Temporary Master

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Temporary Master Page 7

by Dakota Trace

  He got his answer as he eased the rope up and over her nipples, their dark tips distended and clearly visible through the lace of her bra. She whimpered, pushing up against the hemp.

  “Are you ready for more, Sabella?” He resisted the urge to nip at her shoulder when she squirmed against him.

  “Yes, Sir. Please?”

  Her arms tightened before releasing him at his command. He let the rope drop away, before urging her to her feet. “Stand for inspection.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She moved so her legs were a shoulder length apart, turned her hip slightly towards him, bent her knees slightly and turned her head to the left, as she raised her arms above her head with her wrists crossed. The absence of a collar hit him hard but he reined in the need to see leather gracing her neck. This was training, not a true scene, no matter what his mind or body wanted.

  “Very good.” Walking around her, he adjusted her stance in the way he needed, before uncrossing her wrists. “I’m going to used a binding called kotobu ryo tekubi, or the captive tie.” He stepped in front of her, winding the hemp up with a few twists of his hands. Catching her gaze with his, he tried to judge her state. She was still aroused as was he but her eyes were clear. But he still had to know. “What level are you at, little one?”

  “Green, Sir.”

  He nodded as he brushed the coiled rope across her upper chest. “Good. And your safeword again?”

  “Dobby.” Her chest rose sharply when he flicked one nipple with the hemp.

  “Very good. Now we’re going to start out with the ryo tekubi portion of the tie.” He stepped around her. “It’s a basic tie that’ll allow me to restrain you at the wrists while still leaving the rest of your body open to my touch.” Looping the hemp, he gathered her wrists together. Winding the rope around them, he stopped to press on her fingers, nodding when they went white and then back to their normal pink color. “How’s that feel, Sabella? Too tight? Can you wiggle your fingers for me?”

  “Good, Sir.” Her fingers wiggled. “Not too tight.”

  “Great.” Letting the length of the hemp dangle down her back, he traced down her spine until his hand rested just below her bra line. Using his thumb to hold the rope in place, he took the end and wrapped it around the front of her. Catching it on the other side of her body, he drew it back around to meet his thumb, effectively caging her torso. Pulling it snug, he looped the rope through itself where his thumb was executing a simple overhand knot and tying it off. “Too tight?” He pulled lightly on the binding to check for pinching.

  “No, Sir.” Her breathing was a bit erratic.

  He paused. “You need to relax. Match my breathing.” He tugged her back against him, ignoring the brush of rope against his skin. He was starting to see why she’d said she was still looking for more out of her experiences with bondage. She became aroused to the point she lost focus on what she wanted.


  “Shhh, feel my breathing, Sabella. Match it and we’ll continue.”

  He could feel her struggle with his command, but after several false starts she finally relaxed into his embrace, her breathing once more steady. “Good girl.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, before stepping back cautiously. Waiting to make sure she was okay before they began again, he asked again. “What level are you at?”

  “Green, Sir.”

  He was just reaching for the ends of the rope when she spoke again. “Thank you for your patience with this slave, Sir. But could you please scratch under the knot? It itches.”

  A chuckle escaped him. “Of course, since you asked so nicely.” Running his nails under the knot, he scratched her lightly.

  She gave a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome.” Then snagging the rope with one hand, he crouched down behind her. He pushed it through the V of her legs, and judged the distance before pulling it back out. Placing a knot he was sure would rub over her clit, he threaded it back through and grabbed the end from the other side. Rising, he circled to the front of her, drawing up the rope until it was resting firmly against the damp material of her panties and level with the rope above her waist. When it settled against the most sensitive spot on a woman’s body, she moaned softly. “Shhh, relax. I know it feels good, but we aren’t in any rush.”

  She whimpered but nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  Threading it through the horizontal rope bisecting her torso, he tied it off with another overhand knot. Then he tested for tightness before he began wrapping the excess back down the vertical portion of the rope. He had to hide his smile as she swayed towards him, each time he wrapped the strand and teased her clit. When it was finally done, he tucked the strand behind the main rope and removed his hands. “Look at me, Sabella.”

  Her eyes, looking so large in her flushed face, stared up at him in a dazed wonderment. She wasn’t in subspace but was highly aroused. He could see the path to sending her there, but he wasn’t going to go there yet. He didn’t trust his control if he sent her tumbling into that sacred place during their first time. But he could do something else though, he decided. Turning her, he faced her towards the wall of mirrors. “Look at how beautiful you are.” Running his hands down her arms, he traced a meandering path across her torso until his hands rested on her hips. “Absolutely exquisite.”

  Her breath came a bit faster. “Shh, relax. You’re tense again. I want to see nothing but relaxation in your frame. Don’t fight the ropes or your body’s reaction to them. Savor both.” His hands glided back up, skimming over the rope and satiny skin until he was able to cup her lace covered breasts. Supporting their weight with the palms of his hands, he watched in the mirror as her cheeks pinked and the already tight buds at the centers became even more pronounced under the material. He idly wondered how she reacted to clamps on those sensitive tips. Would she come from the bite of the clamps alone? Or would she cry and beg for more? He could feel his cock leaving a smear of precum against the front of his pants. He knew his body. It was time to finish this before he ended up knocking her to the ground, tearing aside her flimsy excuses of underwear, ripping open his pants and sinking deep inside her wet heat.

  Clearing his throat, he started the cool down process by kissing the crown of her head, speaking softly as he loosened the ropes. He was urging her to come back down. Even aroused as she was, with the correct aftercare, he was certain he could send her away with a smile.

  * * * *

  Sabella wasn’t smiling as she stomped inside of her father’s apartment. She was horny and on edge. If she’d had a membership at a local club she’d have gone there, found the first available Dom and thrown herself at his feet, begging him to fuck her. But she was a different sub than she’d been before Louis. She wasn’t going to let her libido control her actions, or blind her to the fact Ethan had manipulated not only her body but her emotions as well. She’d never felt as close to a Dom as she had under his hands. And it pissed her off that, instead of taking the scene to its inevitable conclusion, he’d backed off and brought her back down.

  “Is that you, Bella-mía?” The sound of her dad’s voice warned her she needed to get control of her feelings before he figured out there was something wrong.

  “Yes, Daddy.” She set her purse down on the kitchen table. “It’s just been a long day. The kids were rowdy at work, and the appointment I had tonight didn’t go quite as planned…” Reaching into the fridge she went to pull out a soda when she found a beer. Dang it, Daddy, you know you can’t have beer anymore. Pressing her head to the cool surface of the fridge door, she counted to ten, twice, before finally turning to confront her dad who was now standing in the entryway to the kitchen. He glanced at the beer in her hand and crossed his arms over his chest as if daring her to say anything.

  Setting it down on the counter, she moved past him without a word, heading for her room where she could scream into her pillow.

  “You aren’t gonna say anything to me?” Andrew followed her down the narrow hall,
his heavy tread reminiscent of the few times he and her mother had fought. He’d done the same thing when something was bothering him and he wanted attention from her mom.

  “No.” She entered her room and turned to shut the door, before finally focusing on his beloved green eyes — eyes which reminded her so much of Ethan Tremaine’s. At the moment though, she wanted nothing to do with the male side of the species, even her exasperating father. “You’re a grown man and if you choose to drink yourself into an early grave — well then, I suppose that’s your choice.” She sighed. “Just tell me where you want to be buried.” Then she shut the door on his look of horror. Never in her life had she spoken to her father that way. She’d always been the supportive daughter, the one who was able to sooth waters between her dad and whoever he’d managed to piss off. But who’s going to do it when it’s between him and me?

  Kicking her shoes off, she stripped down to her underwear, refusing to look at herself in the mirror. She didn’t need any reminders of her time with Ethan, so even seeing the faint rope marks on her body would trigger the memory. Grabbing her robe, she shrugged it on after picking up her nightgown. She needed a shower, bed, and an orgasm and not particularly in that order. Gathering up her shower supplies, she opened the door, not at all surprised her father was gone. Probably to watch TV, eat salted nut rolls and drink beer. Not wanting to chance another confrontation, she slipped into the bathroom and locked the door.

  Shedding the robe and her undergarments, she cranked on the shower as warm as she could handle it. Stepping under the pounding spray, she braced her hands against the ceramic tiles and hissed as the hot water hit her back and bottom.

  “Blessed men, can’t ever do what they’re told, let alone what’s expected of them.” She turned to face the deluge, groaning as the water teased her nipples. She trembled as the needlelike spray caressed them. It didn’t take much to imagine them being Master Ethan’s fingers, or better yet his clamps. She hadn’t commented on the row upon row of clamps she’d found neatly arranged in the drawer above his ropes, but they’d intrigued her greatly.

  Lifting her hands to her breasts, she squeezed them as she slipped into the fantasy…

  Still bound for his pleasure, she could do little but squirm as Master Ethan stepped back to observe his handiwork. The desire for her showed in his gaze, in the brush of his fingers as they teased her nipples through her bra. He smirked as they tightened further.

  “They are sensitive, aren’t they, Sabella?”

  She nodded and moaned when he lightly pinched one tip, while rubbing the other with his thumb.

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He gave her captured nipple a tug, before releasing it. She wanted to protest, to beg — anything to bring his hands back to her aching flesh. But the words didn’t have time to surface as he flicked the clasp between her breasts open, allowing her them to tumble free. She had a moment of doubt as he stared down at the gently sagging mounds. Large all her life, her breasts had never been perky, just soft and pillowy.

  “What wonderful softness you have, little one.” His gaze hardened. “One I want to see adorned with my clamps.” He turned away to get them, leaving Sabella to stand trembling in the middle of his training room.

  Squeezing one breast, she panted and allowed her free hand to cup her mound, every nerve taut and alive with pleasure…

  He returned with a pair of padded nipple clamps, a devious expression on his face. “I do believe these will do nicely.” He thumbed one nipple before crouching down to suck the other into his mouth. The suction as he tugged and curled his tongue around the sensitive areola nearly sent her careening over the edge. Releasing her with a pop, he scowled at her as if he knew how close to release his mouth had sent her. “Not yet, Sabella. You’ll not come until I have both of your nipples clamped. Do you understand?”

  She nodded wordlessly, her eyes drifting shut as she fought for control. The slight sting of his palm as he lightly tapped the side of her breast had her eyes flying open.

  “That’s not an answer, sub.”

  “Yes, Sir…I understand. I’m not to come until you’ve clamped both my nipples.” She drew a ragged breath as the teeth of the clamp settled over her nipple…

  “Ahhh…” She squeezed her nipple, imagining the bite of the clamp, while rocking against her other palm…

  “Shhh, relax Sabella. Breathe through the pain. You know how…” He sucked in her free nipple, readying it for the remaining clamp.

  She begged, she pleaded with him as he tongued and nipped at it. She’d do anything he asked. She’d suck his cock until he exploded down her throat, she’d take him up her ass. As soon as the latter crossed her lips, he growled against her and tugged on the dangling clamp. She squealed and squirmed against his hold. Ripping his mouth free, he abandoned her breast, before towering over her. Running a hand through her hair, he tightened his fist in the long strands and yanked her head back. She whimpered as the move strained her already over-stretched arms. His grip eased as he slanted his mouth over hers. First nipping at her top lip, before sucking her lower lip into his mouth. Biting down gently on it, he distracted her. It wasn’t until his tongue thrust inside to tangle with hers did she feel the bite of the clamp…

  Screaming into her palm, she rode her fingers as the world exploded around her, her body bucking upwards wanting — no needing the touch, the kiss of the Dom who’d driven her to such lengths. She sagged against the wall as her orgasm ebbed. It’d been stronger than any she’d experienced in the past. As she trembled under the cooling water, it brought home the idea, as usual, she was alone in her pleasure.

  Chapter Nine

  Sliding into another Kata, Ethan tried to ignore his raging hard-on. Usually Hojōjutsu soothed him, but not this time. It’d been nearly two hours since Sabella had left. He needed to find his focus once more before he was called down to the club. What had he been thinking, scheduling his new submissive’s training before a Newbie Night? There would be no relief for him either, since he never allowed himself to play during the Friday night tradition he and Davis had started shortly after opening the club. During these nights, he assumed not only his role as the co-owner of New Beginnings, but also one as Dungeon Monitor to make sure all the pretty little submissives were able to play safely.

  “So how did it go?” Davis’s voice drew him to stop. Without looking at his partner, he walked over to the small fridge tucked behind one of the silk screens to grab a cold bottle of water before answering him.

  “She’s a natural. In a bit of a rush, but most definitely a nawa jujun. I couldn’t ask for a better submissive for our demonstration.” He twisted off the cap and took several long swallows.

  “That’s all you’re going to tell me?” Davis was lounging against the wall, holding a towel as Ethan walked back around the screen.

  “What would you like me to say? She’s definitely a sub who knows how to get me going, but that I’m bound my word to not initiate any intimacy with her?”

  Davis shoved off the wall with a groan. “Don’t tell me you agreed to keep things platonic between you. Do you have a death wish, buddy? You might have the whole ‘still waters run deep’ thing going on, but I know you. You want her. I swear if I’d seen any more sparks earlier when she was here, you’d have set the whole house on fire. How the hell could you’ve agreed to keep your hands to yourself during training? It’d be a perfect way to seduce her.”

  Ethan shrugged. “She barely knows me, Davis. It’d be foolish on her part to allow me such intimacies. I agree it’d be easy to seduce her during training, but it wouldn’t be fair to her.” He remembered her nearly out of control response to the rope. “She has to come to me before she’s half crazy with desire, before I’ll do more than train her.”

  Davis raked his hand through his hair, a frustrated expression on his face. “I can’t believe you. You know you have this honor thing down pat - that you don’t have to prove yourself
to anyone?”

  He arched a brow at Davis as he took the towel from his friend, wiping the sweat off his face. Looping it around his neck, he sighed. “Of course. But honor is not something I’ll throw aside merely to slake my lust.”

  “But why do you do this to yourself? Are you a glutton for punishment?” His friend honestly looked confused.

  Ethan laughed, knowing that while his friend didn’t truly understand the way Ethan had been raised, he wasn’t in any position to be lecturing Ethan about his way of dealing with Sabella. His friend had his own cross to bear when it came to the female of the species. “This coming from the man who’s been chasing the lovely Lauren for the past six months?”

  Davis scowled. “We’re not talking about Lauren here. If I had her in the same situation you have Sabella in, you bet your ass I’d be all over her, fucking her until she couldn’t even fathom leaving my side again, let alone look at another Dom.”

  Shaking his head, he chuckled at Davis’s crass response. “You know with that attitude I almost hope you never get your hands on her.”

  Davis’s hands went to his hips. “And what exactly do you mean, Tremaine?”

  “You think sex is the cure all for everything, and it’s amusing to see her leading you a merry chase. I’d like to think we’re mature enough to realize our dicks don’t have the answer for everything.” He turned to leave the room, and just as he passed the door he heard Davis protest.

  “But sex sure is nice, Ethan! Remember that when you’re jacking off tonight!”

  Ethan sobered as he made his way down the hall. He hadn’t jacked off in years, preferring to abstain from sex and save his pleasure for his submissive. But tonight he had a feeling he just might be breaking his own rules.


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