Betrayed [Bound & Cuffed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Betrayed [Bound & Cuffed 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Jenny Penn

  That was all Logan seemed to need to press forward. Molly reveled at the feel of his thick, hard dick as it slid into her, filling her with both a sense of pleasure and an ache for more. She moaned over that need, unable to defy her body’s need to move as her hips started to flex in rhythm with Logan’s.

  With a groan so raw and hoarse it scraped over Molly’s senses like a rough caress, Logan began to pump his hips, fucking her with a steadily increasing speed until he was riding her hard and fast. Grinding that big, thick cock of his against the sensitive walls of her sheath, he screwed Molly right down into the mattress, making it bounce and squeak beneath her.

  The headboard chimed in, banging up against the wall as Logan began to huff and strain above her. He fucked her faster than she could manage to keep up, but it didn’t matter. There was no stopping the rush of rapture racing up her spine as she came with a scream. Logan matched her squeal with a shout as he went stiff and tense above her. Molly could feel the hot rush of his seed pouring into her body as her muscles quivered and trembled with orgasmic aftershocks.

  Then Logan collapsed down onto her in hot, sweaty heap. She could feel his heart racing as he clung to her, heaving for breath. Molly was in no better condition as she panted with hard shudders that shook her whole body.

  That had been unbelievably good. So damn good it had shattered all reason, but slowly the pieces of reality began to glue themselves back together until finally Molly blinked open her eyes to face the startling truth. She’d just fucked Logan Holmes…again!


  Why did she keep saying yes when she should have been saying no?

  The hell if Molly knew, and she sure as shit wasn’t going to figure it out with Logan still stuck insider. The man was still hard. Molly’s eyes rounded with that revelation and the honest admission that it made her want to roll him over and take him for another ride. That was just wrong.

  Wrong. Wrong. Wrong!

  Molly repeated that one word silently as she gathered her strength and did the unthinkable. She pushed Logan back, rolling him over but not following him as she ached to. Instead, she scrambled out of bed on legs that wobbled beneath her, still weak and throbbing with the pleasure that had so recently consumed her sanity.

  It was a sharp reminder of just how out of control she’d spun and one that had Molly shoving her shirt down as she raced for the door. She didn’t even pause to offer Logan any kind of explanation. Molly didn’t really have one but simply gave in to the feral need to flee.

  Unfortunately she flew out of the bedroom and all but ran into Bruce in the hall as he came sauntering out of the bathroom wearing nothing more than a towel riding low on his hips. Beads of water trickled down the smooth planes of his chest, and her eyes instantly locked on those glistening tears, tracking each one hungrily.

  Molly’s tongue licked out, eager for a taste, but she held back, biting down on her lip and forcing herself to look up and meet his gaze. She thought that would be safer than looking anywhere else, but she was wrong. Bruce’s eyes were a fathomless pool of want, his voice a husky stroke against her senses as he smiled slightly and nodded to the bathroom behind him.

  “It’s all yours.”

  And Molly wanted it all. God help her.

  * * * *

  Bruce lifted an alarmed brow as Molly bolted past him and slammed the bathroom door, acting like the devil himself nipped at her heels, but it wasn’t the devil that stumbled out of Logan’s bedroom wearing nothing but a glistening boner and a look of confusion. Bruce wasn’t confused. He knew in that instant what had happened.

  “What?” Logan blinked as Bruce’s gaze narrowed on him. Boy did he want to hit his cousin. Bruce settled, though, for simply snapping at him.

  “You idiot.”


  “Don’t what me. We had a deal!”

  “I never agreed to any deal,” Logan shot back with a shrug that assured Bruce would hit him. Later. Right then they had to get a move on it.

  “Get dressed.”

  “I want a shower.”

  “And I want a cousin that’s not so damn dumb, but we’re both just going to have to make do because we’ve got minutes before Molly appears to tell us that this is all a bad idea. So move!”

  Thankfully, Logan obeyed because Bruce really could feel the seconds ticking down. He knew exactly what would happen when that bathroom door opened again. Molly would step out and declare that this would never work. Then she’d move out. Bruce was betting that they could work things out as long as they weren’t there to argue through them.

  So he dressed faster than he ever had before, not even bothering to pull on a pair of boxers, much less take the time to dry off before he was stomping into his boots and heading right back out into the hall to find that Logan had beat him there.


  Bruce nodded as he shoved past his cousin. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  That was just what they did, heading right out the door just as the sound of the shower shut off. Neither cousin wasted any time talking as they headed for their vehicles, but that didn’t mean Bruce wasn’t stewing with a whole bunch of accusations. They swirled through him, slowly ratcheting up with sense of outrage as he followed behind Logan all the way to the office.

  By the time they pulled into the small back parking lot, he was ready to explode. Barely sparing a glance for Craig, who was leaning against the back wall of the office smoking a cigarette, Bruce hopped off his bike and made a beeline for Logan’s SUV. He was there to greet Logan as he hopped out of his truck with a fist that sent Logan’s head flying back against the roof of the SUV.

  That was just the beginning.

  * * * *

  Molly stepped out of the shower, feeling refreshed and ready to face more than just the day. She was ready to face Bruce and Logan with an offer that made perfect sense. She was going to suggest they all have an affair because, as far as Molly was concerned, that was what was needed.

  She needed to fuck them out of her system.

  After enough sex, Molly figured all Bruce’s and Logan’s annoying habits would finally start to cloud their appeal. Soon enough after that, she’d go back to hating them, and everything could return to normal. Molly knew that was exactly what would happen. They’d do something to piss her off, and then it would be over.

  It was the natural evolution of any relationship built on nothing but pure, white-hot lust. Admittedly she’d never found herself in that situation before, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t witnessed them. Molly felt pretty confident about her decision. Of course it was a decision she didn’t have anybody to share with.

  Frowning as she took in the quiet apartment that greeted her as she stepped out of the bathroom, Molly wondered around, dressed only in the towel she’d found stacked on a shelf in the bathroom. It had been dry and smelled clean, unlike the thought of the clothes lying in Logan’s bedroom.

  Of course she didn’t find Logan there waiting for her, which seemed a little odd. He must have rushed out of here without even bothering to clean up. Bruce must have been right on his heels because he was nowhere to be found either. Molly couldn’t guess as to why they’d fled, but she suspected it had something to do with her.

  She guessed she’d find out later and probably worry over it all day. That was Molly would start worrying about Bruce and Logan right after she stopped worrying about the fact that if she wanted fresh clothes she had no choice but to go next door. More than anything she didn’t want to have to do that, but Molly just couldn’t bring herself to pull on the slacks and shirt folded neatly up on Logan’s dresser.

  Instead, she opted for the T-shirt thrown across a pile of laundry sitting in a basket at the foot of the bed. It smelled clean, and the shirt didn’t appear to have any stains on it, but more than that, the faint scent of Logan clung to the soft fabric, giving her a strange sense of strength and confidence.

  She could do this. She could go home. After all, she wasn’
t the one in the wrong here.

  Molly repeated that mantra as she pulled on her own slacks. Daring to leave the panties where they were, she marched out of Logan’s room barefooted and with her hair still dripping down her back. Molly could guess what kind of sight she made storming out of their apartment, but she didn’t care. She was on a mission.

  A mission to get some fresh clothes to wear to work, which she was going to be late for…again.

  Being late once was an unforgiveable sin in Molly’s book. The idea of being late twice had her rushing toward her room. The fact that Trisha was standing in the kitchen when she came into the apartment had nothing to do with her sudden sense of panic. Molly wouldn’t give her that kind of power.


  “I don’t have anything I want to say to you.” Molly cut Trisha off before she could begin whatever lame-ass excuses she had memorized. “I’m late for work.”

  “But we need to talk,” Trisha insisted, following Molly back to bedroom and lingering in the doorway to watch as Molly quickly began to change out of her clothes.

  “No we don’t,” Molly assured her, throwing off Logan’s T-shirt and yanking a clean bra out of one of the dresser drawers. “I don’t have anything to say to you.”

  “That’s fine because I’m the one who has something to say.” Trisha paused to take a deep breath and then unleashed the most self-serving statement that Molly had ever heard. “This isn’t my fault. It’s yours.”

  “Excuse me?” Molly gaped up at Trisha, her hands pausing on the buttons of her pants, unable to believe that she had the audacity to blame Molly for her failings.

  “I know saying that makes me a bitch, but I’m just being honest here. You never loved Harvey…and he knew it. You can’t blame him, or me, for what happened when you don’t really care anyway.”

  There might have been some truth hidden in Trisha’s comments, but that didn’t change the fact that she didn’t have any right to say them. Molly certainly wasn’t interested in hearing anymore. Pulling herself upright, she snatched a clean shirt off a hanger and yanked it on.

  “You never really do care,” Trisha continued on, almost getting run over as Molly shoved past her. “You hold yourself so tightly in that you never realize you freeze everybody else out.”

  Trisha kept going, even as Molly threw open the front door and turned toward Logan and Bruce’s door. It wasn’t locked. It never was.

  “You’re going to lose them, too,” Trisha called out. “You’re going to lose every man if you don’t learn to let one in.”

  Molly slammed the door on Trisha and released a deep sigh. She was shaking, trembling with both outrage and fear. The fear came from the sick feeling that Trisha might be right.

  Chapter Eight

  “Both of you sit down and shut up!” Big Bob snapped as Logan followed sullenly behind Bruce into the big man’s office.

  The big pissed man, because Big Bob looked ready to beat them both bloody as he slammed the door behind them and stormed around his table. He probably would have put a hurt on them if Bruce and Logan hadn’t already done that job for him. Slouching into the first available chair, Logan secretly let out a sigh as the tension in his muscles finally began to ease, allowing the throbbing ache of all the hits he’d taken to start to bother him.

  Bruce had been merciless, which just went to prove that he needed to get laid. Logan had, and he hadn’t made a good showing at all. A fact that would, no doubt, come back to haunt him, given how the rest of their cousins had gathered around to watch the ass whooping.

  The fight went on long enough for Big Bob to make it out back to break things up. That meant that Logan was about to get another beating. This one verbal.

  “What the hell is wrong with the two of you?” Big Bob demanded to know, but he didn’t wait long enough for either Bruce or Logan to offer up an answer. “No, let me guess…it’s a girl, isn’t it? The two of you are acting like a couple of horny teenagers with their first cheerleader and decided to go all macho, is that it?”

  This time he paused long enough for either cousin to speak up, but neither did. There was no point agreeing with him. That would just set Big Bob off on another tear. As if he weren’t going to go there anyway.

  “I swear, sometimes I think you boys will never grow up.” Big Bob huffed as he plopped down into his seat and glared across his massive desk at them. “But I ain’t your mommy, and I ain’t going to put up with this bullshit. Understand? Now you two idiots have a job to do, an important job, so tuck it in, boys, because you’re on a pussy diet as of now…understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” Bruce begrudgingly nodded, though Logan knew the bastard was lying.

  He sure as hell was as he followed Bruce’s lead with a nod of his own. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good, and just to make sure you two are behaving, I’m going to assign Craig to keep an eye on you.”

  “What?” Despite the pain that it caused him, Logan perked up in his seat.

  “And Josh,” Big Bob tacked on.

  “Josh?” Logan scowled at that, feeling the blood trickle down from his brow as the motion broke open a cut that had already started to heal.

  Big Bob smiled. “And don’t even bother arguing, boy. This case is too important, this bastard too sick. I want him off the streets. You want to take some time off you do me that favor first. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Of course, Bruce didn’t argue. The bastard was probably already plotting against Logan. He didn’t believe for a moment that things were about to go well, or half as easy as Big Bob clearly wanted them to be, but Logan nodded anyway.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good!” Big Bob slapped his desk, relaxing back into his seat. “Now get your sorry asses out of here and go catch your cousins up on your case…and Logan, you better go on down to the clinic and have those cuts stitched up. Let me tell you, boy, you lost that fight.”

  * * * *

  Molly did the one thing she’d never done before and called in a sick day. She didn’t exactly lie. Part of her felt broken down and defeated, which might have driven most people to mope, but it drove Molly to fight back. Yes, her life was a mess, but she was going to start taking control and rebuilding out of the rubbish.

  Screw Trisha and Harvey.

  What they’d done was a reflection of who they were, not her. What they said was just a glimpse of their own black hearts, not a truth to be absorbed. Molly was stronger than that. She was smarter.

  She had only two months left on her lease with Trisha. That made it cheaper to pay it up than to break it. So, Molly went over to see her landlord and prepaid the two months, making it clear she was moving out. Then she went home to do just that.

  By then Trisha had left for work, allowing Molly to go through the entire apartment, moving one pile of clothes after another over to Logan and Bruce’s place. Of course clothes wasn’t all she took. Molly also took her plates and her furniture, pilling everything into Logan and Bruce’s place until there was almost no room to navigate around the small apartment.

  She probably should have done something about that, but instead of worrying over what she couldn’t fix in that moment, Molly went and made dinner. That was just how Logan and Bruce found her when they came home that evening. She heard them come crashing into the living room, banging the door against the mattress and box spring she’d rested against the wall. Normally she could have seen their expressions at finding themselves having to shift through the narrowed entrance sideways from the kitchen, but there was too much junk in the way. That didn’t mean she couldn’t hear what they thought.

  “What the fuck, man?”

  * * * *

  Bruce didn’t have an answer for Logan. He just knew something had changed in Molly because this was not the response he’d been expecting to find when they finally made it home. Actually, he hadn’t been expecting to find anything, least of all Molly standing in the kitchen cooking dinner, but that was exactly where he
found her.

  Molly sang softly to herself as she moved around the kitchen with an ease that made Bruce’s heart ache. This was what he wanted to come home to—her bright smile and the rich scent of onions and beef that filled the air. The rich aroma made his stomach rumble.

  The sound echoed through the room, drawing Molly’s gaze toward Bruce. She stilled over the sink, looking a little uncertain for a moment before she managed to plaster a smile on and offer him a cheery greeting.

  “Hey, guys, I made dinner,” she announced as if that wasn’t obvious enough.

  So, too, was the nervousness that seemed to grip her in that moment, as clear as the indecision that flashed through her eyes. Bruce knew she waited for them to say something about the mess filling their apartment, but he decided against it, wanting to play this game and see where it led.

  “Great.” Bruce smiled back before nudging Logan, who shot him a dirty look before going along with Bruce’s silent command.

  They’d talked about this. Logan had screwed everything up, even if it looked as if he hadn’t, but that didn’t change the fact that they were doing things Bruce’s way. They were or he’d beat his cousin down right here and now again.

  “Great,” Logan finally repeated, drawing Molly’s gaze toward him. Her eyes widened instantly.

  “Oh my God, what happened to you?”

  “Me,” Bruce answered for Logan instantly, never letting his smile dip as Molly’s shocked glance fell on him.

  He waited to see just what she’d do with that, fully expecting an inquisition of some sort to come his way but Molly just frowned and turned back to her cooking. That left Logan and him sharing a look and a silent thought. Something had happened. Something bad…or possibly good, it was too soon to tell.

  “So…” Bruce began, feeling a strange need to push and needle Molly just to see how much he could get away with. “You been busy today?”


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