A Dirty Wedding Night

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A Dirty Wedding Night Page 11

by Jaine Diamond

  He fucked me harder, but slowing right down, gripping my breasts to hold me where he wanted me while his hips did the rest. He swiveled them as he dug in, working the head of his cock against my front wall—studying me the entire time, even as I lay still.

  Then he slammed his pelvic bone against my clit.

  I cried out. I couldn’t help it.

  And a slow, wicked smile transformed the dark, controlled look on his face. His dimples flashed.

  I closed my eyes.

  Because I’d just flashed forward. To the moment when this ended. When he pulled out… and walked away.

  And I got a serious lump in my throat.

  I covered it all by throwing my head back and letting myself go a little, moaning as he gave it to me, letting the heat and friction and longing build inside me, even as my throat got tight and my heartbeats sped up.

  Would he walk away? Right after this?


  But how fast would he do it?

  And how much would it hurt?

  Shit. Just… shit.

  Since when was I afraid of casual sex?

  There were always more trees to purr up, right?

  But Jude… Jude was different.

  Shouldn’t be, but he totally was.

  There was nothing about this that was casual. At least, not for me.

  “You with me, darlin’?” he asked, and I opened my eyes to find him watching me with those hellfire eyes, the hint of a smile still on his lips. “’Cause I’m about to lose it and I wanna take you with me when I go. Would love to make this last for you, V, but it’s been a long fuckin’ night.” He was panting as he drove into me, and I could see the slight shake of his muscles as he held himself back.

  “Yeah,” I choked out. “I’m with you. Almost.”

  Couldn’t make it too easy for him, could I?

  “Then you better start askin’ for it. Tell me what you want. What you need…”

  I met his eyes again and said, “You know what I need.”

  At least, he used to.

  His smile faded and with that, he fucked me, harder… harder, until I was sliding back along the love seat and my head was hanging off.

  “Yeah… You feel so fuckin’ tight, babe. So hot… Your tits are so… fuck,” he said, squeezing my breasts until it almost hurt. So, yeah: he definitely remembered two things I needed… dirty talk and rough handling. “Can’t believe I almost forgot how fuckin’ fine these tits are.”

  Then he leaned down over me and shoved one breast up to meet his mouth, flicking and lapping his tongue over my nipple… until I groaned through my clenched teeth.

  Oh, no. No, no, no.

  None of this gentle tongue stuff.

  “Harder,” I told him, gasping for air.

  He obliged, but it wasn’t enough. Not enough to rid me of that feeling, his tongue flickering over my nipple, tasting me…

  Then he did it again… licking, then sucking gently on me.

  “Harder,” I rasped. “You know I like it hard…”

  “Yeah,” he growled, slamming into me. “I remember.”

  “And don’t fucking suck on my nipple like that.”

  “Like this?” He sucked my other nipple into his mouth and teased it with his tongue, lapping slowly, deliberately.

  “Fuck… Fuck off, Jude… seriously.”

  He chuckled, but he didn’t stop teasing my nipples, suckling, licking, kissing…

  Then one of his hands slid up around my throat and grabbed me, squeezing just a little, holding me pinned as he pounded into me. I couldn’t move, he had me pinned down so tight.

  “Harder,” I gasped as I fought for breath.

  He let my nipple go with a pop.

  “Fuck, V…”

  He caught me up then, pulling me toward him, yanking me into his lap as he gave it to me. He held my hips down against him and fucked up into me, hard and deep. I wrapped myself around him, shuddering as he pummeled my clit, meaning to bury my face in his neck as I came, but he wouldn’t let me. He nudged my face back with his and found my lips, kissing me, his strong tongue plundering my mouth.

  I lost control, then.

  Totally lost it…

  I came, hard, as his tongue stroked mine, slippery wet and warm, as his mouth slid against mine, sucking… as he held my hips and fucked me in short, harsh strokes. I would’ve screamed bloody murder if his tongue wasn’t filling my mouth, but as it was, I just moaned and rode him, frantically, and bit his tongue. Hard.

  He growled into my mouth and a shudder tore through his body, seconds before his hips snapped up and he exploded into me.

  Then he broke his mouth away, groaning.

  I rode him slowly, drawing out the waves of his pleasure, kissing his face with my eyes closed and holding him tight… just savoring his ecstasy… riding it right along with him…

  Until his body gradually relaxed and he hugged me, heaving a deep, satisfied sigh.

  I opened my eyes.

  His hooded gaze moved down my face and he smirked a little as he said, “That hard enough for you?”

  “I could take it harder.”

  His eyes darkened and he kissed me, softly.

  Then he lifted me and got up, setting me gently on the love seat. I watched him move toward his clothes—but I wasn’t just gonna sit here while he got dressed and left. As rubbery as my legs were, as hard as my head was still spinning, even though most of my blood was nowhere near my brain… I got up, and started getting dressed first.

  When I was fully dressed, I glanced over at him.

  He was dressed too, watching me as he zipped up his hoodie. “You want me to walk you to your cabin?”

  I looked away. “Nope. I’m good.”

  I felt him move toward me. He hooked a finger under my chin and lifted my face to meet his gaze. He searched my face, slowly, his dark eyes dead serious.

  “You feelin’ me, V?”

  I scoffed. Then I lied to him.

  I totally fucking lied.

  “No,” I said.

  But come on…

  Maybe Jude was an asshole. Fucking me like that—worse, kissing me like that—and then asking me if I was “feeling” him moments later?

  I turned away, zipping up my jacket.

  He caught my chin again and turned my face back to his.

  “That’s good.” His dark eyes held mine in challenge, but his tone was gentle. “’Cause I told you long ago, you and me, darlin’, we’re not goin’ down that road.”

  “And I told you,” I said cooly, “that all roads lead to fucking. Which means this road is now closed.”

  He chuckled, his gaze dropping to my lips. “And what was that other thing you used to say…” His thumb brushed my cheek. “You never go back for seconds?”

  I shrugged and pulled away, but I managed a small, coy smile. “First time for everything.”

  “Second time,” he said, “the way I remember it.”

  “Yeah, well. I’ve never been great with math.”

  He laughed. Then he swatted my ass—like I was some fucking puppy he was sending on its way.

  “Don’t let the wild card thing bother you, V,” he said. “You are wild. Nothing wrong with that.”

  Then he did the worst thing of all.

  He grabbed my jacket so I couldn’t leave, and leaned in and kissed me. I long, deep, passionate kiss that made my clit throb and my toes curl and my guts turn inside-out. It was the way a guy kissed you when he really, really liked you.

  Except that Jude’s affection for me only went so far.

  Far enough to fuck me, apparently. But no further than that.

  Well, fuck him.

  I pulled away and walked away, without looking back. Letting him believe that was all I ever really wanted to be to him—the wild card; the party girl—and pretending I was okay with it.

  But I wasn’t okay.

  I knew it as I pushed through the door and out into the crisp night air, and the cold realit
y of what just happened hit me, full force. Because it wasn’t just a fuck.

  And in the end, it had zero to do with revenge.

  I was feeling Jude. A lot.

  Just like I did back then.

  A Dirty Deal

  Author’s Note

  In A Dirty Vow, when Jesse and Katie head off to their luxury cabin to finally enjoy their wedding night alone, they don’t go straight there. Instead, Jesse decides he needs to enjoy his new wife, now… And when they stop to go at it along the boardwalk in the woods, Jesse’s ex-girlfriend, Elle, unfortunately—for her—sees them.

  Later, in A Dirty Lie, we briefly glimpse Elle again, as she walks past a naked Roni, Dylan and Ash, outside Roni’s cabin—just before Ash disappears into the night.

  So, where is Elle headed in the dark all alone? And how is she doing? Is she having a nice night? Well… no. As Jesse so aptly puts it in A Dirty Vow, any fucking way you slice it, this wedding is not nice for Elle.

  But fortunately for Elle, her night is about to take an unexpected turn…


  Chapter 1



  Long, platinum-blonde hair.


  Wearing a puffy silver winter jacket and ripped jeans. Five-foot-seven, slim and tanned, with a tight ass, slender hands, steel-gray eyes, and a mouth I’d very possibly kill to kiss.

  Dirty’s bass player. My friend.

  And the groom’s ex-girlfriend.

  Walking right past me, up the boardwalk.

  I was standing there, naked and fucking frozen, cupping my goods in my hands, right next to Dylan. In front of Roni. The three of us were standing outside Roni’s cabin, and she’d just informed us that we—Dylan and I—weren’t stepping inside until we coughed up some condoms.

  And now I was glad she did.

  Because then Elle walked by.

  And I forgot why I’d wanted into Roni’s cabin in the first place.

  What was Elle doing all alone? With a tote bag over one shoulder, wandering around in the dark, in the dead of night…

  “Didn’t see a thing,” she said, a note of amusement in her voice, averting her eyes as she walked on by, waving us off. “Have a good one, boys and girl.”

  “Damn,” Dylan muttered, his head already somewhere in Roni’s bed, the rest of him shivering next to me. “I’ll get the condoms.” He kissed Roni on the cheek. Then my best friend and eternal wingman took off into the night.

  I looked at Roni, and she looked at me.

  We were alone. She was gorgeous. Sexy, curvy and willing. The guys didn’t call her “wild card” for nothing. I’d heard the stories. Zane. Piper. Even Jude. They all had a story about Wild Card Roni.

  And I could see why.

  I’d kissed her last night at Katie’s stagette party, danced with her, made out with her a bit.

  But Elle wasn’t at that party.

  This was the first time Roni and I had ever been alone, and I really couldn’t say what it would’ve felt like if we’d gotten to this moment without Elle walking by. Because the thing was, Elle had walked by.

  And now this felt all wrong.

  I raked my hand through my hair, bouncing on the balls of my feet, just fucking choking on it. Roni opened her mouth to say something, but I cut in first. “Me too.” I took her hand and kissed it. I’d probably never kissed a woman’s hand before. At least, not a woman who wasn’t naked in my bed. Just seemed like the right thing to do now.

  Because I couldn’t remember ever getting this close to screwing a woman and blowing her off, either.

  Then I took right off.

  And fuck if I knew what I was doing.

  All I knew was I had to get out of there.

  I hightailed it up to my cabin and got dried off and dressed. Then I dug out some condoms and stuffed them into my leather jacket. Wasn’t even sure why I did that.

  All I was thinking about was Elle.

  When she disappeared from the fire pit a while ago, I’d just assumed she went to bed. I’d tried to walk her to her cabin, but she wouldn’t let me. Said she wanted to be alone.

  But clearly she wasn’t sleeping, and I didn’t even know what to think about that. Except that it bothered me.

  Bothered me enough that I couldn’t fuck around with Roni, or even go to bed myself, while she was out there, alone.

  On Jesse’s wedding night.

  Because that shit wasn’t right.

  When I headed back out into the night, the choice was easy: get laid, or go after Elle and make sure she’s okay… as I approached Roni’s cabin along the boardwalk, I just kept going. I went the way Elle had gone, down toward the fire pit, where the wedding after party had gone all night, with music and booze and skinny dipping.

  But she wasn’t there.

  No one was there anymore, but at least some responsible soul—one of Dirty’s management team, Brody or Maggie, no doubt—had put the fire out.

  So I continued on… to the only other place the path delivered me: the hot springs down below, on the rim of the cove. As I wound my way down the rocky path, I saw her there.


  She was sitting in one of the little rock-lined pools, alone.

  Her bag—and her clothes—were discarded on the rocks. Her back was to me; I could make out the curves of her slim shoulders in the moonlight.

  Just as I opened my mouth to say something clever, hoping I wouldn’t scare the living shit out of her, she said, “Fuck off, Jude. I’m fine.”

  “Not Jude,” I said, pausing on a rock above her.

  She glanced up at me over her shoulder. “Oh. Hey, Ash.”

  Not exactly the warmest welcome a guy could hope for, but it would have to do. I knew this wasn’t exactly a great night for her.

  Who wanted to attend the wedding of an ex—an ex they were still in love with?

  “Mind if I hop in?”

  Even in the near-dark, I saw her eyebrows pinch together and her arms float protectively around herself.

  “It’s dark, Elle. I can’t see shit.”

  It was true. Mostly because she was buried in water from the armpits down.

  She sighed deeply and said, “Whatever.” Then she sank back, resting her head against a rock she’d covered with a towel.

  Good enough for me.

  I ditched my jacket and boots, then stripped all the way down to my briefs—quickly. It was fucking frigid out, and I still hadn’t warmed up after that skinny dip. I didn’t see any panties on her pile of discarded clothes, but that was hardly conclusive evidence that she was naked in the water. Either way, I kept my underwear on, out of respect.

  Naked or not, didn’t seem like she was in the mood to deal with anyone’s dick in her face. Even one as awesome as mine.

  I got into the water and sank down next to her.

  “Shiiit…” I sighed raggedly as the warmth hit me. Found a smooth spot to get comfortable against a rock and closed my eyes, letting the heat soak in and the cold melt away until I stopped shivering. Took a while.

  Once I’d thawed out, I ventured, “Jude been up your ass tonight?”

  “Yeah. He’s prowling around here somewhere,” she grumbled. “Checking up on me. The usual.”

  Yeah. I could understand how that might get annoying, given that Jude, while Dirty’s head of security, was also Jesse’s best friend.

  I looked over at her. She was tense as fuck, her pretty face screwed up tight and shoulders up around her ears.

  “I’m not even gonna ask how your night’s going,” I told her, “so you can relax.”

  Her shoulders dropped a little as she unclenched.

  “How about you?” She eyed me sidelong. “Roni?”

  “Not happening.”

  She cocked her head, assessing me. Maybe she was considering busting my balls a bit. Probably. I’d seen that unimpressed look on her face before. Many times, actually. Usually backstage or at some party while I was surrounded by willing
groupies and she was on her way to somewhere else. “Dylan win the coin toss?” Her tone was all sarcasm, but the mood rolling off her was frigid with contempt.

  “We don’t coin toss for girls anymore,” I informed her, unfazed. This girl could be a stone-cold bitch to me tonight and it wouldn’t faze me. I knew her well enough to know what she was so pissed off about, and it had shit all to do with me.

  Anyone who knew Elle would know why she was miserable today.

  “Only did that when we were young and immature,” I added.

  “Uh-huh. So how do you decide who gets the first go?”

  I smirked a little, considering how to word it. “We’ve learned to share.”

  “Hmm.” Her tone was dismissive. Clearly she didn’t want any more details on that. Usually she didn’t want any details at all, so I wasn’t sure why she was curious about this.

  “I guess Roni’s just not my flavor,” I elaborated.

  “Right. And what is your flavor these days?” Again, the contempt. Like it was my fault that Jesse Mayes, Dirty’s lead guitarist and the man of her dreams, broke up with her like a year ago.

  So maybe she was deep in a long-ass man-hating phase.

  Still didn’t faze me.

  I just stared at her, admiring the way the moonlight kinda glowed off her long platinum hair, watching the strands float around her shoulders in the water. The way her face looked smooth and kinda silvery under the stars… and way too fucking young for such a bitter expression.

  I wondered how long it’d been since she smiled, a giant, unstoppable smile. How long it’d been since she actually good and laughed.

  Or got good and fucked… So good it made her toes curl, and she forgot about Jesse Mayes for a couple of fucking seconds.

  “If you tell me yours,” I said, deciding to go ahead and straight-up flirt with her, “I’ll tell you mine.”

  What harm could flirting do?

  We were undressed, in a hot pool under the stars, it was the middle of the night, and we were alone.

  But Elle looked away, staring out over the waters of the cove, where the force of the ocean broke the waves against the rocks just below us.


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