Gallery of Horrors

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Gallery of Horrors Page 5

by Steve Wands

  The doors were locked up with a chain on the outside; the glass was spider webbed from top to bottom. Beyond the initial doors was a smaller area filled with vending machines, quarter eaters, and tiny benches. Not much more was visible from where they stood. Gerty grabbed a crow bar from the bed of the truck. She popped the chain.

  From inside the heart of the consumer’s discount paradise were the moans of dead things. They were on an all night shopping spree, looking for the last bits of warm flesh. It was a sound the raiders knew all too well. They could tell there were a lot more of them than there were bullets, and bats, and hands to hold them. It was time to step back from the door and work in reverse.

  Frankie headed to the left side of the parking lot to check out a vehicle he spotted when they pulled in. Joseph grabbed the gas container from the bed of the truck and picked out the closest SUV (they usually had plenty of fuel to share). Dawn followed him, siphoning was a two-man job: one to siphon and one to act as lookout. Dawn took the job with ease, it would give her time to take a few puffs, which wasn’t the best idea, but Joseph didn’t really mind.

  Eddie hung around the door, keeping an eye on the dead things. Gerty was keeping him company. Jon-Jon looked like he was going to cry; the poor bastard hadn’t been able to shit right since this would-be-apocalypse started. Big Cups was just plain nervous. He was biting his nails and scratching at his crotch. He skittered over to Dawn and they split a cigarette. Having his shaky hands taking and passing a lit cigarette while Joseph was siphoning gasoline was a terrible idea. Joseph was thankful that he’d filled his canister as Cups was pulling his first drag.

  Frankie’s first choice of a new set of wheels didn’t pan out, but he eventually found a decent station wagon–it had room for six and plenty of storage with roof racks. The gas tank was nearly full and the tires looked to be in great shape. He drove it up alongside his Dodge. He was almost embarrassed to see the two of them next to each other, like his truck had feelings. Regardless, Frankie was loyal to his Dodge and he would stick with it till one of them died.

  Everything outside was set. The Dodge had been refueled and the gas can was full. They got a new set of wheels for their traveling band of felons, and were prepared to venture inside. Big Cups would stay behind with a walkie-talkie and a .38 special Smith & Wesson handgun. His nerves turned into a rubber-band ball collection and though he went on every raid, he could never muster the fortitude to go into any of the stores they raided. His duty was to guard the door and make sure there were no surprises coming or going, and that was about all he could handle.

  Most of the group thought it best to keep all walkie-talkie communication minimal. Less noise in these situations was for the best. Once the deaders spread out they entered the store, passed the main doors, and noticed the secondary doors were locked too. Gerty looked around, spotting lurkers, and planning accordingly. She then broke the lock, and the raiders were in. A few lurkers were close by and turned toward the noise. Or perhaps the scent of fresh meat on the sales floor, no one could be certain. They weren’t sure how the deaders knew when a living person was around, and most of the time they didn’t care, but now they’d rather not find out. They moaned and raised their arms to the best of their inability and lurched forward. These few would be a breeze for them; they were in bad repair, and slower than the freshly dead.

  Gerty used the crowbar she already had handy. Hollering like a cowboy she began her battering of one of the lurker’s head. It caved in with one bash, like a soggy pumpkin slamming against the street. Its blood didn’t gush out. It was coagulated and dripped slowly from the gaping hole. The dead shopper dropped to the ground. Just to be safe, she continued to pulverize the dead man’s head. His brains and skull looked like a finger-painting on the white tiled floor. By the time she finished, the remaining lurkers had been taken care of by her companions.

  Frankie was approaching another small group of more dead things while Dawn was drawn to the first sales bin they’d come across. The bin was full of cheap make-up and discounted DVD’s. An odd tie-in, but there it was nonetheless. Frankie savagely attacked the next pairing of flesh eaters. The blood flowed toward a battery display that Frankie didn’t see at first. It was nearly empty. He called Joseph over and then Frankie threw them all in to his backpack. Moans echoed throughout the building but most of the culprits remained out of view.

  Standing in front of the men’s section, which was bone-bare, like the rest of store, was a rack with belts and a few fanny packs. Everybody but Eddie grabbed as many as they could. Eddie stepped over to the sock and underwear racks instead. Once the others saw them, they did the same. Frankie grabbed some thermals, hats, and gloves. The bags they carried were already swelling up. Frankie and Joseph headed back to Big Cups where they tossed him the full bags. As they headed back toward the others, from out of nowhere a lurker’s hand grabbed Joseph by his shirt. Joseph dropped right to the ground and Frankie mashed its face in. Joseph kicked at the creature, a woman who must have worked there. She was wearing a green vest with a ‘can I help you’ button on it. Frankie gave her one last whack to the side of her head. She was a small woman, possibly even attractive at one point, but now her deep blue eyes were a paste under Frankie’s shoe.

  “Spill in aisle 9,” Joseph said with a smile.

  Joseph got up and turned around to hear the others engaged in their own blood sport. The two of them took off in a hurry to join the others. There were at least fifteen creatures clawing at their friends. It was a scary situation in a tight spot but they had to act fast and carefully. There was no room for everybody to be swinging away with abandon.

  Frankie cocked his tarnished, scratched, and bloodied shotgun and shredded two lurkers that were far enough away to not endanger the others. It was loud, echoing through the store, and left cotton in his ears. He would have preferred using it as a bludgeon, the noise alone usually ended up drawing out more trouble than it was worth, but he needed the fastest solution to the problem. One of the two lurkers needed to be finished off, its head was left dangling by threads of flesh and brittle bone, its blood was like a thick dark mud. Gerty smashed it into the air, spewing muddy blood in its arching descent toward the bag section. What looked like fifteen quickly degenerated into less than a dozen. Eventually, with the help of Eddie and Frankie, they were able to put the dead things down for good.

  Then, a gunshot echoed through the store. The gang stopped moving and stood staring at each other. It did not come from one of them.

  “Where’d that come from?” Joseph asked.

  “Don’t know, let’s check on Cups,” Gerty said in a raspy out of breath voice.

  They ran toward the entrance, Big Cups stood up and asked, “what’s going on in there? Are we getting out of here?”

  “Not yet, we heard a shot and it wasn’t one of ours, we came to check…”

  “Guess that means someone’s in there with a gun or…one of those fucks has one,” Eddie cut her off, “either way, I’m going back in.”

  Eddie ran back to where they were just a moment earlier. The others followed right behind him, everybody looking in different directions. Another shot echoed overhead, resonating in the high ceiling, curious brows were raised. Another, then another, they ran toward the noise, which brought them to a set of warehouse doors. They had bloody streaks and a window on each door about the size of a shoebox. The windows were too bloody to see through. Hearts raced furiously. Frankie came forward and kicked the door open revealing a loading bay full of lurkers.

  The dead things turned, and though no dead things had ever expressed any visible emotions, they looked pissed. One had eyes so damaged they were completely red. They must’ve been truckers, vendors, or employees. They appeared fresher than the others that were in the store, cleaner, quicker. More shots fired from somewhere behind these creatures. The dead things moved toward the party crashers, but Frankie was faster and blasted them with his Remington 870 shotgun. He popped as many shots off as he could, an
d whoever else was behind the creatures was using theirs as well. The deaders came forward. Dawn took off running and Jon-Jon followed behind. Gerty took off too and grabbed Eddie, pushing him to follow her. These deaders were quicker and the area to fight them in was tighter.

  Eddie shouted to Joseph and Frankie, “let’s go, come on!”

  Someone was still shooting from within the warehouse. The sound seemed to follow them as they made their way to the check out lanes. The lurkers were not far behind. They were clumsy and stiff but managed to keep chase. Frankie reloaded. One of the more limber of the lurkers was crossing through the checkout lane, its stiff arms and hands outstretched in a hunger-driven grasp. Frankie pumped his Remington and raised it just in time to blast the lunging bastard in the mouth. Tooth, brain, both of its eyeballs and thick dark blood rained from its head and neck. Frankie continued to level the creatures that stumbled toward him and his friends. A small pile of bodies started gathering in front of the lanes. Gunshots were still getting closer. The creatures were severely thinned at this point. Gerty, Eddie, Joseph, and Jon-Jon were able to finish off the creatures. The store was quiet.

  “Hello?” Eddie called.

  No answer. Eddie tried again.

  “Hello? We’re just here for some supplies, we don’t want any trouble.”

  Still the place was quiet.

  “Hello back at ya,” a man stepped into view. He was holding a Glock. “Not so fast, please, let’s keep it simple.” The man raised his other hand in a gentle fashion, “I’m Ben. I got some pals in the warehouse. We’re just here for some supplies then we’re getting back on the road too.”

  The man put his gun down, and headed back to the warehouse. They followed Ben, eager to see some other people. Gerty engaged the man in conversation. She had a bad feeling about him. Something in his eyes that reminded her of her father and something instinctual that scratched at heart. A conversation could go a long way to reveal a person, at least in her experiences they had.

  The others began grabbing items and bagging them. Passing the woman’s department, Dawn pulled over to the side and Jon-Jon watched her back. She quickly stripped off her clothes and started putting new stuff on right away. She moved ferociously, as any woman would do had they been allowed to shop for free. She grabbed enough clothes to wear a new outfit everyday of the week, but decided she needed more. After picking up panties, bras, and socks, she had two backpacks full. They needed to go back to Cups and dump them into the truck.

  The others continued on to the warehouse. Jon-Jon and Dawn headed out toward Cups, grabbing anything and everything, magazines, candy bars, trading cards. Big Cups looked at them like a homeless kitten. Jon-Jon smiled and tossed him a package of Reese’s Big Cups. His grin took up the lower half of his face. On the way back in, Jon-Jon asked Dawn to guard the door to the men’s room. Jon-Jon went in slowly inspecting every stall before committing, the first one had shit all over the seat, the second wasn’t too bad, but wasn’t keeping much of the scent out. The third stall was a charmer, a little piss on the seat, but to him this was luxury seating. He smiled as he cleaned off the seat with a wad of toilet paper. He plopped down and picked up one of those celebrity news magazines off the floor. He wiped his ass and washed his hands. The bathroom was fairly clean considering it was the end of the world. The soap was still pink and the paper towels were plentiful. Amazing, he thought, fucking amazing.

  CHAPTER 3: The New Haven blues

  Days earlier…

  The radio was playing loudly on Jeff’s porch. He and his father, Walter, were carrying planks of wood back and forth from the shed to the house. Walter and his family decided that they weren’t going to leave town. They would board up his son’s home, and hold out until this thing blew over. The radio, WNJOA 101.9 to be exact, kept telling them to get to a safe zone, but they were not about to take orders from anyone.

  Most of the people in New Haven took off days ago in a hurry after the initial reports hit the air. A few other families in town were going to stick it out as well. Gupp’s Hardware had stayed open days after any other store had dared to. They made a killing, selling everything except a few garden tools. The Gupp’s planned to stay in town as well. Their home was like a fortress to begin with and with Clark Gupp being a hunter as well as an odd jobber, they had the tools, the weapons and the skills to survive any situation. Even if they had to flee, they had a choice between a brand new Hummer and an older Jeep Wrangler, both well-suited for off-road terrain.

  Walter pulled a bandana from his back pocket and wiped his forehead. He couldn’t believe how much he was sweating. Walter was always the last to sweat. He wondered if it was old age setting in or his nerves, he hoped neither. Jeff took off his hat, wiped his brow and put it back on. Then he looked at his watch.

  “The news should’ve come on by now,” Jeff said to his father.

  “Well, they’re still playing the Beatles, how bad could it be?” His father said with a halfhearted smile.

  “Guess we’ll find out,” Jeff said, picking up a big sheet of plywood.

  They had most of the house boarded up. The upstairs windows were left alone except the two windows near the big tree, neither Jeff, or his father wanted to risk having those things climbing in. Jeff thought it would be a good idea to gather all the alcohol upstairs in case they needed to make Molotovs, and throw them from the upstairs windows. Walter agreed. He also thought it was a good idea to come up with an escape plan should they need to leave in a hurry. They had the family van stocked up and ready to go near the side of the house. Inside the van Jeff placed a map, water, food, clothes, and even a blanket.

  Walter’s spouse, Laura had been in the kitchen making lunch for everyone. She wanted to use up what food she could without having it go to waste. The town lost power two days ago and the freezer was as cold as tepid water. The food would go bad soon without the electricity. There was also a big freezer in the basement and it hadn’t been opened since the power went out. They hoped to keep the food cold inside for as long as possible. Laura hoped the power would be back on before they would have to deal with that problem, which was tiny when compared to the problem of the walking dead, but still one that warranted attention. It may have been her son’s home, but that didn’t matter: his messes might as well have been her messes. She hated messes and she hated waste; she was just raised that way. And if she ever had anything negative to say about the youth of today it was that they were just too darn wasteful. Laura wouldn’t abide it, no matter whose home it was.

  Jeff’s wife, Maria, had done major shopping before the state of emergency was declared. Their family was a large one. Jeff and Maria Caulfield had three children; Little Wally, Sandra, and Tommy. Jeff also had a sister, Barbara, who was staying with them as was his parents. She planned for the extra company and got as much food as she could afford. The house was large enough to accommodate them all, and larger than Walter’s. It was also a bit more isolated. They had a radio with plenty of batteries, and two old lanterns from when Walter would take them camping. They had plenty of candles, and a fireplace, which they planned to light soon. It was starting to get chilly, which was odd for this time of year, and dark.

  “Lunch is ready!” Laura yelled out the door, not knowing they were only a few feet away.

  “What took you so long ma? I’m starving,” Jeff said sarcastically but meant every word.

  “Has the news come on yet?” She asked, looking downright depressed.

  “Not yet. They’re still playing music though, so I’m sure it’ll be on soon enough,” Walter tried to reassure her, but wasn’t all too sure of it himself.

  They gathered in the family room. It was a large room with two couches, a coffee table, and a framed painting of a shed in the woods that would’ve impressed Bob Ross himself. There were plants on end tables, an entertainment center that wasn’t entertaining anyone, and a boarded up window that allowed almost no light inside.

  Laura lit the fireplace.

p; ***

  What remained of the New Haven Police department had gathered at Mourningside Cemetery. News reports never stated anything about the buried dead coming back to life and digging their way out, but they weren’t taking any chances. The police gathered friends and pretty much anyone else with a gun to survey the area. It wasn’t a large cemetery, but it was big enough. It was the town’s only cemetery and if you weren’t catholic you were buried somewhere else outside of town. They walked in rows, following the rigid grid set forth by the headstones like a search party. They checked for unearthed caskets, or any sign of something trying to come up from the ground. They moved slowly, working their way towards the mausoleums at the rear of the cemetery. There were no recent deaths in town, the last one occurred a month ago; underage kids in a drunk driving accident. They were leaving a school football game and hit a pole doing 75 miles an hour. The car was ripped in half and so were the four kids in the car. Three had been buried toward the back, the fourth was a Jewish girl buried in the town over. She and her boyfriend weren’t even drinking. According to everyone who knew them they were a couple of upstanding kids. A truer tragedy had never occurred, so whispered the lips of those who knew of them. Those who really knew them, though, knew they loved to walk around in a heroin haze and that they sucked dick for China White—the good shit. After just over an hour they had checked every inch of ground but the six mausoleums. The large group gathered near the first one.

  “Keith, Alan, and Henry, get up here, now,” shouted Sheriff Bruce Davis.

  Alan replied, “sure thing, boss man. But you’re going in first.”

  “That’s fine with me, you big pussy. Everybody, listen up. If nothing’s moving we lock it up and get the fuck out of here” Davis shouted.


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