

  It’s funny how things change.

  I try to keep my eyes pinned to the view we’ve all come to see, but it’s a fucking losing battle. As if magnetic, they rove continuously back to Ruby. Her red hair shines even more brightly than the setting sun.

  The orange glow of the water seems to reflect from her skin, bathing her in golden tones that make her look more like a Goddess than a woman. Her eyes burn brightly, shining as she stares longingly towards the sunset.

  She’s fucking breathtaking. Even more beautiful than the view we’ve come so far to take in.

  She turns suddenly towards me, her full lips pulling back in an inviting smile that makes my heart lurch in my chest.

  “As pretty as you remembered?”

  Obviously, she means the lake, but my thoughts are somewhere else entirely. Without intending to, I take a step closer to her. My eyes locking magnetically into hers.

  “Even more so. Gorgeous, really.”

  Her breath seems to hitch in her throat at my words. Her chest heaves noticeably. I know I’m being very obvious here, but I can’t seem to find it in me to care.

  Seeing her here, fucking shining at me like a beacon, has apparently put an end to my doubts. I can’t seem to look away from her.

  She smiles shyly before taking her lip between her teeth, biting softly at the sensitive flesh.

  The sight makes me instantly hard. My cock starts to strain against my pants even as my heart picks up speed in my chest.

  It takes all I can not to reach out and pull her against me, to take her lip between my own teeth and see what she tastes like. I picture my hands tearing the clothes easily from her body, my mouth thoroughly exploring every perfect inch of her.


  “What the fuck was that?” Jake's voice breaks in suddenly, cleanly severing my words.

  I suppress the growl that threatens to erupt from me, managing to keep it to a subtle groan.

  I turn to find him walking quickly towards us, his trademark grin on his face.

  “What was what?” I ask

  “That race! How the fuck did Ruby manage to beat you? She can’t run to save her life.”

  “Hey!” she says defensively.

  I force a chuckle through my lips. “Guess I’m just off my game then.”

  “Um—I’ll say. That was fucking awful man. Just embarrassing.”

  Ruby giggles beside me. “Yeah, it was pretty bad, Wyatt. I guess you’re just no match for me.”

  I throw my hands up in mock frustration. “It was a fluke, I assure you.”

  “Sure,” she says.

  Her tone has changed significantly since her brother appeared, now sounding effortlessly casual. Though her eyes are another matter entirely. She looks intensely at me as she talks, unspoken thoughts seeming to pour between us.

  I only wish I could decide exactly what they are.

  “That’s it,” Jake says. “You and me, Wyatt. Let’s see how much of a fluke it was.”

  This time my laugh is genuine. “You wanna race me Jake?”

  “Fuck yeah, I do.”

  “You know I’m just gonna kick your ass. You’ve never been able to beat me.”

  He stands straighter, pushing his chest out dramatically and grinning like an idiot. “Yeah, well that was before you lost to Ruby of all people. Bet I can take you easily now.”

  “Ah, I don’t know about that.”

  “Well, let’s find out,” he says, gesturing back towards the trail.

  “Alright. But I’m warning you, I’m feeling a second wind.”

  He laughs, slapping me once in the back as we turn back toward the direction we came from.

  “You sure you don’t need a longer break?” he jokes. “Or maybe to ask Ruby for some pointers. Maybe it’d help.”

  “Very funny.”

  “No really,” he says with mock sincerity. “I can wait. I mean, it’s only fair you get a little help from the master.”

  “You done?” I ask, raising an eyebrow to the sound of Ruby’s giggles.

  “Oh, I’m just getting started.”

  I ignore him, turning pointedly back to Ruby. “Count us off?”

  She nods. “Sure. One…two…three!”

  I don’t hold back this t
ime. I let my legs fly freely ahead, the loud snapping of undergrowth meeting my ears immediately.

  Despite what I said earlier, Jake’s actually pretty quick when he wants to be. It’s nice to have somewhat of a challenge.

  We zip quickly down the trail, feet pounding loudly as we run neck and neck.

  The tree line blurs immediately beside me, the trail winding steeply downward now that we’ve turned around.

  The sun, now almost fully set, has bathed the woods in a deep red glow, painting the leaves and brush in a bloody tinge. Dust clouds float freely around us, colored by the setting sun.

  I hardly notice any of it though. My thoughts are firmly rooted elsewhere.

  I surge quickly forward, hopping over the occasional root or stone that might trip us up, skating around things too big to jump. I’m pretty much moving on autopilot at this point.

  In my head, I see nothing but Ruby; eyes burning into me, teeth clamped firmly around her full lip.

  I try to calm my throbbing cock with little success. I just can’t seem to help myself. I picture her face the entire run back down the hill.

  Chapter 18


  I watch the guys tear quickly down the trail, Wyatt’s broad back rippling beneath his shirt, his muscles straining against the fabric. He draws my gaze right up until they’re out of sight, my eyes clinging desperately to him.

  I stand still, waiting until I’m sure they’re out of earshot before losing a growl of frustration. Leave it to Jake to show up and ruin a perfectly good moment.

  Even if I had tried, I couldn’t have orchestrated a more perfect place for a conversation between us. The setting sun, the memories lying just at the back of our minds…it would have been great.

  Of course, my brother would pop up at exactly the wrong time.

  I run my fingers briskly through my hair, replaying the encounter in my mind as I begin to walk.

  What was he going to say?

  Ruby, I want you?

  Ruby, I love you?

  I scoff at my own hopeful thoughts, rolling my eyes as I stomp back down the trail.

  Whatever he was going to say, the moment has passed. I hope not permanently, but who’s to say?

  Maybe I’m just reading too much into it anyways, projecting my desires onto an innocent moment between friends. It’s possible.


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