Succubus 4 (Gnome Place Like Home): A LitRPG Series

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Succubus 4 (Gnome Place Like Home): A LitRPG Series Page 7

by A. J. Markam

  “Before you start… doing anything, should we be worried that Orlo is going to bust in here and fry us for… um… doing things with you?”

  Soraiya shook her head ‘no.’ “The spell only works if I’m attacked. Meanwhile, he’s down in his workshop fiddling with his sexbots. He’ll be there all night, and he makes such a racket that he won’t hear anything. Besides, his laboratory is so far away from this room that we could scream all we want and he would never hear us.”

  As soon as Soraiya said ‘scream all we want,’ she resumed eye-fucking Alaria.

  “Huh,” I said, then caught Alaria’s eye. “Can I speak with you in private?”

  “Be right back,” Alaria murmured in Soraiya’s ear. Her fingertips brushed softly across Soraiya’s bare shoulders as she walked over to me.

  We went to the far corner of the room and I whispered, “Do you think we can trust her?”

  Alaria gave me a half-smile, half-frown. “Hell no.”

  I hadn’t been expecting such an emphatic response. “Really? Why not?”

  “She’s a succubus.”

  “Uh… you do realize how ironic it is that you’re saying that, right?”

  Alaria gave me a prim schoolmarm look. “What you and I have is an exception. In general, succubi are always lying and scheming to get what we want.”

  I started to feel a little worried. “So what’s different about us?”

  “You freed me, and I fell in love with you – both of which are pretty much unheard of. But you should really stop worrying about us and start worrying about that little tart over there.”

  I looked over at Soraiya, who had kicked off her high heels and made herself comfortable on the bed. “What you think her deal is?”

  Alaria shrugged. “Orlo could have sent her down here as a spy. Although it is possible that she’s telling the truth. Actually, it’s probable. But don’t believe for a second that she’s not playing us to get what she wants.”

  “What does she want?”

  “Her freedom. We all want it.”

  “So what should we do?”

  “We could pump her for information.” Then she grinned. “Or maybe you could just pump her.”

  The suggestion sent a fresh wave of tingly warmth down to Little Ian – but the suggestion seemed a bit farfetched. “Me?! She’s coming on to you!”

  “She’s a succubus. When she’s turned on enough, she’ll do anyone or any thing within a hundred-foot radius. I’ll just tell her you’re part of a package deal.” Alaria grinned and grabbed my crotch. “And I do mean ‘package.’”

  My nether regions began to engorge as soon as she grabbed me.

  “Well,” I said with a hitch in my voice like I was a 12-year-old boy on the cusp of puberty, “if you think that’s best…”

  “Once she tells us how to kill Orlo, then you can break that promise you made to him earlier. Stig didn’t swear, so he can help you. But I’m completely useless until my Hell Oath runs out.”

  “…okay,” I said uneasily.

  I didn’t particularly want to break my word. However, if it was the only way to mount a surprise attack and kill a Warlock who was many times more powerful than me, breaking my promise might be my only option.

  “All right,” Alaria announced in a normal voice to Soraiya, “now we can have some fun – ”

  “Thank the goddess,” Soraiya moaned from where she was lounging on the bed.

  “ – but Ian will be joining us. Non-negotiable.”

  Soraiya looked at me with an appraising eye. “Is he any good?”

  “I’ve agreed to stop sleeping with other males. Let that be your answer.”

  Soraiya’s eyes widened considerably, and she peered down at the crotch of my pants.

  Alaria had left out how she’d agreed to forego other men because of my insecurities, but I couldn’t help but feel pretty good – especially after the surprised look on Soraiya’s face.

  My new-found confidence lasted all of two seconds.

  “It doesn’t look very big,” Soraiya said doubtfully.

  I went from a three-quarter chubby to completely limp in no time at all.

  Alaria grinned. “It’s not all about the size, darling.”

  “He doesn’t have any strange kinks, does he?” Soraiya asked warily, then shuddered. “Orlo likes puppeting.”

  “You mean puppetry?” I asked, confused.

  “No, puppeting. It’s this thing where I wear him like a puppet. He makes me get behind him and jack him off with one hand while I put my other hand up his – “

  “TMI!” I yelled out.

  Both Alaria and Soraiya looked at me, puzzled.

  “It’s an expression,” I explained. “It means ‘too much information.’”

  When they still didn’t react, I said, “T… M… I? Too… much…”

  “Oh,” Alaria said, finally getting the acronym. She turned to Soraiya. “You’ll have to forgive Ian. He’s a little squeamish about certain sexual acts.”

  “Or at least about hearing them done to gnomes,” I said defensively. Then I put two and two together. “Wait – did you ever do that to Orlo when you were his slave?”

  “I don’t think you want to know the answer to that one.”

  I gagged at the thought. Oh GOD –

  Alaria left me and walked seductively over to Soraiya. “I know all the terrible things you’ve had to do… and I know how lonely you’ve been… but now you’re with me. And we’re going to have a night you’ll never forget.”

  Alaria crawled onto the bed on all fours. Soraiya leaned in, her eyes half-lidded, her lips pursed for a kiss –

  “Seriously?!” a voice croaked.

  Oh yeah…

  I’d forgotten about Stig. He’d been quietly watching the whole thing from the other side of the windowsill.

  The three of us looked over at him.

  He was scowling up a storm. “Are you really going to – ”


  “ – ALL at the same time?!” he snapped angrily.

  “Go play in the waterfall,” I commanded.


  “He can sleep in my room,” Soraiya suggested. “It’s down the hall on the left. You can’t miss it, there’s an iron gargoyle face embedded in the wooden door.”

  “See? There you go,” I said to Stig.

  “I don’t want to sleep in her room,” he said petulantly.

  “Soraiya,” I asked, “is there any alcohol in your room? Wine or beer? Rum, maybe?”

  “Of course. I always keep several bottles of – ”

  “I’ll be in the lady’s room,” Stig said as he opened the door and darted out into the hallway.

  I thought about telling him that ‘the lady’s room’ had a different meaning than ‘Soraiya’s room,’ but he was already gone. Besides, I didn’t really want him lingering around for the explanation.

  I closed the door after him and shot the bolt. “Okay, are you guys ready to – ”

  But by the time I’d turned around, they had already begun.


  Alaria and Soraiya knelt opposite each other on the bed. Alaria took the plum-colored succubus’s face in her hands and kissed her softly on the lips. Both of them closed their eyes, opened their mouths, and began to slowly swirl their tongues together.

  Soraiya’s hands drifted sensually over Alaria’s bare shoulders and down to her chest, where she cupped Alaria’s breasts and played with the full weight of them in the palms of her hand.

  Alaria began to untie the strings on the back of Soraiya’s corset. Within 30 seconds the piece of clothing had loosened enough to drop away from Soraiya’s body and expose her breasts.

  They were absolutely gorgeous – perky little B-cups with dark purple areolas. Her nipples were already standing at attention even before Alaria began to stroke them.

  Next came Alaria’s bra. Soraiya slipped the straps off her crimson shoulders and peeled back the leather until Alaria�
��s erect nipples were exposed. Soraiya broke off their kiss, bent her head, and began to suck greedily.

  Alaria moaned and caressed Soraiya’s bat wings, which fluttered open and closed in tiny shivers of delight. Then she unexpectedly pushed Soraiya backwards onto the bed, toppling her over onto her ass. Soraiya grinned in anticipation as Alaria pulled the corset completely off her body and removed her high-heeled shoes. Then Alaria hooked her red fingers through the side straps of the plum succubus’s panties, pulled them down her legs, and threw them to the floor. Now the only thing she wore was her diamond-studded collar.

  I edged closer for a better look. Soraiya was completely smooth down below, with no hair whatsoever. Her lips were puffy and luscious-looking.

  Alaria’s fingers parted Soraiya’s pussy to expose the dark purple inner lips. Then she lowered her head between Soraiya’s thighs and began to lick.

  Soraiya arched her back, groaned in ecstasy, and ran her fingers through Alaria’s thick black tresses.

  At this point, my mouth was watering and my cock was rock hard. Full of anticipation, I shucked off my boots and peeled off my shirt and pants until I stood there naked.

  I didn’t exactly get an invitation to join in, though, so I stood there feeling a little foolish.

  However, the sight of Alaria lapping at Soraiya’s pussy – and Soraiya writhing on the bed moaning – was too much for me to just stand there doing nothing. I began to stroke my shaft slowly as I watched my succubus go down on the other woman.

  Soraiya broke out of her ecstatic haze long enough to see what I was doing. With one arched eyebrow she murmured, “Not half bad,” and then opened her mouth in an ‘O’ like she was inviting me inside.

  That was all the invitation I needed to crawl up on the bed on all fours. I placed my hands on one side of Soraiya’s head and my knees on the other, so that my cock was right in front of her face. She licked my shaft up and down like she was playing a harmonica with her tongue, then took me in her mouth.

  “Ohhhh…” I groaned as I felt her gently suck my swollen head.

  She reached her hand up between my legs, cupped my balls, and began to fondle them as she moved her lips wetly over my shaft.

  “How is she?” Alaria’s voice asked.

  I looked over to see her between Soraiya’s plum-colored thighs, her lips and chin slick with Soraiya’s juices.

  My own impish sense of humor took over, and I grinned. “Not half bad.”

  Sharp little teeth nipped at my cock.

  “Ow!” I yelped. “Okay, okay, you’re great, you’re awesome!”

  A silky-smooth tongue replaced the teeth.

  Alaria laughed. “Never badmouth a woman’s blowjob skills while your cock’s still in her mouth.” Then she motioned towards her own ass, which was pointing up in the air. “After you’re done, I could use a little attention back there.”

  Truth to tell, having my johnson nibbled like a corncob had unnerved me a bit, and I withdrew my cock from Soraiya’s mouth.

  “No,” she whined as I moved away.

  “You’ll get more than enough of him later,” Alaria scolded. “Now it’s my turn.”

  She went back to licking Soraiya’s clit, at which point the plum-colored succubus began moaning again and happily let me go.

  I moved around behind Alaria and watched, entranced, as her red tail weaved back and forth in the air. I encircled it with the fingers of one hand and stroked it up and down.

  Alaria groaned and wiggled her ass as though to say, Come on, already!

  I pulled her thong down over her astoundingly beautiful ass. I was greeted by her drenched pussy lips and, an inch above them, the cute little pucker of her asshole.

  Something came over me. Maybe it was Soraiya’s impassioned moans, or maybe it was seeing two succubi together – but I decided to give Alaria a treat. I’d been thinking about it for a while, but hadn’t delivered on it yet.

  I finished pulling her panties off and threw them on the floor. Then I softly stroked her ass cheeks.

  Sidebar: not to be gross, but I thought I’d share a bit of information before what comes next.

  We were all digital constructs in a video game, and as such, nobody ever went to the bathroom. Yeah, kind of weird that we ate and drank and yet nobody ever had to visit the outhouse. But, seriously – if you’re going to simulate a magical world, why simulate that?

  The point is this: the back door was just as sparkling clean as the front, if you know what I mean.

  I kneaded her ass cheeks, then reached up between her legs and stroked her lips with my fingertips.

  Alaria moaned.

  Then I began to kiss her ass. I started on her left cheek, planting smooches as I slowly worked my way in towards the center.

  I have to admit, I hesitated for a second – but then I remembered Samuel L. Jackson’s immortal line from True Romance:

  I eat the pussy, I eat the butt, I eat every mutherfuckin’ thang!

  If a badass like Samuel L. Jackson could do it, I figured I could, too.

  I used soft, delicate strokes of my tongue, first on the skin between her pussy and asshole, then slowly moved upwards. I could smell her sex, a delicious scent that was equal parts vanilla and cinnamon.

  Then I began to gently lick her asshole and dip the tip of my tongue inside her.

  It got a reaction I hadn’t quite expected.

  “GODDESS!” she cried, though it came out muffled, since her face was still buried in Soraiya’s pussy.

  I sunk my tongue inside her ass, in and out, a little deeper with every thrust.

  At the same time, I inserted two of my fingers in her dripping pussy and began to move them in and out slowly.

  After a few seconds of getting the rhythm down, I began to move my tongue in time with my fingers, in and out, in and out.

  Alaria started moaning louder and louder, which must’ve turned Soraiya on even more, because she moaned louder, too. The plum-colored succubus gripped her own breasts and savagely pinched her nipples as she thrashed her head around on the bed, her face contorted in ecstasy.

  I decided to turn things up a notch. I curled my fingers as I thrust in and out of Alaria with both my fingers and my tongue. Basically she was getting her G-spot stroked as I pleasured both her pussy and her ass at the same time.

  Alaria screamed even more, so I went faster and harder.

  Soraiya’s shrieks reached a fever pitch, too, as though they were egging each other on to see who could be the loudest.

  Suddenly I felt Alaria’s muscles contract – to my surprise, around both my fingers and my tongue.

  She wasn’t just having an orgasm, she was having an ass-gasm, too.

  She screamed louder than I’d ever heard before.

  Suddenly Soraiya began crying out, “Oh goddess – oh goddess – I’m coming, I’m coming!”

  As both women’s cries peaked and began to fall, I slowed down what I was doing with both my tongue and fingers until I completely stopped and withdrew.

  “Ohhhhh Iaaaan…” Alaria groaned. “…that was wonderful…”

  I grinned, very pleased with myself. “Glad you liked it.”

  “Now, please… fuck me in the ass.”

  My eyes widened. “Uh… you mean with my – ”

  She looked back over her shoulder with the most pleading look I’d ever seen.

  “Please, please put your cock in my ass and fuck me,” she moaned. “Hard.”

  I wasn’t going to deny a request like that.

  I lowered her hips down until I was in the right spot. Just for lubrication’s sake, I plunged my aching, rock-hard cock in her pussy –

  “Wrong hole!” Alaria called out.

  “I know,” I said crossly. “I’m just getting it wet.”

  I grunted as her soft flesh enveloped me – but I knew I couldn’t stay too long. I had other work to do.

  I pulled out, took my shaft between my fingers, and guided my swollen head between her ass cheeks. I
had already wet her down enough with my tongue that when I pushed, I eased fairly quickly into her tight little hole.

  “Oh GODDESS,” Alaria moaned, and gripped the bedcovers in both hands like she was hanging on for dear life.

  Soraiya was still lying on the bed with her legs wide open, but she’d propped herself up on her elbows so she could watch the show.

  “I want some, I want some!” she complained. “Put it in me, put it in me!”

  “You’ll get yours in a minute,” Alaria growled, her voice surprisingly guttural and savage. “He’s mine right now.”

  God damn that was a turn-on.

  He’s MINE right now.

  “Then I want to watch!”

  Soraiya bounded up from the bed and stood beside me. She watched with fascination as my cock slowly slid all the way inside Alaria’s ass.

  “Oh goddess,” Soraiya whispered. I could feel her firm little breasts pressing into my side, and it made me the tiniest bit harder.

  I began to slowly move in and out of Alaria’s ass. She was so tight that I was afraid of hurting her.

  “Faster,” Alaria groaned. “Harder.”

  “I’m not sure you’re wet enough,” I warned.

  “Wait – hold on,” Soraiya said, then leaned over Alaria’s ass and dripped a dollop of saliva onto my cock.

  Holy SHIT.

  With the new source of lube, I started to pump faster.

  “Oh – oh – oh – oh – ” Alaria groaned with every stroke. She buried her face in the mattress and raked her fingernails across the covers. “HARDER! FASTER!”

  I thrust as hard and fast as I could, my lower belly slapping Alaria’s ass like I was beating a drum.

  “OH, OH, OH, OH,” Alaria moaned.

  “I want to join in!” Soraiya announced gleefully. She crawled down between my legs, flipped over onto her back, wriggled her head up between Alaria’s thighs, and begin to lap at my succubus’s clit as I kept slamming her ass.

  “OH! OH! OH! OH!” Alaria shrieked as her fingernails gouged the bedcovers into ribbons.

  I felt Soraiya’s hand reach out and tickle my balls.

  FUCK that feels good!

  When the sensation went away after 20 seconds, I looked down to see what had happened – and watched as Soraiya inserted two fingers inside Alaria’s pussy and begin to stroke in and out in time with my own thrusts.


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