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Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found

Page 10

by Arysio Santos

  Thermal Runaway and the Quaternary Extinctions

  This self-sustaining, degeneratively increasing process is what we physicists call “positive feedback”. And it is identical to the one that causes the transitions of electronic flipflops in electronic computers and other such contraptions.

  Once triggered, this type of process literally “feeds on itself”, tending to increase in an indefinite way, until some physical limit is reached. And it also corresponds to so-called “chain reactions” taking place in nuclear devices such as A-Bombs and nuclear reactors.

  This paroxysmal process is currently being attested in Indonesia, where the huge earthquake which caused the lethal tsunami of Christmas Day 2004 is still giving rise to a great series of likewise terrible aftershocks six months later. And this kind of paroxysm is also observed with giant volcanisms, as attested directly in the volcanological record.

  This process also corresponds to another physical process called “thermal runaway”. This phenomenon often happens on a global scale, for instance, in the so-called Greenhouse Effect. Increased temperature of the earth tends to liberate the CO2 (carbonic gas) dissolved in sea water to the atmosphere, since its solubility in water actually decreases with temperature.

  This extra atmospheric CO2 further tends to increase global warming, liberating further amounts of CO2, and so on. This process goes on until all or most of the dissolved CO2 is liberated to the atmosphere, and the earth becomes overheated. The reverse happens when Ice Ages start.

  This process is possibly what happened on sizzling Venus, perhaps several billions of years ago. And it may well be the case that Venus also had Life, just as Mars apparently also did, as we are finally starting to learn, after NASA’s remarkable in situ researches on these solar planets.

  Geologists call the widespread mortality that took place at the end of the Pleistocene by the name of “Quaternary Extinctions”. But though starting to admit their inescapable reality, Geologists are still far from being able to fully account for their cause. Actually, none of the literally dozens of scientific theories hereto proposed in order to elucidate the cause of Ice Ages have been consensually accepted by the scientific community as a whole.

  Among the extinct species we then had several magnificent animals: the mammoth, the mastodon, the saber-toothed tiger, the cave bear, the giant sloths and armadillos, dozens of sundry species of camelids, cervids, cavalids and, very probably, the Neandertal and the Cro-Magnon men as well, who apparently became extinct at about this date for some unexplained reason that can only have been linked to the last Ice Age itself.

  So did, as commented in endnote 1, the dwarfish Homo floriensis as well as gigantic Asian Homo erectus. Homo erectus was very probably the same as the very “giants” whose existence is mentioned in Genesis 6. And minuscule Homo floriensis – under 1 meter tall, and only as brainy as a chimpanzee – was probably the same as the dwarfs or goblins of which the ancient myths on Paradise insistently speak. As is clear, the ancient myths in no way overstate the universal extent and the unparalleled violence of the cataclysmic Flood.

  The Collapse of the Holy Mountain

  As detailed in my Atlantis site, Mount Atlas is the same as the Holy Mountain of Paradise represented by the Great Pyramid. Osiris dead, reposing inside the Holy Mountain, represents the corpse of dead Atlantis or, rather, the many dead of Atlantis, buried and entombed by the gigantic explosion of the Holy Mount Atlas, that is, the Krakatoa volcano. ↑021

  And so does Vishnu reposing on Shesha’s coiled body, and Tlaloc, the Aztecan counterpart of Atlas as the dead god of Atlantis. Such is in fact the symbolism of pyramids everywhere. “Sleeping” is a euphemism for “dead”. But it also expresses the hope or certainty that Paradise will in time resurrect, along with its many dead.

  Mount Atlas is also the same as the Mount Meru of the sacred Hindu traditions, the pyramid-shaped mountain that served as the sky’s support according to that mythology. Indeed, the Egyptian word for pyramid, M’R, was most probably read “MeRu”, as in the Hindu name of the holy mountain simulated by this monument everywhere.

  The ancient Egyptians did not spell out the vowels in their hieroglyphic writing, so that the above reading probably corresponds to the actual one of Mt. Meru (M’R), the exploded Mountain of Paradise illustrated in the so-called Kalachakra mandalas.

  In Hindu traditions, Mt. Meru actually served as the Stambha (or Skambha), that is, the gigantic Pillar of Heaven. This Pillar of Heaven was also called Sthavara, essentially the same word as the word Stauros, the name of Christ’s Cross in Greek. These uncanny parallels speak of a secret identity. Mt. Meru (or Kailasa = Kav-lasa = “Skull” = Calvary”) also served as the support of the Cosmic Tree where the Cosmic Man (Purusha) was crucified, just like Christ, on the Cosmic Cross.

  Mt. Meru is also the Holy Mountain of Paradise, endlessly portrayed in India in the very instant of its explosion, in the beautiful Hindu mandalas such as the Shri Yantra and the Kalachakra Mandala. These devices all

  portray the site of Paradise in the act of being destroyed by a giant conflagration of its Holy Mountain. And that can only have been a supervolcanic explosion similar to the one of the Krakatoa volcano. ↑022

  The Meaning of the Myth of the Primordial Castration

  In consequence of its giant explosion, Mt. Meru (or Atlas), voided of its magma, collapsed underground like some sort of a punctured balloon. Its former lofty peak sunk away underseas, turning into a giant caldera, the one we already commented above.

  Our researches into the ancient world legends have unequivocally shown that the real culprit was indeed the Krakatoa volcano, the same one that still periodically devastates the region of Indonesia whenever it again erupts explosively, as it did in 1883 and other similar occasions. But the same sort of thing also happened in a previous era, when the Toba volcano erupted in 75,000 years BP.

  The Krakatoa is presently a giant submarine supervolcano located inside the colossal caldera which now forms the Sunda Strait separating Sumatra from Java. In Hindu myths, its explosion and subsequent fate are usually allegorized as the Primordial Castration, the one which turned the Cosmic Phallus (Linga) into the Cosmic Yoni (or Vulva). And Earth’s Yoni is the same as the Khasma Mega of Hesiod, and the Vadavamukha of Hindu traditions.

  We see how the apparently absurd traditions of the ancients, when properly clarified, indeed make far more geological sense than the crude attempts at explanation by the modern experts, both scientists and amateur researchers of all sorts. It is also precisely to this fact that the legend of Atlas, the Pillar of Heaven, actually refers.

  Unable to bear the load of an earth overpopulated with too many gods, Atlas collapsed, and let the sky fall down over the earth, destroying it in a giant conflagration of fire and water. This myth is also told of Hercules, another such “Pillar of Heaven”. And this identity reveals the essential identity of the two divine heroes and savior demi-gods.

  The name of Atlas indeed derives from the Greek radix tla meaning “to bear”, preceded by the Greek negative prefix a-, meaning “not”. Hence, the name of Atlas literally means “the one who was unable to bear [scil., the weight of the skies]”. Such is the reason why Atlas (and other proud Titans like himself) are often portrayed with weak, serpentine legs.

  This Greek name in fact derives from the similar Sanskrit one (Hindu) of Atala. Atala is the Hindu Hell, the site of their sunken Paradise. As in Greek, the name of Atala is also composed of the Sanskrit prefix a-, likewise meaning “not” and tala, meaning “pillar” and, more exactly, the Pillar of Heaven.

  In that tongue, tala also means “earth, land”, so that the name of Atala can also be interpreted as meaning “no-land”. And this is, coincidentally enough, the meaning of the name of Utopia, created by Thomas More as a replica of Atlantis, as those versed in the Occult Sciences well realize.

  As we show further below, in Dravida, this word was formed from atta- ala, where the first root corresponds to atta (“foots
ole, footstep, antipodes”) and the second means “sunken land, lagoon, marshland, island”. Hence, this Indian etymology corresponds to “the sunken land (or island or dvipa) which lies at the antipodes”. This sacred etymology is of extreme practical importance, as it places Atlantis at the Antipodes, the mysterious lost continent or island which figures in ancient Mystery traditions such as the ones of the Platonics and the Pythagoreans.

  Egypt, India and the Origin of the Legend of Atlantis

  Plato concedes that he learnt the legend of Atlantis from Solon who, in turn, got it from the Egyptian priests. But the Egyptian priests in turn learnt it from the Hindus, that is, in India and Indonesia, where the seminal events in fact took place.

  Indonesia is indeed the same as Punt which was the Ancestral Land (To-wer), the “Island of Fire” whence the Egyptians originally came, in the dawn of time. Expelled by the cataclysm that razed their primordial land, in Indonesia (Punt), the Egyptians moved to their Promised Land, in the Near East.

  Egypt is really the Het-ka-Ptah, “the second abode of Ptah”. Ptah is the Supreme Creator of the Egyptian pantheon. He personified the paideuma of Egypt, that is, its whole civilization and culture. From this “Land of the Gods” also came the Aryans, the Hebrews and Phoenicians, as well as the several other nations of mixed stock that founded the magnificent civilizations of olden times, the Americas included.

  Such is really the reason why these nations all spoke obsessively of Paradise Lost and lands that had sunken away. It is from this Paradise Lost – from primordial Atlantis – that sprang all or most of our sacred myths and our religious traditions. And these sacred memories and traditions are in fact the very ones which allowed the ascent of Man above the other beasts of the field.

  It is also from Atlantis that, directly or indirectly, issued all or most of our science and technology: irrigation, agriculture, metallurgy, animal domestication, cattle-herding, stone-dressing, astronomy, music, religion, philosophy, the alphabet, the weaving of fibers such as silk and cotton, gunpowder, paper, the magnetic compass, gemstone cutting, and so forth. Even language itself came to us from there, as I have been able to show.

  These inventions are often so clever and so advanced that they seem as natural as the air we breathe and the gods we worship. But they are all incredibly advanced inventions that came to us from the dawn of time, from the twin Atlantises we so utterly forgot.

  The Chinese affirm that “the fish are the ones which will last discover the existence of water”. Likewise, it is no surprise that we humans are so ignorant of the inescapable reality of Atlantis, the Paradise Lost of which all our sacred traditions speak. But Atlantis is really our soul or spirit, the Soul of the World.

  This connection also clarifies the Egyptian usage of the word ka (“soul, spirit”) to designate their lost homeland. Punt, their Paradise Lost is no other than Indonesia, “the land of spices and perfumes” (Moluccas).

  Atlantis and the Illusions of Darwinian Uniformitarianism

  Darwin’s Theory of Uniformitarian Evolution is a mere illusion of diehard scientists who insist on clinging to hopelessly outdated trash. What the world presents us daily is an endless series of ever larger cataclysms, ranging from atom smashing to supernovas and hypernovas and even the Big Bang itself.

  We all recently watched a comet hitting Jupiter and opening a gash bigger than the whole earth on that planet. Mars too shows all signs of having been hit by a planetoidal-sized body, which opened a huge crater on one side of it while pushing up Olympus Mons on the opposite side of that planet.

  Perhaps it was this very cataclysm that extinguished Life for good on the Red Planet. Venus too presents vestiges of very similar geological catastrophes, perhaps caused by the huge comet which apparently brought on the excessive CO2 that presently renders that planet into a literal inferno.

  Perhaps we are only stranded here on earth, fated to become extinct when our allotted time expires, who knows when? Life is an illusion, as all things, just as the Hindus insistently teach us with their myths.

  According to the Hindus, even the gods eventually die. And when they do, they are replaced by better, more evolved godly forms. But the greatest illusion is the supremacist theory which affirms that Civilizations first arose in an Occidental Atlantis that never was, out of Europoid stock.

  However, it is now known for sure that Agriculture and Civilization really evolved in the Far East, during the Pleistocene, at a time when the whole of Europe was almost all covered by mile-thick glaciers.

  This prevailing cold rendered survival there very meager and scant, as attested by the geological evidence. The Near East and most of Africa were also both desertic then, due to the prevalent scarcity of rains. So humanity could hardly survive there, let alone thrive and develop Civilization, which requires a mild climate and abundant rains, and plenty of food, in order to prosper.

  Plato’s Atlantis is, in contrast with icy Pleistocenic Europe or the desertic Middle East of that epoch, described as a luxurious tropical Paradise of the Ice Age, one bedecked with metals, gemstones, horses, elephants, coconuts, pineapples, perfumes, incenses, aromatic and useful woods and other such features that were an exclusivity of India and Indonesia in the ancient world.

  Was the great philosopher dreaming all this, or was he indeed basing himself on secret traditions and holy books now lost in the bonfires of the Holy Inquisition and other such witch-hunts so frequent in antiquity? The Atlantic Atlantis is itself a mere delusion, just as are the Cretan, the African, the American, the North European and the Black Sea Atlantises proposed by some researchers.

  The Krakatoa Volcano and the “Innavigable Seas” of Atlantis

  The true Atlantis, the archetype of all others, is really Indonesia, as we have been arguing. In fact, Atlantis was the extensive sunken continent rimmed by the huge Indonesian island arc now separating the Pacific Ocean from the Indian. This place was the world’s divide, the Ultima Thule of which the Greco-Roman traditions so insistently spoke.

  It was this primordial Atlantis that served as a model for the second and even the third Atlantis – the one of the Indus Valley – as well as for the myriad other similar Paradises that we encounter in the ancient religious traditions and the mythologies of essentially all peoples in the world.

  It is exactly there, in Indonesia, that we actually had Plato’s “innavigable seas” of Atlantis, the same as the one also mentioned by the ancient navigators such as Pytheas of Marseille, Himilco, Hanno, Sataspes, Ulysses, Jason, and many other ancient explorers, or by ancient geographers and mythographers such as Pindar, Plato, Strabo and Pliny.

  These seas were another central, unique feature of Atlantis. They were rendered “innavigable” (aplôta) as the direct result of the colossal cataclysm, just as reported by Plato and Diodorus and other ancient authorities. As we just mentioned above, the seas of Atlantis (Atlantic Seas) were rendered “innavigable” because they were thickly covered with giant banks of freely floating, fiery pumice stone. More on that later, with actual authoritative quotations, in the next section of this book.

  This pumice was ejected by the giant explosion of volcanic Mt. Atlas, the one which caused the foundering of the Lost Continent. A similar phenomenon indeed happened – to a far lesser scale, but big enough to be one of the world’s largest catastrophes – in the 1883 explosion of the Krakatoa volcano which we have already mentioned earlier.

  The shedding of pumice is characteristic of the Indonesian volcanoes, and is indeed the cause of their explosive eruptions of incomparable force. Their lava is normally rhyolithic (siliceous), and is hence highly viscous in nature. No other known geological process but volcanisms produces pumice stone.

  The formation of pumice – that is, spumy vitreous rock – is quite similar to the “popping” of popcorn. The water-soaked siliceous magma of the submarine volcano (in this case Krakatoa) builds up tremendous pressures under the weight of the overlying crust and the seawater above it, which act as some sort of “cork
” or “lid” to the molten magma below.

  Eventually, this topping crust gives up and bursts, and the eruption occurs, very often explosively. This was exactly what happened when Atlantis was destroyed by the huge explosion of the Krakatoa volcano some 11,600 years ago. Thus released, the overheated water originally dissolved in the hot magma instantly turned into vapor.

  As we just said, the magma literally burst like popcorn, except that on a huge scale, turning the whole magma chamber into spongy pumice stone, which was blown up in a giant fiery cloud of dust and debris.

  The sea was impelled, creating the huge tsunami which was the event mythified in the Bible as “the Flood from below”. Simultaneously, the ashes and soot were thrown up into the stratosphere, as volcanic smoke and fly ash.

  This material eventually fell back to the earth and the seas, choking to death all life in the region. And this giant maritime volcanism also vaporized a lot of water, causing the enormous quantities of rain reported as “the Flood from above” mentioned in the Bible and other mythologies.

  Further away, in the temperate regions then covered by ice, this soot and lofted dust and ashes settled over the immense Ice Age glaciers, causing their fast melting and triggering the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age, precisely as we related further above. This hypothesis of ours has now been dramatically confirmed by NASA, as commented above, and cannot be reasonably doubted anymore.

  As we have demonstrated in great detail, with all sorts of scientific arguments, such was the mechanism which really led the earth out of the Ice Age some 11,600 years ago, at the end of the Pleistocene and the Younger Dryas, in one of the greatest cataclysms ever to hit humanity.

  This unbelievably remote date most exactly agrees – to a matter of a decade or so, as is now known – with the one given by Plato for the Atlantean cataclysm. This uncanny coincidence cannot be purely random. The evidence is thus that Plato well knew what he was talking about, and was basing himself on sacred, secret traditions derived from Atlantis-Eden itself.


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