Passion Play

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Passion Play Page 13

by Regina Hart

  Rose scooted over to let Donovan sit beside her. She gave him a look that promised retribution. He responded with a smile that professed his innocence.

  “Are you two going to the reunion in September?” Isiah shared a look between Rose and Donovan.

  “Yes, we are.” Donovan cupped Rose’s hand as it lay on the table between them.

  Rose looked at his hand on hers. It was broad and strong. His fingers were long and elegant. His skin was warm and just a little rough against hers. She lifted her eyes to his. Donovan squeezed her hand and gave her an encouraging nod. Was this part of their performance?

  “That’s good news.” Isiah’s smile was relieved. “I was afraid I wouldn’t know anyone at the reunion other than Maxine.”

  Rose could see the appeal Isiah had for Maxine. He was handsome, fit and appeared to be humble. His pale blue polo shirt and beige cargo shorts enhanced his neat, conservative appearance. His close-cropped hair shaped his square head. His wire-rimmed glasses were subtle on his broad, blunt features.

  Maxine was the perfect foil for Isiah’s quiet, conservative appearance. She’d accessorized her vibrant red-and-gold peasant top with chunky silver jewelry.

  Donovan squeezed Rose’s hand again. “If our ladies have to attend reunion events without us, we’ll find a TV and turn on a game.”

  “And if the events are boring, your ladies will be joining you.” Rose’s voice was dry.

  “Amen to that.” Maxine chuckled.

  Donovan held Rose’s eyes. “Maybe this reunion won’t be so bad.”

  Rose’s cheeks heated under Donovan’s open look of admiration. Benjamin had never looked at her that way. Her body had never responded to her ex-fiancé’s gaze as fervently as it reacted to Donovan’s attention.

  The arrival of their server interrupted Rose’s musings. The young man took their drink orders. Rose and Maxine ordered iced teas with lemon. Donovan and Isiah requested sodas.

  Donovan’s attention returned to the menu once their server disappeared. “We were debating toppings before you joined us.”

  “I like everything on my pizza.” Isiah grinned.

  Donovan inclined his head. “I can see we’re going to get along.”

  “You two can share your heartburn-on-a-crust.” Maxine waved a hand between Isiah and Donovan. “Rose and I will have our reasonable toppings.”

  Rose nodded. “That’s a plan I can live with.”

  As the evening aged, Rose relaxed and enjoyed the company and conversation. Topics ranged from Anderson Adventures’ creative genius in the computer gaming industry, to the schedule for Rose and Maxine’s reunion weekend. They laughed and conversation hopped as though they’d all been friends for years. Afterward, Rose drove Donovan home.

  She pulled onto his driveway, turned off the engine and shifted to face him. “I had a really nice time tonight.”

  “So did I.” Donovan’s voice was low in the car. He’d adjusted the front passenger seat to accommodate his long legs. “I like your friends.”

  “They really like you.” A burst of pride filled Rose with that realization. She studied Donovan’s home in the gathering dusk. His neighborhood in the Short North area was so quiet. They could be the only people for blocks. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” Donovan’s bewilderment seemed genuine.

  “Being the perfect pretend boyfriend.” He’d been everything she’d wanted her fake boyfriend to be: courteous, charming, interesting and attentive.

  He’d been especially attentive. With every touch and look, he’d made her feel special and cherished. The deep scar tissue that had remained after Benjamin’s betrayal was starting to ease away. Rose had a moment’s panic. What would happen when reunion weekend was over? Everything would be fine as long as she remembered that this was all make-believe.

  “Thank you for pretending with me.” Donovan shifted on his seat to face her. He seemed so close in the quiet confines of her car. She could feel his body’s warmth. Smell his clean, fresh scent. “Do you want to come inside?”

  She was tempted. Oh, was she ever. Then she read the question in his eyes. “We don’t have to pretend anymore, Van. We’re alone.”

  “I’m not pretending, Rose. You’re a very beautiful, intelligent and interesting woman. I’d like to get to know you better. If the time we spend together benefits our playacting, then that’s icing on the cake.”

  That kind of approach was fine for now. Tempting, even. But what about the long term? What would happen when the playboy met the real Rose Beharie and realized she couldn’t hold his interest beyond her reunion weekend? She already knew the answer to that. He’d move on and she’d be left to pick up the pieces. Again. No, thank you.

  “It’s getting late.” Rose tugged her eyes free of his mesmerizing gaze and straightened on her seat. “I should go home.”

  “All right.” Donovan gave her a curious look. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  Rose’s mind wiped clean. Make something up. “I’m not sure yet.” Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  “Then I have an idea.” Donovan smiled. “Come by my place and I’ll make you dinner.”

  “We’ve had dinner.” Apparently, my mind is still shooting blanks.

  “I owe you a meal.”

  The memory of their joint family dinner made Rose smile. “Actually, you and your friends owe my sisters and me dinner.”

  “All right.” Donovan nodded. “You and your sisters are invited to my place tomorrow, and Ty, Xavier and I will cook dinner.”

  Caught off guard, Rose threw back her head and laughed. “Don’t you think you should check with your friends before you commit them to cooking dinner for six?”

  “Eight.” Donovan’s eyes searched her face. “I’m inviting Foster and Kayla, as well.”

  More gales of laughter. She could just imagine the looks on Tyler’s and Xavier’s faces when Donovan told them his idea. “And you expect them to plan and cook this feast in less than twenty-four hours? Suppose they have plans?”

  Rose thought a flash of heat had brightened Donovan’s hazel eyes before he lowered his eyelids. He shifted back on his seat, increasing the space between them. “They don’t.”

  Rose gave him a skeptical look. Considering the long, hard hours Tyler and Iris worked during the week, she was pretty sure they had plans to spend the entire weekend together. Alone.

  She glanced toward his house again. “Can your dining table seat eight?”

  “Good point. We may need Kayla’s home for that.” Donovan frowned. “Just tell me you’ll come. We’ll work out the logistics later.”

  “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss this for the world, and I’m sure my sisters wouldn’t, either.” She’d tell Lily and Iris in person. She couldn’t wait for their reactions. “And Kayla can’t help.”

  “Deal. We’ll see you then.” Donovan started to let himself out of the car.

  Rose placed a hand on his shoulder to detain him. “And you can’t pass off some restaurant’s food as your own.”

  Donovan looked at her hand, then lifted his gaze to hers. Rose dropped her hand. She was scalded by the heat swirling in his hazel eyes. Her body warmed in response. With just a touch and a look, he’d made her question denying her desires.

  Donovan’s voice broke his spell. “Anderson Adventures men don’t need to cheat. We strategize.” Then he was out of her car and walking up the drive that led to his front steps.

  Rose regarded Donovan’s broad shoulders and trim waist covered by a cabernet-colored short-sleeved crew, and the way his gunmetal-gray cargo shorts fit his glutes. His parting comment echoed in her head: they don’t cheat; they strategize. Rose shivered as she started her car and backed out of Donovan’s driveway.

  Why did she have the feeling his words were a warning meant for her?

  Chapter 11

  “You have a lovely home.” Rose stood with her sisters in the entryway of Kayla Cooper Anderson’s house. The mahogany flooring threw the ivory walls into sharp relief. The pink-and-silver marble trim was an elegant accent.

  “Thank you, dear.” Kayla escorted Rose and her sisters down the narrow hallway to her living room. “I believe your home is your sanctuary. This is where you should treat yourself.”

  Kayla’s living room continued the pink-and-silver theme that she’d introduced in her entryway. Rose had an impression of bright ivory walls, fluffy silver furniture and a warm rose carpet before being distracted by the room’s occupants.

  The four Anderson Adventures men stood as the women entered the room. Rose’s tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. How she wished she had a camera to preserve this tableau of masculine appeal. The men wore tailored slacks and casual shirts in dark colors. Donovan’s amethyst shirt made his hazel eyes glow.

  “You guys look great.” Iris’s enthusiastic words were an understatement. “It’s a good thing Lily had us dress up.”

  Iris’s lipstick-red tank dress bared her calves. Lily’s mint-green lace shift skimmed her hourglass figure. In her copper cap-sleeve sheath, Rose felt a little like a prickly cactus among colorful poppies.

  “Good for Lily.” Kayla put an arm around Lily’s shoulders. The two were almost the same height. “But we still would have fed you.”

  “Dinner should be ready soon.” Foster stood beside Kayla. “We’re happy you could join us. Kayla and I were sorry to have missed the first family dinner.”

  Rose smiled at Foster and Kayla. How reluctant had they really been to skip the first dinner? Reading their body language, Rose had the feeling Foster and Kayla had been glad “the kids” were otherwise engaged that evening. Did Donovan, Tyler and Xavier know?

  Tyler stepped forward to kiss Iris’s cheek. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Iris glowed. “You look very handsome.”

  Rose was distracted by the expression of pleasure on her sister’s face. She jumped when someone claimed her hand. Looking up, she found Donovan beside her.

  “You’re beautiful.” His words were meant for her ears only.

  “So are you,” she whispered back.

  “I’m experiencing a lot of firsts with you.” Donovan grinned. “No one has ever called me that.”

  Rose blushed. She needed to change the subject. “So you guys pulled it off. I’m impressed.”

  “It was a piece of cake—once Ty and Xavier stopped cursing me.” Donovan gave her a rueful smile.

  Tyler tucked Iris against his side. “I hadn’t expected to spend my Saturday morning doing emergency grocery shopping.”

  “Uncle Foster was a great help.” Xavier wandered forward to stand beside Lily.

  Rose exchanged a knowing glance with Iris.

  “Dinner smells wonderful.” Lily smiled her appreciation.

  Kayla dropped her left arm from Lily’s shoulders. She linked her right arm with Foster’s, then gave Rose, Lily and Iris a conspiratorial smile. “Let’s move into the dining room so the men can serve us.”

  Dinner was excellent: broiled chicken tenders, Spanish rice and asparagus spears. Dessert was apple pie à la mode. But again, it was the company and conversation that made the meal memorable. Foster sat at the foot of the table with Tyler and Donovan on either side of him. Kayla was at the head of the table with Xavier on her right and Lily on her left. Rose and Iris had the table’s two middle seats.

  Rose was impressed. “Did you men honestly make all of this without any help from Kayla?”

  “I wasn’t even informed of the menu. This was a complete surprise.” Kayla chuckled. “They even cleaned up after themselves. My kitchen is spotless.”

  Iris forked up more apple pie and vanilla ice cream. “I’m impressed with the meal and how quickly you pulled it together. I don’t think I would’ve managed this.”

  “Now, we don’t want to give them too much credit.” Kayla winked in Lily’s direction. “Women have been doing this for years and with much less help. But it does show how well these young men work together and why Anderson Adventures will continue to be successful.”

  Xavier shook his head. “Mom has a way of bringing everything back to the company and its future.”

  “Kayla makes a good observation.” Lily smiled. “You’re able to handle tough challenges so well because you handle them together. That includes everything from the situation with Osiris’ Journey earlier this year to this last-minute home-cooked meal for eight. You can do that not just because you’re friends, but because you’re family. You don’t just love each other—you like each other.”

  Rose was struck by Lily’s words. That’s exactly how she felt about her sisters. She didn’t only love them; she liked the hell out of them. They’d always been her guiding lights and her pillars of support. And she relied on them even more since the death of their parents. The Beharie sisters had a lot in common with the Anderson Adventures men.

  “Very well said, Lily.” Foster lifted his glass of lemonade toward her. “I knew the first time I met you that you understood the importance of family.”

  “I wish my parents had met you.” Donovan looked from Kayla to Foster. “I wish they’d met all of you. I’m not a blood relative but you make me feel like a part of your family.”

  “That’s because you are.” Kayla leaned into the table as though to emphasize her words.

  “You’re like the irreverent cousin who turns every family event into a party.” Xavier grinned down the table toward Donovan.

  Laughter rose from the table, lightening the conversation again. Once dessert was over, the women cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher, much as the men had done after the Beharie sisters had hosted dinner.

  Iris lingered behind with Tyler while Lily stood talking with Foster, Kayla and Xavier. Donovan took Rose’s hand and drew her outside to the front porch. The evening was warm. A gentle breeze ruffled the nearby bushes and carried the scent of roses from Kayla’s garden.

  Rose stood in the shadows of the porch beside Donovan. The sole lightbulb traced the chiseled lines of his classically handsome face. “Thank you again for the lovely meal. The Anderson Adventures leadership team knows how to plan a social event.”

  Donovan flashed his million-dollar smile, the one advertising agencies would kill for. “We can handle the smaller celebrations. For the big events, we call in your sister.”

  “Thank you.” Rose appreciated the compliment.

  “The Andersons are good people.” Donovan glanced back at the house. “Like I said, I think my parents would have liked them a lot.”

  “My parents would have liked them, too.” Rose met Donovan’s eyes. “I hope I’m not being too personal. But I was wondering, did your father ever remarry?”

  “No, he didn’t.” Donovan’s smile was soft with memories. “My mother was the one true love of his life. He said after he experienced that, he didn’t want to settle for anything less.”

  “That’s beautiful.” Rose’s heart melted. “Your father was a romantic.”

  Donovan chuckled. “I guess he was.”

  “He was a good role model.” Impulse lifted Rose’s hand to cup his cheek. “A hero, just like his son.”

  “I’m not a hero.” Donovan lowered his voice.

  “That’s how I see you.”

  “I’d rather you saw me like this.” Donovan closed what little space remained between them. He lowered his mouth to Rose’s and took her breath away.

  How could she have denied herself another taste of him for so long? He might ultimately prove to be bad for her but her body craved him. He was like another piece of chocolate or that second slice of pie. His taste was heaven going down but sh
e’d pay for it later. Donovan’s lips moved on hers, nibbling and sucking them until they parted in welcome. His tongue swept in, bold and demanding. Feeding her fantasies. Stoking her desires. His arms wrapped around her, drawing her tight against him. His hard torso pressed against her breasts. His hips were firm against her. His hand lowered to cup her derriere, holding her close to make her aware of his arousal. Rose moaned into Donovan’s mouth. A wild and reckless hunger heated her blood. It rushed through her veins and burned in her belly. Her knees were weak. Rose slid her hands over his chest. She drilled her fingers into his shoulders to steady herself.

  Donovan’s lips released hers. He trailed kisses down the side of her neck and up again. He nibbled her jawline, then whispered in her ear. “I’m not a hero, Rose. I’m just a man. But I’d never hurt you. You can trust me.” He shared one last kiss before he released her and went back inside the house.

  What just happened?

  Rose’s legs shook. Her body throbbed. Her underwear was damp. She stumbled across the porch to lean against the attached garage wall. She took deep breaths to try to calm her body. When that didn’t work, she took several more. What had happened? All Donovan had done was touch and kiss her. But it was the way he’d touched her and the way he’d kissed her that made her want to strip off her clothes and wrap her naked thighs around him. That’s what had happened.

  He’d kissed her and made her realize that she wanted him. All of him: the playboy, the hero, the messy executive and every version of him in between. But like every decadent dessert, Donovan Carroll would come at a cost. How high was that price—and was she able to pay it?

  * * *

  “I have in my hand the response from the Columbus City Council to the position statement from the Hope Homeless Shelter.” Rose crossed the threshold into Donovan’s home Thursday evening. It was a struggle to contain her excitement. “It’s an email message. The official letter should arrive tomorrow or next week.”

  “Don’t march around waving it like a flag.” Donovan closed and locked his front door. He turned to Rose, extending his hand. “Tell me what it says or give it to me so I can read it.”


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