His Secret Billionaire Omega_M/M Non-Shifter Alpha/Omega MPREG

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His Secret Billionaire Omega_M/M Non-Shifter Alpha/Omega MPREG Page 9

by Harper B. Cole

  "Manties," Marcus said. "Before you get it wrong, they're manties."

  "That's just terrible!" I protested. "That's the most unsexy word for these I've ever heard of."

  Marcus crossed his arms. "Don't dis the manties, or no touching them."

  Fuck. I really wanted to touch. "Okay, I'll stop dissing them." I started sliding my hands from his knees up his thighs, but he uncrossed his arms and held my hands back.

  "You'll stop dissing... what?"

  Was he really going to make me say it? The look in his eyes said yes. "Fine. I'll stop dissing the manties."

  Marcus released my hands and slid his behind his head, widening his thighs. "Then you may touch."

  I couldn't believe how many times this man made me laugh in the middle of such a sexually charged moment, but he did. And yet it didn't break the spell. I slid my hands forward eagerly, glorying in the slick, decadent slide of my skin over his sharp hipbones. And then I placed one hand over his cock, squeezing my fingers tightly around it, the heat sending electric shocks straight to my groin. Marcus gasped, his chin lifting up, his neck exposed. I wanted to trace the line of his body from his ear to his toes. But for now, I rubbed my thumb over the soft head of his cock, feeling a wet spot where precum was leaking through the fabric. The fabric was so sexy, I wondered how Marcus could stand wearing them for any length of time. Did he just walk around with a raging boner all day?

  I wanted to feel the fabric on my own skin.

  It was as if Marcus could hear my thoughts, because the next thing I knew, his hands were shoving at my sweatpants, pushing them down, away, and freeing my erection. It slapped my stomach with an obscene smack, and then Marcus's hand was on me, sparks firing all up and down my spine.


  His hand was jerking me slowly, but I wanted more... I wanted... satin.

  I pushed forward, the head of my cock just brushing his, gliding so smoothly over his satin clad length. A moan escaped me, and Marcus pulled me closer, pressing my cock fully against his. I started rutting against him, his soft whimpers encouraging me, his sandalwood scent so powerful and pervasive after a night spent burrowing in my bed. I bent to take one of his dusky nipples into my mouth, twirling around that teasing piece of metal, and it was as if I unleashed an animal. As my tongue danced around his pert bud, tugging on the metal, lavishing in the surprisingly sweet taste of his skin, he bucked underneath me, increasing the friction. I had to stop teasing him with my mouth as our hips thrust faster and faster... and I hoped he was close because there was no way I was going to—

  The ball of painful pleasure that had been building in my core burst, my cock sending what seemed like streams of cum up onto Marcus's stomach and all over his beautiful panties. I hoped I hadn't ruined them, but at the same time, what a way to be ruined. Energy spent, I collapsed, doing my best to throw the bulk of my weight to the side so that I didn't crush him, and making sure I didn’t put too much pressure against my knot. Without the heat of his channel encompassing it, it should deflate fairly soon, but it was sensitive at the moment.

  I turned my face into his shoulder and placed a kiss there. "Sorry."

  "For?" His voice was just as lazy as mine.

  "Coming so quickly."

  "Honey, if you were too quick, I was too quick, but instead I'll just take that as a compliment."

  I smiled against him. I hadn't been so satisfied by so little since I'd been in high school, but this satisfaction was bone-deep, and I never wanted it to end.



  Closer didn’t show. I won’t make it to Omega Night.

  Killian and I had finally exchanged numbers, which was awesome, but I hadn’t seen him since he’d dropped me off at home a couple days ago. I loved Lola, I really did, but I wasn’t impressed by her calling in sick to go to some stupid concert. Sick is sick, not adventure time. She didn’t even pretend to hide the reason and made the mistake of leaving the message with Bethany who broadcast it to the entire staff, including me—the guy stuck taking her place. I was so not impressed.

  Double shift?

  He accentuated it with a little sad face and I could picture him making a fake little pouty face. I still wasn’t sure where we stood, not really, but when you get covered in each other’s cum and still text, chances are it’s going somewhere. So I hoped.

  Pretty much. You mad?

  Hardly. I’m okay with alphas not ogling you.

  To my relief, he had answered quickly. I knew the are you mad? thing ticked off a lot of alphas, but in this case, it wasn’t a needy trick to garner affirmation, I really wanted to know. I could conceivably make it there before last call, dressed in my fabulous polyester uniform and smelling like floor cleaner—which was going to inevitably spill on me—but after such a long day, I would be a dead man walking and that was not the impression I wanted to give Killian.

  It made my heart pitter patter that he didn’t want other alphas staring at me. His possessive claim boosted my confidence and solidified my belief that he was wanting more than just a quick slap and tickle.

  You ogle me.

  Of course, I worked really hard to encourage said ogling.

  Damn straight I do. We still on for Monday?

  Monday. Our first date. Killian’s schedule shifted a couple of days from the normal work week due to the type of business it was. His weekend was Sunday and Monday, with Sunday being family day—which was all kinds of aww. That left Monday for our date. I had to promise Bethany I owed her if she rearranged the schedule. Even though that had meant I was left closing tonight, I had a feeling come Monday I wouldn’t regret it.

  I glanced at the clock—only fifteen minutes left in my break. I grabbed a salad from the prep fridge and poured on some dressing for my dinner. It wasn’t my first choice, but it was that or a carrot muffin.

  Try and keep me away. How should I dress?

  I sat down and took the first bite of my dinner, grateful we were texting so I could multitask. And to be honest, if I heard his voice, there was no way I wouldn’t show up there a smelly hot mess, no matter how late I worked.

  Killian’s reply came lighting fast. Manties?

  And now I had a boner at work. Brilliant.

  That is pretty much a given. Jeans? Club clothes? Suit?

  When Killian had asked me on the date, he was all it’s a surprise! I had assumed he just hadn’t thought that far ahead, but I’d asked him three times since and each time received noncommittal answer, telling me he had plans. It was killing me not to know.

  Jeans are fine. I have a plan.

  Of course. I shoved another forkful of salad in my mouth, willing my cock to pipe down. I had to be out on the floor serving the public in a short while, and a raging erection felt a bit inappropriate.

  It’s like that is it?

  It is. Hey, I got a box of cat toys I didn’t order that showed up at my house today. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?

  I bit my lip, pleased it had arrived. Not a clue.

  Uh huh. Gotta go. Decker’s on my ass tonight about keeping people out of VIP. And by “out,” he means keeping them out of his line of sight.

  Decker was a grade-A asshole. Part of me wanted to buy his sorry butt out of his share of Club Royale so Killian didn’t have to deal with him anymore, but I remember how controlling my parents were, using their money to fix everything, and I came back to reality. It was still fun to fantasize about.

  Have fun with that. Night. Here’s a picture of Blubby saying hi.

  I sent him a picture I’d taken that morning while I was getting dressed: I was bending over and talking to Blubby, wearing my red manties. The delayed photo feature on my phone was my new favorite thing.

  You’re killing me, Blondie.

  Death by erection?

  You know it. Talk soon.

  I slipped my phone into my pocket and ate a couple more bites of my salad before heading back to work. It was going to be a long night.
/>   Forty-two thousand pretentious coffee drinks later and I was mopping the floor, thankful that the night was finally almost over when my phone began to ring. Like a love sick puppy, I answered it on the first ring, neglecting to look at the name.

  “Hello, Killer.” I crossed my fingers and toes that he was getting off of work early and just had to see me. A guy could dream.

  “If by ‘killer’ you mean Parker, hello to you too.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. I needed to take the time to add personalized rings for those two.

  “It’s kind of late,” I barked. It wasn’t really, but even though we had cleared the air a bit, some of the residual hurt slammed into me from time to time. It looked like this was one of those times.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”

  Awkward silence filled the space between us. I was just about to say something, anything when he added, “I was just getting off work and thought maybe we could chat.”

  “About what?” My stomach was whirling, my brain creating all kinds of chats he might have in mind, my heart thumping. I didn’t want to be like this, I really didn’t, but I just wasn’t ready to be all buddy brothers again. He still had contact with them, and the tinge of doubt that he was back in my life as a means to one of their ends still lingered in the back of my mind.

  “Nothing in particular. I just wanted to hear your voice.” And just like that, Parker all vulnerable and honest, his alpha I’m the boss tone completely absent, my doubt vanished. I knew it would appear again. It always did, but for now, for this conversation, it was gone and it was just my brother and me.

  “I can do that as long as you don’t mind me multitasking. I have to finish up the floors.” I was so going to give Lola words over this, although if she hadn’t pulled that bullshit, I might have missed this call, a call that somehow felt like it might be the first page in a new chapter for us. In the grand scheme of things, it was just two brothers chatting. But Parker and I hadn’t done that in a long time. Maybe Lola deserved hugs instead.

  Parker wandered through a few topics before going on and on about the pain in the ass that was unpacking after a move, but I didn’t mind. It was good to have my brother back, even if not fully.



  Normal clothes. I’ll pick you up at your place in an hour.

  I hit send and pushed the phone into my pocket. I knew that was going to drive him nuts, and I loved it. Loved that I was learning him well enough to know how to push his buttons. I'd be there to pick him up around three-thirty, which was much too early for just dinner.

  “Ready guys? Girl and guy?”

  Sally was sitting like the good girl she was, while Princess eyed me suspiciously, his head pushed back on his shoulders and his ears flat in displeasure. I’d bought him a leash a few days ago and I’d been practicing taking him on walks—without Sally—but he hadn’t been impressed. He seemed to look on the leash as a Chinese kitten torture device. I walked them to the car, and held the back door open. Sally jumped in and promptly propped herself up on the center dashboard.

  "No," I told her. "You know you need to stay in the back."

  She reluctantly stepped back on to the center seat, and I scooped up Princess and plopped him in the car. He'd been sniffing around the edges, trying to decide what he thought about all of this, but there was plenty for him to explore in the car. I left their leashes on, but dangling.

  The day after Marcus had left, I'd been lazing about, cuddling with the furries and poking about on social media, when an advertisement for a pet fair caught my eye. Curious, I'd clicked through. I'm not going to lie, it looked pretty damned cute. I scrolled through the pictures of dogs playing in fields with bows in their fur and adorable bow ties on collars. The fair had a whole slew of awards it gave out, so I didn't know if there was some kind of dog and cat fashion show, or what. There would be food, and games—for humans and pets.

  I'd never been to anything like this before. I knew Marcus liked animals, and I didn't know if this would be his kind of thing, but I wanted to do something different with him, something new. He'd intrigued me from the moment I'd first laid eyes on him, glitter eye shadow, tight jeans, purple crop top, and a look that said he was searching for something.

  I was familiar with that look. Almost everyone who came to Club Royale, Omega Night or not, was looking for something, whether it was a night to forget the stress of their daily lives, a quick fuck, or something more. I learned pretty quickly how to differentiate them, and Marcus fell into the something more and then some category.

  I paused at a gas station to grab a couple bottles of water. I kind of assumed that a pet fair would have ample opportunities for the furries to rehydrate, but I didn't want to be caught off guard and force them to suffer because of my mistake. And so I pulled up at Marcus's building at three-thirty sharp. I didn't feel comfortable leaving Princess and Sally alone, and I wanted to have a good view of his face when he saw them, so I stepped out of the car and leaned on it, facing the door of the building and called him.

  "I hope that's you saying you're running a little late, because you've given me, like, zero guidance, and I still hadn't figured out what to wear."

  "Nope. Wear something that will keep you cool."

  "Are we talking getting all up on each other hot and sweaty cool, or like you're going to make me run a marathon cool? Because I really don't do well with exercise. It's like an allergy. Or something."

  I laughed. "Something between the two extremes."

  Marcus hung up on me with a growl of frustration. I looked down to my elbow, where both animals were watching with interest and confusion. Marcus would see them sooner if I let them out...

  I opened the door, careful to block Princess's slithering escape and scooped up the tail end of their leashes. I was still in the process of untangling the three of us when I heard a squeal.

  "Oh. My. Alpha. You brought the kids!" He was on his knees in the midst of them cooing and lavishing them with love while I was still trying to detangle everything, though Princess wasn't even attempting to make it easier on me, curling around Sally's legs and mine. Finally, I got everything straightened out enough to usher them back in the car again, with Marcus's help.

  "So, if this is a family event, what are we doing? A picnic? I saw your fridge, Killian Daye, I don't know if I dare trust your food choices."

  "You'll be able to make your own food choices," I promised. "But it's still a surprise. I think you'll like it, though." Before he could start laying twenty questions on me, I distracted him with the latest tale of "things Princess has destroyed and not given a damn about."

  My mind lingered on the way he'd called us a family. It wiggled its way deep in my bones, leaving an aching echo. A family. With Marcus. I'd never wanted that with anyone before. To add them to my family. But with him? It felt almost natural. Which was kind of terrifying.



  Sitting in the car, Killian’s hand on my knee, Princess Buttercup wrapped around my shoulders, and Sally popping up every few minutes to “kiss” my arm—this was what I called a date. I had spent so much time fretting over what to wear, how to impress, how to not mess things up. I should’ve known better. Killian was unlike any alpha I ever met, so expecting the norm with him was foolishness incarnate.

  Killian regaled me with stories of his work week. Working around people who are drinking and letting go when you were not led to some extremely hilarious observations, and our laughter left the atmosphere in the car happy and light. It was already one of the best dates I’d ever been on, and we’d yet to reach our destination.

  I was itching to ask where we were going, refraining only because my asking only seemed to encourage him to amp up the anticipation with his little useless hints and overt denials. We were heading out of the city with our two fur babies. Shit, I needed to stop thinking of them like that. His two fur babies. His. Not mine. His.

  “Any guesses?”

it didn’t matter whether I asked or not. He was going to torture me; I might as well have fun with it.

  “Swimming at the lake?”

  “No suits.” Not that I thought for a second he would let that deter him. I knew I’d be game.

  “Picnic at the state park?” It would be another two-hour drive, but plausible-ish.

  “No, but I’m putting that on a list for the future.”

  Future. I liked the sound of that a little bit too much. “That would be fun.” Or funnish. Nature was not my thing as a rule, but with Killian by my side, I ventured it would be amazing nonetheless. “Speaking of fun, how did you convince Princess Buttercup to allow this contraption?”

  “It took work.”

  Oh, I imagined it did. Cats were not generally fond of harnesses or being told what to do and when. “Still not sure he is convinced.”

  “He is doing better than most cats would. Cats are, as a rule, assholes.” Which is probably why I had always been drawn to them. I liked how independent and don’t give a fuck they were, while at the same time being little balls of love.

  “Not you, Princess.” Killian reached over, scratching him on the head, his arm brushing against mine, the cat purring loudly in response. “You know daddy wasn’t talking about you.”

  Holy crap. I knew it was a slip of the tongue, but he had called me Princess Buttercup’s daddy, and it sent a message direct to my lower brain which was the very last thing I needed given where we were, in a car traveling down the highway.

  “Oh, absolutely not, Princess Buttercup.” I turned my head, giving him a kiss on the head. “You are the most magnificent, non-assholish cat on this planet.”

  As Killian engaged his turn signal, my anticipation amped up as I recognized where we were, a little town just outside the city. I still had no clue where we were going, even though I had worked at a Café Om in this town for a short while. There was not much to the town, although it was one of my favorite places.


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