Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found

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Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found Page 8

by Arysio Santos

  How else could these Fallen Angels have successfully mated with human females and bred children, as the passage of Genesis just quoted explicitly affirms, if they had not been human beings themselves? Only a simpleton who utterly ignores the most basic realities of Genetics would believe that some alienigen ufonaut could ever successfully mate with a human male or female.

  The a priori odds against this possibility are simply too enormous to be contemplated by any serious scientific researcher. Even genetic manipulation would never solve the problem, as all or most geneticists well realize. Ask any of them, and see for yourself, is the best counsel we can give the dear reader.

  To put it bluntly, the theories of authors such as Erich von Däniken and Zechariah Sitchin are sheer Science Fiction, with no support whatsoever in reality or in Science, let alone in Tradition. The sacred traditions of all peoples on earth clearly speak of the human nature of all such angels and heroes, fallen or not. At best, they shared a spark of divinity, no doubt due to their paradisial origin, in Atlantis-Eden, that is, in the Terrestrial Paradise.

  In fact, the mysterious “Sons of God” (ben Elohim) of Gen. 6 are precisely the same ones identified by Plato with the Atlanteans. The great philosopher explicitly dubs the Atlanteans as “Sons of God”. Their sin with the Daughters of Men – and, more probably, the rejection and enslavement of their own hybrid offspring – was apparently the same as the sin which ultimately led to the Flood, at least in the belief of essentially all the ancient nations, the Jews and the Christians included.

  This unforgivable sin was also apparently the same as the mysterious “Original Sin” which ultimately resulted in the destruction of Paradise (Atlantis) and in the Fall of Man. This sin is also visibly the one ritually “washed away” by the Baptism. And Baptism is itself an allegory of the Flood, as St. Jerome and several other Church Patriarchs explicitly acknowledge.

  Significantly, all nations on earth have similar beliefs and similar rituals of purification from this primordial taint. This type of sin is apparently similar to the one committed by the masters of slaves of all times who often fornicated with their female slaves in order to engender “improved” slaves whom they of course deemed sub-human and inferior, rather than real human offspring.

  Plato actually states precisely this very cause – “too much admixture with mortal blood” – as the reason for the destruction of Atlantis by God (Zeus) in his (unfinished) dialogue on Atlantis, the Critias.

  And the same story, generally disguised under some allegoric form such as “pride” (hubris), is also told by Homer concerning the Phaeacians, whom he likewise dubs “Sons of God”.

  The mysterious Phaeacians and their ghostly tropical island are in fact a disguised replica of Atlantis-Eden itself. Hence, the Lost Continent of the South Seas – the one really sailed by Ulysses and his men – was described by the genial bard several centuries before its real existence was finally disclosed by Plato in his two seminal dialogues on the lost continent of Atlantis.

  This tradition also figures in Celtic myths such as the one concerning Mererid, the sinful, corrupt daughter of King Gradlon. Her scabrous conduct actually led to the sinking of the land of Ys. In the Americas we also have several identical myths.

  For instance, we have the Colombian myth of Bochica, their Civilizing Hero whose corrupt daughter or wife, Chia, the causer of the Flood, is the visible counterpart of Princess Mererid, the daughter of virtuous King Gradlon, the Flood hero of the Breton Barzaz Breitz.

  The Bible Is Right After All

  If we read the Bible attentively we will note that it also speaks of two Creations (cf. Gen. 1 and 2). And these two Creations apparently correspond to the two Atlantises commented further above.

  In fact, the Bible’s chronology as established by both the Jewish rabbis and the Christian theologians establishes the date of Creation at about 3,761 BC (lizira), which some experts such as Bishop Ussher have amended to about 4,004 BC.

  This date amounts to about 6,000 years BP [Before Present]. Both these dates are merely approximate, and vary greatly from codex to codex (Talmud, Septuagint, Samaritan, Vulgate, etc.). When considered in tandem, rather than in parallel, as usually done, these two intervals add up to about 11,600 years ago, the very date given by Plato.

  Plato also tells of two different Atlantises, one corresponding to Atlantis proper, and the other one to pristine “Greece”, of which only a “skeleton” remained after the Flood, the second Atlantis.

  This “skeleton” are the highlands of Atlantis which remained emerse when the lowlands had sunk away under the sea. And they presently form the myriad islands of Indonesia, as well as the Malay Peninsula, the main feature of ancient Taprobane.

  As we already commented above, these two Atlantises actually correspond to the Virgin Mother and her Wondrous Son. These two universal personages are really personifications of the two Atlantises destroyed in the two sequential cataclysms, the one of Toba volcano in 75 kya [kiloyears ago] and the one of the Krakatoa volcano, 11.6 kya, the one that coincides with the catastrophic end of the Pleistocene Age.

  The last date is also exactly the one mentioned by Plato in both the Timaeus and the Critias, give or take a decade or so. This uncanny coincidence – which several authors unduly attempt to distort – leaves no room for doubting that Plato knew exactly what he was talking about.

  It is also worth mentioning that, up to the present time, most people wrongly believe that cataclysms of global extent such as the ones of the Universal Flood and the demise of Atlantis are geologically impossible. Many experts also do, following the specious geological and evolutionary doctrines of Darwin and Lyell which are still currently taught in essentially all schools everywhere.

  But this view is grossly wrong, as we already showed above. And it is now fast changing, as the reality of Catastrophism has been shown to be an inescapable fact of Nature, one which we cannot dodge, willingly or unwillingly. Foolishly playing the ostrich or wearing pink eyeglasses in order to hide from the unavoidable catastrophe will never work, as we are all fast learning nowadays.

  Moreover, the Bible itself tells of two serial destructions of the world by the Universal Flood. These two different narratives of the cataclysm are quaintly embroidered together on each other in the confused narrative of Gen. 6. These two comprise the Elohist and the Jahvist accounts of the Flood.

  And these two relations visibly refer to two different events. For instance, in one version, the rains lasted 40 days and 40 nights, in contrast to the other, where they lasted fully 150 days. In one version Noah saves a single couple of each species in his ark, whereas he saves seven such in the other, and so on.

  We also note that the tradition narrated by Plato embodies two different cataclysms, which exactly coincide with the Biblical lore, once this tradition is correctly interpreted. Moreover, as we just said above, these two different traditions also exactly agree with the prehistoric events actually observed in the geological and in the ethnological records of all nations on earth.

  These two tragedies were caused one by the Toba and the other by the Krakatoa volcanoes in what were in fact the greatest such catastrophes ever experienced by humans in the course of their existence on earth. And, when we trace these worldwide legends to their source, no matter where we actually start from, we invariably end up with Indonesia and the two sequential Atlantises of legend.

  First, we have Lemurian Atlantis proper (the “Virgin Mother”), located in Indonesia and destroyed by the Toba cataclysm of 75 kya. Second, we have Atlantis proper (the “Son”), destroyed by the Krakatoa volcano in 11.6 kya, at the close of the Pleistocene Ice Age.

  We might even include the third one, the Indus Valley Atlantis, in India, destroyed by the desiccation and foundering of the Indus delta region which set in at the start of the Kali Yuga, in 3,102 BC, as told in the Hindu traditions concerning Dvaraka (Dwarka) and its demise.

  These three Atlantises are the ones corresponding to the three former Eras of
Mankind of which so many sacred traditions speak. We currently live in the fourth era, the Kali Yuga. And our demise will complete the cycle of four yugas, the Mahayuga, and will be followed by a return to the Golden Age (Satya Yuga).

  These three eras also correspond to the divine Trinity (Trimurti) formed by Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, the archetypes of all such triads we find just about everywhere in the world. In volcanic terms, the three volcanoes correspond to the Toba, the Krakatoa and the Dempo volcano, all three located in the region of Sumatra.

  The Elusive Sunken Continent Revealed

  As is clear from the above arguments, continents don’t really sink. It is really the sea that rises, flooding and submerging entire continents. This is what happened in Lemurian Atlantis and, to a great extent, also in the Indus Valley, the site of the second (or more exactly the third) Atlantis.

  Relativists will say that both events – sea level rise and continental sinking – are one and the same thing, at least from the point of view of the local observers. And I agree, being a relativist myself, though by no means a strict follower of Einstein’s seminal doctrines.

  But geologists will hotly debate the issue, and claim – as they have long been doing – that actual sunken continents are a geological impossibility. It is all a matter of perspective, of relativistic illusions of sundry sorts. But the best ancient sources in fact speak of the sea level rising rather than of continents actually sinking like some sort of giant ship.

  Such is the case, say, of that magnificent Hindu saga, the Mahabharata, which tells of the demise of Dvaraka. Dvaraka – which many mistake for Dwarka, its later replica in the Indus Delta region – was the legendary capital of Krishna’s worldwide empire, according to the magnificent Mahabharata.

  There are in fact two great Indian epics that are patently varying accounts of one and the same historical event. One seems to be the Dravidian account of the great war (the Ramayana), whereas the other one (Mahabharata) seems to correspond to the Aryan one, that of their opponents.

  Rama is an alias of Krishna, and Dvaraka is likewise the replica of Lanka, its counterpart in the Ramayana. Or perhaps the two great epics might actually refer to two different geological events, one considered as the repetition of the other.

  The legend of Lanka was transferred not only to the region of Dwarka, but to several other regions of ancient India. One such is the island of Sri Lanka which most people even today mistake for true Lanka and true Taprobane. But this identification is merely a mistake, as we show in more detail later, in Parts II and III of the present book.

  As in the Ramayana, Dvaraka was also flooded out of the map by the rising waters of the sea. But both accounts are confused, and the two inimical factions are quite close relatives. Very much the same thing also apparently happens in Plato’s account of the Great War of Atlantis, where both sides are treated with like sympathy by the prince of philosophers.

  More or less the same story is also told of Lanka, in the Ramayana. Here, the ocean is released from its unusual bounds by Rama’s arrows, and rises to submerge the golden city, itself just another alias of Atlantis. The hero’s fiery arrows are visibly the allegories of a giant volcanism. That fact can be seen in the Mahabharata too, or in some Hindu sacred texts which also describe these events.

  Anyone who examines a detailed chart of the oceanic seafloor in the region of Indonesia – for instance the Ice Age Map of the Indonesian region shown in the figure further below – will readily concede that the South China Sea there encircled by the myriad islands of Indonesia indeed formed a region of continental extension during the last glaciation, when the sea level was 130 meters lower than is presently the case.

  As is now known, the Ice Age actually ended most abruptly some 11,600 years ago. And this is also the exact date given by Plato in his two fascinating dialogues on the sunken continent which we had the honor of discovering in Indonesia.

  Moreover, this is also the exact date of Meltwater Pulse 1B (MWP1B), a sort of Flood event occurring in the region of Indonesia. We will return to this important geological event later on.

  Now, how could the great philosopher ever have guessed this crucial date to such an uncanny accuracy if even the reality of such global cataclysms was deemed a geological impossibility down to the times I started arguing its reality, and is even now deemed so by most geologists?

  This chart – which we present in Fig. 1 in our Atlantis site for several years now – is based on strictly scientific data which I painfully collected over the last 30 years or so. This, in contrast to most other such sub-surface maps, which are sheer inventions of Theosophists and other such researchers. And it very clearly shows the huge sunken continent of Atlantis in the now submerged region of Indonesia. ↑016

  This map of ours also shows the extensive sunken strip of Indian Atlantis at the Indus Delta region, in the west coast of India. This is the region of Dwarka, the modern counterpart of Dvaraka, the legendary capital of Krishna already commented above.

  Real Dvaraka, in Indonesia, was sunken in the Flood, in the way just commented above. This, in contrast to Dwarka, which was sunken by an earthquake long after, in a later cataclysm. As we just commented, true Dvaraka is really an alias of Lanka, the capital of Ravana’s worldwide empire according to the Ramayana.

  Many experts mistake Dwarka and Dvaraka even today, since their fates are so similar. But this identification is purely exoteric in character, and should not be deemed real.

  Our chart just linked should be compared to the recently published map of the region of Sundaland shown in the below figure. This map was compiled and charted by Dr. Harold K. Voris, Ph. D., Curator and Head of the Department of Zoology of the Field Museum of Chicago (IL). Dr. Voris and the Field Museum – which actually owns the copyright to the maps – were kind enough to allow the publication of their map here in this book, whose main scope, though unconventional, is purely educational. ↑017

  This accurate map leaves no room for doubting the reality of what we are affirming here. It unequivocally demonstrates the reality of sunken Atlantis-Eden beyond reasonable doubt.

  And it also shows that our own original map was rather accurate, as can be seen by a direct comparison of the two versions: our own and Dr. Voris’. The Lost Continent proper is the now sunken region of Sundaland, in Indonesia. This whole region was exposed during the Ice Age, forming a vast land of continental proportions.

  We are currently planning – and actually in the process of organizing and obtaining the required funds for – an expedition to search the region of Indonesia, where we have already located some artefacts which seem to be connected with Atlantis-Eden itself. As is clear, great events and great archaeological finds are already starting to happen in the East Indies, the very region where we have located Atlantis.

  We once again remark that this map of ours – in contrast to most charts presenting other proposed sites for Atlantis and/or Lemuria, etc. – is strictly scientific and geologically accurate, rather than an invention or a mere replication of the work of earlier researchers, as is normally the case with all such maps of Atlantis Lemuria.

  Our map is based on the detailed geophysical reconstruction of the seafloor of the regions in question here. It portrays areas of depth under the isobath of 120 meters or so, and which were obviously exposed during the Ice Age, when the sea level dropped by this much and even more.

  In fact, several other similar, strictly scientific maps actually exist. One of these maps was published in the National Geographic Magazine (vol. 174, No. 4, Oct. 1988, pg. 446-7) and is reproduced, for synoptic comparison, in our Atlantis site, linked here. This map shows the world as it was some 18,000 years ago, at the height of the Ice Age. ↑018

  This date corresponds to the peak of the last glaciation of the Pleistocene Age, which started about 70 kya or so. This glaciation was probably caused by the giant Toba volcanism which occurred a few millennia before. And its onset was as sudden and brutal as the one which characterized the catast
rophic end of the Pleistocene, some 11,600 years ago. ↑019

  As can be seen, the map of Fig. 2 illustrated in our site also corresponds quite closely with our seafloor map, which is shown as Fig. 1 in our Atlantis site. Quite recently, NOAA, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency – the American agency that is a counterpart of NASA for the oceanic underworld – has published detailed maps for the global seafloor which also most exactly confirm our map shown here.

  We originally charted the above map some twenty years ago, and it has now been validated to a remarkable accuracy by these recently released NOAA researches, as well as those of Dr. Voris just illustrated. Our map was originally compiled from detailed oceanographic data obtained by oceanographic ships and subs, equipped with sidescan sonar and other such advanced research methods.

  This coincidence demonstrates the meticulous care and exactitude we employed not only in the original compilation of the map of our site’s Fig. 1, but more generally in all of our revolutionary scientific researches on Atlantis. These maps from NOAA were only recently released to the public, and were not available to anyone before.

  They were till now classified for military purposes, and were hence unavailable both to me and to the other researchers at the time I started my own work on the lost continent of Atlantis.

  The very fact that they so closely confirm my own maps in almost every detail leaves no doubt about their reality and the huge expanse of the sunken continent of Atlantis in Sundaland. The existence of Sundaland, often confused with Lemuria itself, was first hypothetically proposed by 19th. century naturalists as some sort of landbridge connecting Africa to Indonesia.

  This hypothetical landbridge was postulated by Ernst Hæckel and others in order to justify the distribution of lemurs in these two regions of the earth. Such landbridges were later dismissed with the discovery of the reality of Continental Drift, and finally came to be largely discredited by all researchers except perhaps by some Theosophists pursuing the now outdated proposals of Mme. Blavatsky.


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