Coletti Warlords: Vexing Voss

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Coletti Warlords: Vexing Voss Page 18

by Gail Koger

  “Am too.”

  Jaylan gave a derisive snort. “How were they captured?”

  I quickly filled him in. “We need to strike before Malik gets his sensors back on line.”

  “Malik says if we try to breach his compound, he’ll kill them,” Jaylan snarled.

  A cold thread of dread snaked up my back. “What does he want?”

  Impotent fury darkened Jaylan’s eyes. “A ship and safe passage out of the solar system.”

  “Malik will kill Zarek no matter what he promises, and he’ll try to turn Voss feral,” I said.

  “He will try, but he will not succeed,” Hothar stated with certainty.

  “Which will piss off Malik even more.” Sliding off Raj, I walked over to the command consoles and studied the schematics of Malik’s base. “I can get in.”

  A cute elf wearing an Alliance uniform asked, “How?”

  “I’m small enough to fit in the air shaft, and with a bio jammer they won’t know I’m there until it’s too late.”

  Everyone crowded around the consoles, and a dozen gazes settled on me.

  “It might work,” the elf said.

  “Oh, it’ll work, and Malik won’t know what hit him.”

  The elf grinned. “If you’re anything like Kaylee, Malik’s base will be a pile of rubble very shortly.”

  “Exactly.” I extended a hand. “You’ve got to be Captain Jubal. Kaylee’s told me so much about you.”

  “I am.” He shook my hand. “It is a great honor to meet you.”

  “The pleasure’s all mine.”

  Jaylan growled, “We don’t have time for these pleasantries.”

  A faint whisper sounded in my mind. “Zoey.”

  “Zarek!” I recoiled at the agony tearing through him. Oh my God! Malik was torturing him mercilessly.

  “Need. Power.”

  “Yes, sir. Hang in there, sir, we’ve got a plan to free you.”

  “Need it… Now.”

  “Yes, sir.” I turned to Jaylan. “Zarek has managed to link with me, and he needs power.”

  Jaylan rudely burst into my head. “My lord?”

  The Overlord latched on to his mind and started draining Jaylan’s psychic energy.

  Letting out a guttural groan, Jaylan collapsed to his knees.

  Oh shit! Zarek was draining him dry. “Stop! You’re killing him.”

  “Mine,” the Overlord hissed, all predator.

  “Are you going to let Malik turn you feral? The Overlord I know is stronger than that. If you kill Jaylan, that murdering bastard wins.” I gave him a hard mental smack. “Let him go!”

  The Overlord wrapped himself around my mind. “No one strikes me and lives.”

  My temper flared to life. “Fine. You want to kill the one person who can free you? Go for it.” I shoved a torrent of energy at Zarek. “Suck me dry, and you’ll be the one facing Kalafat, not Malik.”

  Hothar suddenly linked with us. “Don’t kill her, my lord. Take my power instead.”

  The Gorum joined with us, and Raj announced, “We freely give you our energy.”

  Dozens of minds suddenly crowded into my head, and an amazing amount of psychic energy flowed into Zarek.

  The Overlord abruptly broke the flow of power. “I thank you for your gift. It will not be forgotten.” On a private link, he added, “You command an amazing amount of loyalty.”

  “They’re my friends, and they know I would die for them.”

  “Indeed you would. We will discuss your actions later.”

  Great. He was gonna turn me into a vacant-eyed breeder. “How badly is Voss hurt?”

  “He needs blood. We bore the brunt of Malik’s fury.”

  “Malik’s a dead man,” I spat.

  “On that we agreed.” Pain blasted through Zarek’s body, and the link snapped.

  The energy backlash struck my mind, and the next thing I knew I was sprawled across Hothar’s lap.

  He patted my face. “Zoey? Wake up, Zoey.”

  I blinked up at him. “I’m back. How is Jaylan?”

  “I’ll live,” Jaylan snapped, jumping to his feet.

  “Help me up, Hothar.”

  Wrapping an arm around me, Hothar rose to his feet, pulling me with him.

  When the dizziness faded away, I looked Jaylan over. His face was the color of parchment, and he had trouble standing. “Anybody want to donate some blood to Skippy before he falls flat on his face?”

  “I do not need blood,” Jaylan snarled.

  “Yes, you do,” Lothel corrected him and extended his hand. “Drink. The Overlord needs you.”

  Very reluctantly Jaylan sank his fangs into Lothel’s wrist.

  “Good boy,” I said, patting his leg.

  Jaylan growled at me.

  Yep, he was feeling better. “Let’s go kick Malik’s butt.”

  Chapter Eighteen



  Down I went into an inky blackness that seemed to go on forever. I was really starting to regret volunteering to sneak into Malik’s compound. The harness bit painfully into my crotch, and my fingers were cramping from the death grip I had on the rope.

  A shudder shook me. I didn’t even want to know what kind of creatures belonged to the hundreds of beady red eyes peering at me from the walls of the shaft. Probably something with really big teeth.




  “Are we there yet?”

  “No,” Jaylan snapped impatiently.

  “Am I even close?”


  What a cranky butt. So I had asked a couple dozen times. No need to get all snarly. My nerves were shot, and I was a bit claustrophobic. I just needed to know I wasn’t totally alone in the darkness.

  “You are not alone,” Hothar said, giving me a mental hug.

  I hugged him back. “Thanks, sweetie.”

  “Silence,” Jaylan commanded sharply.


  Dozens of icky phosphorescent critters suddenly swarmed out of a side vent and scurried after me.

  Holy Mary, mother of God, what are those?

  One of the nasty things jumped on me. I screamed blue bloody murder, and thrashed around frantically trying to dislodge it.

  Chittering madly, it tumbled off me and disappeared into the darkness.

  Jaylan let out an exasperated sigh. “Now what’s wrong?”

  “Something that’s a cross between a scorpion and a big hairy spider jumped on me. And…and a bunch more are following me.”

  “They’re Ovas. Their bite is painful but not fatal.”

  “Gee, how reassuring.”

  “Concentrate on your mission.”

  “Sir, yes, sir.”

  “You should be beaten regularly.”

  “Any man stupid enough to try that will be picking pieces of himself out of the walls.”

  “Goddess help us. You’re just like Detja.”

  Like that was a bad thing?



  Down into the abyss I went. Thinking about Voss helpless and hurting made me want to kill something.

  A rather large Ova scuttled alongside me, its pincers snapping wildly.

  My hand settled on the butt of the laser pistol. “Back off before I fry your little ass.”

  Jaylan’s furious bellow reverberated around my skull. “NO! You’ll set off Malik’s sensors.”

  “Holy shit, Skippy, take a chill pill.”

  “You will not endanger this mission.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll get them back.”

  “You fail, and you will answer to me.”

  “Has it escaped your pea-sized brain that if I fail, I’ll be very dead? So, why don’t you shut the fuck up, Skippy?”

  A deep growl rumbled in my head. “No one speaks to me in that manner.”

  I rolled my eyes in disgust. Testosterone should be outlawed.

  Light glimmered beneath my feet.

Hallelujah! “I’m at the bottom of the shaft.”

  “The generators will be on your left,” Jaylan instructed.

  “I got it the first one hundred times you told me,” I snipped, fighting to release my harness. Stepping out of it, I pushed the release lever on the hatch and winced when the metal plate slid back with a hideous screeching groan, exposing a ladder.

  The monster-sized Ova and a few of his buddies scurried toward me.

  “Take a hike.” I drop-kicked them out the opening.

  Someone grunted in surprise.

  Taking a cautious peek, I caught a glimpse of the Ovas clinging to a Coletti warrior’s head and stinging the shit out him. The poor guy was desperately trying to knock them off and getting stung even more for his efforts.

  “Stop him before he can sound an alarm!” Jaylan yelled in exasperation.

  “Yes, sir.” Sliding down the ladder, I dropped into the complex, pulled my pistol, and zapped him with a stun beam.

  The warrior hit the floor, twitched violently, and went very still.

  Ovas’ bites weren’t fatal, huh?

  The persistent buggers charged me, and I stomped the shit of out their crunchy little asses.

  Jaylan roared, “What are you doing?”

  I jumped about a foot. Jeez, he could give a drill sergeant a run for his money. “Disabling the generators, sir.” I hurried over to them and planted the itty-bitty magnetic pulse bomb. “I still don’t get why it won’t take out the backup generators too.”

  “Move it! You have three minutes to get through the air duct and into the holding cells.”

  God, were all Coletti warriors cranky butts? Climbing up on the generator, I pulled myself into the air duct and crawled toward the holding cells.

  A guttural cry of agony echoed down the duct.

  Horror, fear, and fury swept over me. Voss! I had to help him. My knees thudded loudly against the metal in my haste to get to him.

  Directly below me, a deep voice asked, “Do you hear that?”

  I froze.

  Another voice answered, “Sounds like something big is in the duct.”

  The first voice added, “Bet another sand shark got in.”

  “I’ll stun it,” the other voice said.

  I hurled myself forward. A bright red glow filled the darkness behind me.

  Shit! Shit! Shit! Making like a speed racer, I scurried down the duct, flinching as the stun beam came closer and closer.

  A third voice shouted, “Don’t let it get away!”

  “Do not let them stun you,” Jaylan commanded.

  “Gee, ya think, Skippy?”

  There was a loud, cracking pop, and the lights died.

  “We’re under attack!” the first voice shouted. Booted feet stormed down the corridor beneath me.

  I sagged against the metal. That had been too damn close.

  “You have sixty seconds to free them before the backup generator comes on line,” Jaylan growled.

  “I know.” I heaved myself forward. The latch should be right…

  The metal buckled beneath me and spat me out. I hit the floor painfully. “Ouch.”

  “Get up! You have thirty seconds left.”

  Yanking out my laser pistol, I fired at the control console and smiled as sparks spewed in every direction. “Problem solved.”

  “That is one solution. Now free them.”

  “Yes’um, boss.” Scrambling to my feet, I turned toward the holding cell and gasped in horror. Blood. There was so much blood. It coated the walls and floor. Oh my God! Oh my God!

  Voss and Zarek hung limply from manacles set into the ceiling. The skin had been flayed from their backs, and their faces were battered messes.

  Sariel and Commander Zan hung behind them and hadn’t fared much better.

  “Give them the drugs,” Jaylan instructed harshly.

  Fury churning my stomach, I quickly pulled out the pressure injectors and gave each man two shots. “You sure this will work?”

  “Yes. It’s like a shot of your human adrenaline. It jacks their systems into combat mode. Get them down before Malik returns.”

  I hurried over to the control panel set into the wall and hit the Release button.

  The men crumpled to the bloody floor and lay unmoving. I carefully removed the shackles from their torn wrists. “How long before the drug kicks in?”

  “Any time now.”

  I squatted down next to Voss and touched his poor face. “Voss, please wake up. I need you.”

  “Get away from them,” Jaylan barked.


  “When they regain consciousness, they will need blood. Do not approach them until they have fed.”

  My radar went on red alert. Someone was coming. Smearing blood over my face, I backed into the corner of the control room and blinked in surprise when a Bigfoot clone stormed in wearing a blood-splattered uniform. The dude looked like he had escaped from a Star Wars convention.

  He pointed his laser pistol at Voss, and I let out a hysterical scream.

  Mister Furry spun around, his laser pistol leveled at me, and rumbled, “Who are you? How did you get in here?”

  Cringing, I cried, “Malik. Please…please don’t hurt me.”

  “I won’t hurt you, my pretty,” Bigfoot said, displaying a really scary set of fangs.

  Ugh. His breath should be registered as a lethal weapon. “You…you won’t?”

  “No.” The moron holstered his pistol.

  “Too bad I can’t say the same.” Drawing heavily on my power, I hit his mind with everything I had.

  He staggered back and howled in fury.

  Voss and Zarek suddenly tackled Bigfoot, wrestled him to the floor, and buried their fangs in his neck and shoulder. His feeble struggles stopped abruptly. They had drained him dry.

  “They’ll need more blood,” Jaylan advised.

  “I’ll see what I can rustle up.” Two of Malik’s warrior were heading this way. I jogged down the corridor until they spotted me. Giving a yip of fear, I spun around and ran back into the holding area.

  The minute they burst through the door, Voss and Zarek were on them like starving Gorum.

  Sariel staggered out of the cell, grabbed Bigfoot’s body, and tore a big chunk out of his neck.

  Oh ick! Maybe I should go get them more dinner. I slowly backed out of the room.

  Voss growled deep in his throat.

  One look at his dangerously predatory gaze, and I froze. “Easy, snookums. I’m on your side.”

  Blood dripping from his fangs, he snarled, “Where are you going?”

  I eyed the warrior dangling limply in his grip. “Uh… To get you more to eat.”

  Zarek dropped the warrior he had just sucked dry and took his weapon. “No time. Jaylan and his assault team are breaching the compound.”

  The walls shuddered violently, and dirt rained down on us.

  Sariel kept messily eating Bigfoot.

  A sigh of relief escaped me when Wulf, Hothar, and Lothel appeared in full battle gear.

  Eyes cold with menace, the Overlord commanded, “Guard her.” Poof. He was gone.

  Voss grabbed me and planted a bloody kiss on my mouth. “Mine.”

  I carefully stroked his battered cheek. “Yes, I am. All yours. Forever, ’kay?”

  Hothar cautiously approached us. “I will protect your mate, Battle Commander.”

  “No harm is to come to her,” Voss stated, his voice full of merciless rage.

  “We will keep her safe,” Wulf promised, handing him a weapons belt.

  “Go,” I urged as he fastened the belt around his waist. “Don’t let Malik escape again.”

  A terrifying smile curved Voss’s mouth. “I will bring you his head.”

  “Oh. Wow. That’s…not really necessary,” I stammered. “Just kill the bastard.”

  “As my lady commands.” An instant later, he was gone.

  I wanted to insist on going with him, but right now he scared the crap out
of me. My mother hadn’t raised an idiot. I wiped the blood off my mouth. Yuck.

  Flinging his head back, Sariel let out an enraged roar.

  My heart gave a startled leap. “Holy shit!”

  Wulf, Lothel, and Hothar shoved me into the corner and turned a watchful eye on the High Commander.

  Clinging to Hothar, I whispered, “Is he going psycho on us?”

  “The drug has finally kicked in.”

  All I could see was a black blur as Sariel’s claws and fangs flashed in a dizzying display, flinging bloody pieces of flesh in every direction. Great. Just what we needed. A homicidal Askole.

  His Medusa-like tentacles squirming wildly, Sariel stopped suddenly, whipped out his huge penis, and urinated on what was left of Bigfoot’s body.

  I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Lordy. That was just plain nasty

  With another ferocious roar, Sariel turned toward us, his black pecker stiff and distended.

  “Put it away, buster, or you’ll be walking bowlegged for the next month,” I snapped.

  Lothel hissed, “Be quiet.”

  His face a feral mask, Commander Zan stumbled out of the holding cell. “Where is he?”

  I pointed to the bloody remains. “That pile of sushi there is what’s left of Bigfoot. If you’re talking about Malik, Voss and Zarek are taking care of him.”

  “He is mine to kill!” Zan held his hand out. “Give me your weapon.”

  “Ah, I don’t think that’s a—”

  Bellowing a fierce battle cry, Sariel grabbed Zan and zipped off with his pecker still waving happily.

  “Ya think he’s gonna eat Zan or fuck him?”

  Wulf, Lothel, and Hothar stared at me in utter disbelief.

  “Just askin’.”

  A bloodcurdling scream echoed down the corridor.

  “Eat it is.”

  Hothar added with a grin, “Or he impaled someone with his staff.”

  A giggle escaped me. “A distinct possibility.”

  “Neither,” Lothel stated firmly.

  Another scream sounded.

  “You sure about that?”

  “Yes. Sariel is pumped up on Reaper. His only thought is to kill his enemies,” Wulf answered, drawing his pistol.

  “That drug takes scary predator to a whole new level,” I said as more screams rang down the hallway.

  “Reaper is only used in extreme combat emergencies,” Lothel said.

  “When you need a homicidal killing machine to decimate the enemy?”


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