Passion Play

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Passion Play Page 10

by Regina Hart

  He smiled into her startled eyes. His jovial mask was back in place. Rose was glad he’d had that momentary lapse, though. She enjoyed the carefree charmer, but the brooding man of mystery also held an appeal.

  Rose scowled down at him. “And by my sitting on your lap, what had you intended our conversation to be?”

  “You have a very suspicious mind, Ms. Beharie.” His smile grew into a grin. He wrapped his arms around her in a loose embrace as she tried to get up.

  “And you have a very obvious technique. I can hear you just fine from my end of the love seat.” Rose’s hands tightened on Donovan’s stone-like forearms, but she wasn’t in a rush to leave his lap. She felt comfortable, as though she belonged here. It was odd.

  “Don’t you like to cuddle?”

  “This isn’t cuddling. It’s kidnapping.” Rose crossed her arms, straining to ignore the sensation of his muscled thighs beneath her bottom. It was a struggle not to squirm against him. “You’re holding me against my will.”

  “You’d call an act of physical affection a felony?” Donovan chuckled low in his chest. Rose felt the vibrations against her arm.

  “This doesn’t feel like cuddling. You’re too hard.” Rose went still. Donovan’s arched brow and the glint in his wicked hazel eyes sent heat rushing up her neck to her face. “You know what I mean.”

  “I don’t think I do.” His voice shook with laughter.

  “Your body’s too stiff.” Rose could have sunk beneath the floor.

  “Really?” Donovan cocked his head. “Is that what you meant to say?”

  “Just let me go.” Rose lowered her arms. She glared at him while her embarrassment burned hotter.

  “I will. But first, tell me what turns you on in a man.”

  “Why would I tell you that?”

  “It’s something your boyfriend would know.”

  “You do realize that our relationship is fake.”

  “But we’re trying to convince your friends that it’s real.” He held her gaze. “Just tell me what turns you on.”

  Was it her imagination or were her nipples getting hard? Please don’t let Van notice. But her prayers were probably in vain; the sexy salesman seemed to notice everything. Rose smothered a groan.

  She wanted him to release her, but she was not going to play his self-indulgent games. “What turns you on? Oh, let me guess—petite, curvy women with long hair.”

  Donovan gave her a shrewd look. “Like your sister Lily? She’s beautiful. But I don’t have a type.”

  Of course not. He was an equal-opportunity player. “Then what’s your turn-on?”

  Donovan was silent for a moment. “Do you have a library card?”

  “Of course.” She was offended that he would even ask. “Do you?”

  He nodded. “That’s my turn-on.”

  “Library cards?” He had just taken kinky to a whole other level.

  “Women who love to read.”

  “That’s really bizarre.” And incredibly interesting. “Why?”

  “Women who can lose themselves in a book don’t need me to entertain them.” Donovan shrugged a shoulder. The sensation had Rose biting back a moan. “They can entertain themselves for hours. So when they choose to spend time with me, it’s not because they’re bored. I know it’s because they really want to be with me.”

  Was he kidding? Who wouldn’t want to spend time with Donovan Carroll? He was handsome, intelligent and infinitely intriguing. “We can’t keep our noses buried in a book all the time.”

  “There’s something very sexy about a woman when she’s carried away in a book.” His voice was soft and low, hypnotic. “Her love of reading shows she has a creative mind. She always has something to talk about.”

  His words seduced her. They brought to mind lazy, rainy afternoons, curled up on her love seat with a good book. Mysteries, fantasies, romance.

  Her body relaxed. “What do you like to read?”

  “I like variety. Fiction and nonfiction, mysteries, science fiction, adventure. I’ve even read romance. My only requirement is that the author be a good storyteller. What about you?”

  He sounded too good to be true. “The same. I’m not particular. Just give me a good story.”

  “So we finally have something in common.” He leaned his head back against her sofa and closed his eyes. “What a relief.”

  Rose chuckled. “Give it a rest, Van.”

  She sat up. Her eyes traced the clean line of his profile to the long, strong column of his throat. He really was a very handsome man.

  Donovan’s eyes flew open, startling Rose. She stared into their depths. They were a bright golden brown, surrounded by a rim of forest green. For a moment, she forgot she was curled up on his lap, talking about books.

  “Your turn.” His voice was low, husky, as though he didn’t want anyone to overhear them.

  “What?” she whispered back.

  “What’s your turn-on?”

  Men who are turned on when they see a woman reading. She shied away from offering that answer, though. Maybe another time. “A sense of humor.”

  “Knock, knock.” His eyes glowed brighter.

  Donovan’s fingers tunneled into her hair. He lifted his head as he brought her closer for his kiss. His lips touched hers and she forgot...everything. Her eyes fluttered closed. For the first time in a long time, Rose gave in to sensation. Donovan’s lips were hot and firm, moving on hers. He took his time, tracing the shape of her mouth with his. The top. The bottom. Each corner. Over and over again.

  Her body grew warm and restless. Soft and pliant. She melted against him. Donovan’s arms wrapped around her, drawing her even closer. His body’s heat radiated into hers, spreading from her abdomen out to her limbs. Her breasts. Desire was building. She hadn’t felt this way in so long, if ever. She moved her hands, sliding them up and over his arms, feeling the strength in his biceps and shoulders. Delicious.

  Donovan opened his mouth, and she let him in. His tongue stroked hers in a long caress. He tasted so warm and so good. Rose held him closer. Tighter. Donovan shifted and she ended up beneath him on the love seat. His weight pressed deliciously against her. The cushions gave way beneath. His hand slid up her side to close over her breast. Rose shivered. A pulse beat between her legs. Donovan molded her, stroked her. Rose shifted restlessly against him. He deepened their kiss, his urgency growing. Donovan lowered his head and moved his mouth over her cheek to her neck. His hips moved against hers. Rose’s body flooded with heat and dangerous desire. Her body wanted what he offered her, but her mind was cautious. They weren’t in a relationship. This wasn’t about happily-ever-after. This was a verbal agreement with a start date and an end date. What would happen to them when this was over?

  Rose’s palms were gentle but firm against his chest. “Van. Stop.”

  His torso shook, then stilled above her. His body’s heat wrapped her like a blanket. Donovan straightened, sitting up and away from her.

  Rose swung her legs from his lap, then pressed against the opposite end of the love seat. “I’m sorry.”

  “So am I.”

  But what were they sorry for? Her body still throbbed. “It’s a dangerous game we’re playing. This relationship isn’t real. We need to remember that.” Rose winced at the thin breathiness of her voice.

  “I know.” Donovan scrubbed his hands over his face. “You’re right.”

  “We need to get to know each other. But we can’t cross the line.” Rose drew a deep breath as her body continued to pulse.

  “It’s a fine line.” Donovan pushed himself to his feet without looking in her direction. He started toward her door.

  She followed him on unsteady legs. “Are we okay?”

  Donovan stopped and turned to her. His eyes were still hot with
desire. Rose felt herself sway toward him. She stepped back.

  His expression was so serious. She hadn’t seen that look since the night they’d worked together on the shelter’s statement.

  “We will be.” He opened her door and disappeared into the afternoon.

  Rose wasn’t as certain they’d recover from today’s experience. What happened would leave a lasting impression on them. She locked her door, then leaned against it. Good grief, had she made a mistake? She’d never considered the possibility that she’d be overwhelmed by a physical attraction to Donovan Carroll, although she should have. The man was too handsome for her peace of mind.

  She pushed away from the door and returned to her living room. A quick glance toward her leather love seat made her pulse trip. She caught her breath. Rose moved on to her matching sofa. She sank onto the cushion, glaring across the room. She’d made a mistake. Dammit!

  Donovan wasn’t a good candidate for her fake boyfriend. And let’s face it, he wouldn’t make a very good real boyfriend, either. Rose had tried the handsome-player type with Benjamin. Look how that had turned out. Donovan was even better looking than her ex-fiancé. She couldn’t survive another heartache, real or fake.

  She dropped her head into her hands. What am I going to do?

  * * *

  “I need a new fake boyfriend.” Rose sat at Lily’s kitchen table later that afternoon. In a moment of desperation, she’d sent her sister a 9-1-1 text, asking if Lily was free to talk. She’d received an immediate reply: Come over; have brewed iced tea. Lily brewed the best iced tea.

  Now, seated on the other side of the rectangular, honey-wood table, Lily regarded Rose for a long, silent moment. Is she ever going to respond, or is she just going to sit there, staring at me as though I haven’t said anything?

  “Did Van make a pass at you?” Lily’s question caught Rose off guard.

  “What makes you think something happened between us?” Rose crossed her legs. She wore the same black shorts and gray tunic she’d had on when Donovan had made his pass earlier. Her body grew warm.

  “You wouldn’t have whirled in here like a tornado if he’d only shaken your hand.” Lily gave her a knowing look. “In fact, you wouldn’t be here at all if you hadn’t liked it.”

  “What? You’re mistaken.” Was it hot in the kitchen? Rose fidgeted on the smooth wooden chair. She took a long drink from her glass of iced tea. It was cool and refreshing, with a hint of lemon and chai.

  “Am I?” Lily seemed skeptical. “Then why are you so anxious to replace Van?”

  Rose took a calming breath. The air smelled of lemons. Lily must have just finished cleaning. “I want someone else to be my reunion date.”

  “I still don’t think you need a fake boyfriend. You should go alone.” Lily leaned back, crossing her legs. Her cotton shorts jumper was a swirling pattern of spring flowers. The shorts ended midthigh.

  Why was Lily always so stubborn? Once she got an idea, she’d never let it go. She was so certain she was right all the time. She was just like...Rose.

  “Lil, I told you, I won’t go to the reunion alone while Ben attends with his pregnant wife. I should be the pregnant wife Ben takes to the reunion. He took that away from me.”

  “I’m sorry, Rosie.” Lily reached across the table to squeeze Rose’s forearm. “Honestly, I think Ben’s wife saved you from making a serious mistake.”

  Rose sighed. “You and Iris never liked Ben.”

  “We tried to.” Lily straightened, releasing Rose’s arm. “But you deserved better, someone who was more interested in you. Ben is very self-absorbed.”

  “You were right.” Rose propped an elbow on the table and set her chin in her hand.

  “I still don’t know anyone who meets your fake boyfriend requirements, though. Maybe Iris can give you another name.” Lily lifted her tall glass of iced tea and took a sip.

  “I can’t go back to Iris. She’d ask too many questions.” Rose traced a line through the cool condensation on her glass.

  “You mean like, why, after working with Van for more than six weeks, you now need to start over with someone else?”

  “Yes, like that one.” Rose gave her sister a hard look, cautioning her against that line of questioning.

  Lily ignored the silent warning. “Rosie, what’s going on?”

  Rose hesitated. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to confide in her sister. She was afraid to face the truth. “I’m worried that if I spend more time with Van, I’ll start confusing what’s real and what’s fantasy.”

  “Why would that be so bad?”

  Rose’s eyes widened. “I can’t make the same mistake twice. I can’t trust my feelings with someone like Van.”

  “Van isn’t Ben.” Lily leaned into the kitchen table. “Van isn’t a selfish, self-centered, egotistical user. From what I can tell, Van is the anti-Ben.”

  Rose winced. Her sister had just ruthlessly described Benjamin down to the bone. “Men like Van and Ben are players. They can’t commit to one woman. And why should they when they can have any woman?”

  “You’re judging Van on his looks.” Lily settled back on her chair, crossing her arms. “You’re right—Van’s a very handsome man. And so is Ben. But they couldn’t be any more different.”

  “What makes you so sure? You’ve spent one dinner with Van. That doesn’t mean you know him.”

  “Can you see Ben volunteering for a homeless shelter?”


  “And Van has real friends. I always had the impression that Ben was more tolerated than liked.”

  “I know.” The more she thought about it, the more she wondered what she’d ever seen in Benjamin. He’d really had her fooled.

  Lily continued. “This puts you right back where you started. You can either cancel your plans to attend your reunion—”

  “I’m not going to do that.”

  “Go to your reunion alone—”

  “I’m not doing that, either.”

  “Or attend with Van and risk having your heart broken again.”

  “Well, you’re just a fount of great ideas.” Rose frowned. “I can’t let that happen.”

  “Is getting back at Ben your main goal in attending your reunion?”

  “I want him to see that I’m over him. That he doesn’t matter to me anymore.” More importantly, she wanted Benjamin to recognize that she was woman enough to attract and keep a man who, by the way, was even more attractive, successful and admired than Benjamin.

  “If your only interest is revenge, you don’t need to worry about falling in love.” Lily stood, carrying Rose’s glass and her own to the refrigerator.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You can’t fall in love with one person while you’re consumed with hate for someone else.” Lily filled the glasses with more iced tea. She returned to the table, offering Rose her glass before reclaiming her chair.

  Rose blinked. “I’m not obsessed with revenge, if that’s what you’re trying to say.”

  “Yes, you are.” Lily projected supreme serenity as she sipped her drink. “You’re stuck in time, Rosie. Until you let go of the anger you’re feeling toward Ben, you won’t be able to move forward with anyone else.”

  Oh, yeah? Tell that to my heart. It seemed to be trying to move forward with Donovan. “Bringing a date to the reunion will help me let go of the past and move forward.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Lily didn’t look convinced. “Will you stay with Van?”

  “After listening to you review my options, I don’t think I have a choice.”

  “I’m glad. He seems like the total package—looks, personality, integrity and more looks.” Lily wiggled her eyebrows.

  Rose silently agreed. “Besides, as you said, I’ve already invested six weeks wi
th him. It seems pointless to start over now with someone else.”

  But can my heart survive the remaining six weeks until the reunion?

  Chapter 9

  Donovan recognized Rose’s phone number on his cell phone’s display on Monday morning. The question flashed across his mind: Is she ending our arrangement? When he hadn’t heard from her for the rest of the weekend, he’d wondered whether this call was coming. Still, the thought of her dissolving their agreement sucked the breath right out of him. It wasn’t all about the shelter’s statement to the city council, either. He enjoyed spending time with her.

  He swiped his thumb across his cellular phone display to accept Rose’s call. He might as well get this over with. “Rose, hi. What can I do for you?”

  “Good morning. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Her voice poured down the line like rich Scotch and had the same effect on his system.

  “More like the wrong bed.” Donovan’s lips curved in a reluctant smile. He recalled her office, its sterile environment and stark, bright furnishings. Did she still have the roses he’d bought her or had they faded?

  “The question of right or wrong depends on your choice of bed, Mr. Carroll. Doesn’t it?” She sounded almost pensive but Donovan also heard amusement. “It’s possible you woke in exactly the right one.”

  Donovan imagined Rose pursing her lips in mock Puritan disapproval. His body tightened as he imagined himself tracing his tongue over her expression of disdain. Would the gesture make her smile—or would she take a bite out of him? “I guess it depends on who’s making the decision.”

  Her low, husky laughter made his thighs flex. “Believe it or not, I didn’t call to discuss beds with you. I called the city council. The members haven’t discussed our statement yet.”

  “What’s taking them so long?”

  “They gave me the standard line about there being a lot to consider and the council having a full agenda.”

  Donovan pictured her rolling her eyes as she sat behind her immaculate white modular desk. “Thanks for following up with them.”

  “I told you Wednesday that I would.”


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