Zombified (Book 2): Shady Oaks

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Zombified (Book 2): Shady Oaks Page 15

by Robinson, Char

  Then he remembered Beth and the others and mentally crossing his fingers, hoped they would somehow notice what was going on and stay away and out of danger. Who knew, perhaps they would even figure out a way to help. Charlie took a seat next to his daughter and turned to glare at the man he hated with every fiber of his being.

  “As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted,” Malcolm said with a steely glance toward Charlie. “Imagine my surprise when we returned and found all of you here. I was sure everyone had cleared out, but no, here you are.” His eyes narrowed as he walked toward them. “Now why is that?” He pointed toward Brooke. “She had an accident?”

  “You could say that,” Jake growled.

  Charlie looked at him in surprise; Jake always spoke softly and had a gentle way about him. Now he was red in the face and stood rigidly with clenched fists.

  “Those things you put out in the field, some of them got loose and one of them scratched her on the leg and ankle. I've started running tests to see if she can handle the vaccine when you interrupted.”

  Malcolm's eyes widened in surprise. “Sorry to hear that, I'm assuming you sedated her?”

  Jake nodded slowly, never taking his eyes off Malcolm. “From what your people discovered before leaving, we can test first to see if she will accept or reject the vaccine. If she accepts it, we'll give it to her right away. If not, we'll put her in a coma like Connor until we figure out how to make this vaccine more accommodating, which I do believe can be done with a little more time. We're very close.”

  Malcolm stared at Brooke while absentmindedly stroking his chin. “That's why we came back, we need to finish this and get my son out of that coma. The longer he's down the harder it will be to get him back.”

  Once again, Jake nodded. “I'll be honest with you,” he said, suppressed anger making his voice shake. “I hate what you've done with a passion; in my book everything you've done goes against what it means to be human. I think you're a monster.”

  He took a deep breath and continued. “However, what your staff has accomplished will save lives in the end and we need to finish what we started. So what I want to know is, will you let me join them back there, they need my help and input.”

  Malcolm stared at him for a moment before smiling. “Actually, I think that is an excellent idea. I know you won't try anything with your family out here and you're correct, my people can use your help and knowledge, they've already told me that themselves.”

  Malcolm waved a hand toward the back of the tent. “Go on, and let them know I want a report every thirty minutes.”

  Jake leaned over to give Jenny a quick kiss and hug before marching toward the back without another glance toward Malcolm.

  “We'll be all right,” Charlie whispered with what he hoped was a reassuring tone. He gave her a small, encouraging smile.

  She smiled back and patted his knee. “I know, Dad, we always manage to wiggle our way out of sticky situations,” she whispered back.

  Charlie rubbed the back of his neck and closed his eyes. He hoped Mick was doing better than he was at the moment. Things were looking bleak. Someway, they were going to either have to take Malcolm and his men out or get word to someone about their latest predicament. At the moment though, he was fresh out of ideas, all he could do is hope an opportunity would present itself one way or another.


  They were almost there and good thing because he was losing control. They could smell their prey, like a thirsty animal can smell water, and the thick scent that seemed to be everywhere drove them onward.

  They surged toward the heart of Shady Oaks, toward the park, and the shops, and the government buildings. Collectively, they felt a jolt of energy run through them and then all control was gone.

  He actually felt relief; it had been a monumental struggle to hold them. Almost as one, a great groan erupted from decaying throats, a sound that stopped the living in their tracks.

  They passed the park and came upon a large group of people standing near a brick building. Once frozen in fear, when they saw what was descending upon them, they bolted and the chase was on. He watched the others fan out and before long he heard the first cries of the living as they were attacked and literally eaten alive.

  He turned his mind away, he was eager to feast himself. He reached the building and stood there for a moment. He was about to turn and follow the others when he heard a sound, actually a child's cry, emanate from inside. Rapid gunfire now accompanied the yelling and screaming outside and he decided he wanted no part of that.

  Silently, he stepped through the doorway, followed by several others. Together, they wandered through the lobby and office rooms until there was another cry, clearer this time. He was sure it came from below them and within moments he had found the stairs and began his slow ascent.

  When he heard voices shushing the child, he sped up. Bloody, frothy drool began to spill from his mouth, dripping onto the stairs. His entire being wanted to eat, to tear and devour. He reached the bottom and stopped for a moment to digest the sight before him.

  Several people stood before the open shelter door, arguing about what they should do next. A child caught his attention, her mother had her firmly by one hand and she was tugging to get away. She cried out again and as if it were a signal, they lunged forward. Since he was in front, the shoving bodies behind gave him a boost, literally throwing him into the group of people standing there. Finally, he thought as he grabbed the first of many. Time to eat.

  Chapter 22

  Mick held Cindy, several thoughts and emotions pouring through him in waves. He was still struggling with his decision to leave Brooke, hating what his grim new reality forced him to do. He didn't know what to say or do first, so he simply held her until she stepped back and smiled.

  “Mom,” Scott said with a wave of his hand to get her attention. “What's going on?”

  Darrell and Megan joined them and Cindy once again recounted the events since Mick and her sons left Shady Oaks. As she finished, heavy gunfire drew their attention.

  “Sounds like the activity is picking up, the zombies must be there,” Megan remarked. “Anyone have any ideas on what would be the best way to get downtown without getting nailed by zombies or the Connor people?”

  “Let's all get in the truck and head for the park,” Mick said. He had been devising a plan all the way back and he hoped it was a good one. “I think from the park we can see and hear almost everything that's going on, and then decide from there what to do.”

  Megan headed for the back of the truck. “Sounds like a good idea, let's get going before it's over,” she said as she jumped into the truck bed.

  Everyone scurried to get on the truck; Mick was last and practically fell into Cindy's lap when Scott gunned it. He sat up and put his arm around his wife.

  She looked up at him. “Brooke okay? I know you had to leave her up there for her own protection, but I still have this wish for us to be all together.”

  “She's in good hands,” he said softly. How he hated not being able to tell Cindy what was really going on! “Where are Denise, Sarah, and the girls?” Mick asked. He nervously changed the subject, but also knew Scott and Sean would ask and he wanted to be ready with a reply to reassure them.

  “Oh, you know how Sarah is claustrophobic so no shelter for them, she took the girls earlier today up to one of the farms, I don't remember which one. Denise is with them and they're planning on staying there tonight.”

  “I'm assuming the boys know where they are.”

  “Oh yeah, guess they planned this out just in case something happened.”

  “Good, that should keep them from worrying. You know they're listening, right?” Mick asked, referring to the Connor Group.

  “We know, but we decided they already know we're here and it was more important we know what's going on than floundering around. Lesser of two evils stuff.”

  Mick nodded then winced as they hit a pothole, which bounced them all around.
Just as he got somewhat comfortable, Scott hit the brakes, throwing them forward.

  He stuck his head out the window. “Sorry 'bout that, think we have company up ahead.”

  Mick slowly stood up and climbed down, meeting Sean and Scott in the middle of the road. He flicked on his flashlight and shining it down the road, strained to see through the fog, which rolled by them in slow moving waves.

  “I caught a glimpse of something in my headlights,” Scott explained. “I think it was zombies and we don't want them coming this way if we can help it.”

  Mick placed a hand on his son's shoulder. “Glad you spotted them, guess we should walk the rest of the way to the park.”

  “That's what I'm thinking, Sean and I will take lead, everyone else hang back but keep us in sight until we get there.” Scott looked up at the others gathered around. “Let's hug the side of the road, no use walking down the middle and making ourselves easy targets.”

  He turned and after a few words with his brother, they both turned and started a slow jog with the others following at a safe distance. Watching the backs of his sons, Mick grew increasingly concerned with the gunfire and other noises they were hearing. That old feeling of being deeply scared returned and he swallowed hard, as though that would force it back down.

  To his relief, it wasn't long before he spotted the beautifully carved wooden sign declaring they were at Shady Oaks Park. The entire sign looked like a giant oak tree and the words were nestled under the boughs.

  Sean and Scott veered off to the right past the sign and headed down toward the small lake in the center. The lake was fed by one large creek that ran down the mountain and when spring rains came, the overflow ran down another, smaller creek that meandered out of town. Most of the farmers tapped the mountain creek for irrigation. Mick couldn't recall what the creeks were called, but decided if he survived the night, he'd do more investigating into Shady Oak's history.

  Realizing he was daydreaming at the worst time ever, he shook his head and glanced up at his sons. They stopped next to the small concessions building where families often went to grab a snow cone or something cold to drink on a summer evening. Picnic tables sat under several tall oaks to provide shade from the summer heat and without a word, everyone took a seat.

  Scott leaned against one table while Sean hopped up and sat on top. “Let's check our weapons while we take a quick break,” he said in a loud whisper.

  “Good idea,” came another whisper in reply.

  Mick was in the process of retrieving his gun and at first what he heard didn't register. Then he froze and looked up. Both Sean and Scott had their hands up and were looking at something behind him. He felt a hand come down on his shoulder and give a firm squeeze.

  Slowly he looked at the hand gloved in black, then let his gaze travel up the arm. He took in the insignia on the uniform and then looked up at the man grimly smiling down at him. He winced. He recognized him as one of the men that had caught them up on the mountain. Casting a quick glance around, he saw they were completely surrounded, and none of them heard a sound.

  “Surprise,” said the man, again in a whisper loud enough for them all to hear.

  Mick looked on with surprise when the man let go of him and squatted down in front of them, flanked by his army of hired help.

  “Let's talk,” he said in a low voice. “Who's in charge here?”

  Mick felt all eyes from his group flick in his direction and he sighed. Here we go again, he thought fearfully. He straightened up and tried to look competent. “You want to talk? Well we're listening and you'd better hurry because I don't think we have a lot of time to be messing around.”

  “Oh, I think you'll want to hear what we propose, we can all benefit in the end.”

  Mick licked his lips nervously. He had an idea what they wanted. He cast a doleful eye at Cindy and she shrugged. Sighing again, he turned back.



  Charlie fidgeted, his mind humming as he tried to think of some way to get out of the mess they were in. He desperately wanted to warn Beth and the others, he kept picturing over and over in his mind them walking right into the tent and back into the devious arms of Malcolm.

  He leaned over toward Jenny. “How is Brooke doing, did Jake say anything when I was gone?”

  “She's been sleeping through the whole thing; whatever Jake gave her is pretty powerful. The only thing he said is that the test is running, but it will be almost morning before we know for sure.”

  “Okay,” he said morosely. He leaned back and eyed the two men still guarding them. They were the same ones from earlier in the day. Charlie was surprised to see them; they must have been able to make their escape from Captain Sears' men during the earlier chaos.

  The younger one was stationed at the tent entrance and the other man he nicknamed Bullfrog was wandering around, boredom evident on his ugly face. Malcolm and his personal bodyguard were somewhere in back.

  He shifted in his chair and movement near the entrance caught his eye. He turned his head slowly, not looking directly at the opening; he didn't want to alert their guards. Slowly, a face appeared and his breath stopped as his eyes widened. Beth was looking at him and as her eyes darted downward, he finally took a breath. She saw the man in front of her and slowly drew back.

  Without moving, he glanced over toward the other guard, now he was messing around with a computer. Beth reappeared and mouthed “how many” at him.

  Charlie stared at the first guard and nodded slowly, mouthing “one.” Then slowly turned his head to look at the other then mouthed “two” back at her. She nodded and as she went to back away he cleared his throat.

  She froze and looked at him. He tilted his head and mouthed “five” as he slowly reached up as though to scratch his head. Instead he held his fingers out then pointed toward the back. To his relief, she nodded before disappearing.

  He sat back and glanced at Jenny, who was looking at him with wide eyes. “I totally forgot about Beth and you didn't have a chance to tell me if you found the others,” she whispered guiltily. “Do you think she can get help?”

  “We found the others, they're in bad shape, but I think they can help,” he whispered back. He nodded toward Jimmy, who had drifted back off to sleep himself and was currently drooling on his shirt.

  “I know Jake gave him some pain medication that made him groggy, but we will probably need to wake him up soon so he can help when the time comes. If anything, he can watch over Brooke and keep her safe.”

  Before he could say anything more, Malcolm walked in and came to stand directly before Jenny. “My men are hungry and Jake tells me you're the person to see. I would appreciate it if you would make enough sandwiches to feed everyone. Check the fridge, there should be some fresh lettuce and tomatoes. Chips and other snack foods are in the pantry, but you probably already know what's over there.”

  Without a word, she stood and walked toward the back, with Malcolm following. There was a tiny kitchen area next to the lab and Charlie knew she'd be busy for awhile, so he took her seat. Now he had a better view of the entrance and wouldn't be so conspicuous if Beth returned.

  He hoped Mick and everyone back at Shady Oaks were doing better; Mick would flip if he knew Malcolm was back. Charlie hated waiting and to keep from fidgeting, he slid his chair closer to Brooke and placed a hand on her forehead. She still felt warm, but not hot, and he withdrew his hand.

  He glanced at Jimmy, who was on the other side of Brooke's cot. He was still asleep with one arm now outstretched on the table next to him which he used as a pillow. He didn't know how Jimmy could sleep like that, but chalked it up to being young.

  The younger guard, whom Charlie decided should be called Freckles, stood up and stretched. “I need to take a quick break,” he told Bullfrog, who was still at the computers. “Be right back.”

  “Yeah,” Bullfrog grunted with a wave, not even looking up.

  Freckles shouldered his weapon and walked outside; C
harlie figured he was headed for the latrines. He turned his attention back to Bullfrog.

  As though he could feel he was being watched, he glanced up. “Don't try anything stupid, like before,” he growled, pointing a finger at Charlie. “You won't get off so easy next time.”

  Charlie gave him a wide-eyed, innocent look and held out his hands, palms up. “I wouldn't think of it.”

  Bullfrog's eyes narrowed. “Don't play cutesy with me.”

  Charlie started to reply, but a strange sound from outside stopped him. Bullfrog heard it, too.

  “What the...,” Bullfrog said as he headed for the entrance. He almost forgot Charlie and halted. After a quick glance at Brooke and Jimmy, he strode over and grabbed Charlie by the arm. “Grab your flashlight and come with me.”

  Charlie went obligingly, he was certain that half cry, half choking sound came from Freckles and he was eager for Beth and the others to take care of Bullfrog, too.

  He grinned to himself and had the strongest urge to start whistling, but stopped himself from acting too jubilant. Bullfrog was already on alert, a large revolver in the other hand.

  “I think your friend must have run into one of those crawling zombies things that got loose,” Charlie said amicably in an effort to lessen the other man's anxiety. “We'll probably run into him stomping it into the ground.”

  Bullfrog gave a low chuckle and to Charlie's relief, his grip relaxed a little. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  As they stepped outside and turned right, toward the direction of the latrines, Bullfrog pointed. “Shine your light down there.”

  Charlie obliged. “Looks clear to me, should we go on?”

  Bullfrog just grunted and gave Charlie a shove, which he took as an affirmative and so he continued on. He hoped that what they heard was indeed Beth and the others and not some random zombies running loose, he didn't want to deal with that scenario on top of everything else.


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