Dare to Risk it All (Daring Daughters Book 7)

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Dare to Risk it All (Daring Daughters Book 7) Page 22

by Emma V. Leech

  She blinked up at him, startled. “Oh, you wretch! And I thought I had such a grand surprise for you.”

  Raphe smiled, the look in his eyes silencing any further complaint. “Darling,” he said gently. “We’ve been at it like rabbits, and I know exactly when you are indisposed. Which you’ve not been for some time. The only surprise is that it took this long.”

  Greer pressed her flushed face against his chest, muffling an outraged snort of laughter.

  “You’re dreadful,” she said, her voice smothered against his waistcoat.

  “I am, and you are perfectly wonderful.” He lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “I’m so happy, Greer. I never dreamed I could have so much. You’ve changed my world.”

  Greer blinked hard as his handsome face blurred. “Just as well,” she managed, her voice thick. “Because you are my world.”

  Raphe bent and kissed her, undressing her slowly, too slowly for Greer, who with her usual impatience was alight with wanting him. By the time he laid her down on the bed, she was wild with anticipation.

  “Such a demanding creature you are,” he tsked, restraining her wrists against the mattress.

  “Only because you’re such a tease,” she complained, tilting her hips to press against him.

  Raphe sucked in a breath as his arousal settled against her cleft. “I’m a tease?” he retorted, pushing her thighs wide and finding the place she needed him to be.

  Greer sighed, sliding her arms about his powerful shoulders, and holding on tight whilst he loved her with all the tender passion he always showed. They loved each other slowly and thoroughly and it was some time before Greer remembered they were awaiting visitors.

  “We should get up,” she murmured dreamily, her head cushioned by his arm. Raphe snuggled behind her, one hand resting protectively over her belly.

  “In a bit,” he said, smothering a yawn.

  “Do you want a boy or a girl?” she asked, wondering about the child they had made together.

  His lips coasted along her shoulder, and she felt his mouth curve into a smile. “I don’t mind. I’d like a big family, though. I like the idea of a beautiful girl, as sweet and generous as her mama, though she’ll no doubt turn me grey with anxiety before she’s five. But a son would be wonderful too. So long as you and the babe are healthy, I don’t give a damn, Greer. There’s Sylvester and Ollie to come after me, so don’t go fretting about giving me a son. We’ll see what fate brings us.”

  She turned in his arms to smile at him. “I love you.”

  He traced the line of her jaw, staring down at her with a wondering expression. “I love you too. More than I think you’ll ever know. Also, I want to thank you, Greer.”

  “What for?” she asked, perplexed.

  Raphe’s finger wandered down her neck, along her collarbone, his expression growing serious. “For taking a chance on me. With my track record, you were taking a dreadful risk, you know. I might have let you down. I might have returned to my old ways and frittered away your money.”

  Greer stared up at him, her heart swelling with love. “I would have risked anything to be with you, Raphe, but it never felt like taking a chance to me. It simply felt right.”

  Raphe’s eyes became a little misty as he regarded her, a smile curving that wicked, sensuous mouth, but the moment shattered as a yell came from downstairs. “They’re here!”

  Greer’s eyes grew wide, and she gasped. “They’re early!” she exclaimed. “You said—”

  “That was two hours ago, love,” Raphe pointed out as the pair of them scrambled from the bed.

  “Oh, help!” Greer demanded, as she snatched up discarded stockings and pulled her shift over her head back to front.

  Raphe snorted with amusement, which earned him a smack on his behind as bent to retrieve his trousers. With more haste than speed, they dressed as best they could and scurried down the stairs, looking as guilty as a pair of naughty school children as Sylvester and Ollie escorted her family into the parlour.

  “Ah, and here you are,” her Mama said, eyes glinting with mischief. “We thought perhaps you’d forgotten we were coming.”

  “Oh, Mama, as if we could!” Greer exclaimed, flying across the hallway to her mother and hugging her tightly.

  “Ah, my daughter. You look well,” Bonnie said, smiling widely as she looked Greer over. Biting her lip, she leaned in and whispered, “Your bodice is buttoned up wrong.”

  Greer blushed and turned away to right herself as her mother greeted Raphe.

  “Well, you wicked boy, I see you are up to your old tricks,” she said with mock severity. Greer turned back just in time to see the astonishing sight of her husband blushing. Mama laughed with delight and kissed his cheek. “Ah, I do love a reformed rake,” she said fondly, before taking a look around the room.

  There were murmurs of admiration and Greer lost no time in giving them the tour.

  The entire family fell silent as they took in the dramatic change to Marcross, though that didn’t last long, and they exclaimed as they admired all the improvements. The workmen had stripped out all the rotten wood in the house and returned the grand staircase to its former glory. The flaking plasterwork was a thing of the past, and everyone agreed Greer had decorated each room with elegance and charm. The pleasant scent of fresh paint and the tang of lemon furniture polish hung on the air, mingling with the mouthwatering aromas coming from the brand new kitchen as afternoon tea was prepared.

  “Oh, Gee,” Alana said, taking her sister’s arm. “It’s lovely, and I adore my bedroom. Thank you. May I come and stay often?”

  “As often as you like,” Greer asked, feeling extremely pleased with herself and willing to overlook the fact she’d probably regret the offer if Alana visited too regularly. The girl would undoubtedly cause trouble. Judging by the lingering looks Ollie was sending her sister, Greer could tell where the trouble would come from, too.

  Raphe took her hand, having observed the same thing. “I may have to have a word with my brother,” he murmured. “He’s in danger of being caught in the Cadogan snare.”

  Greer returned an indignant glare. “Snare?” she said, with mock outrage. “You make me sound like a mantrap!”

  Her husband gave a nonchalant shrug. “Well, yes. That’s exactly what you are. I don’t doubt your sister has the same skills, and poor Ollie won’t stand a chance.”

  “Poor Ollie,” she repeated, shaking her head. “If he’s anything like you—”

  “He’s not,” he said quickly, his expression growing serious. “He’s a good lad, kind-hearted and open, and it would please me for them to find happiness together, but perhaps we should keep an eye on things. They’re very young, and I suspect Alana wants to have a lot more fun before she considers settling down.”

  Greer regarded her sister, who was running from room to room, a whirlwind of energy. Ollie watched her with rapt attention. She realised Raphe was quite right and Ollie was in danger of getting hurt if they didn’t take care.

  “Don’t fret,” Raphe said, noticing how anxious she looked. “There’s no harm done yet, and Ollie isn’t without charm. He is my brother, after all.”

  Greer laughed and leaned into him, reassured.

  “Oh, Greer,” Mama said, after having thoroughly inspected the house. “It’s splendid. You must both be so proud of everything you’ve achieved here.”

  “We are,” Greer said. “And Raphe and his brothers are making great strides with modernising the farm. The tenant cottages are being renovated and we have three of the original families interested in returning. We need more, of course, but it’s a start.”

  “A magnificent start,” her father said, patting Raphe on the shoulder. “Well done, my boy. I’m proud of you, and what’s more, so is Rothborn. I never heard the end of it after his last visit here. He waxed lyrical about everything you’d achieved until I thought my ears would bleed.”

  Greer grinned at the effect the words had on her husband, who still had no
t got the hang of accepting well-deserved praise.

  “Thank you, sir,” he said, looking awkward but pleased with himself.

  “Nothing but the truth. You’ve done marvels and made a home for yourselves, and a place where other people can make their homes too. That’s something to celebrate I should think.”

  “Indeed it is,” Mama agreed, giving Greer an intent once over. “But I’m hopeful there’s something even more exciting to celebrate. Gee, darling, have you something to tell us?”

  “Oh!” Greer said with a huff. “Why does everyone keep spoiling my news?”

  “News? What news?” her father asked, looking perplexed.

  Raphe slid his arm about Greer’s waist and kissed the top of her head. “Go on then, love. Your father will be surprised, at least.”

  Greer laughed, mollified. “Papa, you are going to be a grandfather.”

  Her father blinked at her, opened his mouth, closed it again, and then held open his arms.

  “Gee,” he said, sounding choked. Greer ran into her father’s embrace, and he hugged her tightly. “How wonderful, darling. I’m so pleased for you both.”

  “So am I, Papa,” she said, staring up into his eyes, before turning to look back at her husband. He looked about as proud and happy as it was possible to be. Greer kissed her father’s cheek, then ran back to Raphe and kissed him too, not caring that everyone was watching with amusement.

  “Dreadful creature,” Raphe murmured, his voice filled with adoration.

  “Your dreadful creature,” she amended, happily.

  Raphe hugged her tighter and nodded. “And thank God for that.”

  Next in the Daring Daughters series…

  The Mistletoe Dare

  Daring Daughters Book Eight

  Christmas with the Daring Daughters

  Their mothers dared all for love.

  Just imagine what their daughters will do…

  An Outspoken Beauty…

  When Lady Georgina Anderson goes to spend Christmas with her godparents, The Duke and Duchess of Bedwin, she is full of anticipation. Spending the festive season with the large, boisterous family in their splendid home, away from Scotland and her three annoying older brothers will be nothing short of bliss. Or, it would be, if not for the very large and irritating fly in the ointment.

  A Humourless Nobleman…

  Alden Seymour, the Duke of Rochford, is an unlikely friend to the Duke of Bedwin’s heir, Jules, the Marquess of Blackstone. Several years his senior and utterly different in disposition and character, Rochford is a solitary figure who prefers to keep the world at a distance. Yet this year, the idea of spending Christmas alone as usual is even less appealing than enduring the proximity of his friend’s aggravating family.

  A Clash of Wills…

  Thrown together during the season of goodwill, Rochford and Georgie despise each other on sight. Rochford must endure the never-ending round of exciting activities the Bedwins have arranged for their guests and the infuriating proximity of a young woman who provokes him like no one has ever dared before.

  Daring is never something Georgie has been in short supply of, but this Christmas, it is just possible she has gone too far.

  Somehow, Rochford and Georgie must get through the next few weeks without murdering each other, unless… something more surprising happens.

  Pre-order your copy here

  The Mistletoe Dare

  The Peculiar Ladies who started it all…

  Girls Who Dare – The exciting series from Emma V Leech, the multi-award-winning, Amazon Top 10 romance writer behind the Rogues & Gentlemen series.

  Inside every wallflower is the beating heart of a lioness, a passionate individual willing to risk all for their dream, if only they can find the courage to begin. When these overlooked girls make a pact to change their lives, anything can happen.

  Twelve girls – Twelve dares in a hat. Twelves stories of passion. Who will dare to risk it all?

  To Dare a Duke

  Girls Who Dare Book 1

  Dreams of true love and happy ever afters

  Dreams of love are all well and good, but all Prunella Chuffington-Smythe wants is to publish her novel. Marriage at the price of her independence is something she will not consider. Having tasted success writing under a false name in The Lady’s Weekly Review, her alter ego is attaining notoriety and fame and Prue rather likes it.

  A Duty that must be endured

  Robert Adolphus, The Duke of Bedwin, is in no hurry to marry, he’s done it once and repeating that disaster is the last thing he desires. Yet, an heir is a necessary evil for a duke and one he cannot shirk. A dark reputation precedes him though, his first wife may have died young, but the scandals the beautiful, vivacious and spiteful creature supplied the ton have not. A wife must be found. A wife who is neither beautiful nor vivacious but sweet and dull, and certain to stay out of trouble.

  Dared to do something drastic

  The sudden interest of a certain dastardly duke is as bewildering as it is unwelcome. She’ll not throw her ambitions aside to marry a scoundrel just as her plans for self-sufficiency and freedom are coming to fruition. Surely showing the man she’s not actually the meek little wallflower he is looking for should be enough to put paid to his intentions? When Prue is dared by her friends to do something drastic, it seems the perfect opportunity to kill two birds.

  However, Prue cannot help being intrigued by the rogue who has inspired so many of her romances. Ordinarily, he plays the part of handsome rake, set on destroying her plucky heroine. But is he really the villain of the piece this time, or could he be the hero?

  Finding out will be dangerous, but it just might inspire her greatest story yet.

  To Dare a Duke

  Also check out Emma’s regency romance series, Rogues & Gentlemen. Available now!

  The Rogue

  Rogues & Gentlemen Book 1

  The notorious Rogue that began it all.

  Set in Cornwall, 1815. Wild, untamed and isolated.

  Lawlessness is the order of the day and smuggling is rife.

  Henrietta always felt most at home in the wilds of the outdoors but even she had no idea how the mysterious and untamed would sweep her away in a moment.

  Bewitched by his wicked blue eyes

  Henrietta Morton knows to look the other way when the free trading 'gentlemen' are at work.

  Yet when a notorious pirate bursts into her local village shop, she can avert her eyes no more. Bewitched by his wicked blue eyes, a moment of insanity follows as Henrietta hides the handsome fugitive from the Militia.

  Her reward is a kiss, lingering and unforgettable.

  In his haste to flee, the handsome pirate drops a letter, a letter that lays bare a tale of betrayal. When Henrietta’s father gives her hand in marriage to a wealthy and villainous nobleman in return for the payment of his debts, she becomes desperate.

  Blackmailing a pirate may be her only hope for freedom.

  **** Warning: This book contains the most notorious rogue of all of Cornwall and, on occasion, is highly likely to include some mild sweating or descriptive sex scenes. ****

  Free to read on Kindle Unlimited: The Rogue

  Interested in a Regency Romance with a twist?

  A Dog in a Doublet

  The Regency Romance Mysteries Book 2

  A man with a past

  Harry Browning was a motherless guttersnipe, and the morning he came across the elderly Alexander Preston, The Viscount Stamford, clinging to a sheer rock face he didn't believe in fate. But the fates have plans for Harry whether he believes or not, and he's not entirely sure he likes them.

  As a reward for his bravery, and in an unusual moment of charity, miserly Lord Stamford takes him on. He is taught to read, to manage the vast and crumbling estate, and to behave like a gentleman, but Harry knows that is something he will never truly be.

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ht in a tangled web of jealousy and revenge.

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  Temptation, in the form of the lovely Lady Clarinda Bow, is a constant threat to his peace of mind, enticing him to be something he isn't. But when the old man dies his will makes a surprising demand, and the fates might just give Harry the chance to have everything he ever desired, including Clara, if only he dares.

  And as those close to the Preston family begin to die, Harry may not have any choice.

  A Dog in a Doublet

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  The Key to Erebus

  The French Vampire Legend Book 1

  The truth can kill you.

  Taken away as a small child, from a life where vampires, the Fae, and other mythical creatures are real and treacherous, the beautiful young witch, Jéhenne Corbeaux is totally unprepared when she returns to rural France to live with her eccentric Grandmother.

  Thrown headlong into a world she knows nothing about she seeks to learn the truth about herself, uncovering secrets more shocking than anything she could ever have imagined and finding that she is by no means powerless to protect the ones she loves.

  Despite her Gran’s dire warnings, she is inexorably drawn to the dark and terrifying figure of Corvus, an ancient vampire and master of the vast Albinus family.

  Jéhenne is about to find her answers and discover that, not only is Corvus far more dangerous than she could ever imagine, but that he holds much more than the key to her heart …

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  The Key to Erebus

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