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Kingpin Page 2

by Alexa Riley

  The whole place pisses me off, and I’m also getting mad that she’s cornering herself. She can’t possibly think this is the shelter she needs to see, because there are likely worse things in that building than the man chasing her right now. She’s gotten ahead of me, and I watch as she pulls open the door, darting inside. I follow her, eating up the space she’s managed to put between us. She’s quick, I’ll give her that.

  She goes for the stairs, running up them, and I hear her feet pounding their way up. I run behind her, taking them three at a time. I don’t want to catch her just yet; I want to see where she’s going first. She’s got some sort of plan in her head, because she’s on a mission to get there now.

  She makes it to a door, pulling out her keys and trying to get them into the lock. She’s acting like if she gets through the door, it will stop me from coming in there. I guess this dump is where she lives.

  She glances over her shoulder and finally sees how close I am. She watches me coming for her, and her eyes grow wide with fear. She fumbles with her keys, dropping them to the floor. In a panic, she goes to reach down for them, but it’s too late. I’m on her.

  I cage her body against the door she was trying to get inside. I wonder if anyone is on the other side waiting for her. The idea pisses me off for some strange reason.

  She closes her eyes tight, clearly not wanting to look at me. Or maybe she doesn’t want to look at what she thinks is coming. It’s then I really see her.

  Her long dark hair hangs in a loose braid over one shoulder. Some of her rich locks have come loose from it, a few strands around her face. Her skin is soft and creamy, and I have an urge to know what it feels like. I lean in a little, getting the smell of strawberries and honey. I didn’t know someone could smell sweet like that, and my mouth waters.

  I release one of my hands from the door and run my finger down her cheek. I need to find out just how soft her skin really is. The desire to touch her is overwhelming. Just as I make contact, her eyes fly open, looking straight up into mine.

  It feels like someone sucker punches me. I’ve never seen eyes like hers. I almost think they can’t be real. They are a light gray, with a soft purple around her pupil. It’s stunning, and I can’t break the contact. I don’t know how long I stand there just staring into them, getting lost in something I’ve never felt before.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” she whispers, pulling me from the trance she had me under.

  Hurt her? I’ll fucking kill anyone who tries to harm a hair on her head. She looks like she fell from heaven.

  My angel.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, angel,” I tell her, my voice coming out deep.

  I can hear the need in it. The fear in her eyes doesn‘t dissipate, and it twists my stomach into knots, something that hasn’t happened to me since I was a kid and thought I’d disappointed my father. She’s terrified of me. It’s written all over her face. I’ve scared this perfect angel. Fuck, I don’t even know what’s happening. Something is pulling at me. My body feels like it’s throbbing. Every muscle is on fire, and I feel like I’ve run for days instead of the distance it took us to get here.

  Her full lips part a little as she studies me. I drop my hand from her cheek, already missing the feel of her softness against my rough hands. Jesus, I can’t believe I just had that thought. What is this woman doing to me?

  My eyes run down her small frame, and her size irritates me. She shouldn’t be walking around at night. She barely comes up to the middle of my chest, how could she possibly protect herself? It’s then I notice what she’s wearing. A burnt colored orange waitress uniform with Rita’s over her left breast. It looks like it’s made out of cheap polyester, and I wonder if it hurts her soft skin. Why is this angel working at a restaurant when she could be a goddamn supermodel? Hell, this is California. I don’t know why I haven’t seen her plastered on billboards and in magazines.

  “Please,” she whispers again.

  My gaze shoots back to hers, and I know the anger must be showing on my face. I try to mask it, but it’s pushing forward. I’m not used to having to control myself. The feeling is foreign to me. When I want to do or say something, I just do it. But I don’t want to scare her.

  “If you’re running from someone, you don’t run home,” I grit out. “Then that person knows where you live.” Her mouth forms an adorable O shape. She’s probably wondering why the man who chased her down is giving her this information.

  She backs up a little more, trying to get farther away from me. That only angers me more. I want her to move toward me. I want her out of this shitty-ass building that needs to be torn down. That’s something I’ll need to look into.

  “I swear I won’t say a word.”

  Her promise makes me remember why I’m here. That I chased her down because she saw me kill a man. She’s a witness to a crime that could put me behind bars for the rest of my life.

  “Have you eaten?” I don’t know why I ask the question, because it’s not the direction I should be going in. I should be more concerned about other things, but I can’t seem to help myself and I can’t find the will to stop myself.

  “I…” She glances down the hallway both ways, and I wonder if she’s looking for someone. A boyfriend maybe? Not a husband. I didn’t see a ring when my eyes traced every part of her body. If she had a boyfriend, she doesn’t any longer, that’s for fucking sure. I’ll have my men bury him next to Joey. Then they’ll only have to dig one grave. What kind of man would leave her unprotected?

  “You didn’t, did you,” I say, and it’s not a question.

  She looks tired and hungry on top of being scared to death. I reach up and touch her cheek again, and she flinches. My jaw tightens.

  “You won’t tell anyone about what you saw, will you,” I demand, again not asking.

  She shakes her head. I slide my fingers across her cheek, stealing another touch of her, unable to control myself. Maybe she isn’t an angel. Maybe she’s a witch who has me under her spell. I shake the ridiculous thought from my head.

  I drop my hand, going for her purse. She doesn’t stop me as I dig through it, finding her wallet and looking at her ID.

  “Thea.” I say her name, liking how easily it falls from my lips. She doesn’t respond. I look into her purse and see she doesn’t have any credit cards and only a little bit of money. I see an old cell phone and grab it. I glance back to meet her eyes, and she’s staring at me with that fucking scared look still on her face. I click on the buttons and put my number in her phone. Then I hit send and end the call when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I drop the phone back into her purse, then slide the strap back up her arm.

  I take out my wallet and pull out some of my cash. I don’t want to give her so much that she’ll use it to take off on me, but I want her to have enough so I know she can take care of herself. I slide the bills into her purse, then lie to her.

  “That’s to keep quiet,” I tell her. Then I give her the truth. “I promise you, that man is exactly where he’s supposed to be.” She just nods, and I hate it because I want to hear her talk again.

  She licks her lips, drawing my eyes there. My cock grows more painful at the sight, and I’m going crazy because I’ve never had a reaction to a woman like this in my life. It should piss me off how I’m feeling, but I like it. I haven’t felt like I’ve wanted for anything for a while, and now need is pumping through me. A need for something that I can’t have. Not yet.

  I reach down, picking up her keys from the floor. I move closer to her and feel her breath stop as I slide the key into the lock and turn it, opening the door. I pull the keys out and put them into her purse.

  “Go inside and get some sleep, angel.”

  She stares at me like she doesn’t believe I’m letting her go. I can’t believe it either, but I think we have two different ideas of what I’d do with her if I didn’t let her go into her apartment. She probably thinks she’d end up like Joey, but I’d have her locked in my bedr

  “Thea. In. Lock the door and keep that pretty mouth shut.”

  She nods again, turning to go into her apartment. Before she can step away, I grab her hip and pull her back to my chest. I lean down so my lips are right next to her ear.

  “Anyone else in there?” I ask, needing to know I’m not sending her into her place with a man inside. She shakes her head. “Boyfriend?” I push, needing more. She shakes her head again.

  I inhale her sweetness one last time and then let her go. She scrambles inside, shutting the door in my face. I wait just a second until I hear the lock click before I make myself walk away from her door.

  When I get to the street I stand outside her apartment building and take out my phone and make a call.

  Chapter 3


  Most people are surprised by the fact that I have an office. I don’t think they expect someone in organized crime to be so business-like. But in my experience, if you treat people with respect that’s how you’ll get treated in return. And it goes a long way to smooth over politicians and the police if you’ve got your shit together. Nobody wants to do business with a thug, and I learned from my father to always be professional.

  I might be a killer, but I’ve got suits that cost more than most people’s cars, and for some that’s all that matters. For me, it doesn’t mean dick. I treat people how they treat me, but looks are important. Especially for the ones who don’t want to be seen breaking the law. It’s all about perception for some, and that’s okay. But my memory is long, and I don’t forget.

  I grew up in a middle-class neighborhood with a mom and dad and a dog. From the outside, I had the perfect family, the perfect life. I think had my parents lived, they would have shielded me from the life they lived and wished for me to do something else. But after they were both killed, I found out the truth behind my father’s business dealings. I made it my mission to not only repay those who took them from me, but take over my father’s legacy and make it what it is today.

  I was seventeen the first time I killed a man, and I never once regretted it. He was the one who was responsible for their death and was the leader of a rival organization. That day I became a man, and to those around me, I became the boss. I was young, but I was smart. I knew exactly what my father had wanted for his men and their families, because he wanted the same for us. He wanted us to have a choice. We could lead a life of crime, but we could also have safety for our children. True, there are groups out there that sell drugs, guns, women, and we try to step in when that crosses our path. We’re no saints, but we want our area of Los Angeles clean, and we want to lead our lives in peace. That’s what I’ve been fighting for the last thirteen years.

  I’ve thought about nothing but giving that to my men and making money. My people want for nothing, and that’s how it should be. Every now and then I have to take the trash out, like Joey last night. But for the most part, I’ve got a long list of people who can handle problems for me.

  When I get to my office, three of my guys are sitting outside waiting on me. It’s five in the morning and everyone is dressed in suits. That’s one of my rules. You don’t come see me unless you’ve got your shit together. That includes your clothes.

  Giovanni stands up and follows me as I enter. He’s my right-hand man and has been my best friend since I was ten. Our fathers ran this organization together, and he could have easily been the boss with me. But he keeps telling me that he wants a family, and once he’s got that he’s out. He’s not in this for life like I am, and the wife he takes is going to be the one who helps him walk out the door. I’ve been waiting on that day, but he hasn’t met her yet, and until he does, I’ll keep him close.

  He’s got two of my top guys with him, and I say good morning to everyone as my assistant brings in coffee and we all sit down at the long conference table. My desk is on the other end, facing windows that look out into a garden in the back. Gio said I should have gotten a high-rise with views of the city, but I see enough of that shit. I want peace and tranquility for as long as possible during the day.

  “You going to tell us what that phone call was about last night?” Gio asks as he sips his espresso.

  The other guys keep quiet, listening and taking notes. They are looking to step into Giovanni’s place when he leaves, although we don’t know when that will be. So they’ve been on his heels for the past eight years. We’re both used to ignoring them by now.

  “I just needed to know who runs it and what kind of condition it’s in,” I say, shrugging.

  “I rode by there after your call and checked it out.” He shakes his head. “You can tell the condition of it just by looking at it.”

  He says the word condition like he doesn’t believe me. He knows me better than anyone, so he knows something is up.

  “The place is a dump. What do you want with it? It’s not in our territory, per se, but we could put some guys on it. I saw you had two out there last night when I went by. You going to tell me why?”

  I eye him for a second and then shake my head. I’m not ready to explain what happened. Hell, I don’t even know what happened myself. By the time I got home and rubbed one out in the shower thinking about those ice gray eyes on me, it felt like a dream.

  “Everything go okay with Joey last night?” He raises his eyebrow like he can read my fucking mind.

  “Yeah. Took care of business. Clean-up came by just before three. In and out,” I confirm.

  “Good,” Gio says, and grabs a bagel off the tray. “I’m sending the twins on the south route today to check in and pay respects to Dylan’s family.” He nods over to the two guys at the table. They look nothing like twins, but they’re always together, and Gio isn’t bothered to try to tell them apart. “Dylan’s mother died yesterday. She was ninety-nine. God love her, she died two days after her husband. I bet she wanted to be with him again.”

  He gives me a sad smile. Gio is such a sucker for a love story. I want to roll my eyes, but an image of Thea runs through my mind, and I keep quiet.

  “So, looks like I’m with you today. What are we up to?” Gio asks, and I’m annoyed.

  I wanted to spend the day alone, because deep down, I wanted to pay Thea another visit. I already know where she works and lives; it shouldn’t be too hard to track her down. But I don’t want anyone with me when I see her again. Although maybe it would be less conspicuous if I just so happened to stop in for lunch where she works. If I had Gio with me, maybe she wouldn’t be so spooked this time. Or maybe she’d be more intimidated. Either way, I’ve got to see her again. That much is true.

  “I guess you’ll actually have to do some work today,” I say.

  “You mean I won’t get to sit in your office and learn how to brood? You’re going to get wrinkles from all that glaring. I think it’s time you found a woman,” Gio says, and winks at me.

  He’s been telling me this since I was twenty. About the time he wanted to find a wife and settle down. But he hasn’t made any moves to settle down himself. He keeps saying he’s waiting for the one.

  Another image of Thea pops in my head, and this time her hips are wide and her belly is round. She’s got my baby inside her and one in her arms. She’s bound to me in every way possible, and I bite my lip to keep from growling. Immediately I want that image to be real. I want her legs spread, taking my seed, so that she can’t ever run from me again. Not like last night. I won’t ever see the back of her. Unless I’ve got her bent over.

  “What’s wrong with you? Why are you sweating?” Gio asks, shaking me out of my thoughts.

  “Nothing,” I say, and blink a few times.

  My path is suddenly clear. I know exactly what I need to do. I’m going to hunt down Thea, and I’m going to breed my baby into her. She’ll be the one to create the next leaders of our organization. She’ll be the queen at my side helping me rule. She’ll be the goddess of my empire and will give me all that I’ve never dared to dream for. She’ll do all of this, and yet righ
t now, she has no idea.

  I guess I should go inform her.

  Chapter 4


  I don’t know how long I lie in bed, staring up at the paint peeling on my cracked and worn ceiling, not getting the sleep that I need. I finally give up and pull myself from my bed with a deep sigh. The man with the deepest blue eyes I’ve ever seen in my life would appear every time I tried to close mine. He’s haunting me.

  I walk into my bathroom, the light still on from the day before. I couldn’t bring myself to turn it off after what happened last night. I wanted to keep the dark away, or maybe I wanted to make sure if something came for me I’d see it. I was scared, but something else was lingering. A strange sort of excitement that I can’t understand. There’s something about him. He stirred a strange feeling inside me, but it isn’t fear. Because in that moment, I almost felt safe as he towered over me.

  I look at myself in the mirror and groan. I look like hell. The dark circles under my eyes are worse today, but I shouldn’t be surprised after my lack of sleep. I hardly ever wear makeup and I debate digging for some concealer. I know I have some stuck back in this bathroom, but I’ve lost the energy to look. “Forget it,” I mumble to myself. Maybe a shower will wake me up. Hopefully it’ll help me look like I’m not dragging myself around.

  I yank my sleep shirt off and pull my underwear down my legs, then turn on the shower. What would be the point of the makeup anyway? I’m not trying to impress anyone. If I’m lucky, maybe I won’t die by the end of the day. For all I know, this could be the last time I walk out of my door. A chill runs down my spine at the thought.

  I jump into the water, trying to wash away the sudden chill.


  The word slips through my mind for the hundredth time, and oddly enough it helps chase away the dark clouds better than the heat of the water. Why did he keep calling me that, and why did he say everything else? Those were the thoughts that kept running through my head and kept sleep from coming.


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