Match Pointe

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Match Pointe Page 9

by Amélie S. Duncan

  I pursed my lips. There went my family again, expecting me to do whatever they decided for me. “You should’ve asked me if I was busy.”

  “You, busy tonight?” he asked sarcastically. “With what?” He kept on driving as if me having plans was a joke.

  “I am,” I said, my voice rising. “I’ve got plans. You need to turn this car right back around, or I’m getting out here.” I didn’t recognize any scenery from the car window, but I was still determined to get out anyway.

  Antony cursed, but I didn’t waiver.

  “Stop the car,” I hissed right before my phone rang. “It’s Zoey. I’ll make the call short, but turn the car around.”

  Before I could even speak, Antony yelled, “Are you hanging out with Scarlet tonight?”

  “Stop asking about what I’m doing,” I gritted out. “It’s none of your business.”

  “You’re rubbing off on my sister too much, Zoey,” he yelled out, ignoring me. Even so, he turned the car around.

  “Tyler just called me about you. He saw you upset from his car,” Zoey said in a loud whisper, as if Antony could hear. “You okay?”

  I told her what was going on with my mother.

  “It’s probably routine, like Antony said,” she responded. “If it was more, he would’ve taken you back home with him.”

  She was right, and the best I could do for Ma that night was let her relax with Vince, although hearing her voice would have made me feel better. I said as much to Zoey. “I’d like to call her and talk to her myself. Thanks for the call.”

  I was about to hang up when she said, “Wait. I was out of line last week. I’m not happy about you seeing Tyler, but I can see from the way he’s acting with you, he’s treating you different than he does the other women.”

  A flutter went through me. “Thanks,” I said. I couldn’t help smiling. I glanced over at Antony and found he was focused on the road.

  “I don’t want us to fight anymore…I mean, if you need someone to talk to about dating,” she offered.

  “Thanks,” I said, though I knew I’d never take her up on her offer. Still, she was trying to fix things between us, and I wanted that too. I started by saying what I’d wanted to say to her all day. “You were fantastic in practice.”

  “It went well,” she said modestly. “Since you’re busy tonight, how about we go for manicures and pedicures together next week? Maybe go out after?”

  “Sure,” I agreed then ended the call. What was I going to do about Tyler? Even sending Zoey to find out about me was risky in a way.

  “You not going to tell me about your plans?” Antony asked in a snarky tone.

  I sighed in exasperation. “You came to tell me about Ma and I’m grateful for that. In the future, you need to ask if I’m available before making plans involving me. I never did that to any of you.”

  “All right, all right,” he finally relented. “How is your dancing going?”

  “Fine, but I’d rather not talk about it. Tell me about you.”

  “You’re in a bad mood,” he said, as if that explained everything. He did as I asked and talked about how he had maximized his workouts and how things were going with his famous clients. When we arrived at Priscilla and Michel’s, he said, “Okay, how about next week then? We go for coffee?”

  “I’ll let you know my schedule,” I said, and he laughed a little. “Talk to you soon.”

  I thanked him and kissed his cheek then rushed into the building with my phone in hand, ready to call Tyler.

  “If you’re calling me, you don’t need to.” He stepped up away from the wall and over to me.

  I stepped back, looked around, and shook my head. “What if Antony had come in?”

  His jaw tensed and he stood back. “I would’ve handled it,” he said confidently, and I wanted it to be so. “Zoey told me about your mother. You want me to drive you to see her? I’ll bring you back home afterward.”

  My heart skipped a beat at his concern and the offer to spend the night chauffeuring me around, but if we did go, it would only make things more difficult for us. “I don’t think you’d be welcomed.”

  “I know, but I don’t care about that. I care about making you feel better.” He waved me toward the exit and I followed him onto the street.

  “It’s all good and well here, but Ma wouldn’t be happy seeing us together. It doesn’t matter right now. We weren’t going back home, and she’s out tonight anyway. I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  His hand was on my waist and that spark flared at the point of contact. It was sensual as well as comforting. When he touched me, I didn’t look around or care where he took me. I just wanted more of his hands and lips on me. I was aching with need.

  Tyler read my mind and when he got us alone in the car, he reached over, squeezed my thigh, and took my lips. I shuddered, yielding to his kiss with my own passion. He broke away and started to drive. “I’ll make this ride quick.”

  I smiled; I wanted that. Truly, he was the only man I wanted to make love to me. Make love? God. I was too green for him. He’d never love me, and all the warning signs were flashing for us to stop. Yet, still I was there, already addicted to whatever he’d do to me before he even did it.

  My phone rang again, this time with a call from my mother. I hesitated, but told Tyler and answered. “You’re supposed to be on a date,” I reminded her.

  “I am. Antony called and said he told you about my recent health checkup. I didn’t want you to worry. I’m all right. The doctor hasn’t found anything. I just need to change my diet and drink less coffee now that I’m older.”

  “You need less stress,” I scolded, certain now she was downplaying. “You should go with Vince to Florida.”

  “We will go for that break soon, since you’re doing well. Priscilla said you’ve been busy with dance, but eating and resting up. I’m proud of you, Princess.”

  I swallowed hard. If only I was. I glanced at Tyler, who was being quiet for my call. The sound of a car horn going off in front of us made it hard to hear. “What did you say?” I asked when it stopped.

  “Antony said he dropped you off at home, but I hear traffic. He said you have plans?”

  “I’m just working out,” I lied. Tyler’s low snort made my heart jump in my throat.

  “You’re out jogging?” she prodded, letting me know she hadn’t heard him. There was still guilt needling my stomach, but I couldn’t change it at the moment. “Yes. I’m going to the gym. It’s close by.”

  “You should have let Antony take you. Take a cab home. Is that what you’re in now?”

  “Yes, I gotta go,” I said quickly. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Princess.”

  I put my phone away and my stomach turned over. “I hate lying, but I don’t want to add to her stress,” I explained to Tyler.

  “I understand,” he said. “But she doesn’t have anything to worry about as far as me and you. I’d never let anything bad happen to you.”

  My heart skipped a beat at his declaration, but that wasn’t the only problem. “Aren’t we a danger to each other?”

  “In some ways, we are,” he agreed. “But we’ll be more careful until we don’t have to.” He left me speechless with my pulse racing, my mind full of questions about what he meant. When he pulled over and handed his keys to a valet, I immediately recognized the Upper East Side building as his parents’ home. Although I was Zoey’s best friend, I’d only been there a handful of times. “Why are we here?”

  “They’re in Nantucket and asked me to check on the progress of a renovation in their building,” he explained, collecting his bag from the back. The doorman waved to him as we got in the elevator. On our ride up, Tyler continued speaking. “I’ve been thinking…Christophe was clear about not letting you perform.” He squeezed my hand. “But Yasmine said we can take some lessons from dancers to help us improve. She even offered me private lessons.”

  My eyes narrowed and my pulse picked up. “She did what?”

  “She offered dance lessons.” He chuckled and walked me out of the elevator. “No fucking involved.”

  I bit my cheek. Yasmine would try, and she wasn’t one to give up. Lessons were a perfectly innocent way to get closer to the players, closer to Tyler.

  My sandal heels clicked on the marble along the hallway leading to their door. Tyler kicked off his shoes and dropped his bag. Most of the highly polished mahogany wood flooring was covered by Persian carpets, and the décor was both old and new. There were heavy embroidered curtains on the walls and tables with framed photos of their family. Pictures of his father’s New York Jets days sat enshrined in a glass case, marking their successes, each area highlighting their achievements, including Tyler’s soccer career and his brother John’s rise in the police department.

  “I see your mom hasn’t changed,” I said, motioning to Zoey’s achievement section still on the stairs—her passive aggressive way of reminding her she’d have to do more to get space on the walls. Our mothers had different approaches, but in some ways were the same. We both were under pressure to reach the top.

  “I hate that,” he said and then cursed. “I told her not to bother putting mine up if she can’t show her pride for Zoey. Come on, I’ve got something I’d like to show you.” Tyler motioned for me to follow him up the stairs. I stayed put.

  “Actually, I’d like to talk more about Yasmine,” I said, my tone snarky.

  He stood close to me, his hands on my waist, quickening my pulse. “She said there are publicity spots out there for the dancers who get a solo part in the performance. I love playing soccer, but I also wouldn’t mind having some other career options to do if I couldn’t play anymore. I did major in communications, but I loved soccer more when I played it there. When I got offered a pro position on the team here in New York, I took it.”

  I smiled. “It did come together great for you.”

  “Yeah,” he said. “I’ve been fortunate. I love soccer, but if I had to do something else, it would be working with people instead of behind a desk, like a sports announcer or head of my own foundation. I mean, as you know in sports, one bad injury and you’re out, like my dad.”

  I nodded. As an athlete, I understood what he meant completely. His dad had been an executive sports consultant for the National Football League for as long as I’d been alive, and I’d heard the story from my mother about how hard it had been for him to find a new career after he stopped playing football professionally. He was fortunate to have a chance to go for his dreams, being that his mother was an heiress. Nevertheless, they were, like us, determined to make their own careers.

  It made sense for Tyler to make plans. How Yasmine had picked up on that had me jealous—or was she just going around to all the players? I wasn’t sure, but now I had an idea. “I can get Michel to work with you, and I can help. Oh, and that may make it easier for us to be around each other.”

  He beamed. “That’s a better idea than I had. I was just going to get you to dance with me so we could practice the sex-on-the-ground scene.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed. “It’s more than that, and not nearly as easy as Christophe made it appear. You’ll see.” He motioned for me to follow him upstairs, and this time, I did.

  “There was another reason I brought you here,” he said, a wolfish grin appearing on his face. “They’ve just installed a sauna, and I thought we’d test it out.”

  I scrunched up my face. “Are you sure?” It was a bit weird to be at his parents’ home.

  “Of course. If they knew it was you, they’d be delighted,” he said softly.

  I smiled. Their parents never stopped inviting and including me in everything Zoey did, even when I wasn’t able to attend half of the things she was involved in; her events often conflicted with my private dance lessons and tutoring to keep up with my education. In turn, Ma would invite Zoey to my birthdays and an occasional celebration with my family.

  He opened a door to reveal two wide wooden benches and a slate-paneled floor and walls. In one corner was a metal crate with stones, and there was a water feature with a ladle next to it. A small standup open shower completed the room. It was great, but I glanced at Tyler. “I don’t have a swimsuit.”

  “Do you need one?” he asked, his voice even deeper than usual.

  My pulse sped up. “I…I guess not,” I stammered.

  “I’m just kidding. He walked over to a hidden cupboard and took out a Bloomingdale’s bag. “I picked out a few for you to choose from. How about this one?” It was just strings.

  “Hell no,” I said then picked up a black one that covered the most. The tags were still on, but before I could read them, Tyler was lightning fast, snatching them off and running out of the room to dispose of them. I laughed, reaching for him, and he grabbed my waist then gave me a kiss.

  “I win. You wearing it will be my gift.”

  “Sure,” I said, but noted the make so I could look it up and send money anyway.

  We walked over to their kitchen and he did his form of cooking again, this time heating up chicken and taking out a fresh salad. We ate and talked about work and some of the new places I’d gone to in the city. I talked, but all I could think about was being alone with him in the sauna soon, just a few strips of fabric covering my body, which he’d be touching. I was heating up at just the thought.

  Once we cleaned up, he showed me the bathroom closest to the sauna to change. I took off my clothes and placed them in my bag then tied on the bikini. Letting my hair down, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, and nerves exploded in my stomach. I didn’t have a negative body image. I had worked and honed my body for dance, and I was pleased that it functioned well for my life’s work. Now I had to wonder what Tyler would think of me. Growing up, I’d seen he had a type, mostly women with more curves than I had. Would my body turn him on?

  Tyler knocked on the door and I grabbed one of the terrycloth towels, wrapped it around myself, and then walked out. To me, Tyler was the perfect man—tanned corded muscles down his biceps, defined chest, cut abs, and a defined loin of Apollo visible at the low hang of his shorts on his trim waist. My breath hitched and my eyes roamed over his form. This close, I could see a little bit of light hair just above the band of his low-waisted shorts. On his right side, just above it, was intricate writing in Latin. My eyes flicked up to his and found he was staring at me.

  “It says, Aut viam inveniam aut faciam,” he said. “I shall either find a way or make one.” He stepped closer still, and I could feel the warmth coming off his body. Inhaling, I took in his scent, his body wash that smelled divine on his skin. Everything about him made me want to move closer, but I wasn’t one to make a first move. I rubbed the goose bumps that broke out on my arms.

  “It suits you.”

  “I’d say it suits you too. You stood strong today,” he praised. “I would have lost my head and gotten suspended. You kept on fighting. I was impressed.”

  My face warmed as I took in the adoration in his tone. “I was determined to stay and work. That’s the only way I can get better.” My last word caught in my throat as he lifted my hand and placed it on his tattoo. His skin was smooth and firm. I tried my best to steady my fingers as I traced the letters then dropped my hand back to my side.

  He groaned in protest. “Look at me trying to find a way to get you to touch me.”

  I was instantly hot, and a tremor worked down my body at the thought of Tyler waiting for me to touch him. Oh, how I wanted to. I wanted to do him right. I wanted him to show me how he wanted me to pleasure him, but I didn’t know how to explain without suffering massive embarrassment. “I…I don’t know how to start.”

  My towel slipped and he caught it then gently pulled it off, leaving me in the swimsuit. I forced myself to meet his eyes, my heart thudding hard in my chest as his eyes roved over my body. He hissed out a breath. “You’re so beautiful, Scarlet. I wish I didn’t make you nervous. Come.” He took my hand. “We’ll go sit in the saun
a and when you are relaxed, you’ll have to tell me what I can touch.”

  “Just touch what you want,” I whispered.

  His eyes glinted and his grin turned wicked. “I do that and you won’t be leaving tonight a virgin.” He opened the door, went over to the bench, and pulled it out into a double we could both lie down on.

  “Would that be a bad thing? It’ll cut down on the number of lessons you have to give me,” I said as I let out a laugh. He didn’t join in, letting me know I’d made a mistake. My pulse quickened.

  “If I’m treating you like a project, let me know,” he said. “I don’t want to do that to you.”

  I shook my head. “I was joking. You treat me wonderfully.”

  If I had my way, I’d prolong every minute I had with him. I’d keep us together forever. I closed my eyes.

  He got the steam going and stretched out next to me. The vapor filled the room and all the tension in my body melted away—until Tyler propped himself up on his elbow and faced me. “Whatever you’re comfortable with.” His fingertips brushed lightly in a circular pattern on my stomach.

  I shuddered. “You’re this big star athlete, asking me what to do,” I said huskily.

  “I don’t give a damn about any of that right now. I’m Tyler, and you’re Scarlet.” He laid his hand flat against my stomach. “It’s me and you finding each other.”

  My heart leapt. He was charming, and I was about to combust with eagerness and need. “Touch me, everywhere, Tyler.”

  He kissed my lips then down to the top of my chest. His large hand covered one of my breasts. Lowering his head, he ran his tongue over the thin fabric and across my nipple, which had tightened to a hard point. Tyler was going slowly, but I wanted his mouth against my skin. I whimpered and tugged down the swimsuit top then he took over and pulled it the rest of the way off. His gaze was hot as he looked at them, and my moan echoed his own as he sucked hard on my bare nipple.

  “Like that, Scarlet?” he said in a low tone.

  My body answered. Every tug sent sensation traveling right between my thighs. I arched my back and gripped the wood underneath me. Incredible.


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