The Victorians

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The Victorians Page 85

by A. N. Wilson

Agnew, Joan (later Severn), 326


  crops, 72

  economic state of, 71–2, 427–30

  effect of summer of 1845, 72–3

  labourers, 72, 79, 429, 573

  see also Corn Laws; Ireland; livestock; potato blight

  Ahmed, Mohammed see Mahdi, the

  Ahmed, Rafuddin, 506

  Ailesbury, George William Thomas Brudenell-Bruce, 4th Marquess of, 381

  Ainsworth, William Harrison, 19, 69, 323

  Airey, General Richard, Baron, 182

  Akhbar Khan, 124

  Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII; ‘Bertie’)

  adulteries, 503–4, 582

  attends Devonshires’ ball, 585

  character, 241, 273–4

  education, 273

  family life and relations, 240, 242

  influence on Victoria, 57

  in Ireland, 242

  marriage, 240, 273, 305

  in Mordaunt divorce case, 360

  overseas tours, 274–5

  sympathy for Jews, 412

  Thanksgiving service for recovery of, 360

  Victoria on, 274

  and Victoria’s death, 615–16

  visits India, 391

  and Wagner, 412

  Albert, Prince Consort

  accomplishments, 183, 349–50

  allowance, 55–6

  background, 54–6

  character and qualities, 54–7, 183, 237, 240

  decline and death, 236, 242–4

  European influence, 237–40, 350

  family life and relations, 240–2, 274

  and Great Exhibition, 128, 130, 137, 139, 143, 145

  horsemanship, 183

  influence on Victoria, 57

  involvement in Asia, 237–8

  in later years, 236–7

  marriage, 54–5, 57, 168, 236

  and monarchy, 147

  as non-smoker, 199

  and Palmerston’s resignation, 146

  paternity questioned, 54–5

  portrayed, 145

  urges moderation on Middle East policy, 174

  and Victoria’s behaviour, 241–2, 506

  visits Napoleon III, 199

  Albion Colliery disaster, Cilfynnid (1894), 581–2

  Albion Terrace, Wandsworth: drinking water investgation, 156–7


  and poverty, 365

  tax on, 478

  Alcott, Louisa May, 263

  Alcott, William A., 198

  Alexander II, Tsar, 187, 416–17

  Alexandra, Princess of Wales (later Queen), 178, 240, 273, 391

  Ali, Hourmet, 506

  Ali Khan, Wajir, 204

  Ali, Mrs Meer Hasan, 215

  Alice, Princess, 240, 243, 255, 504

  Allenby, Lieut.-Colonel (later Field Marshal Viscount) Edmund Henry Hynman, 612

  Alleyn’s School, Dulwich, 281

  Allingham, William, 323

  Alsace-Lorraine, 345–6

  Althorp, John Charles Spencer, Viscount (later 3rd Earl Spencer), 39

  Amalgamated Society of Watermen and Lightermen, 515

  American Civil War (1861–65), 247, 250–4, 256, 258, 268–9, 298, 338, 346

  see also United States of America

  Amritsar massacre (1919), 220, 501

  anarchists, 445, 447

  Andersen, Hans Christian, 263, 330

  Anderson, Elizabeth see Garrett, Elizabeth

  Anderson, George Skelton, 312

  Andrássy, Julius, Count, 393–4

  Anglican Church in Ireland, 361

  animal magnetism see Mesmerism

  Annual Register, 339

  Anti-Corn Law League, 71

  anti-Semitism, 402–3, 411–12

  see also Disraeli, Benjamin

  Apostles (society), 49

  Aquinas, St Thomas, 229, 541

  Arabi Pasha, Colonel, 465–6, 470

  Archer, Scott, 200

  Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of, 354


  adaptability, 583

  in army, 193–4, 355–9

  childhood in, 260

  and class system, 59–61

  and Crimean War, 191–3

  and Darwinian competition, 256–7

  Disraeli on, 381

  eccentricities, 381–2

  English views of, 191–2, 427

  exclusiveness, 274

  in government, 39, 385

  marriage and admissions to, 260, 482

  and monarchy, 65

  in Parliament, 385, 481–2, 585

  and Reform Bill, 313

  and religion, 67

  strength of, 331, 333, 384, 573–4, 585

  transformations to, 583

  see also class (social); squirearchy

  Arkwright, Richard, 249

  armaments, 352–3, 384, 608

  Armenia, 187

  Armstrong, Eliza see Stead, William Thomas

  Armstrong, Sir William (later Baron), 384, 494, 608


  composition, 193

  evangelical officers in, 202

  incompetence in, 608

  officers, 599

  purchase system in, 355, 357–9

  reforms, 354–9, 466

  strength and resources, 351, 354

  and unemployment demonstrations, 509

  Army Enlistment Act (1870), 356

  Army Regulation Act (1871), 356

  Arnold, Matthew, 253, 295, 462

  Arnold, R. Arthur, 260

  Arnold, Dr Thomas (of Rugby), 141, 276–9, 283, 288, 290, 557

  Arthur, Prince, Duke of Connaught, 145, 465

  Arts and Crafts Movement, 384

  Ashanti War (1873–4), 466

  Ashbee, Henry Spencer, 526

  Ashes, the (cricket trophy), 544

  Ashley, Lord see Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of

  Ashworth, Henry, 60–1

  Asquith, Herbert Henry (later 1st Earl), 519, 559, 585, 595, 598

  Association for the Higher Education of Women, 520

  Astley’s Amphitheatre, 65

  atheism, 96–7, 168, 433, 440, 548

  Athenaeum (journal), 457

  Attlee, Clement (later 1st Earl), 257, 445

  Auckland, George Eden, 1st Earl of, 124

  Auden, Wystan Hugh, 247

  Augusta of Strelitz, Princess, 618

  Augustine of Hippo, St, 102, 229, 323

  Austen, Jane, 31, 60

  Australia: Irish convicts in, 127

  Austria-Hungary, 90, 123, 388, 394

  autodidacticism, 95–6, 119

  Aveling, Edward, 548

  Avramanchi, Theodoriki, 197

  Ayub Khan, 401

  Baden-Powell, Lieutenant-General Robert, 1st Baron, 597–601

  Bagehot, Walter, 135–6, 253, 336

  Bahadur Shah, King of Delhi, 205, 208, 211, 220

  Bailey, L.W., 527n

  Baker, General, 468

  bakers: working conditions, 154–5

  Balaclava, 175, 177, 181–2, 192, 194–5

  Baldwin, Louisa, 169n

  Balfour, Arthur James (later 1st Earl), 439, 449, 485, 530–2, 556–8, 611, 615

  The Foundations of Belief, 556–7

  Balkan crisis (1875), 394–6

  ballots, secret, 40, 45

  Balmoral, Scotland, 56

  Balzac, Honoré de, 334

  Bank of England, 117

  banks and banking

  crisis (1847), 77

  families ennobled, 482

  savings in, 261

  Baptists, 577

  Baring, Evelyn see Cromer, 1st Earl of

  Baring, Thomas, 82

  Barker, John, 410

  Barnard, General Sir Harry, 210, 217

  Barnato, Monsignor, 139

  Barnes, Rev. William, 430, 494

  Barnes, Rev. William Miles, 430

  Barratt, Peter Henry, 264–6
  Barrett, Michael, 339

  Barrett, Sir William, 439

  Barry, Sir Charles, 62–5, 67, 130

  Bayne, Peter, 190

  Beaconsfield, Earl of see Disraeli, Benjamin

  Beadon, Sir Cecil, 212

  Beagle, HMS, 15, 50, 227

  Beale, Dorothea, 284–6, 313

  Beardsley, Aubrey, 545, 552, 555–6

  Beatrice, Princess, 504, 614

  Beauclerk, Lady Diana (Lady Huddleston), 422

  Beaumont, Miles Thomas Stapleton, 8th Baron, 141

  Beckton Gas Works, 512

  Bedchamber Crisis (1839), 53

  Beerbohm, (Sir) Max, 524

  Beesly, Professor, 444

  beggars, 36

  Behe, Michael, 233

  Beit, Alfred, 606

  Belgium, 354, 389

  Bell, Alexander Graham, 494

  Bell, Joseph, 529

  Belloc, Hilaire, 481, 518, 540, 608

  Belmont, George, 522

  Benson family, 567–8

  Benson, Arthur Christian, 565, 601, 602

  Benson, Edward Frederic, 567

  Benson, Edward White, Archbishop of Canterbury, 64, 237, 297, 324, 487, 567–8, 605

  Benson, Hugh, 568

  Benson, Mary (née Sidgwick), 324, 567

  Bentham, Jeremy, 22, 37, 46, 75, 107, 109, 149, 511, 554

  Bentinck, Lord George, 71–2, 408

  Benz, Karl, 494

  Berkeley, George, Bishop of Cloyne, 82

  Berlin, Congress of (1878), 400, 402–4, 464, 480

  Berlin Memorandum (1875), 394

  Berlioz, Hector, 235

  Bermuda, 127

  Besant, Annie, 448–9, 509–11, 548–9, 551

  Bible, Holy, 98, 100

  see also Christianity; religion

  Bills of Mortality, 36

  Birmingham, 513

  birth control, 12, 448, 548

  Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 239, 343, 345–7, 368, 393, 403, 487, 489–90

  black peoples

  attitudes to, 255–60, 271–2

  see also slaves

  Blackwell, Elizabeth, 312

  Blake, Robert, Baron, 71, 101, 359, 388, 407

  Blake, William, 416

  Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 549–51, 560

  Isis Unveiled, 550

  Bloody Sunday (1887), 509, 548

  Bloomsbury group, 570

  Blunt, Lady Anne, 558

  Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, 532, 558, 560

  Bodichon, Mme (Barbara Leigh-Smith), 312–13, 321

  Boehm, Edgar, 503

  Boer War (1899–1902), 353, 547, 606–13, 617

  concentration camps in, 611–12

  Boers, 353, 488, 595, 605

  Bond, W.C, 138

  Bonsack, James A., 198n

  Book of Common Prayer, 366

  books: cost of, 19

  Booth, Charles, 575

  Life and Labour of the People in London, 442, 444, 512

  Booth, William, 378

  Bosquet, Marshal Pierre, 183

  Botha, Louis, 611

  bourgeoisie, 119–20, 132, 235, 279, 330, 383

  see also class (social); middle class

  Boy Scout movement, 597, 600

  Boycott, Captain Charles Cunningham, 453

  Bradford, 577

  Bradford, Selina, Countess of, 390

  Bradlaugh, Charles, 66, 440, 447–9, 478, 484–5, 548–9

  Bradley, Francis Herbert, 527, 569–70, 572

  Bradley, James, 264–6

  Braidwood, James, 13

  Brand, Colonel, 271

  Brand, Sir Henry, 448

  bread: price of, 32, 71–2

  Bridgewater House, London, 382

  Bright, John

  as advocate of political freedom, 253

  avoids revolution, 113, 115, 117–18, 123, 149

  as candidate for Glasgow University rectorship, 362

  castigates Irish, 82–3

  and Egypt, 465–6

  and factory reform, 75

  on Free Trade, 127

  on Palmerston, 191

  on reformed Parliament, 39

  and repeal of Corn Laws, 71


  and Europe in 1870s, 343–5, 348

  place in Europe, 238–40

  power and wealth, 351

  US view of, 253

  see also empire

  British army see army

  British Association for the Advancement of Science, 377

  British and Foreign Review, 306

  British Guiana: unrest in, 126

  British Medical Association, 309

  British Museum, 117

  Broad Church, 276, 293–4, 313, 366

  see also Church of England

  Brocklehurst, Captain, 469

  Brompton Oratory, London, 541

  Brontë, Charlotte: Jane Eyre, 285–6, 289

  Brontë, Revd Patrick, 94, 285

  Brontë sisters (Charlotte, Emily, Ann), 285–6

  brothels, 474

  see also prostitution

  Brougham, Henry Peter, 1st Baron, 38

  Brown, Ford Madox, 159–60

  Work, 157–8

  Brown, John, 504

  Browne, Harold, Bishop of Winchester, 296

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 89–90

  ‘Casa Guidi’s Windows’, 90

  Browning, Robert

  and black people, 258

  and Cardinal Wiseman, 139

  courts Elizabeth Barrett, 89–90

  and Italy, 86, 88–90

  literary works, 90–1

  religious views, 91–2, 139

  and Wordsworth, 131

  ‘Bishop Blougram’s Apology’, 91, 139

  ‘The Death in the Desert’, 91

  ‘The Italian in England’, 88

  The Ring and the Book, 90

  Sordello, 90–1

  ‘A Toccata of Galuppi’, 88–9

  Browning, Robert Wiedemann Barrett (‘Pen’), 90

  Bruat, Admiral Joseph, 179

  Bruce, Colonel Robert, 274–5

  Bryant & May match factory, 511–12

  Brydon, Dr William, 124

  Buccleuch, Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 5th Duke of, 128

  Buckingham Palace, 128

  Buddhism, 550–1

  Buksh, Mahomet, 505

  Bulgaria: atrocities, 395–8, 408, 464

  Buller, General Sir Redvers, 466, 471, 610–11

  Bullock, William Paul Fildes, 25

  Bülow, Hans von, 235

  Bunsen, Christian Charles Josias, Baron von, 172, 238

  Burcher, Inspector, 459

  Burges, William, 380, 382

  Burgess, George: murdered, 264–6

  Burghersh, Major Francis William Henry Fane (later 18th Earl of Westmorland), 179

  Burgoyne, Sir John, 179

  burial see cemeteries

  Burke, Thomas Henry, 453

  Burma, 207

  Burnaby, Colonel Frederick Gustavus, 470

  Burne-Jones Sir Edward Coley, 87, 258, 317, 422, 555, 559

  Burne-Jones, Georgiana, Lady, 160, 169n, 317, 445

  Burnes, Sir Alexander, 124

  Burns, John, 509, 513–14, 573, 578

  Burns, Robert, 581

  Burrows, Herbert, 510

  Burton, Decimus, 93

  Burton, Sir Richard, 488, 493

  Buss, Frances Mary, 284–6, 313

  Buss, R.W., 18

  Bute, John Patrick Crichton Stuart, 3rd Marquess of, 380

  Butler, George, 473

  Butler, Josephine, 309, 473–6, 480

  Butler, Samuel, 224

  Butler, William, 466

  Butt, Sir Charles Parker (Mr Justice), 457

  Buxton, Sydney, 515

  Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron, 188, 190

  Cairns, Hugh McCalmont, 1st Earl, 390

  Caldwell, Charles: Thoughts on the Unity of the Human Species, 105

  Callinan, M
ary, 145

  Calne, Wiltshire: borough of, 39–40

  Calthorpe, Lieutenant Somerset, 179

  Cambridge, George William Frederick Charles, 2nd Duke of, 24, 358, 360, 618

  Cambridge University: women students at, 313, 421

  Cameron, Julia Margaret, 138, 323–4, 437

  Campbell, Sir Colin, 208, 220

  Campbell, Herbert, 524

  Campbell, Sir John, 176, 181, 200


  Catholic Church in, 69

  effect of Corn Laws on, 126

  Irish emigration to, 80–1

  Cannadine, David: The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy, 481

  Canning, Charles John, Viscount (later Earl), 202, 214–15, 219, 221

  Canterbury, Archbishops of see Benson, Edward White; Davidson, Randall; Howley, William; Tait, Archibald Campbell; Temple, Frederick

  Cape Colony

  unrest in, 126

  see also Boer War; South Africa

  capital punishment see executions


  apparent failures, 417

  Catholicism and, 518

  and Chartist demonstration, 119

  and comfortable living, 263

  and cotton famine, 257

  and dominance, 148, 150

  and freedom, 604

  global, 127

  and haute bourgeoisie, 235, 263

  opposition to, 151

  and rise of socialism, 517–19

  and technological development, 495

  and workers’ rights, 582

  see also Marx, Karl

  Captain Moonlight see Moonlight, Captain

  Carden, G.F., 543

  Cardigan, James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of, 179, 182–3, 270

  Cardwell, Edward, 1st Viscount, 354–9, 466

  Carjat, Étienne, 437

  Carlyle, Jane Baillie (née Welsh), 332–3

  Carlyle, Thomas

  on aristocracy, 381

  background, 16

  beliefs, 17, 158–9, 162

  and Condition of England question, 53

  criticizes Great Exhibition, 136

  on Europe, 345–6, 350

  fading influence, 231

  in Ford Madox Brown painting, 158

  Froude and, 103

  and Harriet Martineau, 167

  influence on Ruskin, 167

  intellectual characteristics, 15–18

  John Burns meets, 514

  marriage relations, 333

  opposes popular democracy, 332

  pessimism, 110, 333, 345, 417

  qualities, 431

  reads German philosophers, 111, 349–50

  on rights of man, 41–2

  on slavery in USA, 255n

  supports Governor Eyre, 271

  visits France, 16

  on W.H. Hunt’s paintings, 162–4

  and wife’s death, 332–3

  The French Revolution, 16–18

  Past and Present, 53, 158–9, 185

  Shooting Niagara: and After, 332

  Carnarvon, Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th Earl of, 280, 331

  Carpenter, William Boyd, Bishop of Ripon, 471

  carriages, 261–2

  Carrington, Robert Carington, 2nd Baron, 381–2

  Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)


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