Jagger: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 3)

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Jagger: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 3) Page 8

by Jessie Cooke

  “You awake?” His sleepy voice is really sexy. I’m going to enjoy this for now. I have until the end of the week…

  “Yeah, I’m awake.” He pressed his lips to my neck. I moaned and pressed back into him. “Oh yeah…awake,” I said, breathlessly. The fingers on the hand across my waist begin stroking softly against my hot skin. Goose bumps race up and down my arms and legs. I moaned again. I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in the feelings. I could feel the wetness between my legs again and I was imagining what it would be like to make love to him now that there’s no longer a barrier there when he touched my pussy lightly. I jumped and sucked in a breath.

  “I’m sorry baby, are you sore?”

  “A little bit,” I lied. I was throbbing inside. I didn’t care though. I knew that it would only feel better and better with practice. He put his hand back on my belly and let it run up this time. When he reached my breasts he took one into his hand and massaged it and stroked the nipple. I wiggled back into him. I felt his erection pulse against me.

  “You like that baby?”

  “Mm hmm. I like it a lot.” He let his big hand move down to cover the other one. He massaged that one and tweaked and twirled my nipple. Shock waves traveled from that spot, all the way down into my tingling pussy. I wiggled around until I was on my back.

  “Hi beautiful.” He kissed the side of my face. It was such a simple touch, yet it was so intimate that I actually felt tears well up in my eyes.

  “Hi. What time is it?”

  His face changed and all of a sudden he said, “Oh fuck!” He rolled back and reached down for his jeans. He pulled out his phone and held it up. “Whew! It’s only seven forty-five. Jeez, I’m glad you woke me up.”

  “Oh that’s right; you had your fighting thing today.”

  “Yeah. Jacob Wright waits for no man…”

  “He’s the guy on all of those billboards all over town, huh?”

  He propped himself up on his elbow. “Yeah, that’s him.”

  “He’s a good fighter?”

  “One of the best,” he said.

  “You must be pretty good too if someone like him is willing to train you.”

  “Nah, he’s just retiring because he wants to spend more time with his girl and he doesn’t need the money or anything. He’s pretty much set for life. He took me on because I happen to be friends with his best friend. He doesn’t even seem really happy about it.”

  “Can I ask you a personal question?”


  “I heard you talking to your mom last night about the drugs…do you use a lot?”

  “That’s hard to answer,” he said. “I like my weed. It keeps me calm. The rest of it…I’ve used when I was partying and I got carried away, but I’m not like a tweaker or anything. Does it bother you…the drugs?”

  “I’ve just seen some crazy shit out there, you know? So many people living on the streets because their addictions got the best of them.”

  “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  “Sure. I’ll try to answer it.”

  He smiled. “Why haven’t you gone to a shelter or one of those programs they have for homeless women?”

  “That is kind of a long story. You should go see Jacob before he gets mad at you. We can talk about that one later.”

  He growled and wrapped me up tightly in his arms. It felt so good there; I never wanted to leave them. “I don’t want to go. I want to stay here in bed with you all day.”

  I smiled. That’s what I wanted to do too. “You’ll regret it.”

  “I sincerely doubt it. I could ravage you in the bed again…and then maybe in the shower…or a bubble bath that would be hot…”

  “Mmm!” My hips pressed back into him of their own free will. “How long does it take you to get to the center?”

  “Fifteen minutes,” he said, pressing his hard cock into me.

  “Mmm! Don’t you have to go home first?”

  “Nope, I have everything I need in my locker there still. I never went and cleaned it out.” I pushed back against him. He groaned. “Everything I need to work-out that is.”

  “You better shower alone. I’d feel really bad if I made you late.”

  “Wouldn’t you feel worse leaving me sexually frustrated?”

  I laughed. “I guess it’s a toss-up either way, huh?”

  “If I get a vote, I’d say the sexual frustration is much worse.”

  “Okay, go get the water warmed up.”

  He laughed, “Okay princess.”

  “You want to be a smart ass…or you want to get a piece of ass?”

  He got up and went into the bathroom without another word. Sexual power was kind of cool.

  The truth be told though, I didn’t want to get up until he was gone. There was blood underneath me on the sheets and I was sure as soon as I sat up, there would be more. I knew enough about sex to know that was normal “first time” stuff…but it was still kind of gross. Once he was gone, I sat up and covered the offending spot with the top sheet. When I made it into the bathroom it was filled with steam.

  “Hello? Anyone in here?”

  He opened the shower door and reached his hand out to me. I took it and stepped in. The water was warm and it felt good as it hit my body. He stood behind me and enveloped my tits in his big hands, rubbing the wet nipples with his fingers. I reached up and took down the shower head. Holding it between my legs I let the warm water wash and soothe me.

  “If you’re too sore baby, it’s okay.” I didn’t answer him. I put the shower head back up and then I took his right hand off my left boob and slid it down my belly. I placed it over my clit and he groaned. I felt him move his hips and his hard cock rubbed against me from behind as he started rubbing his fingers in slow circles over my clit. I gasped and leaned further back into him to keep from falling. My knees were already weak and shaky.

  “That feels so good, Mick.”

  “Good baby. I want you to feel good. Close your eyes and enjoy it.” I had my back arched and my eyes closed and my head back against his chest. He rubbed my clit with one hand and played with my nipples with the other. Mind…fucking…blown. “That’s it, baby. Mm! You’re so sexy. Move those hips beautiful. Show me where it feels good.”

  “Oh Mick! Oh God it feels so good.” He let his finger run down from my clit and slid it into my wet pussy. “Oh fuck!” He pressed his palm against my clit and rubbed it while he fingered me. I was pressed back tightly against his body moaning and grinding against him shamelessly. “God Mick! I want you inside of me. Please.”

  “You sure, baby? I don’t want to hurt you…”

  I turned around and kissed him, hard and passionately while the warm water ran down between our bodies, beading up about halfway down and tracing a path to the floor. I felt him bend his knees, and then I felt his erection between my thighs. He took it in his hand and guided it to my opening. He made a soft groaning noise as he slid into me. The whole time he was watching my face, so afraid that he would hurt me. It did hurt…a little bit. But the pleasure outweighed the pain a hundred times over and when he reached down and picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pressed my back into the cold tile wall. I clung to him with my arms around his neck and my lips attached to his as he plunged in and out of me, not as gently as he had last night, but still taking care not to hurt me. It didn’t take me long before I was climaxing again. I cried out his name and that only made him clutch me tighter and drive his cock in faster and deeper. I could tell when his breathing started to change and his muscles got even harder and tenser than they were that he was ready to come. He grunted and groaned a few times and then he pulled out of me before he had his orgasm. He stroked it a few times and let the water wash it away and we stood there, clinging to each other for a few minutes just letting the water cascade down over our shoulders and across our backs. Finally, he slowly lowered me to my feet. He didn’t let go of me until he was sure that my legs were stable. I looked up at
him and he smiled.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “Anytime.” I grabbed the shampoo bottle off the wall and squirted some into my hands. Once I had a good lather going I told him to lean down. I started massaging it into his hair. Needless to say, I had to almost physically push him out of the shower to get him to leave and go work-out.



  When I got to the training center I passed Cassie coming out as I went in. She looked at me like she always did…kind of wary like she wasn’t sure whether or not I would bite. I wouldn’t say it was out of the realm of possibilities…but biting Jacob Wright’s girl might not be the wisest thing to do.

  “Hi Cassie.”

  “Hi Mick, Jacob’s inside.”

  “Thanks. Is Brock here too?”

  “No, Lizzie’s having her baby today!” She almost squealed. “I’m on my way to see her now. Brock is already there.” I don’t quite have that situation figured out. I know that Brock and Lizzie are together, but the rumors around the center the last couple of weeks I was here was that the baby was actually Lance Field’s. Meanwhile, Lance just recently came out, which caused a media frenzy. A gay fighter was fascinating enough, but when you also added in that his father was the Bishop of a local and popular Mormon church, you had the stuff that a journalist’s wet dreams were made of.

  “Cool! Tell them I said congratulations.”

  She smiled at me. “Thanks, I will. Have fun with the Lion. He’s kind of in a mood today.”

  Gee thanks, I can’t wait. I made my way to the locker room and was happy to see that Bradley didn’t have my lock cut off and my stuff taken out yet. I changed into a “wife beater” and a pair of shorts and went out into the gym to find Jacob. It wasn’t hard, he was pounding his fists into the eighty-pound bag and the sound of it echoed across the room. None of the other guys were here yet. They usually all came in around eleven.

  “Hey Jacob.”

  He looked at me, gave me a chin-tilt and unloaded on the bag once more. When he finally stopped and turned around to fully acknowledge me his face suddenly broke out in a grin and he said,

  “You sing!”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Um…yeah…”

  I was suspicious about him looking so happy. “I need a huge favor.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I have a surprise party planned for Cassie’s twenty-fourth birthday tomorrow night. I got a text this morning from the guy who was supposed to provide the entertainment. He cancelled on me at the last fucking minute…”

  “You want me to play at Cassie’s party?”

  He furrowed his brow then and said, “Yeah…Are you any good?”

  I laughed. “My name is Mick Jagger.”

  Jacob rolled his eyes. “So will you do it? I’ll pay you double what you normally charge.”

  “Nah, you don’t have to do that. I’ll do it…for Cassie.”

  “I could hug you right now.”

  “Please don’t.”

  Jacob laughed. “Seriously man thanks.”

  “Sure,” Did I just tell him he didn’t have to pay me double? This is Jacob fucking Wright and I’m flat assed broke! What the hell is the matter with me?

  “Are you ready?”


  Jacob started me out with some circuit training just to get warmed up. After I worked through the circuit five times he told me to take a water break and then we would move on to sparring. I took a swig of my water and wiped some of the sweat off me with my towel. I saw Jacob wrapping his hands.

  “Am I sparring against you?”

  “Today you are. Why, are you scared?” he asked me with a cocky grin.

  “Terrified,” I said, rolling my eyes. Hopefully he wasn’t going to slap me for it like my mom always did. “I was just curious how this would work.”

  “I’m not going to spar with you most of the time. I’d rather be outside the ring where I can watch and critique your movements.”

  “Who would I spar normally?”

  “Whoever I can con into it. The new guys are usually up for it. Lance likes to spar too.”

  “Can I ask you something?”


  “The baby that Lizzie is having today…that’s Lance’s baby?”

  “Yeah. It’s a long story. That happened before Lizzie and Brock got together.”

  “That’s cool. I’m not judging anybody. Obviously I would be the pot calling the kettle if you know what I mean. I was just curious. Brock seems pretty head over heels for Lizzie and the baby. It’s all he talks about lately.”

  Jacob laughed. “Yeah, you would be surprised if you knew him before. He was an even bigger dog than I was. Now he’s fixing up nurseries and shit.”

  “What about you? You ever have any qualms about settling down. I mean, you have to still have women throwing themselves at you, right? You ever think about taking them up on it?”

  “Nope. I’m not blind. I still appreciate the female form and I’m still arrogant enough to appreciate one being thrown at me…but the only one that I want is waiting at home for me. Why all the questions? Are you thinking about settling down?”

  “Hell no! I’m just not the settling down type. I’m sure I’ll never see the day where one woman will be enough.” I also thought I’d never see the day I’d do a virgin either. Never say never…

  Jacob clapped me on the back and said, “Just about the time you say never man, some girl shows up and knocks your socks off.” I thought about Skye again…Socks off. Damn! “Now put on your headgear and get in the ring. Let me see what your big ass can do.”

  Ten minutes later I was drenched in sweat and ducking under the nearly four-foot reach of Jacob the Lion’s fist. I hadn’t gotten off one good punch. It was like he anticipated my every move.

  “You can’t just work the defense man. Let me see some offense.” Unfortunately, I’d been showing it to him. I threw out a right hook. Jacob was already dodging it before it got there. I tried sweeping his legs but he jumped back before I even extended my leg. Frustrated, I stepped forward with my right foot and faked a left cross. As soon as my shoulder twitched, Jacob moved to block it. That was when I came back at him with a hard right to the left temple. Jacob shook it off, he was smiling.

  He came right back at me. I planted my feet wide and held up my fists. Jacob threw out a left. I put up my right arm and blocked it. Before he could react I unleashed a series of punches on him. I backed him all the way up into the ropes.

  “Good. Better.”

  We danced around each other a little more with him throwing out punches and me dodging them and then me throwing one out and him dodging it. Every so often I get lucky and connect. He just keeps shaking it off, acting like my fist is just a minor inconvenience. Finally, tired of dancing with him, I went in for the clinch. With our arms locked we struggled for the dominant position. You never want to take it to the floor unless you know you’ll land on top.

  I used all the power I had left, to take Jacob down. I managed it, but then we had a struggle on the floor for top position. As we’re wrestling, Jacob is snapping out orders to me,

  “Are you kidding me? I could be straddling you right now if I wanted to, pounding your face with my fists.”

  I’m not really a wrestler. I can hold my own in a fist-fight. I can kick ass in the Martial arts…but I never had much use for wrestling. It always seemed just a little too gay for my taste; two grown men in a sweaty ball on the floor? Draw your own conclusions. Anyways, I realized that I might not have Jacob in skill, but I did have him in size. If I could get my arms underneath him I could roll him onto his stomach and he’d be dead. We rolled around for a good two or three minutes before I managed to get my arms underneath him. He twisted out of my hold before I could flip him back on his back, two minutes later he was back on top of me. Five more agonizingly long minutes passed as we went back and forth, but of course the cocky son of a bitch ended up on top. Damn he moves fast for
a big guy. Breathing heavily, Jacob brought his forearm down to my neck and held it there. He didn’t apply the same pressure as he would in a real fight…but it was effective enough to keep my ass down. If this had been a real fight, I’d be tapping out already.

  Jacob didn’t say anything about my grappling issues. Instead he just toweled himself off and directed me to the speed bag. I was good with the bag. My fists moved in fast, fluid motions. I was really getting into it when he told me to move to the treadmill. I hated the treadmill, but not as much as I hated jumping rope. That’s what we did next. It always made me feel like a second grader…like I should have pigtails and black Mary Jane’s.

  For the last half hour, we hit the weights. He had me run another circuit and we did back, thighs, abs, deadlifts…and so many fucking squats that my legs felt like spaghetti by the time we were finished. This wasn’t going to be easy…and damn if I didn’t need a smoke.

  “Good job,” he said. I felt like a kid who wanted to be teacher’s pet all of a sudden. I was beaming and the soreness was forgotten.

  “Thanks. What time is this party tomorrow and where?”

  “It starts at eight, so if you want to get there early enough to set up, that’s cool. It’s at my house and it’s a surprise. Cassie was supposed to be out shopping with Lizzie…that’s not going to work out. I’ll have to have Ian distract her somehow. I’ll text you the address.”

  “Okay, cool. Can I bring someone?”

  He looked at me for a long time without saying anything. Who the fuck was he imagining that I was going to bring? “Yeah…sure.” Gee thanks you arrogant son of a bitch.


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