Jude Stephens

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Jude Stephens Page 15

by Touch of a VAmpire

  Now seated next to Alex, I thought to myself, maybe telling Alex wasn’t the best idea. He went on, “You have no way of knowing what the hell he is capable of. You yourself thought that he killed and grilled Bullet up on a silver platter.”

  I sighed “It wasn’t silver, it was lovely pewter, but that’s beside the point. The point is Leeds won’t harm the girl. I’m not sure, but I swear that during the night I might have heard them.”

  Alex said, “Heard them what?”

  “You know…heard them.” I repeated and wagged my eyebrows.

  Alex laughed. “You’re too cute. You’re a grown woman who’s had several lovers and was married and you can’t say you heard sex sounds?”

  “Several lovers? You make me sound like a floozy. So how many lovers have you had?”

  “Oh Baby, you don’t want to go there. I’m a hundred and seventy five years old. There have been many women I’ve slept with over the years.”

  “I think you’re right. I don’t want to go there. Anyway, I really do trust Leeds. If he has a woman tied up in his basement there must be a good reason.”

  “Okay Babe, I don’t trust Leeds, he just is too bizarre, but I do trust you so we’ll leave it go.”

  The rest of the three hour flight flew by. Alex and I talked about anything and everything. This was what I remembered best about Alex. He was very easy to talk to. I remembered him once telling me that he was in both World Wars.

  “Alex, why would you fight in a war when you clearly didn’t have to? I mean you’re a vampire. You had the means to disappear.”

  “It’s hard to explain. First, when you’re one of The Evolved, your lifespan is longer than that of a human. You tend to feel boredom and a sense of disconnection quite easily. I’m still rather young at a hundred and seventy five years old, so it’s not a real issue. I still look forward to new technologies and inventions, but for someone who has been around for hundreds and hundreds of years, things, even new things, lose their appeal.

  It can and has driven some to destroy themselves.”

  I shivered at the thought. How terrible it must be to have an existence such as that. A thought came to me, “Alex? Do you have any idea if a Sensay has an extended life?”

  Alex shrugged. “I really don’t know, Wren. You’re the first Sensay I’ve ever met. You should ask your Mother.”

  He looked as if he wanted to say more but didn’t.

  “What?” I questioned.

  “Well, it’s just from what I gathered from the legends; no Sensay has lived a long life because they were all killed. Sensay’s have always been revered and feared. Revered because of their abilities and feared because of their abilities. The Evolved always felt that Sensays could have too much power over the rest of them.”

  I was stunned. I thought that only The Guardians wanted me dead. Now it seems that the whole world wanted me dead. Well freaking A. I looked across the aisle to where Cheve and Mark sat. I could tell by the looks on their faces that they were aware of this fact also.

  “You’re kidding me. You all knew and never told me that everyone wants me dead?”

  They had the decency to look ashamed, “The woman in the cemetery that night. That wasn’t a Guardian was it?”

  Cheve was the one to answer, “No, it was one of The Evolved. A Jingwei.”

  “A what?” I asked.

  “A Jingwei. They are known for their assassin skills.”

  “Great, but what the hell is it?”

  “They’re one of The Evolved species, most likely evolved from a human and a raptor. They are known for their determination. That’s why they make good assassins. I really was quite proud that you got the jump on her.”

  My head was reeling. “I can’t believe that none of you told me this. This is my life. Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, hurt.

  Again Cheve answered, “Wren, it wasn’t the right time. Onatah and I were planning on telling you when you were finished with your training. We never thought that he would come and ruin things.” Cheve nodded towards Alex.

  Alex who was already bristling at Cheve calling me Wren said, “She should have been told from the beginning. She has a right to know.”

  “Oh yeah? Like you and the other fucking vampire told her the truth?”

  Alex started to stand up. I put my hand on his chest. “Sit down Alex, you too Cheve. Stop acting like five year old boys. What is done is done. The main thing is I know what I’m up against now.” Another thought popped into my mind. “Mark? Have you known about all of this too?”

  Mark looked contrite. “Yeah. Roberto filled Andy and me in the day you came to us.”

  At my thunderous look he quickly added, “He had to so that we could better protect you. He didn’t want you worried so he swore us to secrecy, and then when we left I didn’t know how to tell you. You were upset about Roberto and…” he trailed off.

  I finished for him, “And the guy who tried to shoot me with an arrow and who almost killed Bullet? Was he was one of those Jingwei things too?”

  Alex answered, “Probably not. From what Mark has described to us he was more than likely a centaur.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “A centaur? Like in a half man half horse. Sorry but I saw the guy. He had two legs like a normal man.”

  Alex took my hand. “I know you don’t understand this world, the world of The Evolved, but you will soon enough. The Evolved have been around a long, long time. Many of the mythical creatures that you’ve read about were indeed real at one time.

  “The centaur who tried to kill you has evolved from that half human half beast creature that you know from legend over thousands of years. Remember when Roberto and I tried to tell you about The Evolved and we talked about Darwin and natural selection? These beings have evolved in order to adapt to the world around them. The centaur is the perfect example.

  “At one point the DNA of a man and horse intermingled somehow. The strongest traits in both fought for dominancy until a new species was born, a centaur. Of course it wouldn’t stop at that as everything is constantly evolving to adapt to its environment. That is when it evolved into an Ipotane.

  “The Ipotane began looking more man than horse. He walked on two legs but kept many characteristics of a horse. Today after many years of evolution you wouldn’t be able to tell a centaur from a man unless you know what characteristics they still carry from a horse.”

  I looked over at Mark “You knew what to look for?”

  He cleared his throat “Um, yeah. Andy and I were trained in The Evolved species. We had to be in order to do our jobs. You can’t protect people unless you know what you’re up against.”

  “Well, now I have to know. What characteristics does a centaur carry over from a horse? Because I can’t remember anything about that man that would remind me of a horse.”

  All three of them looked away and were focusing on something else. “Oh come on guys. You have to tell me… Ohhhhh,” I said as my face flamed and I finally realized what it was.

  I looked over at Mark “Did you really check down there?”

  “Hey, you don’t mess with what a guy’s gotta do in the line of duty okay?” he snapped at me.

  I quickly apologized having never seen Mark show so much emotion. “I’m sorry, Sweetie. I was just teasing you a little. I for one am very thankful for everything you’ve done for me. You are a good friend.”

  He stopped bristling and was actually looking pleased with himself. Cheve was rolling his eyes and Alex as usual looked amused with all of us.

  I mulled over everything they told me. So I was hated. It felt strange to know that there were a lot of people in the world who wanted me dead. I was never the type to make enemies. Hell, I was never the type people even gave a second thought to.

  How strange that all of a sudden I find myself the focus of hate among humans and The Evolved. As I sat there on the plane that was taking me to an island full of The Evolved, some of whom might want me dead, a realization struc
k me. All of the pieces of the puzzle began falling into place.

  “Um, guys?” I said looking at my three protectors. These three guys with all of their knowledge had missed the oh so obvious.

  At my tone all three of them turned towards me. “This isn’t about Roberto. It never has been. This is about me. They want me and they want me on Cat Island.”

  The pilot came over the loud speaker, “Welcome to Cat Island in the heart of the beautiful Bahamas. We’ll be landing in ten minutes and the weather this evening is a balmy eighty degrees. We thank you for flying with us and hope you enjoy your stay.”

  Chapter 21

  “Oh shit. Oh shit,” Alex kept repeating as he paced back and forth while we waited for Bullet’s crate to be unloaded. Cheve was running his hands through his hair in frustration and Mark seemed to have gone Rambo. He was constantly scanning the tarmac as if the first infantry was going to come storming down the runway.

  “Will you guys calm down? We have to keep our heads. This mission is going to be a test of wits. We will have to keep one step ahead of them if I’m going to stay alive.”

  Cheve came around first. “She’s right. We have to act like we know nothing. We will not play our hand.”

  “Thank you, Cheve.” I went over and grabbed Alex’s hand. “Listen, Handsome. I need you to calm down. I’ll be alright”

  Alex finally stopped pacing and grabbed my face between his two hands, “I blame myself for this. I played right into their hands. If anything happens to you I will make sure that I follow right behind you.”

  Alex let go of my face and wrapped me in his arms. I was not only moved by his words, but I could understand them. His love for me was and always has been complete.

  Pulling back to look into his eyes I said, “Neither of us is dying on this island. Let’s go get Roberto so we can go on that vacation I was talking about.”

  He nodded, but was still looking grim. The crate with Bullet finally arrived. The baggage handler hightailed it out of there as soon as he saw me open the crate to let Bullet out. “Big wuss.” I said as Bullet was free from the confines of the crate. “Poor boy. Was it nasty in that cramped crate? Do you want to go for a walk before we head to the hotel?”

  Cheve said, “Can’t it wait?”

  “No. The poor thing has been cooped up in that small crate. He needs to stretch.” I insisted.

  Mark said, “I’ll walk with him and do a check on the parameter while I’m at it.”

  Cheve and Alex nodded and then made sure they were standing on either side of me. This was going to be a long trip with the three of these guys sticking to me like glue.

  “Look guys, I appreciate your concern, but honestly, if anything was amiss right now I think I would be able to sense it, and at the moment I don’t feel any threat.”

  They seemed to relax a little at that. Mark and Bullet returned and Mark said, “All clear. I’ll go get our rental car.”

  Bullet came over and sat down by my feet. I stroked his soft fur as I took a deep breath of the tropical air. I could smell the sea and many different floral scents that I couldn’t identify. I had to concentrate on not letting it overwhelm me. Mark returned with the large SUV that we would be renting while we were here. The guys loaded the luggage quickly and we were on our way to the hotel.

  I was excited to see Janel. We had only spoken a few times while I was training on Wolf Island. I looked at my watch. Our flight was at nine p.m. and it was now almost one a.m. I smiled. I figured I would find Janel at the bar.

  We pulled up in front of hotel. With a name like The Myanmar, I figured it would have an oriental flair. I wasn’t disappointed. The hotel was not all that large. It had three floors and the entranceway was a pagoda like structure with two lion-like statues flanking either side.

  Dotted along the property were tall palm trees. Stepping out of the car we were greeted by an attendant. I was a little nervous what they would say when Bullet exited the car, but the man never batted an eye.

  I looked at Alex. He said, “This hotel is owned by Evolved ones. Bullet will be welcome here.”

  “Have you stayed here before?”

  He shifted his eyes away and said, “Many times.”

  I didn’t like the way he looked away from me when he said that, but I was unable to question him any further as we were being ushered inside the hotel by the doorman. The lobby of the hotel was beautiful. Not in an overdone flamboyant way but in a chic modern oriental fashion.

  There was a central fountain that had a lovely gold and blue dragon in the center. It made me think of Leeds. There were a lot of plants and flowers in large blue and gold vases scattered about, along with gold velvet padded chairs. In between were teakwood tables.

  As we walked to the front desk a young woman came running across the lobby. Mark immediately threw me behind his back and Cheve flanked my other side. The only person who didn’t move his ass was Alex. He stood frozen. In another few seconds I knew why. The young woman, who was also very pretty, threw her arms around Alex’s neck and kissed him. He was trying to pry the girl off and not having much luck.

  Cheve sensing that the danger was over stepped around us and seeing the scene playing out simply said, “Fucking vampires.”

  The girl hearing Cheve broke her lip lock on Alex and peered around him. Her eyes lit with appreciation when she saw Mark and Cheve, but narrowed when they saw me. She took her time looking me up and down and then decided I wasn’t any threat to her and dismissed me.

  Having had this happen to me many times over my lifetime, I just shrugged and walked around them with Mark and Cheve following.

  Alex called, “Wait up Wren.” Still trying to extract himself from the beautiful woman’s grip he said, “Myaing will you please let go of me? I need to be with my woman.”

  “Your woman?” the exotic woman said. “Aren’t all women your woman?” She purred. “I was your woman the last time you were here. Remember how hot we were together making love all night long in the moonlight?”

  I heard Alex groan, but I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of turning around. Proud that I was acting like a mature adult, I smiled at the man behind the desk as Mark gave his name to check us in.

  I asked the desk clerk, “Can you tell me if Janel Atwood is in?”

  He looked at me suspiciously “I’m afraid Ms. Atwood is out for the evening. Would you like to leave a message for her?”

  Since I didn’t want to brandish my name all around I said, “No thank you.”

  Damn I was hoping to see Janel tonight and get started on the search for Roberto. We stepped into the elevator and just before the doors slid close, Alex slipped in.

  “Wren, please let me explain.”

  I held up my hand to stop him. First, I didn’t want to play out our relationship on an elevator in front of an audience, and second, being connected with him, when the infamous Myaing kissed him, he had felt nothing but worry about how it might be hurting me.

  I decided to let him stew a little about the whole thing. Sometimes it was good to have the upper hand. With Mark and Cheve snickering behind me I stepped out of the elevator first with a contrite Alex right behind me. When I got to my room I opened the door for Alex to go in first. I gave the guys a look that said I was pissed and that Alex was going to pay big time.

  I almost laughed when I heard Mark say, “This is the first time that I’m glad that I’m not in the vampire’s shoes.”

  I went inside and closed the door. Before I could even turn around Alex was saying, “Baby…Myaing doesn’t mean anything to….”

  “Shut up Alex!” I took off my jacket and threw it on the bed. The look on his face was one of shock. I almost lost it right there and then, but I somehow kept going. “How dare you flaunt your past lovers in front of me? Do I mean nothing to you?”

  “Baby I…”

  “Don’t you Baby me! Why aren’t you kissing me?”

  “I’m sorry. She is…What?” Alex asked confused.
  I began to unbutton his shirt. “You’re very naughty aren’t you?” I asked as I began to kiss his exposed chest.

  Alex groaned. “Damn woman…I thought…” He trailed off when I began to open his jeans.

  God he was so sexy. I really couldn’t blame Myaing for wanting him. He grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. “You are the naughty one, making me think you were pissed at me. I should spank your bottom for that.”

  Shivers ran up my spine.

  He laughed, “You would like that wouldn’t you. I love it.” He began massaging my breasts through my lace bra. It felt really nice and a low moan escaped my lips. Alex said, “I should get you so hot and then leave you to your own devices as payback for your little prank.”

  I rubbed his huge erection through his open jeans. “No problem handsome. Let’s see who gets hotter.”

  I laid myself on the bed and opened the snap and zipper of my jeans. Watching Alex the whole time, I trailed my hand over my lace covered breast, down my stomach and let it disappear into my open jeans. I watched as Alex’s breathing became heavy, and he clenched his hands by his side but never moved a muscle.

  I played with my swollen clit and felt the ripples of pleasure begin. Still looking at Alex I saw a tic start in his jaw and still he didn’t move. I slid a finger lower and pushed it into my slick opening. I couldn’t stop from crying out and bucking my hips up.

  “Fuck this, you win, Baby. You win. You can win always, I don’t care,” he said as he pulled my hand from my pants and licked my wet fingers. That alone would have driven me over the edge, but then he pulled off my jeans, and his finger replaced mine. “Tell me what you want, Baby.” He whispered in my ear as he lay beside of me. “Do you want me to put another finger inside you?”

  “Yessssss,” I moaned.

  Alex slid a second finger inside me and began to move them slowly in a circular motion.


  Alex captured my mouth as he slid a third finger inside me and began to move them in and out in a rhythmic pattern. My hips pumped hard against his hand as his tongue entwined with mine. I was whimpering. I broke my mouth away from his long enough to say, “Inside me, now.”


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