Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

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Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off Page 15

by Cara North

  His face seemed shocked. They really thought she could not hear them. Men!

  "I work the cattle on another ranch, train the cowboys.” He shrugged.

  "And you Rafe, I know where you are in the evenings, but what do you do when you leave here?"

  "I'm the head horse trainer on another ranch,” he said with pride.

  "See what I mean. You could be offering those services, right here on this ranch. Instead, you're going to them, working your asses off, and establishing reputations for your competition. Now, what do Buck and Jan do?” Bethany turned back to the stove and flipped the steak one last time. The eggs were done, and she realized the reverse would have been a better plan for cooking.

  "Buck's a deputy sheriff, and Jan's in college. She does what she can around here, feeds the horses in the evening and on Sundays.” Jack leaned back and crossed his arms. “She can't do the hard labor."

  "I'm sure she would disagree.” She brought her plate and sat next to Jack. “But she can help with the paperwork, the website. You're not using her abilities or her education."

  "Website?” Rafe asked.

  "Are you going to let her talk to us like this?” Heath drew his brows into a scowl.

  "She's talking to all of us, including me, but she's making a point, Heath. Everyone will be here this afternoon.” Jack looked at her with a seriousness that frightened her. This was it. She had to make good on her bossiness this afternoon. Show them how it could work, not tell them. Silently, she prayed he kept good records. “Bethany will show us what she has in mind then. Right, sweetheart?"

  "Yes, and I'm not trying to take over. Jack saved my life.” She put her hand on his thigh under the table and squeezed. It was the truth. He had saved her from a life of hell and brought her to this place of magic and love and hope. “I have a degree in business from one of the top schools in the nation. Please, give me a chance to pay him back, all of you. You have given me so much. To be a Johnson, not a Dodson anymore, it's worth more than all the gold at Fort Knox to me."

  Rafe nodded, Jack squeezed her hand under the table, and Heath sniffed, looked toward the stairs, then got up, and headed to them.

  "I think it went well,” Jack whispered in her ear then kissed it.

  "I'll put in my notice today.” Rafe stood, stretched. “Besides, there's always the Rodeo if things fall apart."

  The men cleared the room, and Bethany insisted on cleaning up. Heath did not act like he expected any different. He always left his dishes, and Rafe usually tried to clean up after him. She wondered what Heath would say, if anything, when he came back downstairs.

  They were alone, and she was nervous. Unlike Jack, though he was known as the wild one, Heath was dangerous, bigger, and meaner than the others combined. Straightening her back as he entered the room, she knew the only way to deal with him was head on and not to back down.

  "What pisses me off is I suggested the same thing a year ago, and they wouldn't listen.” Heath put his hat on and walked out.

  Her jaw dropped. Of all the things she expected, that was not it.

  Drying her hands on the dishtowel, she opened the door and called for the Danes. The two big dogs were gone. No doubt they left with Jack, but they came back early sometimes, and she convinced them to hang around. Resigning to solitude, she headed up to the loft. Hopefully, the education her father paid for really would pay off.

  * * * *

  Rolling her head back and forth twice before rolling her shoulders a few times, Bethany tried to ease the tension. The computer clock told her it was almost noon. Her stomach was growling. Aside from a few trips to the bathroom and kitchen for more water, she had not left the loft, primarily the computer.

  The last sheet printed off. Bethany grabbed the stack of papers, slipped it into a manila folder labeled Jan and stacked it on the other three. Now, everyone had a copy. Stretching, she decided to grab something quick to eat.

  As Bethany pulled the milk from the refrigerator, she heard the loud motor of something. Then, Jack drove past the window. The sight of the man actually doing work hot, sweaty, and sexy as sin almost made her drop the milk. She put the milk back in the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of water, then headed out to see her man.

  The big green thing he was driving made cutting the grass an easy chore. He wore his cowboy hat, a white T-shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. When he turned and started back toward the house, he smiled. Both dimples popped out, and Bethany could swear her body temperature jumped up another ten degrees. He drove to the edge of the walk and tipped his hat.

  "Hey there, sweetheart.” He winked.

  "I brought you water.” She offered him the plastic bottle.

  "Thanks.” He took the bottle then took a big drink almost consuming the entire thing.

  "You look very sexy driving this tractor around.” She could not believe she was blushing. After all they had done together, she still blushed.

  "Thanks, but this isn't a tractor. It's a riding lawn mower. Come on.” He patted his thigh. “I'm a little sweaty, but I'll try not to get you dirty."

  "I don't mind.” She walked over to him, placed one foot next to his. The open toe sandals were a stark contrast to his boots. Jack grabbed her arm and helped her balance as she sat sideways on his lap. He was sweaty, and more than a little, but all it did was mix his scent against the fresh cut grass and make her dizzy with lust.

  "It's going to be loud.” He moved one hand around her to the steering wheel and the other to the gear shift. It really wasn't big enough for the both of them, but he managed.

  "I'm okay.” She couldn't fight the urge any longer. She held onto his hat with one hand and grabbed his neck with the other. He seemed surprised until she kissed him; then he just seemed to enjoy himself.

  "Mm. Not sure what I did to deserve that.” Jack stole another kiss then started the mower before she could answer.

  She paid close attention to what he was doing. This was something she could easily do to help out. Just driving a lawn mover around the yard cutting grass was not any big deal, but it could save time and energy Jack could put into other things.

  The vibrations rumbled through the seat and Jack's legs, right up through her body. The mower was loud and distracting, nothing fun or sexy about it, but the vibration and the man trying to steer with his arms around her, well, there was a lot of fun in sitting on his lap while he manipulated turns. His forearm brushed across her breasts then her back as he switched hands to steer.

  She decided to help and grabbed the wheel. It was not comfortable to drive sideways, but as her hands steered the mower, Jack found better things to do with his hands. Like play with her kneecap and elbow. How in the world did her kneecap become an erotic zone? But it was. Everything he touched turned to fire inside her. She could barely hear him laughing, probably because despite her best efforts, the lawn was going to have some zigzags in it.

  As they approached the house again, Jack took the wheel and stopped the mower. The loud sound still rang in her ears.

  "That was fun, sweetheart,” he said and kissed the back of her neck.

  She turned to look him eye to eye. She wanted to say it again, but she would not. She absolutely would not keep telling him she loved him over random little things. It made no sense. What woman loved a man because he took her for a ride on a lawnmower? “I need to fix lunch."

  "I'm starving. What do you plan to make?” He nuzzled her nose with his, turning her into one big pile of mush. How could she react and think with him doing the sweetest little things?

  "Sandwiches?” She planned on making finger sandwiches, cheese and crackers, nothing too big and nothing too complicated since it was a business meeting on both accounts.

  "Sounds good.” He offered his hand to help her down. When she took it, she made note of the calluses, the sweat on his forearm, the crisp hair, and the veins standing out. Unlike any other man she had ever known, Jack worked hard. Physically as well as mentally.

  "I'll take the bot
tle back in. Do you want me to have a bath waiting on you?” she asked.

  "Won't have time. I'll have to shower if I can get done in time.” He smiled. “Looks like your buddies are ready for some bacon though."

  He winked letting her know he knew all along she was giving his dogs the bacon. Sure enough, when she turned around, two Great Danes had appeared on the porch, tails wagging, tongues hanging. The mower started up again as Bethany greeted her four legged friends.

  "I can't believe you want me to give you treats after you left me alone all day.” She looked at the two Danes. They both tilted their heads when she said the word treat. If they got any taller, she would be looking them eye to eye, but they were really just big puppies.

  "Oh, all right. Come on. I can't resist those cute faces.” She opened the door, and the Danes went in.

  After playing with the dogs for a few minutes, practicing sit and lay down on command, she washed up and started making lunch. They must have a garden somewhere because ripe tomatoes were always in the kitchen windowsill. Rafe was always taking a bag of vegetables to Layla's, and Heath ate enough tomatoes on his own with nothing but salt that someone would have had to go to the store daily to keep them supplied.

  Thankfully, when she made a grocery list, Rafe bought two of everything. She had enough to make a lot of different dishes. They all worked hard and would no doubt be starving. Her own stomach rumbled. Well, if she ate while she prepared, she would not be hungry while presenting her plans.

  * * * *

  At two on the dot, Jan and Buck arrived. Buck was in his uniform, and she had to admit he was quite impressive. With just the two of them arriving so far and realizing Buck's job, she had to ask.

  "Did you arrest them when they shot you?"

  Buck stopped putting deviled eggs on his plate and blushed. “No, ma'am."

  "Why not?"

  He looked around. She supposed he was making sure Jan was still in the bathroom before answering. “I was still in training at the time. I'm the youngest deputy in ages, but I was supposed to be at a training class the night it happened. Problem was, I had already arranged for a big romantic night and needed her brothers’ blessing. What I got was two BBs in the ass, and it was not fun to sit for a week."

  "So, nothing happened. They shot you and got away with it?” She lowered her voice to match his.

  Buck shrugged. “I wouldn't say they got away with it exactly. I pull Heath over almost every night I'm working. I never give him a ticket I just make him pull off the road then say hi. He stops every time because it might not be me. I should probably quit before he really does get pulled over and ignores them."

  "Buck.” She was surprised at the mischievous young man. He seemed too quiet and calm to be throwing rocks at the bull. “Is he ready to kill you or what?"

  "Just about.” Buck winked. He directed his attention to Jan as she entered the room. “Here you go. I made your plate first."

  "Thanks, sweetie.” Jan kissed him and took the plate.

  The front door opened, and a moment later Heath was standing in the kitchen doorway. He acknowledged his sister then went upstairs.

  "Hi, Heath. Glad to see you again!” She shouted after him.

  Buck raised an eyebrow. “Guess I'm not the only one who likes to pull the tiger's tail."

  "Do you always do that?” Jan asked biting back a smile.

  "No, just when he acts like I don't exist.” She shrugged.

  "When who acts like you don't exist, sweetheart?” Jack asked as he came through the garage entrance.

  "Heath,” everyone said in unison.

  "Ah.” Jack nodded, walked over to her, and took off his hat before leaning in for a kiss.

  "You're soaking wet, Jack.” Bethany looked him over. He was sweating from head to toe. He smelled like grass and dog. What had he been doing since mowing the lawn?

  "Gave the boys a bath.” Jack winked. “Now, I need one of my own. Be back in a few, okay?"

  Bethany nodded. Jan said please as she fanned the air, and Buck laughed.

  "Shut up.” Jack pulled Jan's long ponytail as he passed her. She made an ouch sound then tried to elbow him but hit the chair. Buck laughed louder, and Jan scolded him.

  The garage door opened again, and Rafe walked in. He was not in much better condition than Jack had been in.

  "What happened to you?” Jan asked.

  "New buck over at Marshall's, they called and asked if I would break him in.” Rafe looked longingly at the spread of finger food as he dusted his jeans.

  "What do you want off of there?” Bethany asked.

  "Tomatoes, Heath will eat them all, especially since you doctored them up with cheese and spices.” Rafe smiled showing off his dimple. She grabbed a plate for him placing several tomatoes with mozzarella and basil on them.

  "I'll keep this over here until you get back,” she said.

  "Better make Jack one, too, less tomatoes, more sandwiches and eggs.” Rafe winked, and Bethany felt grateful. After the morning's escapade over breakfast, the last thing she wanted was Jack to think she cared more about Rafe than him. “And a glass of tea, he really likes sweet tea."

  "Thank you.” Bethany blushed from embarrassment this time. These were things she needed to know about her husband and did not.

  Rafe disappeared up the stairs as Heath graced everyone with his grumpy presence. As Rafe predicted, he almost cleared the tray of tomatoes. “Nice spread."

  Was that a compliment from Mister Cranky Pants? “Thank you."

  "Can you grab me a soda out of there?” Heath did not look up as he piled sandwiches and eggs on his plate.

  "I'll carry it over for you.” She followed him to his seat. He was already shoveling the food in his mouth before walking away. He sat across from Buck and Jan. He gave Buck the evil eye before he continued eating.

  A moment of sympathy passed through her, and she felt like patting him on the back or just giving him a hug. Heath seemed lonely and grumpy too often, but because he was so manly, she doubted he would appreciate any show of affection. Still, she opened the soda can and placed it in front of him.

  He gave her a suspicious look and sniffed the finger sandwich before eating it.

  "I didn't poison the food. Really Heath, how could I know which ones you would eat?” She laughed, and he shifted to keep from smiling. On some level, she knew he enjoyed being teased. It had to be hard being the oldest and then to have his youngest brother taking charge of things. Hopefully, after all her research and planning, she would make life more agreeable on all fronts for this family.

  "Stop touching him, you're making me ill,” Heath said to Jan.

  "Not ill, jealous."

  "You're my sister. Why would I want you touching me?” Heath said.

  "Gross, you want Jan to touch you? She has cooties,” Jack said as he entered the room. “Oh man. Heath, you ate all the tomatoes."

  "Here.” She handed Jack his plate already made.

  "For me?” he asked with sheer delight on his face. God was she glad Rafe told her what to put on there.

  Bethany nodded.

  "Thank you, sweetheart.” Jack stepped closer and kissed her sweet, slow, and long.

  "Now, you're making me ill,” Heath commented.

  "I'm definitely not touching you.” Jack looked at Heath, and Heath's face began to turn pink. He was not a happy man.

  "I'll touch you,” Buck said. “Come on, Heath."

  Then, Buck made a fish-like kissy face. Heath's face, however, could have pushed steam through his ears it was so red. “Why you little..."

  "Now, now.” Rafe re-entered the room. “Be nice to each other, gentlemen. We have at least an hour to spend in this room together, and I don't want to break up fights or remove BBs from another man's ass again in my lifetime."

  "You helped him out?” Heath asked.

  "He was about to marry Jan. I couldn't have him hobbling down the aisle.” Rafe walked to the stove and picked up his plate with tomatoes
on it. He was the only person besides her to pick up her cheese and crackers. Good grief, they were a lot alike. No wonder she got along with him so well.

  The front door opened as Rafe sat down, and shortly after it clicked closed, an old man appeared in the doorway.

  "Now, your granddad would be thrilled to see this sight right here,” he said. “You must be Jack's bride."

  "Yes, I'm Bethany, please come in. Would you like some lunch?” She greeted the old man with a handshake. He looked her over and nodded approval.

  "Sure you're not married to Rafe?” he asked. She paused, shook her head, and continued on without acknowledging the comment. Jack, however, acknowledged it. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She watched Heath nudge him on the shoulder as she stepped around to stand behind him. Placing her hands on Jack's shoulders, she smiled.

  "I am definitely married and committed to Jack Johnson.” She squeezed his shoulders and realized how tense he was. His body always seemed tight, but she thought it was because the only time she touched him was during sex. Right now, she realized he could probably use the same hug and attention Heath needed. Gently, she let her fingers rub and caress his shoulders as she waited for the old man to take a seat.

  "Well, let's get to it.” He plopped a briefcase, which looked about a hundred years older than him, on the table. “Here are the forms. You'll need to sign where I have it highlighted."

  Rafe passed the forms down to Jack who handed them up to her. “Wait a second; this is page 12, 24, and 36. Where are the rest of the pages?"

  Everyone laughed, and Jack reached back to pat her hand. “Sweetheart, granddad practically wrote a book with his will. Those are the forms applying to you."

  "Well, I'm not signing them until I see the rest.” She patted his hand in the same placating way he had just patted hers. Did they think she was stupid?

  "Here.” The old man pulled out a stack of paper. Two inches thick and bound with a plastic spiral cord like a notebook. “A little light reading, my dear."


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