Hell on Heels Christmas

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Hell on Heels Christmas Page 7

by A. P. Jensen

Regan gaped at her mother in horror. “Please tell me you’re joking because that would mean… Eww! Gag.”

  Valerie laughed. “Don’t think too hard on it and I won’t think too hard on you and Brooks.”

  Regan sobered. “I don’t think I can go through this with him again. Hell, I don’t even know if I’m staying!”

  “How do you feel about him?”

  She couldn’t suppress a shiver. “I don’t know. It’s all a jumble. I never expected any of this.”

  “You know I love Brooks as if he was my own son. I love you too. I want you guys to get together but I swear I’ll keep my nose out of your business.”

  “I can stop this if I leave,” she said thoughtfully.

  “Why? You want to go somewhere? Europe? Asia?”

  Regan considered. She had a lot of money in the bank and no ties, as usual. She could do whatever she wished. She could swim in the Dead Sea, go to Machu Picchu or see the Aurora Borealis. She didn’t feel even a flicker of want. She just felt an overwhelming weariness. For ten years she fought every step of the way to remove any obstacle that stood between her and what her heart desired. Now she was on the other side of the tunnel, blinking in the sunlight and wondering what next. She always had a vague plan that changed as she went on her adventures but now she was disconcertingly blank.

  “No. I’m just tired.”

  “I’ve been thinking,” Valerie began and Regan shot her a suspicious glance. “If you don’t mind, maybe you could put off your plans at least until the holidays are over.” When she saw Regan open her mouth she waved her hands and hurried on. “You don’t have to make any promises but just think on it. You don’t have to make any hasty decisions. You can live here and do whatever you want.”

  It was appealing in its way. She didn’t have to lock herself into a lease while she figured out what to do next. She could hide in her mother’s house, spend some time with her before she took off again… But there was Missy and Paula and Allison. Could she deal with all of them during the holidays? Bleh.

  “You know I don’t like the holidays, especially Christmas.” She gave her mom a tight smile. “Bad memories, if you recall.”

  Valerie clapped her hands together. “I haven’t really been all that festive since that crap either but when the grandkids came we got into the spirit of it again. We can try to make things better. What do you say?”

  “I’ll let you know if I leave.”

  It was the closest thing she could give to a commitment. She didn’t want to promise she would stay and go back on her word. She saw a flash of disappointment on her mom’s face but Valerie didn’t push. The phone on the table began to vibrate and ring. Regan glanced at the screen and snatched the phone.

  “He’s a friend,” she said to her mom before she rushed up the stairs and answered as she walked into her bedroom. “JC! Are you back in the States?”

  “No. In another week or two I’ll be home. I got your message and Daniel’s been blowing up my phone, asking if I know where you are. What did he do that had you leaving his ass?”

  “What do you think? I caught him with his secretary. So cliché.”

  While she listened to Jean-Charles curse Daniel to hell Regan sat on her bed and waited for him to run out of languages to call Daniel a bastard. Jean-Charles was one of her best and loyal friends. They met when she was backpacking through Europe. He was a fellow drifter trying to make a living through photography. He introduced Daniel, a distant cousin to Regan. Daniel was intrigued enough by Regan to offer her a job as his assistant. Regan, always ready for an adventure, took the job and worked her way up into her position as regional manager for Martin Hotels.

  As Daniel’s assistant she was his constant shadow and she got to watch him do business which was exciting. Daniel was charming and ruthless and she found that exciting when she was younger. When she accepted his position as Regional Director he made their relationship public and he proposed not long after. They were engaged almost a year when she walked in this week. Most women would have felt devastated, betrayed and furious. Honestly, she’d been relieved because it gave her a reason to leave. Ever since she’d gone into the corporate world her life was work. She enjoyed challenges and Daniel hadn’t been shy about heaping work on her. It gave her a different type of adrenaline rush and she enjoyed the money and travel. She’d been in work mode for the past couple of years to prove she could do this, that she could be normal. Walking away from Daniel and his company was the easiest thing she’d done.

  “Good for you, love. Leaving him and his company floundering was a nice touch. You finally picked up that rust bucket from my property. Why did you go to Montana?” Jean-Charles asked.

  “I’m in White Mist.”

  A long pause. “You’re shitting me, right?”


  “You do like to live on the edge don’t you? Well, you don’t sound as if you’ve been stabbed in the back by your sister and mum so I guess all’s well?”

  “Yeah. I might take a break here, try to celebrate the holidays for the first time in ten years.”

  “How’s that man you cried yourself dry for?”

  “He’s here.”


  She was glad Jean-Charles couldn’t see her squirm. “And nothing.”

  “Ah well. I’m in Russia right now. I’ll look you up when I come back, yes?”

  “You do that. I miss you.”

  “Miss you two. Never a dull moment around you. If Daniel calls you tell him he can go to hell. Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  The next morning Regan was proud of herself for waking as the sun rose. She frowned when she saw that her mom was already gone. Regan had a sneaking suspicion that the store wasn’t doing well but she pushed that thought away. She was finally recovering from her road trip and the years of 24/7 work she’d thrived on. She was sipping her first cup of coffee in thoughtful silence when the front door opened. She looked up as Brooks walked into the kitchen.

  “You really need to stop barging into my mom’s house,” she said as he came over, took her coffee cup from her and drank half of it. “And get your own coffee.”

  “I worked through the night.”

  She took in his dirty clothes and bloodshot eyes. She took pity on him and rummaged in her mom’s cupboards until she found a traveling mug and filled it with coffee and handed it to him.


  “Do you have to work today?”

  “Yeah.” He glanced at his watch. “In an hour. I don’t have your number so I came over here to get it before I go home and take a shower.”

  She stared at him. “You couldn’t wait?”

  “I wanted to catch you before you took off today. What’s your number?”

  She rattled it off and he punched it into his phone and got to his feet. He leaned over her and grasped her jaw with one hand, lifted her face and planted a quick, deep kiss on her mouth. She gripped his sleeve and he smiled against her mouth before he pulled away.

  “I’ll see you later.”

  He walked out and she heard his truck start up and then he was gone. She gaped. Was he so sure of her that he didn’t even ask if she was going to stay in White Mist? She brushed a hand over her tingling lips and then gave herself a mental smack and got dressed in the clothes she went to her dinner with Wade in. She drummed her hands on the wheel as she drove Brooks SUV to the nearest town which was an hour away. It was a resort town with famous ski slopes and great shopping.

  Regan went for the basics she would need while she was in White Mist. She bought sneakers, jeans, coats and so on and changed into her new clothes before she walked out of the mall. She received a text from Brooks as she hauled her bags out to the SUV.

  Where are you?

  She called him and he picked up at once. “Are you stalking me?”

  “Do I have to?”

  “I left White Mist.”

  A pause. “To go where?”


  “Do you want to come to my house for dinner tonight?”

  She blinked. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “Why the hell are you so sure I’m even staying?” she demanded irritably as she slammed the back of his SUV on her new clothes.

  “I’m not. I’m taking up all of your time before you try to leave.”

  She was placated somewhat. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Me either. I think we should go to my place because I have a feeling I’m going to crash right after dinner.”

  “If you’re so tired why are you asking me to dinner?”

  “I want to see you.”

  She got into the driver’s seat of his SUV and started up the car. “You’re being very pushy.”

  “Only way to get you to do what I want. You can drive over around three.”

  She hesitated.

  “Or I can come to your mom’s house.”

  “Okay, fine. I’ll be there.”



  She finally gave into the urge to go through her voicemails although Missy had already done that for her. She erased any from Daniel as soon as she heard his voice and felt a little ashamed for leaving her job in chaos but she knew her second in command, Erica, was capable. Erica was waiting for this opportunity and Daniel promoted her just as Regan knew he would. She called Erica as she drove back to White Mist. Erica was all business and they talked over some things before Regan hung up, knowing that her employees would be okay once they got used to Erica being at the helm. Feeling better, she frowned when she ran across a message from an old friend.

  “Johnny, what’s up?” Regan asked after dialing his number.

  “Regan, where have you been? You always call me back. I thought something bad happened.”

  “No. I’m okay. I left Daniel and his hotels. I’m back in my hometown.”

  Johnny perked up. “Never liked Daniel. He’s too stiff for you. You’re in Montana?”

  “Yeah. What’s up with you? In your message you said you’re bored.”

  “Yeah. I just got off a world tour and I can’t seem to get into any rhythm. It’s messing with my head. I was wondering what you were up to. I know you feel like that sometimes.”

  “Aww, Johnny. I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner. Where are you now?”

  “New York.”

  She bit her lip, knowing what he wanted and wondering if she was making a huge mistake. “Do you want to come down?”

  “Hell yeah. What’s your hometown called?”

  “White Mist. But Johnny there’s, like, nothing here.”

  “That’s okay. Maybe I need to get in tune with nature and shit, you know?”

  She laughed. Had the whole world gone crazy? Superstars wanted to come to her remote town in Montana? This was going to rock White Mist on its ass.

  “Yeah. Fine. Call me when you get here.”

  She drove to her mom’s shop and was happy to see Paula wasn’t there. There were several tourists in the shop so she went into the back room to wait until her mom had a free moment.

  “You got clothes? Good. I didn’t have a chance because I’ve been so busy.”

  “No. That’s fine. I went this morning. Um, I have a friend that’s coming to visit.”

  Valerie paused. “You do? It’s not the billionaire, is it?”

  “Get real. My friend Johnny gets into these funks and he calls me up, stays with me a couple days and then he goes on his way.”

  “Why’s he in a funk?”

  Regan shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s an artist and he gets like I do- gotta move, gotta do something different.”

  Valerie gave her a flat stare. “Honestly, I don’t know how you came out of me.”

  “He has money for a hotel but he gets kinda clingy so he might end up staying at the house.”

  Valerie grimaced. “I’m surprised you have a friend like that as commitment phobic as you are.”

  “Thanks mom. That’s the nicest thing you ever said to me. Anyway, I’m gonna head back to the house and I’m going to Brooks’ for dinner.”

  Valerie clapped her hands together and beamed. “Good for you. So, don’t forget to take the condoms in the bathroom and what are you going to make?”

  Regan sputtered. “I have to make something?”

  “Holly called me and told me Max was working through the night. You can’t expect Brooks to make you dinner after he’s been working over twenty four hours!”

  Regan held her hands up in defense. Her mom’s voice could get screechy when she wanted to make an impact. “Okay, okay. I’ll make him eggs or something.”

  “Get your butt to the store and make a real meal. You have all day to prepare. You can make meatloaf.”

  Five minutes later Valerie shoved Regan out of her shop with two detailed pages with instructions on how to make her famous meatloaf and a shopping list. Regan’s eyes bugged when she saw lubricant and condoms underlined. She stuffed the list in her pocket and walked into the only grocery store in town and braced herself. She rushed through aisles but people called out her name and she was forced to stop, chit chat and then dash off. She worked in the store her senior year of high school and she knew the name of at least eighty percent of the staff still working here.

  She thought she was going to make it out of the store without incident when a familiar face stepped in front of her in the produce department. For a moment she was happy to see her old friend until she saw the hostility in her eyes. Aw shit.


  “Regan, what the hell do you think you’re doing with my brother?”

  “Not here, Kerry,” Regan said in a low voice.

  “Why don’t you want to talk about it here? Everyone heard that he was in your bedroom yesterday and that you had his SUV parked in front of your ma’s house this morning. He asked you to marry him ten years ago. You think he’s going to ask you again?”

  That hit too close to home. Regan narrowed her eyes at her former best friend. They’d been close before Regan turned Brooks down. After that Kerry and Paula turned into her worst nightmare. Out of everyone she never expected Kerry to be angry after all this time.

  “We’re adults now. Why don’t you let Brooks worry about himself?”

  “No. I’m telling you to back off.”

  Regan narrowed her eyes. She really didn’t like when people tried to tell her what to do. She walked around her cart and saw Kerry tense. She looked up at Brooks’ sister who was as tall as him. Damn giants.

  “Heifer, don’t tell me what to do. If I want your brother I’ll have him and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  Kerry’s eyes bugged. “What did you just say?”

  “So you’re old and deaf?”

  Kerry was striking, like her whole family. She was tall and well proportioned. She knew it and used it to her advantage even when they were fourteen and just developing. Although Kerry was now a mother she hadn’t changed and her figure was as fit as ever but Regan knew enough about her to know she probably needed regular reassurance from her husband that she was still hot.

  Kerry made a sound like a wounded buffalo and reached out to grab Regan who retreated to the piles of nearby apples for ammo. As Kerry rushed her and Regan grabbed her first missiles a cart dashed between them. They both turned to blast the newbie and Regan rolled her eyes when she saw her sister. Kerry flung the cart out of her way and it was either let go of it or be thrown too. Missy wasn’t stupid so she let go of the cart which made a loud crash as it turned on its side. Kerry and Regan blinked in surprise when Missy stepped in front of her sister.

  “Kerry, this isn’t the time or the place,” Missy said quietly.

  “Your slutty sister’s trying to get my brother again!”

  Regan managed to get an apple past Missy. It made a satisfying smacking sound on Kerry’s forehead. The giant staggered back a step and Regan felt a David and Goliath situation coming on. W
hen Kerry’s murderous eyes fixed on Regan, Missy interceded again.


  When Kerry tried to dodge around Missy she reached out, grabbed her jacket and swung the bigger woman away from Regan. Kerry’s mean eyes narrowed on Missy who stared calmly up at her.

  “Leave Regan alone.”

  Regan stared at her sister. Missy had never come to her rescue. Ever. Missy seemed happiest when Regan came home with black eyes and bruised ribs but now… What the hell was going on? Kerry who had once been Regan’s back up looked just as taken aback as Regan. Once again she felt reality shift.

  “This isn’t your business, Missy,” Kerry said, trying to shrug her off.

  Missy’s hand twisted more firmly in Kerry’s coat. “It is. You mess with Regan, you mess with me.”

  “Since when?” Kerry demanded.

  “Since always. I don’t care how you feel about her. You don’t make scenes in the grocery store. What the hell are you thinking?”

  “Get off me,” Kerry snapped.

  Missy jerked Kerry down so they were nose to nose. "Regan didn't have anyone's blessing when she left and she did it anyway without help from any of us. She had the right to choose what she wants. How would you feel if your daughter left? Wouldn't you do everything to help her? We made it so hard for Regan to leave why the hell should she come back? My sister is here for the holidays and if she decides to live here you better learn to live with it because if I hear you’re doing this shit again I’m gonna come looking for you and I know where you live. You understand me?"

  Regan stared at Missy. Gone was the prim and proper upstanding citizen she showed in public. It was Missy as Regan had never seen her- except when they were in their family house warring. Missy was always polite and diplomatic with everyone- until now. Kerry’s mouth was hanging open so Regan deduced this was out of the ordinary even though she’d been gone ten years.

  "Let's go, Regan,” Missy said.

  Regan picked up the dented apple she’d used on Kerry and pushed her cart to the row of cashiers. People gawked as they passed and Missy held her head high. There was an awkward silence enfolding the store that Regan knew wasn’t normal. It was small enough that if everyone shut up they could hear the drama- and that’s exactly what they’d done. The confrontation between the Delaney sisters and Kerry Hawking would be all over town before noon. Their families had always been close so this was a first. Missy was pale but composed as she waited for Regan to pay for her groceries. Missy stalked out of the store, heels clicking. Regan stopped besides the SUV and loaded up the groceries and looked at her sister.


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