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Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found

Page 7

by Arysio Santos

  This Lemurian Atlantis of ours should not be confused with the purely fanciful counterparts of the Theosophists and other such followers of Mme. Blavatsky. Their “Lemuria” is a hypothetical sunken continent of the mid-Pacific region, one which never existed at all. 3

  The Egyptians also called their former homeland “the Ancestral Land” (To-wer), the overseas Paradise where they formerly lived, in Zep Tepi (“Primordial Time”). In contrast, the name of Egypt proper – derived from the Egyptian Het-Ka-Ptah – may be interpreted as meaning “second abode of Ptah”, the great god who personified the Egyptian paideuma.

  In that tongue, het means “house, abode”, whereas ka means “second, double”, being considered the soul and counterpart of an individual. The ka or double is more or less like the Guardian Angel of Judeo-Christians and the genius of the Greco-Roman traditions.

  In other words, Egypt was really the second abode of the Egyptians. The Egyptians themselves claimed to have originally come from Punt, the Land of the Gods, their first abode on the far side of the Indian Ocean, before it sank and disappeared under the waters of the sea.

  As we demonstrate below, Punt was actually located in the East Indies (Indonesia). This sunken continent in Indonesia later became, after its destruction, the “Land of the Dead”, the dreadful, forbidden region where no mariner ever ventured to go, as it was in fact “the Land of No Return”. This terrible place the Egyptians also called Amenti; the Greeks Hades; the Jews Sheol (“Hell”), and the Hindus Tamraparna.

  This Sanskrit name passed into Greco-Roman traditions as Taprobane, alias “the Islands of the Blest” (Makaron Nesos in Greek, and Fortunatae Insulae in Latin). Tamraparna is the Sanskrit name of Taprobane (Sumatra). This name means “Golden Peninsula” in that tongue. Its Dravidian equivalent is Tamaraparana, meaning the same.

  Amenti is the Egyptian hell. Amenti is also called Duat, and its mean ing in ancient Egyptian is “Westerner”. Otherwise said, Amenti is the Western Paradise turned into the Land of the Dead by the cataclysm. The idea of “Westerner” is here connected with the setting of the sun, its daily “death” in the west. ↑015

  Its location was in the farthest west, beyond the Ocean, in the same location as Tamraparna. In this sense, the idea of “Westerner” referred to Indonesia, placed beyond the Far East, and hence in the farthest west, as we shall be arguing in more detail in later sections of this book.

  Later, these blessed islands came to be known as “Atlantic Islands”, not because they were placed in the Atlantic Ocean, as most people think, but because they were known to be the remainder of sunken Atlantis. The highlands remained above the water line when the lowlands were submerged by the rising waters of the oceans at the end of the Ice Age, as we just discussed above.

  Interestingly enough, Taprobane, “the Peninsula of Gold”, is the very island or continent where the Hindus placed their pristine Paradise, also said to have been sunken in a global cataclysm. They also called it Kumari Kandam, the primordial sunken homeland of the Dravidian Hindus, which is also the same as Lanka or Tripura, the sunken city of the Ramayana traditions.

  The gloomy, pestilential marshland which remained above the water was later named Amenti by the Egyptians, Hades or Tartarus by the Greeks, Patala by the Hindus, and Sheol or Hell by the Judeo-Christians.

  In the few spared spots which remained paradisial, Taprobane was also dubbed Elysium – or “Islands of the Blest” (Makaron nesos) or Hades – by the Greeks; Punt by the Egyptians; Dilmun by the Mesopotamians; Hawaiki by the Polynesians, Svarga by the Hindus, Sukhavati by the Buddhists, and so on. So we see that the otherworld of Taprobane was believed to exist in three parallel dimensions superposed one upon the other: Terrestrial, Celestial and Infernal.

  The Celts – whose legends embody perhaps the most detailed recollection of this sunken golden realm – called this destroyed place by names such as Avalon, Emain Abbalach or, yet, Ynis Wydr (“Island of Glass”) or Flath Ynis (“Island of the Heroes”). The Celts also associated this eerie region of the world with the Holy Grail and the resurrection of their dead heroes.

  As we already mentioned above, this half-sunken Paradise is also the Yvymaraney of the Tupian Indians of Brazil, as well as the Aztlán (or Aztatlán or Atitlán) of the Aztecs of Mexico, and the Tollán of the Mayas of Yucatan.

  This Paradise is the submerged land from which these Indians were obliged to flee when it vanished under the seas, disappearing from sight. This sacred tradition on the Terrestrial Paradise is absolutely universal, so that its reality cannot be doubted anymore.

  The Seminal Exodus

  The greatest of all colonies of Atlantis was founded in India, perhaps already during the heyday of Lemurian Atlantis, its former counterpart and “mother” of the Atlantean empire. The scant survivors of the Toba cataclysm that destroyed Lemuria were forced to flee their Paradise Destroyed. Apparently, India temporarily became the main refuge and sanctuary chosen by the survivors of the Indonesian Toba cataclysm.

  But when conditions in the Indonesian continent eased enough, most people again returned to this paradisial region. Eventually, Mother Atlantis’ wondrous “son” – the junior Atlantis again founded in the Indonesian region – reached the apex of human grandeur. But a new catastrophe – again of global extent, but this time caused by the Krakatoa volcano – eventually caused the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age.

  And the melting of the huge Himalayan glaciers which resulted also caused huge floods of the great rivers of Asia and rendered the whole region unfit for human habitation for a very large period of time afterwards. These floods also ravaged this remainder of Atlantis, already greatly destroyed by the original volcanic cataclysm itself and the huge earthquakes and tsunamis it caused.

  The melting of the huge Himalayan glaciers eventually ended up in the desertification of the whole region they formerly irrigated, in Tibet, the Tarim Basin region, Inner and Outer Mongolia, and so forth. Once again this doomed people was obliged to flee their formerly paradisial homeland.

  Throughout the ensuing millennia, when the desiccation worsened, they emigrated to remoter places such as Southeast Asia, China, Mongolia, and so forth.

  But the local inhabitants drove them away, and they were forced into nomadism and pillaging, becoming “barbarians” such as the Yüeh-chi, the Tocharians, the Hsiung-nu (or Huns), and so forth. And so, over the millennia, they again emigrated to found the great civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, North Africa, Europe, North Asia, the Near Orient and even distant Oceania and the Americas.

  Some of this people came on foot, in huge hordes like those of the Israelite exodus. Others came by ship, like Noah in his Ark or Aeneas with his fleet, to found the great civilizations of the ancient world. And these luciferine wanderers became known by names such as Fomoré, Pelasgians, Etruscans, Hyksos, Berbers, Ethiopians, Libyans, Sea Peoples, and so on.

  These names were often associated with the idea of a sunken land turned into a marsh or “island”: the Sekhet Aaru, the Tritonian Marshes, and so forth. This “island” was the “island of Atlantis”, the nêsos so often mentioned by Plato. And this word corresponds to the Sanskrit dvipa, itself meaning “island-continent” and literally referring to Paradise Sunken.

  The great civilizations that we know of, in the Indus Valley, in Egypt, in Mesopotamia, in Asia Minor, Greece, Rome, and even the Americas (Mexico, Peru, etc.) were mostly Atlantean colonies founded by these survivors of the cataclysms which twice destroyed the twin Paradises of Atlantis proper and Lemurian Atlantis, at the start and the end of the last Ice Age and in their wake.

  These colonists of course attempted to recreate their Garden of Eden in their new homelands scattered all over the entire world. And, just as reported in the ancient myths everywhere, they naturally civilized the savages they met everywhere, teaching them the arts of Agriculture, Stone Dressing, Metallurgy, Writing, Religion, Mythology, Law, Language, and so forth.

  And they also named each local topograp
hical feature after the archetypes of their pristine abode, just as immigrants will normally do everywhere even nowadays. Such is the reason why we keep finding nominal vestiges of Atlantean features everywhere, from Brazil and North America to Spain, Crete, and even Africa and North Europe.

  Geographical features named Pillars of Hercules, Mt. Atlas, Tartessos, Gadeira, Hesperia, the Isles of the Blest, Atlantic Islands, Dilmun, Eden, Punt, and so on exist just about everywhere in the world, to the great confusion of the researchers of the elusive Lost Continent of Atlantis.

  Such was precisely the intention of the original mythographers: of confounding the inquisitive profanes. Similarly, all the ancient civilizations invariably spoke of Civilizing Heroes such as Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, Bochica, Manu, Noah, Aeneas, the Oannés, Hotu Matua, etc..

  And, of course, this list also included twin semi-divine heroes such as Atlas and Hercules, or Shiva and Vishnu. These duos of heroes are the omnipresent Twins who founded civilizations just about everywhere, according to the ancient mythologies of essentially all peoples on earth.

  Such traditions occur both in the Old and in the New Worlds. And this universal diffusion of the paradisial traditions unequivocally proves that these traditions can only date from the Pleistocenic epochs or soon after, when the Beringian Passage was still open, allowing this intercommunication.

  When sea level again rose, after the end of the Pleistocene, all further intercommunication between the Old and the New World became impossible, according to the standard theories on the matter. So, of necessity, these pristine traditions can only date from this remote epoch or earlier, when the Beringian Passage was still open. And this brings us back to paradisial times, the time of Atlantis itself.

  Chapter 2 - Atlantis and the “Atlantic Ocean”

  A pleasant city sat over the seas, Its king happy, its feasts splendid.

  But the sea rose in great audacity...

  And a giant wave covered its entirety.

  The pleasant city is now a lake, An invincible citadel submerged Deep beneath the sea.


  Interestingly enough, the only place so far unclaimed among the literally hundreds of sitings (localizations) of Atlantis is Indonesia. Even more exactly, the place we have in mind here is the now sunken lowlands of the region, better called Sundaland or Austronesia. And this huge sunken continent actually lies in the shallow seas located to the south of Southeast Asia, in the region that presently corresponds to Indonesia.

  As commented next, the myriad scattered islands of Indonesia are in fact the highlands and the volcanic peaks which remained when its vast lowlands sank away at the end of the Ice Age. This happened when the sea level rose globally by the huge margin of 130–150 meters, as already mentioned above.

  Curiously enough, no one ever thought – before we did so ourselves – of looking for Atlantis in the now sunken region of Indonesia, where we in fact have a huge land of continental proportions.

  No one ever dreamed that a real sunken continent once existed there, at least since the “Lemuria” of Hæckel and Sclater was ruled out of existence by better alternatives such as Plate Tectonics Theory. Besides, all researchers so far thought – and in fact still do – that Civilization could only have arisen in the Mediterranean region, the realm of white man.

  Of course, no solid evidence of the existence of Atlantis and, even more so, of Lemuria, has ever before surfaced in any serious way through the efforts of former proponents. All the maps and all the evidence so far presented by these earlier Atlantologists is purely conjectural, more or less like the one produced by Heinrich Schliemann in his quest for Troy.

  Troy is, as some experts have already proposed, really another alias of elusive Atlantis. Schliemann’s Troy is nothing but an illusion, a mere “embodiment of desire” (kamarupa). And so is Blavatsky’s Lemuria, its counterpart in the Pacific Ocean. This, despite the many conjectural maps which have been shown in the great many books authored by Theosophists and similar investigators of all shades.

  The reason for this absence of realistically acceptable locations is easy to understand: these experts have all been looking for Atlantis on the wrong side of the world. All they ever find, therefore, consists of mirages and falsities such as the ones they often propose.

  Most experts generally place Atlantis around the Atlantic Ocean, where it never was. In this they forget that the ancients generally ignored the existence of America, and hence reasonably deemed – like Columbus and other Medieval and Renaissance geographers – that the Atlantic Ocean we know as such today was merely the eastern extension of the Pacific Ocean.

  The Pacific Ocean is in fact the “true ocean” (alethinos okeanos or alethinos pontos) of which Plato and other initiates spoke as the one where Atlantis was really located. The Greek word pontos meant the same as “high sea, ocean” in antiquity. We have discovered, and here expound, perhaps for the first time ever, that this “true ocean” of Plato is indeed the Pacific Ocean of which the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean were deemed to be the extensions towards the east and the west, respectively.

  By this name Plato and all others invariably designated the “Atlantic Ocean” as the “Ocean of Atlantis” which they all thought to extend all the way to the East Indies, just as Columbus himself did.

  Besides, these modern researchers of Atlantis all fail to take into account a basic fact mentioned by Plato and his peers: the huge continent of Atlantis actually sank away and disappeared in the sea. Hence it is under the waters, rather than on earth’s surface, that we must effect our quest for Atlantis. This, rather than, say, in subaerial locations such as Bolivia, Amazonia, Cyprus, Florida, Mexico, Antarctica, Morocco, Spain, Crete, and so forth.

  The “Atlantic Ocean” of the ancients figures in many maps such as the ones of Eratosthenes and Strabo, to name just two of several such ancient charts dating back to Classical times. These two maps are reproduced and commented in our figures section (Part II), to which we direct the interested reader.

  In antiquity, the Atlantic Ocean corresponded to the world-encircling Ocean. Moreover, the description of this ocean – the one we presently misname as “Atlantic Ocean” – figures in a great many reliable authorities: Aristotle, Herodotus, Strabo, Pliny, Seneca, Solinus, Avienus, and so forth. And it had several names: Western Ocean, Outer Ocean, Mare Magnum, or, more usually, simply Ocean.

  Some of these authors were Plato’s contemporaries or predecessors, and there can be no doubt that the philosopher also partook their views in one way or the other. Such is also the case of more recent authors, for instance the ones of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

  As we all know, Columbus himself shared these concepts of the ancient authorities just named. And so did the geographers and explorers of his time or earlier: Martin Behaim, Paolo Toscanelli, Pierre d’Ailly, Marco Polo, Sir John Mandeville, Henricus Martellus, and so on.

  So, if anything at all is incontrovertibly established it is the fact that the ancients believed that the “Atlantic Ocean” included the Pacific Ocean, and hence extended all the way to the East Indies. It is hence extremely strange that most researchers who believe that Atlantis was located either in Europe or next to it ignore – or at least pretend to ignore for public consumption – this unavoidable reality which is too well documented to be contested by anyone who studies the issue in depth.

  And this reality in turn allows us to look for Atlantis – as well as the “Atlantic Islands”, their sunken remainders – in the whole of the Outer Ocean, which actually includes the Pacific Ocean. This is precisely the reason why all the ancient explorers actually believed – just as Columbus himself also did – that this ocean extended all the way to the East Indies.

  There, they knew – or at least thought they knew – that these fabled islands were actually located, as per the written report of early explorers such as Marco Polo and a myriad such who had visited the region of the Far East from the eastern side, where they got to know the Pacific Ocean it
self from its western end.

  And they quite logically thought – since they ignored the existence of the interposed Americas – that this vast ocean extend all the way to their own shores, in Europe and Africa. There, they reasoned, based on the traditions of former times, the “island of Atlantis” and its visible remains – the loftier portions which remained behind when sea level rose at the end of the Pleistocene – were truly located.

  This fact is now apparently ignored by all or most researchers of the lost continent of Atlantis. But this is sheer folly since, as we now know, the very name of the “Atlantic Ocean” and the “Atlantic Islands” it was fabled to contain ultimately derives from its connection with Atlantis. This fact is explicitly affirmed by Plato himself, and should hence never be lightly dismissed by any true Atlantologist.

  The Reality of the Civilizing Heroes

  The legends of all peoples invariably tell of Civilizing Heroes, Angels, Gods, or even Demons and Monsters who were their civilizers and who taught them religion, law, agriculture, metallurgy and even the alphabet. Rather than Extraterrestrials or Gods, these Luciferine civilizers are the Fallen Angels; the same all too human heroes who, according to the Bible, fell desperately in love with the beautiful native girls, the Daughters of Men (Gen. 6:1 ff.).

  These fallen angels or demi-gods were neither gods nor pure sprites, as most people think. The reality of such spiritual beings is ruled out insofar as Science is concerned. They were the saintly men who came as missionaries from Atlantis, preaching the pristine religion from which arose all the others we now have all over the earth.


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