Jagger: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 3)

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Jagger: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 3) Page 6

by Jessie Cooke

  Jesus. “I’m not sleeping with her, Mom. Jeez, look at her.” Not that Mom’s off base there. She is gorgeous…a lot more so than I realized before. But she still seems like a kid to me. That really is not what this is about. “Imagine her on the street trying to defend herself against a bunch of punks who want to take advantage of her. I can’t stand that thought. And she’s not fifteen, she’s twenty…in two weeks.”

  “Have you seen proof of that?”

  “No. She’s homeless, I doubt that she has a driver’s license. But, why would she lie?”

  “Oh Mick. How did you get so stupid?”

  That’s it, now she’s just getting mean. “I’m gonna go.” I stood up and she grabbed my arm.

  “No, please don’t go. I’m sorry. I don’t mean stupid…you know what I mean. Darn it! I want to focus on how proud I am of you for wanting to help.”

  “Then do…”

  “But, this world is a scary place. You can’t just put all of your trust in a stranger like that. There are all kinds of cons going on out there and they’re not all big hairy men who are running them. I’m just worried about you.”

  I took her face in my hands and said, “Look at me, Mom. Do I look like I would be easy to take advantage of?” It was one thing that I can truly say I’ve never worried about. “Maybe if I was wealthy and you had to worry that she’d steal from me. I don’t have shit and if I did, I honestly don’t think she would take it.” I have some really good weed, but I don’t think she smokes.

  “Don’t swear. Is she on drugs?” Ha! She can’t read my mind.


  “A lot of street people use drugs.”

  “Your son uses drugs.” She put her hands over her ears and said,

  “I don’t want to hear that.” Always so dramatic.

  I moved her hands and said, “It’s the truth. I lost my job fighting because I tested dirty. Jacob Wright is giving me another chance…but I’m still not going to test clean.”

  “Why Mick? I don’t understand!”

  “I don’t know, Mom. I’ve been smoking weed since I was thirteen. I don’t know how to function without it.”

  “Is that all you do?”

  No, but the other things are rare. “Yes, for the most part.”

  She looked like she wanted to smack me again. “What is your point in telling me all of this? Do you like to see me miserable?”

  “No Mom. I’m just saying that just because a person lives on the streets it doesn’t mean that her morals are less than mine and yours. You trust me, right? If I needed a place to stay, you’d let me in your home and not worry that I would steal from you just because I had some “issues” right?”

  “You’re my son. It’s not the same.”

  “I know a lot of sons who would steal from their mothers.”

  “I trust you not to steal from me. I wish I could trust you not to do drugs.”

  I almost rolled my eyes again but luckily I caught myself. She packs a pretty good slap for a small, middle-aged woman. “I trust Skye. I have no idea why, but I do. She’s been dealt a really sucky hand in life. Maybe helping her out will even up my own scorecard in life just a little bit.” Mom started to open her mouth again, but the doorbell rang. My aunt and cousin had arrived. “Go ahead,” I told her. “We can talk about this later.”

  She left the room in one direction and Skye came in the other. I wondered how long she’d been there, but I didn’t have to wonder for long. “She’s right, you know. You don’t know anything about me. You look at me and see me as non-threatening. The truth is that if you let me into your house I could slit your throat while you sleep.”

  This from the one I was trying to help. Frustrated finally I said, “The offer is there if you’re interested, Skye. I’m going to leave it at that, no pressure.”

  “Mickey!” Aunt Mary had arrived. My Aunt Mary is my dad’s sister. She and my mother never really liked each other but they both seemed to feel obligated to keep up the pretense even all of these years that he’s been gone. Victor is Aunt Mary’s pride and joy. He’s super smart and super nerdy. He and I are the same age, but we never really had much in common. I picked on him a lot when we were kids. He was the kind of kid that left himself wide open to it. Now he just thought he was super-cool. He’s still a dork.

  “Hi Aunt Mary,” I gave her a kiss on the cheek and held my hand out to my cousin. “Vic, good to see you. This is my friend, Skye.”

  They all said their “Hello’s” and “Nice to meet you.” I wasn’t crazy about the way Victor was eyeballing Skye’s chest. Little pervert. I bet he hasn’t seen a naked woman outside of Maxim in…ever. Mom announced that dinner was ready. She shooed us out to the dining room and while she brought dinner in Aunt Mary said, “So what have you been up to Mickey?” I hate when she calls me that. I feel like a cartoon mouse.

  Resisting the urge to talk in a high-pitched Disney voice I said, “Not much. I play a gig every now and again. Nothing too exciting.”

  “Your mother told me you were fighting with the UFC.”

  Great Mom. Thanks. “I did some promo stuff with them. I’m thinking of training with one of their best fighters, Jacob Wright. I’m just not sure it’s what I want to do with my life. I’m still figuring it all out.” Just this morning I thought I might be gay.

  “Victor just got a new job. Tell him about it, Victor.”

  For the next ten minutes while Mom brought the dishes out one by one, we got to listen to Vic drone on about his job in the finance department of one of the big casino’s in town. It sounded like a snore fest. Skye was either really interested in it, or she was a very good actress. She looked enthralled. Victor looked pleased and every time he looked at her, his eyes went straight to her tits. I haven’t beaten this little guy’s ass in a few years. Maybe tonight is the night…

  Dinner was great. It always is when Mom cooks. We were about halfway through dinner when Mom said, “Skye dear, I have been looking at your pretty eyes all evening trying to figure out what color they are. What do you call them?”

  “They’re violet, like Liz Taylor’s,” Aunt Mary said. Skye blushed.

  “I just call them blue,” she said.

  “Oh you shouldn’t honey,” Aunt Mary said, “You’re selling yourself short. Do you know how rare violet eyes are? Elizabeth Taylor made a living off her beautiful eyes.”

  “They are very pretty,” Victor piped up. Kiss ass.

  Skye’s face was blushing scarlet. I think it was from all the attention. She wasn’t used to it, obviously. “Thank you.” She glanced at me and I smiled. They were all right. Her eyes are gorgeous. It’s those eyes that I can’t stop thinking about.

  After dinner we went into the living room and mom brought out the cake she’d made for dessert. While we ate that, we talked about Victor some more. Mom kept looking at me like she thought I should jump in…but I had honestly said everything there was to say about myself by that point. I was happy when my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that it was Jacob.

  “Excuse me for a second.” Skye looked at me like she might kick my ass for leaving her…but she was doing okay, holding her own. “Hey Jacob! What’s up?”

  “Hey can you be at the center at nine in the morning?”

  “Yeah sure.”

  “No drinking or smoking…anything tonight, okay?”


  “Eat lots of protein.”


  “Drink a lot of water.”


  “I’m ready to do this, Mick. Don’t screw it up for me, okay?”


  “Alright, I’ll see you at nine a.m. sharp.”

  “Okay.” Great, now I’m Jacob Wright’s “Okay” man. I went back into the living room and stopped dead in my tracks. Victor was showing Skye some pictures on his notebook. He was sitting thigh to thigh with her on the coach. When I walked in, he looked up at me and smiled. Then he proceeded
to let his arm rest against the side of her breast. She moved over, just enough to break the contact. He leaned in closer almost immediately. He most definitely needed an ass whipping. While Skye was looking at whatever was on the screen, he was staring at her tits.

  Aunt Mary was rattling on about her garden club or some other bullshit. Mom was pretending to be interested, but I could see her watching Victor out of the corner of his eye. “What are you guys looking at?”

  “I’m showing her how to play black jack. Did you know that she’s never gambled?”

  I walked over closer. “Did you know that she’s not even old enough to get into a casino?”

  “Really?” My creepy cousin said, “How old are you, Skye?”

  “Twenty,” she said. I saw her scoot over again, away from him.

  “In two weeks,” I reminded her. I’m not sure why it was okay for me to harbor lecherous thoughts over a nineteen-year-old and not Victor…but in my mind, it was. Skye was looking at me strangely.

  “Two weeks, huh? I bet I could get you in at…”

  “Skye, we need to go.”

  “Oh, okay…”

  “Already Mick, really?”

  “Sorry Mom. That was Jacob on the phone. He needs me there early in the morning. I have to get some rest before I get in the octagon with the heavy weight champion.”

  Victor pulled a card out of his pocket and as Skye stood up he handed it to her. “Call me; we’ll put together a birthday party package for you that you won’t forget.” I glared at him. He smiled. While Skye and I were saying good-bye to Mom and Aunt Mary the little pig was staring at her ass.

  I went back over and held out my hand to him. He took it and I pulled him into me tight. I put my mouth down next to his ear and said, “If you ever look at her like that again, I’m going to make sure the only way you eat meat again is by sucking it through a straw. Understand?”

  Victor nodded and then pulled back against the grip I had on his arm. I let go and he fell back onto the couch on his ass. It was the best part of my night.



  Well that was…weird. Mick’s mom was nice, but I could tell she was freaked out about him being with me…not that he’s even “with” me…but I’m not sure she believed that either. His aunt was nice…but she talked a whole hell of a lot. Then there was Victor. The guy gave me the creeps. As soon as Mick stepped out of the room to take his phone call, Victor pounced. I didn’t want to make a scene at Mick’s mother’s house and break his arm…but I was sorely tempted.

  Mick didn’t say anything to me when we got outside. He just handed me the helmet and got on the bike. I got on behind him and this time when I put my arms around his waist, I felt his body tense. He looked pissed off after he took his phone call. I wonder what that was about.

  When we got back to the hotel I got off the bike and as I was taking off the helmet, he got off too. “You’re not going to call him, are you?”

  “What? Call who?”

  “Victor, my disgusting cousin.”

  Oh my God! That’s what’s wrong with him! He’s jealous! If he’s jealous then that means…I smiled. “He was kind of nice…I might…” He was always so calm and laid back, at least since I met him. Now his jaw was tense and he had this icy glare fixed on my face. I started walking towards the stairs. Mick followed me. “I thought you had to get home and get some rest.”

  “Don’t call him Skye. He’s a creep.”

  I started up the stairs. He kept following me. When I got to the landing I said, “He’s not so bad….”

  I didn’t really finish getting “bad” out of my mouth before he had his huge arms around my waist. He was looking at me like he was going to kiss me again but after a few seconds; I thought it was another false alarm. I had my arms against his massive chest and I could feel his heart beating fast. He was breathing fast too. He wanted to kiss me. Why the hell didn’t the big coward just do it already? I tried to speak, but nothing would come out. I felt his hands sliding up my back, massaging me with his fingers. Goose bumps raced down both of my arms as he brought his hands all the way up to rest on either side of my face. He let those sexy eyes of his drop down to look at my lips and then he finally bent and put his hot, full lips against mine. I felt his tongue and I opened my mouth to let him in. He swept it slowly around the inside of my mouth. I’d never been kissed like that before. I tasted him with my tongue too…I only hoped that I was doing it right. I felt his arm pull me in even tighter…so tight that I could hardly breathe. I moved my arms out so that my hands were resting on his big biceps. I shivered again. I wanted to touch them since the second I saw him in the alley. They were rock hard. His kisses went from soft and slow to hungry and demanding. His hands slipped around to my hair and he pulled off the band that held the braid. He kept kissing me and now sucking on my lips as he unwound the braid and tangled his fingers up in my hair. I was chest to chest with the sexiest man alive and he was kissing me like I was his…or like he wanted me to be. My body was trembling all over and I was suddenly possessed with a carnal desire that I’d never felt before. This was all so surreal. How did I even get here?

  When he broke the kiss I was shaking so hard that my teeth were actually chattering. I could barely stand. He still had his face close to mine as he said, “I want to stay with you tonight, Skye.”

  In a shaky, husky voice that I didn’t even recognize I said, “Okay.”

  He held me back at arm’s length, searching my eyes. He was panting. It was hot. “Are you sure? I promise you that this isn’t about wanting anything from you for the motel or anything…” I put my lips back against his, absorbing the last of his words. He kissed me again and as he did, he walked me backwards to the door. I had the key card in my hand so he flipped us around, without breaking the kiss and let me slide it in the door. When it opened, we both stumbled back but he caught me and I was once again enveloped in those incredible arms. He kicked the door closed behind him and then he reached down and scooped me up like I was a doll or a child and carried me over to the bed. He lay me down on it and when I looked up at him and I saw the bulge in his jeans I realized there was something I needed to tell him before this went any further.


  He lay down next to me and let his fingers trail down the side of my face, down my neck and across the swell of my breasts. I shivered. “Yeah baby?”

  Oh my God. He just called me baby. Get a grip, Skye! The guy is a player. You saw that first hand. He called that old chick baby too. “I have to tell you something.”

  He turned over to face me and brought his lips back down on mine again. God he’s so hot. Literally, my body felt like it was burning up from the inside out. He kissed me long and hard again and as he did, he let his fingers find my nipples through my shirt and my new bra. He rubbed two fingers over them until they were hard as rocks and practically cutting through my clothes. I was making sounds against his mouth and I felt him smile. When he broke the kiss he said,

  “What do you need to tell me, baby?”

  I don’t know anything more than what I learned on the streets…but from what I hear, taking a girl’s virginity is a big deal to some guys. I’ve heard that some guys won’t have sex with a virgin. They think she’ll be too clingy, or they’re legitimately nice guys and they think she should lose it to the guy she wants to have a relationship with. What if Mick is one of those guys? I don’t want him to stop…I’m not even afraid of doing it anymore…but that’s because I want to do it with him. He was staring at me, waiting for me to speak. I felt like an idiot. How do I tell him? I should have told him before…but that would have been weird, since I already told him we weren’t having sex.

  Damn it! This is going to blow the mood. I know there has to be a mood, unless you’re one of those girls in the alley behind Freemont Street. They’re never in the mood and the do it all day and all night. His kiss was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt…I never want him to stop kissing me like that. Ma
ybe I’ll just let him do whatever he wants to do. Maybe he won’t notice. Do all guys know that they’re with a virgin? I can hide pain pretty well. I’ve had lots of practice at that. His hand is on my belly now. He worked it underneath my shirt and the heat from his palm is so intense. Shit! I have to tell him. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ll either look like an idiot or he’ll figure it out and want to know why I didn’t tell him. I can’t tell him while he’s touching me. I can’t think straight.

  “I need you to stop touching me for a second.” I could hardly talk, my mouth was so dry. I could feel the moisture pooling between my legs and I was sure that’s where all my hydration had gone.

  His hand froze and he pulled his head up to look at me. Pulling his hand up and making me physically ache for him to put it back he said, “What’s wrong? Do you want me to stop?”

  No, no no! Not ever. I want to lay right here forever and let you touch me. “No…but…I need to…”

  “It’s okay baby. I’m sorry. I’ll stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop!” I didn’t mean to yell that. I sounded like I was on the verge of tears, so desperate. Ick! He was going to think that I’m crazy. I think I’m crazy.

  “Okay…it’s okay. Whatever you want.” There was that calm, cool, collected guy I knew. He’d make a great hostage negotiator.

  “I want you…” He came back in for another kiss. Before he reached my lips I said, “I’m a virgin.” He froze again, this time like a statue.



  I told Mick that I’m a virgin…and now I wait. And I wait. He is still frozen like a big old dumb statue. He still didn’t say anything. Time was passing. I waited a little bit longer. He still didn’t speak. Finally I said,


  “Yeah?” His voice sounded strangled. I’d be willing to bet he lost his erection completely.

  “Do you not want me anymore?”

  He pulled his head up and looked at me. “Oh baby…I didn’t even realize until that moment that my fucking creepy cousin kept trying to touch you how badly I wanted you. I realize it now and it’s killing me. I want you so bad. I physically hurt because I want you so bad…” More moisture in my new panties, more shaking, more butterflies. “It’s just…for you this is so huge. It’s a night that no matter what you do in your life or where you go…you’ll always remember it. I’m not sure that I’m that guy, baby.”


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