Forever Yours (Forever Series)

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Forever Yours (Forever Series) Page 5

by Kar, Alla

  My mouth clamps shut just as Damon walks around the corner. “We’ve got about another hour. Grandma said to stop rushing her,” Damon laughs, but his eyes are pinning me to my spot.

  Dan steps back and glances at him. “Well, we’ve got enough time to get the cows in the fence.” He turns and grabs a saddle off of the wall. “You ever rode a horse, Taylor?”

  What. The Hell. I stand and stare blankly at him. “When I was six,” I say.

  Damon scoffs and helps Dan bring the saddle from the wall. “He looks like he needs some lessons,” Damon says, smiling over Dan’s shoulder at me. My fingers latch around the pitchfork handle and I squeeze, pretending it’s his head.

  “Well, why don’t you show him, Damon. I’m going to go get us some water. Hold tight until I’m back.”

  Hold tight, right. Damon waits until Dan is opening the back door before turning to look at me. He has the smuggest smile on his face. “Let’s be honest,” he grunts, while putting a saddle on one of the horses. “You don’t want to be here. You don’t want to ride. Why don’t you go help the women in the kitchen?”

  I’m not sure if the ride down here erased Damon’s memory, but I’ve already beaten the fuck out of him once, and I won’t stop the next time. “Damon,” I say, carefully. “Do you know how easily it would be to stab you in the fucking chest with this pitchfork? Or slam your head against one of those pillars. Knock you to Hell and back?” I take a step toward him. “I suggest you stop this ‘I’m a badass’ act and realize who you’re talking to. I will demolish you, I’ve already done it once. A second time would only help my anger.”

  Damon grinds his teeth together. “You don’t know, do you? Dan loves me. I love this family. I belong in this family. Not some tattooed pierced, fighter who thinks they love Layla because you two have some kind of bullshit chemistry. Admit it, you don’t love her, you love her body. Her sex. Those long legs I see you staring at all the time.”

  My fingers twitch, urging me to hit something. To hit him. Reaching forward, I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him toward me. “You say that again and you’ll regret it, Damon. You stupid son –,”

  “Oh, are we taking the horses out?” Layla says, as she walks into the barn. I release his shirt and we’re both staring at each other when Layla gets to us.

  She pokes her hip out and crosses her arms. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” I say, turning to look at her. “We’re just … having a conversation. We’re bringing the cows in … whatever that means.”

  She giggles, and my dick moves. God, is there anything she does that doesn’t get me hard anymore? Wrapping her hands over mine, she tugs me toward the back stall. A white horse is staring back at us. “This is Snow.” She narrows her eyes at me. “Don’t make fun of the name, I was six when I named her. You’re such a pretty horse, aren’t you?” she coos.

  “Have you ever ridden a horse?”

  I shake my head. “Not since I was little and that was only once.”

  She hides her smile. “City boys don’t know what they’re missing. Here, help me get her out. I’ll go with you guys to get the cows.”

  Layla pulls the horse out by its reigns and I help her place the saddle on its back. Dan is back now, watching us from the corner wall. It makes me nervous. His gaze feels like bricks against me. Layla swings her leg over the saddle and offers me her hand. “Hop on.” She pats the back with her other hand.

  I feel Dan’s gaze on us as I take Layla’s hand and swing my leg over the back of the horse. Fuck, my nuts. I close my eyes to keep from showing the pain. This is fucking uncomfortable. “You okay?” Layla says. I hear the laugh in her voice.

  Wrapping my hand around her upper thigh, I scoot closer to her, rocking my hips against her back. “Yes,” I whisper in her ear.

  Layla keeps her face forward, but I can imagine the blush on her cheeks. Kicking her legs against the horse’s side, we start walking out of the barn.

  Damon jumps on a horse with ease. He watches as we walk out of the doors. I wrap myself tighter around Layla, and give him a smile. I think I can make this country thing work to my advantage. Bastard.


  “What’s the plan?” Cindy asks, jumping onto the couch in the guest house. I wish I had that much energy. I’m assuming helping Sarah around the house today didn’t get them as worn out as I am. Those damn hay barrels kicked my ass. Not to mention my fucking balls hurt like fuck. I will never ride a horse again. I have no idea how these guys do it. I feel like a pussy.

  Layla stretches in the kitchen and I see a sliver of skin between her shorts and shirt. My eyes turn to Damon, who still hasn’t left to go to his Dad’s house, and he is watching her carefully. “I don’t know. There isn’t much to do. There is a fair in town – ,”

  Cindy jumps up. “The fair! Yes. Is it like in the movies with cotton candy and funnel cakes? Cowboy’s singing and dancing? How about cowboy boots?”

  Brett tackles her to the couch. “It doesn’t matter about cowboys. You’ve got yourself a badass right here.”

  Cindy rolls her eyes. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, badass.”

  Layla is staring at me from the kitchen when I glance up. “What do you want to do Taylor?”

  I shrug. “We can go to the fair.”

  Cindy pushes Brett off of her. “Yes, the fair. Everybody in? Damon you in?”

  Damon glances up and glares at me. If I weren’t at Layla’s family’s house, I would have already beaten him to a pulp. Can this trip get any worse? He rode behind us the entire way, making small talk with Layla about growing up together. About playing in the pastures. Stupid ass. “Sure. The fair sounds fun.”

  I smile over at him. “The fair it is.”


  Turns out the fair isn’t in Dallas. It’s in a small town outside of Dallas called Humble, Texas. It’s only about twenty minutes from where we’re at. It’s the smallest fucking town I’ve ever seen. A few stores, gas stations. It’s kind of depressing. If Layla didn’t move to get away from memories of her parents’, I’m sure it’s because there is absolutely nothing to do here.

  I see a Ferris wheel, a few rides, concession stands and a lot of cowboy boots as we pull into the parking lot. Pickups line each spot, with an occasional car. It’s a completely different world. I park my truck toward the back of the lot and we all pile out of the vehicle. Layla skips around to grab my hand and looks up at me. Her green eyes are bright tonight. A soft smile on her face. She’s wearing a summer dress, with leggings and boots. I would prefer the dress without the leggings but it’s fucking freezing so I’ll let her keep them on.

  We start toward the ticket line. Layla pulls my arm and whispers into my ear, “What happened with my grandpa today before I got there?”

  Ah, shit. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to tell her what her grandpa really said. “Nothing, really, why?”

  Layla narrows her eyes. “Nothing? He said nothing?”


  We get to the line and I pull out the money to pay the attendant. Layla takes her wrist band and pushes it over her wrist. “So, I’m assuming the dirty looks Damon and you were giving each other were just for fun? You guys have to stop this bullshit.”

  Fuck. Sighing, I put my arm around Layla’s shoulder. “Baby … ”

  “That’s what I thought. Tell me what he said. Please.” Dammit, she’s giving me those puppy dog eyes.

  “Layla. It’s nothing important. Just talking to me about being a good husband for you. About being what you need me to be.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He just – ,”

  “Where to first?” Cindy yells, turning to grab Layla’s shoulders. The fair is in full swing around us. Kids are running everywhere. Some spraying each other with water guns, like it isn’t freezing out here. “I think the Ferris wheel. You guys want to go to the Ferris wheel?” Cindy is like a damn kid in a candy store. She looks at everyone until they nod. “Yay!”
r />   I start to follow Cindy and Layla grabs my arm. “We’re not going anywhere until you tell me what happened today.”

  Great. Layla crosses her arms over her chest. She glances over my shoulder. “We’re coming in a minute, Damon.”

  I growl. Of course he’s waiting on us. I turn and see him frowning. His brows are pushed down in the middle. He narrows his eyes at me before turning and leaving us alone. Oh yeah, definitely going to kill him. “Okay,” I say, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her to the side. We wade through the crowd of people and stop between the concession stand and a game booth. “Look. Your grandpa knows everything. About that guy, about me fighting. He knows it all.”

  Layla’s mouth drops open. “What? How? Who told him?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat and clench my fists at my sides. “Well, since you didn’t tell him, I’m assuming it was Damon.”

  Layla’s lips press into a hard line. “So, he wasn’t just coming to keep an eye on me for my safety, but to go and report back to my grandpa.”

  I shrug. “I guess so. Unless he has someone else watching you.”

  Layla’s cheeks turn red and she is shaking. “Layla, calm down … ” I warn.

  “Oh, I’m calm,” she says. I’m pretty sure that’s what someone says when they’re clearly not calm.

  I frown and wrap my hands around her shoulders. “It’s not a big deal. Your grandpa is just watching out for you. He cares about your safety.”

  “But he knew.” Tears build in her eyes. “He knew someone was after me and didn’t try and help?”

  “I think sending Damon was him trying to help. He’s old, Layla. The police won’t help us, what was he supposed to do?”

  Her shoulders are shaking erratically. “I’m going to kill Damon,” she mumbles beneath her breath. “Oh, just you wait. He’s a dead man walking. That … that prick!”

  Oh, shit. “Layla I don’t think this is such a good idea,” I say.

  She tosses her hands up in the air. “Of course it is. Kicking someone’s ass is always a good idea when they deserve it.”

  She turns on her heel and starts to march toward the Ferris wheel. “Oh, no you don’t,” I say, pushing her against the game booth. She tries to tug her arms out of my hold, but I keep her locked in place. “Calm down, baby. It’s fine. We’ll figure this out. If Damon is keeping an eye on you, we’ll make sure he knows nothing when we get back to Ohio. Okay?”

  She mumbles underneath her breath and blows a piece of her bangs off her forehead. “I guess.”

  I lift a brow. “You’re throwing a fit like a baby.”

  She scoffs. “I am not. This baby could whoop your ass, Taylor Jacks.”

  Smiling down at her, I lift her chin with my fingers. “Really? Show me then, Power Ranger.”

  Despite her mood, she laughs, wraps her hands around my neck and pulls my mouth toward her own. She kisses me hard. She’s mad and taking it out on me. I don’t mind. Pressing her as close to the wall as we can get, I push my thigh between hers. She moans into my mouth. “Still want to go beat the hell out of Damon?” I mumble against her lips.

  “Not as much as I want you to take me back to your Hummer.”

  Thatta girl. Layla interlocks her fingers in my hair and then suddenly stops. She’s staring over my shoulder, perfectly still. I whip around.

  Seth is standing in front of us, head cocked to the side. What. The. Fuck. “Taylor and Layla. Tay and Lay. How freakin’ cute,” he says.

  His face looks awful. A bulging, black eye, bruised cheeks and a cut lip. I fucked him up and, after my talk with Layla’s grandpa, I’m not sure if beating the hell out of him again is such a good idea. I’m here to show him I’m good enough for Layla. Fighting doesn’t really give off that impression.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He rolls his eyes and takes a few steps toward us. Layla grips my arm and I push her all the way behind me. “I told you I’m from here, remember?” He smiles over at us like we’re old friends. “I’m from Dallas. I’m surprised Layla doesn’t remember me.” He rocks back on his heels. “After our fight,” the side of his mouth twitches at the word, “congratulations by the way, I knew I needed to come back home and make sure y’all got settled in.” Settled in? This guy is definitely a permanent rider of the short bus.

  The bastard is getting on my nerves. “Look, Seth. I don’t know what you want from me. You asked me to fight and I did. You lost, get the fuck over it, bro. Why don’t you just fuck off and leave us alone. We’re here for a Christmas break to visit family, not fight.”

  Seth smiles but it’s tight. He pulls something out of his pocket and tosses it into the air. It’s a baseball. Rolling it along his arms, he whistles. What. The. Hell. This is serial killer shit. Hide all of the animals. He tosses it up higher and catches it between his palms. “You’re right. I did lose, Taylor. But, I won’t lose again. And we’re going to fight again.”

  “No, actually, we’re not.” Grabbing Layla’s hand, I keep an eye on Seth. “I’m not fighting anymore … at all.”

  Layla gasps from behind me. I don’t look over at her, I keep my eyes focused on Scarface. His eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. “Really? I’m guessing the ring doesn’t know about this yet? Because, people are challenging you left and right now. Too bad you’re not fighting anymore.”

  He doesn’t believe me, how in the hell can I blame him?

  “I don’t care if you believe me or not. We’re here to have fun. So, get lost.” I tug on Layla’s hand and pull her toward the fair.

  “Hey, Taylor.”

  I turn and the baseball flies at my head. I catch it, barely, just in time. “Don’t forget it’s in your blood.” He grins. “Just like it’s in mine.”

  He leaves.

  “Who is he, Layla?” I ask.

  She shrugs. “He … he looks so familiar but I don’t remember.”

  I watch him until he disappears into the parking lot. The bastard gives me chills. “Let’s go.”

  We catch up with everyone at the game booth. Cindy is trying to pop balloons with a dart while Brett and Damon laugh at her.

  Brett looks over at me. “Everything okay?”

  I nod. “Yeah, it’s straight.”

  We play a few games, eat some nachos and I win Layla a big giant frog. I carry it over my shoulder on the way out. Brett is basically dragging Cindy back to the truck. She’s yelling about not winning the giant squid she wanted.

  “I just wanted to ride one more ride, guys,” Cindy whines.

  Brett scoffs, grabs her and tosses her over his shoulder. “I swear I’m going to sit you in the corner when we get home.”

  She hits Brett’s back. “Naked?”

  “No – ,” Brett stops. “Maybe.”

  Damon tosses his food into the trash. “Hey, Layla. We need to show them the lake. Do you remember going down there when we were little?”

  Layla laughs and her cheeks turn red. I’m not sure why, and I don’t really want to ask. “Yes, remember when your dad would toss me in from the cliff?”

  Damon smiles over at her. “I do. We need to go see my dad tomorrow. Want to come?”

  Obviously he wasn’t talking to me but I say, “Yeah, I do.”

  He scowls over at me but it’s short lived when we reach my truck. All four lights have been busted out. Scraps line each side from the tail light to the hood. The glass is in slivers on the concrete. Red swarms my vision. I’m shaking with aggression. “What the – ,”

  “Someone trashed your fucking truck,” Brett says.

  “Who could have done this … ” Layla trails off and hides her face in her hands. “It was Seth. I know it was. Oh, God.”

  “Seth who?” Cindy asks.

  I groan. Anger seeps from me and I punch the door of my truck, leaving a dent in the side. “That fucking bastard is gonna pay. I swear when I see him – ,” I stop. No, he isn’t. This is what he wants. He wants me to get so mad that I’ll agree to fight him. He wants
me to lose control, like he loses control. To have me at my most vulnerable moment. He’s trying to send me over the edge, to fight him again.

  I glance down at Layla. Tears are smeared underneath her eyes. I’m not going to lose her because some asshole wants to toy with me. “It’s not a big deal.”

  I have to glance back to make sure everyone is still standing there. Brett’s jaw has dropped, and Cindy is on the verge of laughing. “You’re joking, right?” Damon asks.

  My gaze snaps to his. He would love for me to fight Seth. That would only give him a bigger chance of getting Layla. Providing a safe place for her. Like I said, over my fucking dead body. “Does it look I’m joking, Damon? I’m not going to fight this bastard because that’s what he wants. A rematch. He lost, and he’s going to have to get the fuck over it.”

  “Oh,” Cindy says. “He’s the one you fought in Nashville.”

  “Yeah, no thanks to you. You had to drag us there and get too drunk to remember what happened.”

  Cindy flips me off. “I was trying to have fun, Taylor. You should try it sometime.”

  I grind my back molars together and clench my fists together. “Cindy, just shut up. Everyone just shut up.” I tug on my hair and close my eyes. I’m not used to being stressed. I normally just beat the hell out of the person pushing my limits. Now, I can’t. Or, I shouldn’t.

  “Why don’t you just fight him?” Brett asks. “I know I said violence doesn’t solve everything, but it would here. All he wants is a rematch. Why won’t you fight him? You demolished him, Taylor.”

  “I can’t,” I say. “I’m not fighting anymore.”

  Brett starts laughing first and then everyone but Layla joins in. Then they stop in an uncomfortable silence. “You’re joking, right?” Damon asks, lifting a brow.

  “No,” I say. “I’m not.”

  “Why – ,”

  “Let’s just go. I’m ready to go.” I get into the driver’s side and wait while everyone gets in.


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