His Little Problem

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His Little Problem Page 10

by Melinda Barron

  “May I consider it?”

  “You may,” he said. “I hope you will have a decision for me after dinner tonight.”

  “I will,” she said. “This goes a little beyond what I expected through our agreement.”

  “For me, also, but I am intrigued about what will happen next.” He rubbed the paddle against her knee. “It will be hard to stay silent and enjoy dinner without wanting to shove everyone out the door tonight.”

  She turned her gaze on his and they stared into each other’s eyes. She could feel the heat from his body, mingling with her own.

  “It will be difficult for me, also,” she said. “But I am nervous about it.”

  “Let me guide you, Alice,” he said. “I will teach you things you never thought possible.”

  “I hope I don’t push away your teachings.”

  “If you do, I’ll bring you back on course, I promise.”

  Somehow, she knew that he would.

  Chapter 8

  Shaw is on his way back home,” Essex announced after they had eaten. They were in Buxton’s library, sipping brandy or wine, depending on the person. “My sources tell me he has indeed been in Paris for the last few weeks, in the company of a beautiful widow. Buxton, have you heard from him?”

  Julian shook his head. “But I am not surprised by this news. I knew he was loyal. Who is the widow?”

  “Lady Ellen Franklin,” Essex said.

  Alice let out a soft cry. She was trying as hard as she could to pay attention to what was being said, when in actuality all she could think about was what would happen after everyone was gone.

  She’d stopped by her home that evening to let her staff, all two of them, know she would not be home again that evening. Jane had smiled, but her housekeeper/cook, Mrs. Evely, had given her “the look” which showed she disapproved of her employer’s activities. Alice couldn’t help but wonder if the woman was out looking for a new position.

  “You have something to add, Mrs. Hamilton?” Essex asked.

  “But that cannot be. Lady Ellen is engaged to marry an Earl from Scotland. Her parents arranged it after the death of Lord Franklin.”

  “This earl’s name?” Ellington asked.

  “I don’t remember,” Alice responded. “It meant nothing to me at the time. I read it in the newspaper.”

  “Perhaps Lady Ellen is not happy with her pending fate,” Buxton said. “It wouldn’t be the first time that a widow has been forced into a marriage that does not make her happy.”

  “We need to find out who the Earl is,” Buxton said. “If he is angry at Shaw for taking away his expected bride, then he would lash out at him, and his friends.

  The door of the sitting room burst open and two people rushed into the room.

  “Julian?” Alice asked, wondering if she should be nervous that these two were here to do them harm.

  “It’s all right, my pet,” Julian said. “This is Amelia Turnston and Lord Cannonberry, better known as Edward, her future husband.

  Alice looked at the two and nodded. Cannonberry bowed ever so slightly, but Amelia was so visibly shaken a person could see that she really hadn’t noticed anyone in the room except for the man standing next to her. Her fiancé, however, looked extremely angry.

  “The price has gone up,” he said, handing a sheet of paper to Buxton. “They now want £45,000. But they’re being generous. They’ve given us a week to pay this time.”

  Essex let out a soft whistle.

  “It’s quite brilliant really,” Buxton said. “Young Lady Franklin falls in love with Shaw. To keep from having to marry the Scottish Earl she leaves with Shaw for Paris. Once the little trip has been discovered the Earl will be humiliated. The Earl, who is obviously a man with mental acuity, much like ourselves, does his research and finds out that Shaw is a member of the Rakes.”

  Alice smiled. “Then our mystery Scotsman uses Celia Howell to gain entrance to Shaw’s home. She romances the butler, uses him to deliver notes and when he becomes a hindrance she kills him. Using Shaw’s butler would throw suspicion on him.”

  Amelia frowned. “Are you talking about the Earl of MacIntosh? He is indeed engaged to marry Lady Franklin. She disappeared three days ago, however. No one knows where she is.”

  “Leave it to my Amelia to keep up with the gossip,” Cannonberry said as he kissed her hand.

  “Oh, we know,” Buxton said. “She has been with Shaw.”

  “Shaw must have left first, then she went to join him,” Ellington said. “A week to pay up. Well, my dear Carin, I believe that gives us a chance to arrange a party. And invite MacIntosh. We’ll let him know that we are on to his plans.”

  “Excellent,” Carin said. “I love parties. I will expect some help, of course.” She glanced at Charlotte and Amelia. Then she turned to Alice. “And from you, too, Alice.”

  Alice shook her head. “I know nothing about arranging parties. Plus, I would know no one there.” Attending a party like this was not part of the arrangement for future things that she had with Buxton, was it? Something told her he would expect it of her.

  She hadn’t thought about things like that when she’d accepted his proposal to take things a bit further for them. Somehow she’d just thought of herself, and him, and the sex that would come with it.

  Buxton winked at her before he turned his attention to his other guests. “Don’t worry Carin she’ll be there. And she would love to help.”

  Alice opened her mouth to object again and shut it quickly. He’d said he would be in charge in the bedchamber, but how did that translate to other phases of their lives? Also, what did his friends know about their relationship? Not just Essex, Ellington and their wives. They knew, of course; Alice knew that from the other evening.

  But what about these two that had just arrived? Did they know? Something told her they did. She thought about the items in her wardrobe, of what she could wear to a party held at a Lord’s home.

  She glanced at Carin, who smiled shyly.

  “We need to go dress shopping, of course,” Charlotte said. “We know the perfect place. Carin used to be employed there. Alice, I will call for you at two tomorrow. Amelia, I hope you’ll join us.”

  “I have quite a bit to do yet for the wedding on Saturday.” Amelia blushed and looked up at Cannonberry who gave her a deep smile. Alice felt a bit of jealousy surge through her. It was obvious this couple cared for each other very much. It was a feeling Alice had not enjoyed, and something she truly wanted to feel. Perhaps she would. Maybe with Buxton? Only time would tell.

  “I think you should go and enjoy yourself, Amelia,” Cannonberry said. “Take the afternoon to shop and enjoy tea with your friends.”

  “It will be smashing fun,” Carin said. “You know how much I love to shop.”

  “Oh, yes, I know, and so does my man of affairs when the bills come due,” Ellington said with a laugh.

  “Are you complaining?” Carin asked. “You certainly don’t seem to mind when I come home with new clothes that you enjoy watching me put on and take off.”

  “Very slowly,” Ellington said. He licked his lips and wiggled his eyebrows. “It’s always better when things go slowly.”

  “Stop it,” Carin said. “We’re not here to discuss things like that. Should we make the party a costume affair?”

  “No,” Buxton said. “True a costume party is fun, but there would be too much chance of someone slipping by. Right now we need to be able to see everyone’s face.”

  “It needs a theme,” Carin said. “I love theme parties. Flowers, or food, or something that will make it entertaining.”

  “What about a scavenger hunt party?” Charlotte said, excitement ringing in her voice. “In the next several days we’ll purchase things that can be hidden in the garden and located by the party goers. There will have to be a great many torches lit so they will be able to find things in the garden. Oh, it’s a splendid idea, don’t you think?”

  “I do,” Carin said. She clapped h
er hands and said, “We will shop for those items tomorrow, too. Small things that can be wrapped in boxes so that it’s obvious they are part of the party play. Oh this is exciting!”

  “Don’t get so caught up in it that you forget our real reason for hosting this affair,” Ellington said. “I’m sure MacIntosh will come, but something tells me he won’t be hunting for trinkets.”

  “Do you think he will throw her over?” Carin asked. “Ellen, I mean. Or will he marry her anyway to save face?”

  “I don’t know the man so there is no telling,” Buxton said. “Many would force a woman into marriage to gain lands and money. If he is that type of person he would marry her anyway, to get the spoils such a marriage would provide. She is an only child, and her father would give her everything, I’m sure.”

  “He might have before she escaped with Shaw,” Essex said. “Now, we will have to wait and see.”

  “If Shaw shows up with her we might have to hide her,” Charlotte said.

  It wasn’t a question of if, it was just a question of doing it. Alice was shocked that these people would offer to hide someone they knew nothing about. Not many of the people she’d ever dealt with before would offer their assistance.

  These people were different, and in more than just their sexual appetites. She was proud to be associated with them, even if it had been for only a short time, and who knew what the future held.

  “If it comes to that we will send her to Seafold,” Essex said. Everyone but Alice seemed to know where that was. She didn’t want to show her ignorance by asking so she kept quiet.

  “The plans are set, then,” Buxton said. “The ladies will enjoy their afternoon, then we have a wedding, and a party a few days after.”

  “Busy times,” Charlotte said with a laugh. Alice could tell she loved the idea, and truthfully, so did she.

  “We’ll see ourselves out, since we’re not going to have a Club party,” Ellington said.

  “Damn it,” Essex said, and they all laughed.

  Alice wasn’t sure how she felt about a Club party. It was all so new to her, and she wasn’t sure she could have sex in front of people, since she’d only lost her virginity a few days ago.

  The ladies hugged Alice and told her how much they looked forward to seeing her tomorrow. When they were gone, Alice turned to Buxton.

  “I cannot attend a society party with you,” she said, her voice low. “How would it look? The little tidbit in yesterday’s paper will still be fresh on everyone’s mind. I’ll be looked at as an interloper trying to rise above her station.”

  “Your station is with me,” Julian answered. Then he cocked his head and gave her a grin. “Do you forget that I am in charge? How dare you try to deny me.”

  He sounded like he meant it as a joke, but something told Alice that he didn’t.

  “Before we go upstairs I want to tell you not to worry about costs tomorrow. I will pay for your dresses and the sundries that you need to match them.”

  “But Julian…” She stopped speaking because she knew it would do no good. No matter what she said he would counter it, and she would lose.

  “Buy many dresses, Alice, because I will want all the world to see my new paramour.” He took her in his arms and kissed her deeply, his lips claiming her. She felt as if he would swallow her whole and make them one.

  When he released her, Alice’s breath came in short, shallow gasps.

  “Get hold of yourself and meet me upstairs,” he said. “I have some packages you need to unwrap.

  “Yes, Julian,” she said.

  “And, Alice, while you’re shopping tomorrow make sure at least one dress is suitable for Cannonberry’s wedding on Saturday.” He kissed her again before he said, “And something purple for the party, a deep purple.”

  He kissed her again and left the room. Alice stared after him, marveling once again at the changes in her life.

  She was still grinning when Julian stuck his head back into the room. “Don’t forget to buy several nice lacy corsets to match your dresses.”

  She found him upstairs, sitting in front of a roaring fire. On the bed there were boxes; Alice didn’t count them but there seemed to be at least ten or more. She wondered how many items were in each one, or if there was only one item per box. The boxes were all brown, but they were secured with blue ribbons.

  “What are these?” she asked.

  “They are things I bought from my friend this afternoon,” he said. “He’d just made a trip to Paris and brought back many things. I have to tell you the French are wonderfully inventive. I’ve enjoyed many of the things they’ve made over the years. Now, I’m going to introduce you to some of those items and we will enjoy them together.”

  Alice couldn’t help but laugh. “Are all of the items in these boxes related to sex?”

  “Indeed.” He picked up a snifter of brandy that sat on the table beside him. “We’re going to do this a little different than what you’re seeing here.”

  “Which means what?” Alice asked.

  “You’re going to open them naked,” he said.

  That wasn’t a surprise to her.

  “Dance for me, Alice,” he said. “Dance as Salome did for King Herod. Move your hips and sway to the invisible music.”

  Desire shot through her as his words soaked into her mind. She did as he asked, lifting her hands in the air and swaying as if an orchestra were near her, giving her the perfect music in which to remove all her clothing.

  Although she felt sexy and wanted, she also felt a little clumsy, as she had to stop at times to undo buttons and stays.

  But Julian didn’t seem to mind. Each time she looked at him he was smiling, his hands resting on his hard thighs near his crotch. Once she was certain she saw a nice bulge there, but when she looked again she wasn’t so certain.

  When she was down to her corset and stockings she said, “All of it?”

  “As the day you were born, Alice,” he replied.

  So she moved again, not as much as before because unlacing her corset made that difficult. When she’d thrown it on top of the pile of her other pieces of clothing, she took off her stockings and put her hands on her hips.

  “Is this what you want?”

  “Indeed it is,” he said. “Now, unpack the boxes, top to bottom.”

  Alice glanced at his crotch. Yes, there was definitely a bulge there, one that she wanted to play with. But she knew that would come later. At least she hoped it would.

  She picked up the first box, which was not very large. She took off the ribbon slowly and carefully opened the box. Inside she found a bracelet. It was made of leather and long enough that it would go about three-fifths of the way up her arm. It had three push in clasps, and at the wrist end there were two rings of what she thought might be steel.

  “Put it on,” he said.

  “Before I open the others?”

  For an answer he said, “Put it on.”

  The leather felt cold against her skin as she followed his instructions.

  “Open the next one,” he said after she’d flashed it at him.

  The second box contained a bracelet, same as the first. She didn’t need to be told what to do with it. When she had it on she flashed her wrists at him.

  “What are the steel rings for?” she asked, but truthfully she didn’t need to; it was obvious they could be used to make the bracelets into a sort of manacles.

  “Keep going,” he said.

  The next box contained a leg bracelet, much the same as the arm ones except it wasn’t as long. She put it on without being told and opened the next box, which contained its twin.

  When she was done she took a deep breath and turned to him. “You plan on tying me up?”

  “It’s always a possibility, my pet,” he said. “When we are in the bedroom you will wear those, and the one that’s in the next box.”

  Part of her was afraid to open it. He had something for her wrists and ankles. What could possibly come next? Could it
be a corset? She looked at the box and thought that maybe it was the right shape, long and thin.

  Once she’d opened it, though, her eyes widened. It was a belt, a long thin piece of leather with four silver rings. If she guessed right, by the time she had it on the rings would be located at four points, one on each side, one at her back and the other near her bellybutton.

  “Julian,” she whispered.

  “Put it on,” he said, “and then open the second to last box.”

  She was nervous, but intrigued. She tied the belt around her waist, and then picked up the second to last box. It was light, which made her think it wasn’t a corset, even though he’d expressed an interest about her purchasing corsets during her shopping expedition tomorrow.

  She took the ribbon off slowly and flipped open the lid. Inside lay sheer fabric. She wasn’t sure what it was until she lifted it out of the box. It was a robe, black in color and very opaque.

  “Julian, it’s beautiful,” she said.

  “I want to see you in it,” he said. “Go ahead and put it on.”

  Alice lifted it from the box. It was silk, sheer and very soft. It hung loosely on her body and it made her feel oh, so sexy.

  “Oh, Julian, this is incredible,” she said. “I never thought to have something like this to wear.”

  “This is your bedroom outfit,” he said. “The cuffs for wrists and ankles, the belt and the robe. Nothing else, even when we sleep.”

  “What if it’s cold?” she asked.

  “I’ll keep you warm,” he said. “Now, open the last box.”

  She did as she asked, and when she flipped the lid she was rather surprised to find the paddle he’d shown her that morning.

  “Time for the little paddling we discussed earlier,” he said. “I want you to lay over the bed, with your bottom in the air. When you’re done place the paddle to your left.”

  She did as he asked, excited more about the prospect of following his directions than of being spanked. Still, she was nervous and she took deep breaths to try and calm her nerves.


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