Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

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Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off Page 17

by Cara North

  His chest rose and fell in a slow steady rhythm. A soft snore began. She squeezed him tighter. “I love you, Jack Johnson. You don't have to say it. Your actions have already told me you love me, too. You just might not know it yet."

  Closing her eyes, she drifted off to sleep in his arms.

  * * * *

  "For crying out loud, can't you sleep in the bed? You'll both be sorry in the morning.” Heath's voice pulled her from a peaceful slumber. Blinking and trying to get herself focused, she yawned and stretched.

  "What time is it?” Jack's rough hands scrubbed her arms as he spoke.

  "Ten. I cleaned up the kitchen.” Heath stretched. “I'm heading up to bed. See you in the morning.” As he started away, he turned back. “With my pants on, so you can sleep in, Sugar."

  He winked and walked away. See a man's naked ass once, Bethany laughed in thought. It was a nice ass but branded with Chance's name. What made a man go that far if not love?

  "Did he just make a joke?” Jack asked with a kiss to her cheek.

  "I think so.” She stretched again. “I guess we should go to bed, too."

  "Yep.” He stretched as he stood. She watched his T-shirt rise and bear a bit of skin.

  "Jack?” She tried to wiggle her eyebrows, but he apparently thought it was funny because he laughed.

  "Yes, sweetheart?"

  "I'll race you to the bedroom.” She took off running, but he caught her and turned her in the opposite direction. He continued on his path to the bedroom. She laughed and entered their bedroom. He was already in the bed, fully clothed on top of the blankets arms folded behind his head and barely winded. “You cheated."

  "So.” He smiled shamelessly.

  "So. What time do you have to get up in the morning?” She closed the door and locked it. Jack looked entirely too tempting on their bed to just ignore it. Walking up to where his boots hung over the side, she pulled them off one at a time.

  "Well now, taking my boots off for me, what next?” he asked then bit his lower lip.

  "Depends.” She tugged at both socks. Never had a man's feet looked so sexy, but aside from his arms and face, it was the only bare skin revealed at the moment. She stroked the top of each foot.

  "Depends on what?” he asked.

  "Jack,” she said and sounded as annoyed as she felt. “You are exasperating. Do you want me to strip you naked and sex you up or not?"

  "Are you gonna yell at me if you do?” He wiggled his eyebrows very effectively.

  "If you keep it up, yes.” She tried not to laugh, but he wouldn't give her a straight answer, and he kept twisting her words around.

  "Oh, I think I can keep it up.” Like now.

  "Okay, be stubborn. I don't need sex.” Liar! She walked around the foot of the bed and toward the closet. “I lived without it for years."

  "No, no, no. You get back over here and boss me around again,” he said as she grabbed the knob to the closet. She was certain he just told her to get back over there and boss him. Was he kidding?

  "Not funny. I'm very serious about getting things started for your family. I don't appreciate you making fun of me.” Irritation began to sink in.

  "Will you stop being serious for a second and look at me?” Now, he sounded frustrated. She turned to look at him. He was sitting up in the bed. He held his hand out, and she looked at it like it might bite her if she touched it.

  "I'm listening.” Folding her arms, she gave him her full attention.

  "Now, that's more like it.” He smiled and laid back on the bed again.

  "Jack,” she warned.

  "Sweetheart, I love when you get in full business mode. I could barely pay attention to what was going on there today because I was so turned on by your ... presence. You led the room and captivated everyone. You're smart and sexy, and I couldn't get up out of the chair until everyone was gone because my dick was hitting the table top."

  Now, that she was not expecting. He really wanted her to be all prim and professional. He was turned on by her brain. His words about undid her on the spot.

  "So, you really want me to tell you what to do?” she asked, making certain she understood him correctly.

  "Just in the bedroom, and maybe just tonight, but I swear I am ready to get on my hands and knees if you want me to.” The look in his whiskey brown eyes was so intense as it passed over her body, she felt it like a lick of fire, scorching her senses.

  She gulped then wondered what exactly did she want him to do? Well, she definitely wanted him naked. Oh yes, the plan became very clear in her mind's eye.

  "Take your clothes off, Mister Johnson. I need to examine you.” Doctor Bethany was in full professional mode right now.

  "Okay, sweetheart.” Jack was on his feet in a flash stripping.

  "That's doctor, Doctor Bethany, and you'll be so kind to remember it, sir.” The sharpness of her tone was surprising even to her own ears.

  "Well, yes, ma'am.” His voice dropped, and as he slowly removed his clothing, her breath hitched. He must have really liked being put in his place tonight.

  Standing next to the bed, he held his arms to his sides. His hair had grown over the past week, not a lot but enough to tickle her fingers if she were to touch the nape of his neck. His eyes were heavy with desire and his body flushed. The width of his shoulders called at her to touch them and ease the tension she knew was there. The dark brown hair sprinkling his chest and angling down his abs drew her attention downward to greet an angry erection. His cock bobbed and weaved as if trying to detach and seek her out on its own.

  Thick, long thighs and calves gave way to two big feet. As she looked at them, his toes moved.

  "Come stand here, Mr. Johnson I want to get a good look at you.” Trying not to lose character, she undid her ponytail and quickly pulled the curls back up and into a loose bun. If only she had a pair of glasses right now!

  "Here?” He looked around the room a little awkward.

  "Yes. Now, turn around.” He looked surprised, but he did it. Not having his eyes on her, she could fan the heat from her face with her hands. The man had a body to die for. And his tush, good grief she could probably bounce quarters off his firm ass.

  Jack cleared his throat. “How serious is it, doctor?"

  "Very.” She traced a finger from the top of his spine to the tip of his tailbone. Jack's butt muscles clenched and hollowed his cheeks. Chills of delight ran over her, and she let go of reservations and slipped into character completely. “Turn around, Mr. Johnson."

  Jack turned slowly. His chest rose and fell in quick controlled breaths. His penis still bobbed, the top glistening. “Now. first thing I need to do is check your reflexes."

  A low growl rumbled as she grabbed the shaft.

  "Interesting.” She nodded then let go. His jaw began to make a tick on the left side. “I think you may need to lie down, Mr. Johnson. This is going to be messy."

  "Messy?” he asked as he made his way to the bed.

  "Mmm. Yes, I need to explore you very thoroughly with my mouth.” He stubbed his toe and hopped the last two steps cursing a stream of words. “Mr. Johnson, that type of language is not allowed in my office."

  "I ... I'm sorry. It just hurt like a blank of a blank.” He sat and held the offended toe.

  "I'll take a look at it.” She tried to grab his hands, but he pulled back.

  "My feet are worse than my hands, sweetheart. You don't want to touch them."

  "Mr. Johnson, I asked you to call me doctor. If you can't follow the rules, I may just have to spank you and then look at your toe.” His mouth dropped open and then shut. “Do you have something you want to say to me?"

  "No. ma'am.” He still held the toe. “It's just, well, my wife. Yes, my wife has very pretty feet. They are soft and well groomed. A man could easily forget they are feet. My feet on the other hand..."

  "Mr. Johnson, I don't know what you do or don't do with your wife and her feet, but I am going to look at this toe, now let go.” She stomped
her foot for emphasis. How sweet of him to be embarrassed by his big manly feet. She could've told him she had no intentions of sucking his toes as he had hers, but that would be too easy. She wanted him to sweat it out. To trust her decisions and relax about what he thought was not pretty. Of course, his feet were not pretty. He was a man, a man who spent a lot of time on his feet and using his hands. The rest of his body made up for callused feet, but now she knew he was self-conscious about them. She could talk him into a pedicure.

  Jack slowly let go of the toe, and Bethany looked it over. “Ouch,” he said as she touched it.

  "We'll put a cold cloth on it.” She nodded and started for the bathroom.

  "It's fine, sweet—Dr. Bethany, I mean.” He smiled.

  "Do you have an imaginary degree in medicine, Mr. Johnson?” It took a lot of restraint to say something so silly straight faced, but she managed.

  "No, ma'am.” He tried to hold back his laugh.

  "Well, I do, so lay down. I'll be right back.” She had to get to the bathroom, where the lubricant was. He had done research on what they did last night, and during a mental break from the business plans, she did a little research herself. The internet could be such a wealth of information.

  Bethany tucked the small tube of lubricant between her breasts. Hopefully, they would warm it up a little. Wetting a washcloth, she returned to her impatient patient. Jack had his hand around his erection and a smile on his face.

  "First things first.” She wrapped the cool washcloth around his toe. “Now, let me check out these calves."

  Jack groaned. Why had he told her to keep her clothes on the other day? He would gladly give his left arm to have her naked and under him right now. Such sweet torture he had brought upon himself. What he had hoped for was her being a little more dominant, maybe telling him what to do to make her pleasure greater. What he got was Dr. Bethany.

  "Tickles.” Jack tried not to squirm as the lovely doctor nipped and licked along his calves then traced circles on his kneecaps before kissing them, too.

  "Interesting.” She still sounded all professional and cool as her hands explored his thighs, and her lips followed. He hoped she would just put him out of his misery, but she avoided his groin completely.

  His stomach wasn't much less ticklish as she barely touched him. “Woo. Um, doctor. Can you maybe use a little more pressure?"

  "But then your muscles wouldn't twitch and jump,” she said as her tongue dipped into his navel.

  "Woman, you are killing me here.” He again grabbed his shaft. His dick ached to the point of pain from not being touched by her. Maybe it was what she wanted, for him to just handle his own business in front of her like he had her do in the truck.

  "Mr. Johnson, take your hand off your Johnson,” Dr. Bethany scolded and removed his hand.

  "I can't take it anymore. We have to stop playing. I need to be inside you. I need it like I need my next breath. Bethany, please. Just take off your clothes and let me make love to you.” As he tried to push up, she put her hand on his chest and pushed him back down.

  "Now, this is very interesting. I think I may need to investigate the source of all your pain.” He wanted to strangle her at this point. Not that he would, but real pain was taking over the pleasure. Not a good thing.

  "Please,” he begged and didn't care he was begging. Hell, he was ready to get on hands and knees again, but this time he was serious.

  Bethany settled between his legs as he parted them under her direction. She hadn't taken a stitch of clothes off and had no intentions of doing so. This was about Jack. Pure, sweet, and simple. As she gripped his hard shaft, he groaned and lifted his hips off the bed to get a stroke out of the grip.

  "Mr. Johnson, you seem very tense here.” The look he gave her was a cross between pleasure and pain, and she decided to stop toying with him. As much fun as it was to tease him, it would be more fun to make him come harder than ever in his life.

  To do something she was sure no woman had ever done before to Jack Johnson.

  "Oh yes, please, yes. Thank you, thank you.” He moaned as she stroked him.

  His eyes were heavy, and he grabbed the bedding on either side of his thighs. She began slowly licking, and Jack went wild. His hips lifted. His thighs closed and opened trying to get her closer. If Heath didn't hear him upstairs, it would be a shock. Jack was very vocal and loud as he moaned and praised her.

  Using one hand to stroke him and her tongue to tease the glans, she grabbed the warmed little bottle of lube from between her breasts. Flipping the top and squeezing a little lube onto her fingertips, she hoped the internet was right.

  Bethany made a long lick down his shaft, and he swore at any minute he would just explode. Then, she licked each of his already tight nuts, and he groaned. The woman was the best he'd ever had, and he'd been blown more than a few times. Her finger dipped below his scrotum, teased the perineum. It did feel good, but then she touched lower.

  "Whoa!” Jack's eyes opened wide, and he closed his thighs around her holding her still.

  "Just trust me.” She held her right hand on his penis and her left index finger on his anus. She didn't have nails, so she wasn't worried about scratching him.

  "I don't think so, sweetheart.” Jack closed his left eye as she lowered her head back and licked the head of his cock.

  "Jack, you did it to me, and I survived. Even enjoyed it. So relax.” Gently, she circled his anus and felt him clench his cheeks together so tight her finger was trapped by them. His head shook no. “If you don't like it, we won't do it again."

  "I know I won't like it.” He looked pained.

  "Did you like doing it to me?” He relaxed just a little as he nodded. “It felt good to be in there, didn't it?"

  He nodded again.

  "Well, if you ever want to get in there again, you'll let me do this once, just once to you.” He debated it she could tell. His jaw worked overtime twitching as he thought. To sway him in her direction, she began sucking his cock again as if she was not waiting for him to make a very personal decision.

  "Once. If you hurt me..."

  "I won't hurt you. Just relax, remember. I'll put a little pressure, and you just let me in.” He snorted a laugh, all the relaxation she needed to get past his initial barrier. He was not expecting it because he jerked, pushing her finger deeper.

  "That's it, Jack. Does it hurt?” She stroked his penis with her tongue and his inner wall with her finger very gently. He shook his head no. Apparently, he was out of words. She hoped he would talk to her after this, but turn about was fair play. He showed her something new and exciting, and she wanted to keep up. “Do you like it?"

  He didn't respond. She pulled her finger back then pushed a little farther, looking for the spot. It was supposed to make him orgasm like never before in his life. When she reached the prostate, she stroked it gently, once, twice. Jack cried out in pleasure. Encouraged, she stroked and asked the important question. “Do you like it?"

  "Bethany.” Jack came, shooting up like a volcano erupting.

  She'd never seen anything like it. His sperm shot at least a foot in the air before falling back down to her hand and his penis. His anus muscles gripped her index finger tightly, and she could feel each throb and pulse of his orgasm. She wondered if he felt the same when she came, vaginally or otherwise.

  As he settled down, she slowly removed her finger and looked up at him. He had not opened his eyes and a light sniff brought her attention to his expression. Good Lord, he was crying. “Jack, did I hurt you? Oh my God, I'm so sorry."

  He held up a hand and waved it to silence her. He obviously struggled with the flood of emotions, and her heart began to break. This was supposed to be an adventure, not destroy the precious foundation they were building.

  "I'm okay, sweetheart,” he finally said and sniffed again before opening his eyes. “That was ... intense."

  "Okay.” She swallowed the lump in her throat.

  "Shower?” Jack sighed and sat

  Now, she was the silent one. Nodding, she followed him to the bathroom.

  Once inside, she made sure to take care of him like he had done her after such an invasive exploration. Washing his back, she took care to massage the tight muscles. Jack leaned his head back and let out low moans of approval. Once she moved her hands over his muscled butt, he tensed.

  She put her forehead between his shoulder blades and kissed his back. “I shouldn't have done it. I just wanted to make you feel something as awesome as you make me feel."

  "Sweetheart, I'm entitled to a moment of embarrassment since you're washing my most private parts, remember?” He snickered then turned. “But don't think you have to make me feel anything. I feel it. Every time you come I feel it. Every touch of your hand, I feel it. When you sleep on my chest at night, sweetheart, I feel the awesome power of you.” He swallowed and then kissed her deeply. A soul binding kiss, it told her what he may never say with words, and she decided right then she could live with it. As long as Jack showed her he loved her, he never had to say it.

  Jack poured his soul into the kiss. The woman had pushed his boundaries and made him feel uncomfortable, then amazing, and she was not turned off by the fact what she did had in fact turned him on. He didn't really know what to think of the experience. He had not shed a tear since his father died. The tears he shed in bed were different. It was a release, an unexpected release. He had a new appreciation for his prostate, and a new appreciation for the woman in his arms. Here he thought he was through with wild women, but Bethany just topped them all, and in the process, made him look as wild as a newborn kitten. She ruined his bad reputation and built one of her own.

  Chapter 15

  Two Great Danes walked with her to the large tree right outside the dining facility. On the back of the tree was in fact a heart with initials carved in it. Grandpa Johnson had not written a will exactly. He had written a memoir, and the forms were placed there at random until the grandchildren took enough interest to actually read his book. Jack was right, the man was a character.


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