Say You Won't Let Go_A Return to Me/Masters and Mercenaries Novella

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Say You Won't Let Go_A Return to Me/Masters and Mercenaries Novella Page 12

by Corinne Michaels

  He looks at me as I struggle to keep from breaking down. Instead of falling apart, I fall into Cooper’s arms, and he holds me tight. “It’s okay, Emmy. It’s okay.”

  “I almost lost you.”

  “You didn’t. I’m right here.”

  A part of my brain won’t allow me to believe that we’re both okay. I lean back so I can touch his face, his hair, his chest, checking to make sure he’s really here and alive. My fingers trace the bruise that’s starting to form as a tear falls from my eyes. “He hurt you.”

  “Not in a way that won’t heal.” Cooper wipes my cheek and cups my face. “Don’t cry, darlin’.”

  “If he had killed you—”

  Cooper hushes me by bringing his lips to mine. He kisses me tenderly, and my hands move up his shoulders, his neck, and to the back of his head, needing to stay like this. We kiss each other, emotions taking over.

  His hands skim down my back until he’s gripping my thighs, pulling me into his arms. “I need you.”

  “I need you, too,” I reply anxiously.

  It isn’t wanting at this point. It’s a physical ache that only he can soothe.

  “I have to love you,” he explains almost frantically.

  “Please. Make love to me.”

  He moves us back to the bed and places me down gently. I take in his dark brown hair, the stubble on his cheeks, and the passion in his eyes as he braces over me. I’m a lucky woman.

  As we come face to face, my breath is taken away when I see a lone tear start to fall.

  My fingers capture the bead and neither of us speak.

  Sometimes words aren’t needed.

  Sometimes silence says it all.

  Our lips collide, and I lose myself in his touch. His tongue moves against mine, and I moan. Everything that’s happened the last few weeks disappears as he kisses me.

  His hand moves down my chest, brushing his thumb against my nipple. He leans up, removes his shirt, and then tears mine off. The heat in his eyes burns my skin as my shorts and bra follow.

  He can’t move fast enough.

  “Don’t make me wait,” I plead.


  Cooper’s tongue licks around the peak of my nipple, and my head falls back. I grip the back of his head as he sucks and then his teeth bite down while he slips a finger in my pussy. I nearly buck off the bed, but Cooper keeps me where he wants me.

  “Tell me you’re mine,” Cooper demands as he pushes another finger in.

  “Only yours!”

  He pumps in and out, and I climb higher. I don’t know if it’s the remaining adrenaline that lingers, but I’m on fire. He ignites the flame, causing me to burn from the inside out. I need him—all of him.

  “Cooper,” I cry out as my orgasm teeters. “I need you! Now!”

  He removes his pants and climbs back into place. Our eyes meet as he slowly enters me.

  Bliss. It’s complete and total bliss.

  I’m filled in every possible way. My heart is full of love for this man. Everything in my world makes sense this very instant. I never want to lose this. I’ll do everything I can to hold on to what we have.

  Cooper completes the missing piece of my heart.

  “I love you. I love you. I love you so much.” I can’t hold in my feelings. If I try, they will shred me from the inside just to get out.

  He slows his pace, kisses my lips, and smiles. “I love you. Don’t ever try to leave me again.”

  My fingers dig into his back, keeping him as close as possible. “You never have to worry about that.”

  We make love. Losing ourselves and all understanding of time. I don’t think about anything other than us while we’re in each other’s arms. I’m able to breathe when he’s around.

  After, when we’re both sated and panting softly, I lie on his chest, listening to the steady thrum of his heart. My finger makes random patterns on his stomach, and his hand rests on my hip.

  “Why didn’t you just tell me?” he asks after a long while of comfortable silence.

  I turn my head to face him. “I was scared he’d kill you. I was willing to end our relationship if it meant that you were safe.”

  He releases a heavy sigh. “God willing there’s never a next time, but if there is, just talk to me. We would’ve figured something out.”

  Hurting Cooper was the last thing I wanted to do. I hated every second of knowing he was upset. “I’m sorry I lied. I’m even more sorry I made you think there was another man.”

  It was the worst thing I could’ve said. Cooper has been someone’s second choice each time he’s given a girl a chance. Both of us have had shit luck until we finally found our way together. I believe we had to drudge ourselves through the mucky water to find our way to the clear springs.

  “I’ve been waiting my whole life to feel the way I feel with you. I’m crazy about you, and there’s no way I was going to lose you.”

  I smile, bring the tip of my finger to his cheek, and run it against his stubble. “Who would’ve thought two kids from the opposite side of the tracks would fall in love all these years later?”

  His hand wraps around my fingers. “Especially since you were right under my nose the whole time.”

  “I was just waitin’ for you to finally ask me out.”

  That isn’t completely true, but Cooper was definitely someone I considered. I wasn’t really sure of what my feelings were for him, so I sank into music instead of finding out. He is a friend and a good man—he always has been, yet my goal had always been to get out of Bell Buckle.

  Here I am now wanting to go home…to Cooper.

  “Well, you have me now.”

  I grin. “I sure do, and you’re stuck with me.”

  “Yeah? Is that so?” Cooper’s hands grip my arms, and he lifts me so we’re nose to nose.


  His lips touch mine, and I melt. “For how long?”

  “How long do you want me?” I ask playfully.

  “Marry me.”

  I gasp, looking down at him with wide eyes. “What?”

  Cooper sits up, taking me with him. “Marry me. I want you to marry me.”

  My mouth opens and closes like a fish. “Are you... It’s so soon... And we just went through all that. Are you sure? Do you really want this?”

  He cups my face in his hands, eyes dancing back and forth between mine as I watch without blinking. “I love you. I’ll be good to you. And I’ll make you happy. There’s nothing I want more, and I’m completely sure. Will you be my wife?”

  My heart races as I try to find the words that have escaped me. It’s crazy, impulsive, and I love him. I know there is no one else in the world I want to be with, and every excuse that rolls around my head seems trivial.

  “Yes!” The word flies from my lips as I wrap my arms around him.

  Only Cooper could take the darkest day and turn it bright. He chases away the clouds, keeps the storms at bay, and allows me to dance in his rays.



  ~Three Years Later~

  “Emily!” I call for my wife from the music studio I had installed right after the wedding.

  “Coming, honey! I’m just finishing this song.”

  We’re going to be late, but I know better than to push her out of there. She’ll spend an hour fretting that she’ll forget the word or note, then another hour repeating it so she doesn’t forget, and then God knows how long telling me how she isn’t sure she remembered it.

  It’s a process, and I’ve learned to let her have it.

  Sure enough, it takes her ten more minutes to emerge.

  “Sorry!” She lifts her shoulders and gives me an impish smile.

  “It’s fine.” I kiss the side of her head. “We have a half hour.”

  “What?” Emily squeaks and slaps my chest. “I have more time?”

  I shake my head. “No. We have to go sign the papers.”

  Emily sighs and tears fill her blue eyes.
“What if—”

  “No.” I stop her right there. I know where she’s going with this, and I won’t let her go down this road again. The last three years have been filled with a lot of changes, most good, but this has been the scariest.

  Emily and I immediately tried for a family. She wanted a child, but I couldn’t give her one. After three failed pregnancies, we decided to adopt.

  I look down at our newborn baby girl in her car seat, and my heart swells. Today, Mia officially becomes our daughter.

  “I need to prepare, Cooper. I can’t lose her.” Emily squats and runs gentle fingertips over our daughter’s tiny hand.

  “We’re not losing her, darlin’.” I will the words to be true. It’s been five days that we’ve had her, and there’s no way to explain the love I have for this little girl.

  She owns me.

  Emily looks up with wet lashes. “I love her so much.”

  “I love both my girls, and I’m not letting go of either.”

  Her eyes go back to Mia and she kisses her chubby cheek. “Did you hear that, princess? Your daddy loves us.”

  I crouch down, placing my hand on Emily’s back. “Let’s go make her ours.”

  Emily’s lip trembles slightly, but she nods and looks away.

  The ride to the courthouse is quiet. I may seem sure of myself, but it’s only for Emily. Inside, I’m terrified. The mere idea of someone taking her away from us makes me want to fall apart. Mia became mine the minute they placed her in my arms. I thought I fell in love with my wife instantly, but it was nothing like holding my little girl.

  “Did your mama say she was comin’ by today?” Emily asks.

  “Presley and Mama said they’d be there when we got home,” I say as I glance over at her.

  “I think Grace and Angie, too.”

  I nod. I know no matter which way this goes, we will want our family and friends. She has no idea, but there will be a lot more people than she thinks. Papa always said to prepare for the outcome you want, so I did. When we get home, there will be a big group waiting to celebrate the official adoption of Mia Ryann Townsend.

  I take her hand in mine and squeeze. “It’ll be fine, darlin’.”

  Emily drops her head to my shoulder. “I just want this over with so I can breathe again.”

  There’s nothing either of us can say to ease the other. Instead of trying to sway her, I’m just here with her. I take comfort from her touch and feel her tense when we park.

  “No matter what, we’ll fight for her, okay?” I look at Emily and promise to do what I can.


  We grab the baby from the backseat and walk inside. Our lawyer leads us to the bench in the hallway and explains the process again. I don’t hear much that he says. My mind starts to play various possibilities, all of which make my stomach clench.

  Emily wraps her arm around mine, and we both stare down at Mia. I can feel the nerves rolling off her and hear her sniff. If I could take this from her, I would. My heart pounds against my chest as I see our lawyer emerge from the conference room where we’ll hopefully sign the papers.

  “Come on back,” he says stoically.

  The fear in my wife’s eyes stirs my protectiveness. “Coop?”

  I grab my lawyer’s arm as he’s walking away. “Russ? Is she going to sign?”

  “I don’t know because she has up until the last second to change her mind. The longer we give her to think...” Russ explains, and I nod.

  My eyes meet Emily’s, and I force a smile. “I’ll never let go of her, just like I wouldn’t you. Trust me?”

  A tear drops. “Yes.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  We walk the fifty feet into the room to see the Mia’s birth mother, Darlene, clutching her stomach. Tears fall from her eyes, and I can see the heartbreak across her face. She may only be sixteen, but right now, she looks much older.

  The judge explains the details of the adoption and allows a chance for questions. Darlene asks if she can say something, which he allows.

  Emily’s hand clenches mine, and her body shakes slightly.

  Darlene wipes her face and looks between us. “I know you’ll give her the life she deserves. I wish I could be the mama she needs, but I can’t. I hate the idea of givin’ her up, but I know it’s the right thing—” She sobs and then manages, “If she ever asks about me, will you tell her I loved her and that’s why I let her go?”

  Emily is out of her seat and pulling the young girl in her arms. They both cry, holding on to each other. “I’ll tell her how brave you are. I’ll tell her how strong you are. I’ll tell her how her beauty comes from you,” Emily promises. “I’ll love her for the both of us. She’ll have two mamas who will always do what’s right for her.”

  She nods. “I’m ready.”

  Darlene signs the papers, and it’s official. Mia is our daughter.

  When she leaves the room, Emily bursts into tears, only this time, they are from joy.

  * * * *

  “Congratulations!” the room erupts with shouts and cheers and applause as we walk in.

  Emily gives me a smirk and laughs. “I can’t believe you.”

  “We needed to officially welcome Mia to our crazy clan.” I nudge her.

  Our family rushes forward, giving hugs and gushing over our daughter.

  “Welcome to fatherhood.” Wyatt chuckles. “Girls are a whole different world, man. They’re scary as hell. And she’s about to be five.”

  Wyatt’s little girl is a handful, but it isn’t surprising considering she’s a Hennington and the first granddaughter. His mama spoils the shit out of her, and they’re paying for it now.

  “I’m glad to be in the fatherhood club.”

  He grins and slaps my shoulder. “I’m glad you are, too. You know, between Felicity, Hannah, and now Mia, we’ve basically created a whole new generation of our childhood,” Wyatt muses.

  “I really hope Trent is retired by the time they hit their teens.”

  “Right? Can you see him having to pick up his nieces and daughter?”

  We both laugh.

  Trent walks over and lifts his chin. “What’s so funny?”

  Wyatt tells him what we were joking about, and his face falls.

  “How the hell are you two laughing? I’ll be callin’ your asses to get them out of jail.”

  “Let’s just hope they’re nothing like their mamas,” I say, not wanting to think of my daughter and jail at all.

  He bobs his head up and down. “Especially with the boy crap. I’m not even going to entertain some little shit cowboy trying to date my daughter.”

  “Damn right,” I agree.

  “We know what their little pea brains are thinkin’ about,” Trent adds.

  Don’t we ever.

  “So, we’re in agreement to beat any little grabby bastard who comes near our girls?” I ask.

  “Yup,” they both say in unison.


  “Well, look what the cat dragged in.” I smile and clap Wade’s hand as we shake.

  He smirks. “I figured you might need someone to come kick your ass since Emily said you were being a jerk.”

  I don’t believe him for a second. If anything, I’ve been giving her whatever she wants to keep her calm. Adopting Mia was scary as hell. She’s this beautiful baby that needed us, but we were terrified to love her and lose her.

  “Wade!” Emily screams and rushes toward him.

  “Shit,” he grumbles.

  “Come meet your goddaughter.” Emily winks at me and then she’s dragging him away.

  We thought it was only natural that Wade be somewhat of a protector of Mia. He’s the reason we’re together. I owe him everything.

  Zach walks over after extracting himself from a conversation with my father. “Thanks for saving me,” he jokes.

  Since retirement, my father is a world of fun. He’s getting older, and I’m pretty sure Mama drives him crazy.
His whole life was spent working on the farm, and now he gets to listen to her stories all day. He practically begs to come hide at my house.

  “He’s just tryin’ to keep Mama and her friends from talkin’ to him.”

  “The older they get, the worse they are,” Trent notes.

  Our mothers are all best friends and the world’s biggest meddlers. Sometimes they use their powers for good, other times...not. They also like to take credit for anything they can. If you ask them, they’re the reason we’re all married. Not that we played a part in it—it was all them.

  “Look at this.” Presley smiles. “The Hennington and Townsend troublemakers all together.”

  My sister should talk. “Because your group was so innocent?”

  She rolls her eyes. “We were following your lead.”

  Zach laughs. “Right. I love you, but you’re crazy.” He wraps his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder. She visibly relaxes just being around Zach. It makes me happy seeing her so content.

  “Cayden and Logan here?” I ask. I haven’t seen my nephews. Then again, they’re at the age where they’re chasing the girls.

  “They will be. They both have baseball and then Logan needs to walk his girlfriend home,” Presley explains. “Another thing for me to worry about...”

  “What?” Wyatt asks.

  “Them havin’ sex.” She shudders.

  To me, the boys are still eleven-year-olds coming to the farm for the first time, but they’re the same age as the girl who just gave us Mia. Scary to think this baby could’ve come from my nephews. Time moves so fast, and if you blink, life can pass you by.

  “You were their age,” Trent reminds her.

  “Shut up. I was a good girl.”

  He shrugs as Zach bursts out laughing. “Baby, you were very good.”

  “Gross, man. That’s my sister.”

  The party continues for a while until all our parents head out. We head back to the deck where the kids are running around, chasing chickens, and I’m reminded life is good.

  For a long time, I wasn’t sure I’d marry, have kids, or be anything more than a rancher, and here I stand with everything and more.

  I glance at Emily with Mia in her arms. A love so intense that it takes my breath away washes over me.


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