Smooth: The Sons of Victor Black: A BWWM Romance

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Smooth: The Sons of Victor Black: A BWWM Romance Page 7

by Cassie Verano

  She pushed back against me, and after several minutes of trying and soft whimpering, I broke inside of her tight butthole.

  “Fuck!” she cried out, pounding her fist into the bed.

  I could hear her teeth tearing into the pillowcase between her repeated screams of “Fuck” and “Kent!”

  I closed my eyes and remained still for a while, enjoying the tight fit around my dick. If I moved too soon, I knew I would cum all over the place.

  My fingers stroked her pussy, spreading her sticky juice all over her, before putting them to my lips and sucking them into my mouth.

  “You taste so good, Madi. You taste so damned good,” I moaned in her ear.

  Slowly, and deliberately she began moving. That was my undoing.

  With slow, measured pumps, I gave her all the dick.

  When I finished, I shot all my seed inside of her ass.

  I collapsed beside her and pulled her into my arms. Kissing her forehead and brushing her hair back from her face, I whispered, “You’re so beautiful.”


  It had been three long months since I’d been with Kent. After Nolan was finally released from the hospital a couple of weeks later, his parents made good on their promise and sent him straight to rehab.

  Although Kent had relocated to Atlanta, we didn’t have much time to see each other. He was busy with his project, and his product lines, and I’d returned to my busy life, too.

  It didn’t matter that we hadn’t seen one another, there was something urgent I needed to address. I’d kept this secret far too long and couldn’t hold it inside anymore. I didn’t want to.

  Steve deserved to know the truth about what happened between Kent and me.

  “I need to talk to you. There’s something I’ve been holding inside, and you need to know the truth.”

  “Shh, don’t ruin tonight. Let’s just focus on a good time, Madi.”

  “I need to talk to you, though. I should’ve said something a while ago, Steve,” I said, just as the front door opened and a hand waved at us.

  “Maybe, later, but not now. Did I tell you that you look lovely tonight, Madison,” Steve said, brushing his lips against my cheek.

  “Thanks,” I replied solemnly.

  “Look, honey. I know you’re disappointed and you’re looking forward to an evening out. But this dinner is important to me. I need to be visible and seen at these functions if I have any hope on making partner,” Steve explained with a bit of an impatient note in his voice.

  “I know it’s important to you, Steve.”

  “This dinner might be the deciding factor,” he said, looking at our host waiting at the door. “Come on, let’s go.”

  I grabbed his arm. “You told me that Saturday night, as well as the previous Saturday and Thursday night before that. Breaking commitments are starting to become a pattern with you, Steve. You promised me no more broken dates.”

  “Well, I haven’t broken the date. I chose an alternative venue with a different set of guests.”

  “Fine, Steve. Let’s go,” I said, forcing the door open on my side of the car.

  I watched as he jumped from the car and ran to my side to grab the door. He placed an arm around me, trying to project the façade of the happy couple that he had spent the last few years cultivating. I was anything but happy and just because he had to jump whenever his senior partners ordered him to, didn’t mean I had to comply.

  “Smile, sweetheart. When I make partner, this will make everything right. We’ll be able to purchase our dream home before the wedding if things continue at this rate. And you look amazing on my arm, I might add,” he said, lowering his head to kiss my lips.

  I turned my head in time to cause him to make contact with my cheek instead.

  “Madison, please behave,” he urged me.

  “Steve, please keep it to two hours,” I reminded him, hating when his verbiage or tone insinuated my behavior was childlike.

  Before he had a chance to argue the point, Helene Varner, one of the partner’s wives, greeted us at her position in the door.

  “Steve, Miriam, it’s so good to see you again,” Helene Varner said, as she exchanged air kisses first with Steve, then with me.

  How many times did we have to tell the woman my name was Madison? She screwed it up every chance she got. Purposely. I could wear it emblazoned in red letters on my forehead, and she still wouldn’t recall. I don’t know why he didn’t get that these people didn’t care for him nor me, and they didn’t want me around. Yet, he continued to kiss their ass every chance he got.

  And it was a lie that it was good to see me. Helene looked as if she could barely stomach the sight of me.

  “It’s wonderful to see you, too, Helene. Beautiful dress by the way,” he said, complimenting her on the hideous green dress with the too-bright roses etched on the skirt of the dress.

  It took everything in me not to throw up when she pressed a hand to her chest and said, “Oh, this old thing! Why thank you!”

  As she escorted us to the dining room where everyone was starting to gather, Steve tugged on my arm and hissed in my ear.

  “Please, behave. Just for me.”

  I WAS ON MY FOURTH cocktail of the evening and well on the way to being drunk. We were beyond our two-hour requisite, and I was ready to go.

  The food was bland, the conversation boring. George Varner carted Steve off to yet another discussion with another one of the firm’s esteemed clients. I was left alone once more.

  Unfortunately, I had grown accustomed to that. The partners were determined to pair Steve with a more “suitable” guest whenever we attended these events. They would always pair him up with a woman who looked more like him, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and rail-thin. And they would ensure he spent most of the evening with the “client,” and less with me.

  This particular client was a blonde with a tight-fitting red dress, whose boobs were spilling out all over the place. She had some lingerie and cologne line and had recently retained the firm to represent her business. I understood it was important they keep her happy. But at what cost?

  The usual warning bells went off in my head. This was just the beginning. Once I was married to Steve, it would probably get worse. And the things he’d be willing to do to please the partners. Was there a point where the lines of distinction between honoring the vows became blurred?

  Glancing back at Steve and the “client,” I noticed she was happy, rubbing her hands up and down my fiancé’s arm and squeezing his muscles. Every now and then she would lift on her tiptoes to whisper something in his ear. Each time he returned the whisper, she would laugh raucously and then turn quickly to whisper to him again. Her whispers were getting closer to his lips and further from his ear.

  The funny thing was, I wasn’t even jealous. Guilty? Hell yeah, after the way I’d let Kent have control of my body a few months back. But not in the least bit jealous.

  I felt my phone buzz in my purse and removed it.

  KB: You busy? Up for a cup of coffee?

  Madi: I can’t. I’m at this thing.

  KB: What thing? It’s been 3 months, Mads.

  Madi: I know, but I’m with Steve. It’s a business dinner.

  KB: Sounds boring as hell. When can you get away?

  Madi: Not sure. We should be done in 30 min, though. It’s been 3 hours, and he promised 2.

  KB: Aight. Let me know when you’re heading home, & I’ll swing past.

  Madi: Sounds good.

  What wouldn’t I do to escape this boring ass party right now and head over to Kent’s place? He was leasing a condo right off Piedmont. In my spare time I had researched the place and I was familiar with his community. There was so much to do in his neighborhood, and it was incredibly peaceful.

  At the last minute, I had another thought. I sent off another quick text.


  KB: Want me to get you?

  Madi: No. I just need to go home. />
  Instantly, Kent replied.

  KB: Send me the address.

  I sent him the address and sat around for another fifteen minutes before deciding to go and tell Steve I was leaving. That was intentional because I didn’t want to give him time to talk me out of canceling the ride.

  When I glanced up again, Steve and “the client” as I’d begun to refer to her mentally, were standing out on the patio. Tapping my nail against my wine glass, I stood and walked towards the courtyard.

  Just as I approached the door, the two stepped off the patio and walked further into the garden.

  I continued on the path the two of them traipsed down but stopped abruptly. Steve’s hand rested on her shoulder, and she cupped his cheek. He leaned down to hear something she had whispered, and his loud laughter rang out in the night.

  My stomach curled, watching how close the two of them were. How comfortable and familiar they were together. It didn’t sit well with me. I needed to do tonight what I should have done a long time ago.

  The woman’s hand trailed down his arm as she leaned into him. Steve’s head ducked down again to whisper something to her, but this time he didn’t pull back. Instead, he remained still when she brushed her lips against his before pulling back and shaking his head. He wiped a finger across his lips.

  She said something else, and he laughed once more before they walked further down the trail.

  Tonight wouldn’t be the first time a woman had come on to him. Not that I could be mad, but it was time to quit playing the game that Steve and I had been playing for too long.

  Unable to ignore what I always ignored, I followed after them.

  For years I had been playing the position of Steve’s arm candy. Always on his arm as if I were an asset at some important event.

  My parents thought I was lucky to have a guy like Steve. It was no secret my parents didn’t care for Kent, thinking he was spoiled and entitled. They adored my fiancé. I believe that was part of the reason I remained in the relationship for so long.

  Steve and I didn’t love each other.

  Stopping by a fountain, he wrapped his arms around her. He lowered his head and said something in her ear, and she started laughing again. Then she tiptoed and kissed him on the lips.

  I watched with detached indifference as he pulled her closer to him. There was no pushing back in surprise on his part or stopping her. He was enjoying and deepening the kiss.

  Their loud moans echoed through the night as they pawed at one another like two animals. His hands reached down to grab her ass, pulling her closer to him, and her fingers fumbled with his belt buckle.

  Strangely enough, I felt like a theatergoer watching a play from a distance. My feet moved me down the path, propelling me in their direction. Neither of them noticed me, not even after I was standing near them.

  He was tugging at her panties when I decided to clear my throat.

  Steve quickly stepped away from her, wiping his lips as she fixed her panties and her dress.

  She had the good grace to look embarrassed and turned away, pressing her lips together. I was confident it was more to hold back a smug smile than it was to savor the taste of the kiss.

  Steve’s face was red, and his troubled blue eyes were wide with shock.

  “Uh, Madison. Hi, baby,” he tried, a nervous smile flitting across his lips. “We were...we were discussing some things about an upcoming dinner event for the firm.”

  “Mm, what was on the menu? Miss Red Dress here?”

  Cindy dared to clear her throat and to look appalled by my comment.

  “Madi, calm down,” Steve said.

  “Calm down? Believe it or not, I’m very calm. You left your fiancée at the table while you’re sampling the tasty menu for the dinner event. And all I’m doing is talking and not kicking some ass? I think I’m very calm,” I said.

  “Madison,” he started.

  “Steve, I’m cool with it,” I said, shrugging my shoulders, accepting the sense of relief that washed over me.

  “You are?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m not stupid. I know what you’ve been up to for a long time anyway. I don’t care what you do anymore. We’ve played this game, and I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of living up to other’s expectations of us and not being true to ourselves. This isn’t the life, nor the relationship I wanted. Neither of us is happy, and we don’t even love each other.”

  “I do love you, Madison,” he countered.

  “No, you don’t. Again, I’m not mad. But, yes, this is me breaking up with you. Why? Because we’re not real anymore, Steve, and we haven’t been for a long while. Because your constituents don’t accept me. Because you always have to kiss up to the Cindy Atwaters of the world. Because telling your fiancée, you want sex again isn’t good enough for you. You have to go out and fuck strange women. Because you don’t truly belong to me, and I don’t belong to you.”

  “What do you mean you don’t belong to me?”

  Although I had busted Steve, he wasn’t the only guilty party here. I was as guilty as he was. Even if I had suspected he’d been cheating long before I did, it made me no better than him.

  “I’m in love with someone else, and I’ve cheated on you, Steve,” I said in a quieter voice.

  “What do you mean you cheated?”

  “I had sex with someone since we’ve been in a relationship.”

  His face grew red, and little blue veins popped out on his forehead as his eyes went wild. “What the hell is this? Are you trying to get revenge? Is that why you’re saying this bullshit?”

  “No, I’m telling you the truth, Steve. I’m certain you’ve had your fair share of fun over the last couple of years. And I’m not mad at you.”

  “I don’t fucking believe this!” he growled, pacing back and forth. “Who is it? That Kent guy?”

  Shaking my head, I said, “There’s no reason for you to be upset. Not when you have your indiscretions,” I said with a brief nod in Cindy’s direction. “Besides, we should have broken up a long time ago,” I said, removing the ring from my finger and handing it to him.

  He stared at it briefly as if the moment hadn’t caught up to him yet. I opened his hand, placed it in his palm, and closed it.

  “Madi, you’re making a big mistake.”

  “No, Steve, the mistake was made when I first accepted it. We don’t love one another enough to marry each other. Everything we did was for appearance sake, not for love. But I love me enough to be true to myself and live my best life,” I said before turning to Cindy.

  “And you...Enjoy.”

  I turned away and walked back down the path I’d come down. I ignored Steve calling after me.

  “Madison, wait!” I heard him calling out.

  He caught up to me and grabbed my arm. Twisting away from him, I frowned.

  “Just stop, Steve. It’s too late. I don’t care enough to stay.”

  His eyes stretched, but I no longer cared. Turning around, I continued walking on the footpath and put as much distance between us as I quickly could.

  Walking away from Steve was the best thing I’d ever done for myself. A smile lifted the corners of my lips as I realized how free I finally felt.

  Not bothering to return to the house, I took the long way around to the front. Hot, tired, and with hurting feet, I was thankful the car had arrived by the time I showed up at the valet station.


  “I can’t believe you left like that. Did you at least tell Steve you were leaving?” I asked as I walked back into the living room where she sat, handing her bottled water.

  “I like this place, KB,” she said, glancing around and changing the subject. This was her first visit since I’d moved.

  Purchasing a place to live would take time. Time I didn’t have. So, I settled on leasing a condo in Buckhead that would meet my needs. It wasn’t too far from the place my parents owned.

  Nolan’s parents had invited me to stay at his p
lace until I found something, but I didn’t want to do that. I wasn’t sure how much time I would need, and when he returned from rehab I didn’t want to be in the way.

  After Nolan’s accident, I had returned to Savannah and became focused on my own business ventures. I’d been so busy with that I seldom had time to myself. But I made time to visit him in the hospital two more times until he was released.

  Nolan and I had a long conversation about what his future looked like, as well as the turn our friendship would have to take. I couldn’t support his lifestyle anymore. But he knew I would be there whenever he needed me.

  “Quit changing the subject. Did you tell him you were leaving?”

  Madison had initially told me she needed a car, and I’d had one sent for her. It was supposed to take her home, but when she showed up on my doorstep unannounced, I was happy.

  I walked to the couch and sat down beside her. Lifting her foot onto my lap, I removed her shoe and began massaging her instep.

  “Well, I went to tell him I wanted to leave, but he was preoccupied with a client,” she said in a soft voice, propping her head in her hands.

  I could tell by her tone that wasn’t all.

  “What do you mean, ‘preoccupied?’”

  “Just...he was busy with a client,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Mads, baby girl, it’s me. Keep it real.”

  “He was...he was kissing the client, and things were getting pretty heated between them. I think if I hadn’t walked up, they’d have obliged themselves with a garden fuck. His hands were all on her ass, tugging at her panties, and they were...” she shook her head and squeezed her eyes closed.

  I hoped like hell she wasn’t about to cry over that sorry ass motherfucker. Madison was a strong girl, but shit like this got to the best of people. I wanted to find that piece of shit and stomp a motherfucking mudhole in his ass.

  Her deep gasp as if she were fighting back the tears, caused me to place my feelings on hold for a minute.


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