Jude Stephens

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Jude Stephens Page 11

by Touch of a VAmpire

  Chapter 15

  There were no words to describe the feeling. It was a pleasure beyond anything I had encountered. As Alex suctioned blood from my neck, not only did my vaginal muscles contract, but every cell within my body seemed to pulse with exquisite pleasure. There were no coherent thoughts…just writhing and moaning for what seemed like a long time. When my climax hit, Alex lifted his head from my neck, let out a roar and came with me. He didn’t pull out of me, just rolled us over so I was on top.

  He cradled my head on his shoulder and never said a word. He just stroked my hair.

  I was glad that he didn’t say anything. There really was nothing to say. I just experienced the most wondrous thing in my life. Mere words weren’t enough. We must have lay there for quite awhile, holding each other, when I heard a rustling in the brush to our right. I sighed and said to Alex, “Onatah is getting impatient, she sent Bullet to get us.”

  Sure enough Bullet came padding out of the trees. He sat down on his hunches about fifty yards away as if to give us privacy. Now it was Alex’s turn to sigh, “If I throw him a frickin’ bone do you think he’ll go away?”

  I laughed “No, you can’t bribe Bullet, but me? Well, I’ll do anything for strawberries and cream.”

  Alex groaned. “God, Baby, I just pictured you eating strawberries off of my body.”

  I pictured it too. Me biting into a big fat juicy strawberry that was lying on Alex’s pale muscular chest, the juices running over his erect nipple, my tongue lapping at it fast and furious. Well, damn. My need for Alex was stronger than ever. I felt it building to the same level, as if we hadn’t just had a two hour sex fest.

  “Alex, this is frightening in its intensity. Do you think it’s because I let go of my control?”

  “I don’t honestly know. This is new territory.” Alex looked like he wanted to say something else but decided not to. I knew what he wanted to ask. He wanted to ask if it was anything like this with Roberto, but he didn’t really want to know.

  I could tell him that it was nothing like making love with Roberto. With Roberto sex was hot, and full of soft spoken words of love and tenderness. With Alex it was raw and primitive as if we were the same person. Every touch every movement was pure bliss. I thought it best to change the subject.

  “Onatah wanted to talk to you. She doesn’t stay up late so we better get moving.”

  Alex rolled us onto our sides, kissed me hard on the mouth and stood up in all his naked glory. I stared at his body starting at his long muscular legs. My eyes widened in surprise at the long thick erection.

  Alex laughed, “I can see by your surprise that you still don’t believe that the vampire’s ability to make love is unequaled by any species on the earth.”

  “Sorry, it’s just that I’m wondering how you get anything else done.”

  Alex began getting dressed as he replied, “To be honest with you, I’ve never had this intense of a reaction before. It may have something to do with me taking your Sensay blood.”

  I really hated myself for asking but did anyway, “Since you first took my blood a few months ago, have you been like this with anyone else?”

  Alex squatted down next me and cupped my face in his large hands. “Wren, there has been no one else. When I told you that I loved you, I meant it. There is no other woman for me.”

  His words frightened me. I didn’t want him to love me. I didn’t want to be everything to him. I had loved before and love only brought pain.

  Seeing the panic in my eyes made Alex sigh. “I understand how you feel. I’m willing to be anything you need.

  I’ll be your lover if that’s all you want. I’ll be your friend if that’s what you’re looking for. I want you to know that I will never lie to you again.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Alex cut me off.

  “Lying to you is the one thing I regret most. If I had to do it all over again I would tell Roberto to fuck off. He has always been like a brother to me. I looked up to him for many years and I’ve always followed his counsel. When we met you, we were both desperate to find Annika.”

  At the mention of Alex’s sister and Roberto’s mate I cringed. I had to find a way to make peace with the reality of it so I asked, “What do you think happened with your sister Alex? Janel said she was on Cat Island and she seemed angry at Roberto and the world in general.”

  “I honestly don’t know. Roberto swears nothing unusual happened. My sister has always been outspoken and vibrant but she has never been a bitch.”

  I stood and began to dress “Well, something happened. A woman doesn’t run away from her family and her husband over nothing.”

  Alex grabbed my hand and kissed it. “You are an amazing woman. I know talking about this is not easy for you.”

  I thought about it for a minute and had to admit that talking about it somehow lessened the pain. The wound was still there but it was more of an ache than an actual open bleeding sore.

  I kissed Alex’s hand before releasing it and saying, “I’ve changed these last few months. I know that my destiny is far more important than how I’m feeling or thinking at the moment. The world does not revolve around me.”

  Alex stared at me with eyes blazing. “My God woman, you are so sexy. I may need to take some self control lessons.”

  I laughed. “I will ask Cheve if he can fit you on his schedule.”

  Alex growled and roughly pulled me into his arms and started kissing my neck. “You will teach me control. Only you can control this hunger that I have.”

  Lightening raced along my nerve endings as I pulled Alex’s head down to kiss him. My tongue had just slipped into his mouth when we were knocked down. Alex and I broke apart to see Bullet staring at us.

  “Oh, okay Boy. I get it. We need to go see Onatah now.”

  Alex rose and pulled me to my feet. We began walking back when I said, “We will need to be careful. Our passion can be dangerous.”

  Alex didn’t laugh. “I was thinking the same thing. Neither of us sensed Bullet just now. That could have been a Guardian sneaking up on us, and you could have been killed.”

  “We both could have been killed. We’ll have to be careful from now on. We may need to have Bullet nearby to warn us of any danger.”

  Alex let out a breath, “Thank God. I thought you were going to say that Cheve would need to be there, or worse that you weren’t going to let me make love to you again.”

  I chuckled “Ummm, I don’t think that I get off on voyeurism, and to be honest I think that I wouldn’t be able to spend the rest of my life without ever feeling you inside me again.”

  Alex stopped dead in his tracks and grabbed me roughly by the arm and pulled me against him. He murmured thickly into my hair, “Those words made my heart stop beating for a second.

  If I were to meet the sun tomorrow I would die a happy man.”

  I didn’t know what to say to that, so I said nothing. We just held each other for a minute and then began walking again.

  Before we went to Onatah’s, we stopped back at my place to change clothing. I really didn’t want to explain to my mother how Alex had ripped my shirt off before we had wild sex.

  When we reached Onatah’s longhouse, Alex stopped outside and smoothed his hair back and straightened his shirt. I couldn’t help laughing. “You are a hundred and seventy five year old vampire. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of one elderly woman.”

  Alex gave me a dirty look, “Babe…she is not just an elderly woman. She is a tribal elder and is to be respected and revered. Plus she’s your mother, and I just ravished her daughter. I may end up with a backside full of buckshot tonight.”

  “Awww…a little buckshot won’t hurt you. And if you do get hurt I promise to kiss it and make it better.”

  Alex moaned. “Stop it. I really don’t want to meet your Mother with an obvious erection.”

  This was fun, but I decided to show him a little mercy. “Oh, okay. I’m sorry. I won’t try to arouse you anymore tonight.”<
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  “Hey, wait a minute. I never said that. You can arouse me--”

  Alex was cut off by the door flying open. Cheve was standing there not looking too happy. “You’ve kept Onatah waiting long enough.”

  I immediately felt contrite, after all Onatah normally did not stay up this late. “I’m sorry. We lost track of time.”

  Cheve looked at Alex and sneered. “I’m sure you did.”

  I ignored him, and we went inside. Onatah was sitting in a chair with her sewing. She had a talent for doing exquisite beadwork.

  “I’m sorry Onatah. We lost track of time.”

  Onatah smiled warmly at Alex, “Mr. Sandstrom, it’s a pleasure to formally meet you. Orenda has spoken about you often.”

  Alex moved forward, took Onatah’s hand and with an old world charm kissed it. “The pleasure is all mine. I am honored to not only meet with Wren’s mother but also a distinguished tribal elder.”

  He bowed low. Onatah looked at him with sharp eyes. Alex did not flinch under her stare. They stayed like that for what felt like a long time, until Onatah broke the silence with, “Please have a seat.”

  We sat, and Onatah immediately began talking, “Alex, I’m not the type of person to beat around the bush or to avoid unpleasant subjects. Time is too valuable a commodity to waste, well maybe not for someone like you, but for the rest of us mortals it is.’

  Now I was beginning to feel nervous. In all the time I’d known Onatah, I’d never seen her so serious and so direct.

  She continued, “I understand the situation with your sister and brother in law. What I don’t understand is why you would come to Orenda for help. That man has hurt her deeply. You supposedly care for Orenda, so what I want to know is why do you come here?”

  I was a little shocked by her rudeness and started to say “Onatah--”

  Alex stopped me with, “Its okay, Wren. I respect your mother’s honesty.”

  Alex looked more serious than I’d ever seen him before.

  He looked directly at Onatah as he began, “Let me explain to you how this began. A little over a year ago, my sister Annika disappeared. We were frantic at first, but then we got reports of her being spotted all over the world.

  My family and the Valente family could not understand why Annika wasn’t contacting us. We still don’t know why. When Roberto and I first ran into Orenda we thought that we could use her to help find my sister. She was a Sensay after all.

  At first we didn’t realize that she hadn’t fully come into her powers, but when we did we thought that she could still be useful. When we realized that she was the chosen one, the destined Sensay of legend, we were sure that she would be able to find Annika.”

  Alex stopped and turned to look at me. His bright green eyes were full of regret. “I swear that I begged Roberto to tell you everything, to be honest with you from the start. He said you were too skittish, that you needed to be brought into The Evolved world slowly.”

  Alex eyes now darkened with anger. “I told him that I felt a connection with you from the first minute that I looked into your beautiful eyes. He knew how I felt about you and yet he still seduced you. He is all about vampire law and traditions, yet he broke the law when he took you from me.

  “I’ve always respected Roberto, looked at him as an older brother, so believe me when I tell you that for Roberto to do all he did, he really must have loved you, Wren. It tears me up inside to admit it, but there it is. Roberto is a good and decent man. I think as hard as it’s been on you; it’s been a hundred times harder on him.”

  Alex took my hand between his. “Think about it, Wren, how it must feel to love two women. Not wanting to hurt either one. Being caught in the middle.”

  The tears ran down my face. I understood what he was saying. I had been in the same situation with him and Roberto.

  Alex wiped the tears from my face. “Don’t cry Babe. I didn’t say that to upset you. I just wanted you to understand. Things aren’t always black and white, and people make mistakes. I don’t want you to hurt, but I also think you wouldn’t want Roberto to die. You and I, despite what has transpired, care for him. That is why I came to you.”

  Onatah who was quiet through all of this looked at Alex with respect. “You are a wise man, Alex. I know it’s not easy for you to stand in front of my daughter, loving her as much as you do, and tell her that she should forgive Roberto because he loves her too. My respect for you is great.”

  Onatah actually bowed to Alex. Alex looked stunned for a moment but then remembered his manners and bowed back. Even Cheve nodded his head at Alex.

  Onatah said, “Okay, enough with sentiments. Let’s talk about what we are to do. Alex, where do you think we should start?”

  “I think we need to go to Cat Island.”

  Chapter 16

  “Be reasonable Orenda. There is no way you can take Bullet with you,” Cheve said as he helped me pack.

  “I have to take him. I can’t leave him behind.” I looked at him trying to make him understand. “It’s not a matter of me just wanting him to go along. It’s a matter of the feeling that he needs to go with me.”

  He ran a hand through his dark hair and sighed. “Okay, that I can understand, but Orenda it’s going to be hell and expensive to take him on the plane.”

  I looked at Bullet who sat at his usual spot by the stove. “I know, but he needs to be with me and so he shall.” Bullet stared back at me with an eerie sense of understanding.

  “Okay, so it’s settled. Bullet goes. In that case can the fucking vampire stay here?” Cheve said as he looked at Alex who was in his torpor state in my bed. It was weird to stand here and talk about him, but I knew that he was unable to hear us, and we had to get everything ready for our trip to Cat Island.

  We discussed most of the plan before Alex succumbed to his sleep. We were planning to leave after sunset tonight. It would be Cheve, Mark, Alex, myself, and now Bullet that would be making the trip. Bringing Bullet would make the trip a little more difficult. We would need to make a stop, and I knew just where we would head. There was a friend that I wanted to see.

  To Cheve I answered “You know Alex has to come.” I thought I heard Cheve say, “Should stake him today.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I said we should make him pay. Make him pay the expenses for this little road trip.”

  I chuckled at Cheve because we both knew that my hearing was above normal, and we both knew damn well what he said. “I’m sure that Alex will be more than happy to pay our expenses. Why don’t you go and make the arrangements for Bullet and then make sure that Mark is ready. Alex will be getting up soon and will need to feed before we head out.”

  Cheve gave one last wistful look at Alex and then left with Bullet on his heels. It was uncanny how that wolf was always tuned to my intentions. I quickly tore off my clothes and slipped under the covers beside Alex. We had not had the time to be alone together since we were making our plans to leave.

  I snuggled up against Alex’s cool body and waited for him to wake. I traced a finger over his forehead, admiring the long blond eyelashes that rested against his face. My finger traced downwards until I came to his soft lips. I stared at them in fascination. I couldn’t seem to stop myself as I leaned in and traced them with my tongue, reveling in the scent and taste that was all Alex.

  My body began to tingle with primitive urges. I couldn’t help to think how wrong this was. Alex was as good as unconscious in his torpor, but I couldn’t help trailing my hand down his chest. The light hair on his chest veered into a V as my hand moved farther downward. I heard a sharp intake of breath just a millisecond before Alex pushed me onto my back and entered me with both his hard cock and his extended fangs.

  “Ohhhhhh…Alex….yesss…don’t stop.” I moaned, as he slid in and out of my slick opening. As he fed from me, I could feel my entire body pulsating with one wave after another. Alex pulled his fangs from my neck and licked the wound to close it.

  An i
rresistible urge to bite Alex coursed through me and as I kissed his neck, I bit down just a little and tasted his blood on my tongue.

  “Oh God, Baby. Whatever it is you’re doing don’t stop. It feels as if you’re pulling every drop of pleasure out of me. I’m going to come….soon.”

  With his last word his movements increased until he was pounding into me with such ferocity that I thought surely we would go through the wall. Alex cried out, and I could feel the hot liquid shooting inside me. In reaction my body answered back with earth shattering explosions of its own.

  We began kissing each other in a frenzy of pleasure. Every movement, every touch was exquisite. I couldn’t help the words from tumbling from my mouth, “Alex you are incredible, it feels so good…you taste so…mmmmm”

  Alex’s mouth was everywhere “Baby…I feel so out of control....mmmmm…let’s roll over…yeah…move your hips a little…Ahhhhhh…God yeah….”

  The sensations we were feeling were out of control. It was mindless, pure bliss. How long we would have stayed like that I would never know because there was a pounding on the door.

  “Orenda, for crying out loud, can’t the two of you control yourselves?”

  It took several more minutes for my brain to register Cheve’s plea. I grabbed Alex’s head between my hands and forced him to concentrate on me. “Alex…Alex…look at me.”

  Alex finally was able to focus on me, “Baby…I’m sorry…that was….”

  “I know. Holy shit, Alex we have to be careful. This passion thing is way out of control between us.” I couldn’t help but feel frightened by the intensity of our lust.

  Alex gave me a reassuring hug. “I know Baby. I really hate to admit it, but we may need to speak to Cheve about this.”

  “Yikes. You must be worried.”

  Alex started for the bathroom but not before kissing me and saying, “Not exactly worried, just concerned.”

  We stopped to say goodbye to Onatah before heading to the boat that would take us to the mainland where cars waited for us. Mark and Cheve had taken care of all of the details today. Onatah stood waiting for us outside her longhouse. “Khe:awak, hopefully it won’t be too long before you’re back here. May the spirits protect you and keep you safe.”


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