Oui: A BWWM Romance (The French Connection Book 1)

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Oui: A BWWM Romance (The French Connection Book 1) Page 6

by Brooklyn Knight

  I continued. “I propose that Mr. Hanson and I begin to draft out what those questions are and formulate appropriate responses and solutions.”

  Ryder cleared his throat. “If I may...” He glanced at me with faux respect. “I like Miss Renaud’s suggestion. In fact, I’ve already put together a document which follows that very process.”

  My jaw tensed.

  “So perhaps it might be more time-effective to begin by investigating what’s already available. Clearly my proposal touches the issue of whether this is a viable niche, but it only scratched the surface and understandably so. My suggestion is that we begin with a qualitative analysis of what others are doing.”

  “You’re right, Hanson,” Mr. Carter agreed. “We need to know what the competition is. If we’re one of the first to jump on this, it makes the other questions more relevant. If not, the answers to those questions are going to look very different.”

  I steadied my posture.

  “Additionally,” Ryder continued, “we will want to take into consideration whether or not each of the five Ws and the H, as Miss Renaud prefers to call them, will be relevant. We may not need to answer all of those questions.”

  “I disagree,” I said. “Each of those questions will need to be explored if we are to have a comprehensive approach, Mr. Hanson. But of course, this is a conversation we can have as we begin to pull together the research. Let’s not waste anymore of Mr. Carter’s time. Let’s get to work.”

  Carter eyeballed us. “The history you two share is obvious,” he said. “You’ve been in class together; perhaps you’ve worked on a particular project. Either way, it’s obvious you’re both striving for the gold.”

  “Miss Renaud and I have known each other for quite a while,” Ryder said.

  “And we’ve always been like this sir,” I supplemented. “Mr. Hanson and I have a mutual understanding. May the best woman win.”

  Ryder glanced at me.

  “That’s the nature of the beast they call business,” Carter said. “You’ve got to have thick skin and show ‘em how tough you are. That’s the only way to make it to the top.”

  Ryder bristled in his seat and my mind drifted to the things he’d said in my apartment the week before. He didn’t have the capacity to change who he was, I thought, and I had been a fool for entertaining him.

  Carter got up from behind his desk and summoned us to our feet. “Your plans make sense,” he approved. “I’m going to give you access to the research team, who will be able to assist you in your efforts. Let me take you to your workspaces.”

  We headed out of the office and back down the hall. Stepping inside the elevator, my arm brushed against Ryder’s and I stepped away until I was almost smashed in the corner of the elevator. The elevator whizzed higher and I thought about my time spent with Dylan Hamilton. Butterflies danced inside of my stomach.

  “How many floors to this building?” Ryder asked looking at the pad in the elevator.

  “Thirty-five floors,” Carter announced. “Mr. Hamilton’s office is on the 34th floor.”

  “What’s on the 35th?” Ryder asked.

  Mr. Carter smiled. “Hamilton calls it the Sky Lobby,” he answered, but offered no additional information.

  The elevator opened, and we were guided to a spacious office area, populated with cubicles and five researchers who dipped their heads around the corners of their work areas to wave.

  “We’ve tried to make things as comfortable as possible considering the amount of work you’ll be doing over the course of your internship,” Carter said shoving his hands into his pockets. “Let me introduce you to a few members of the research team: Katelyn Johnson, Lyle Benedict, Randy Mosher, and Don Vickers.”

  As he announced their names, they each popped their heads around their respective cubicles and smiled warmly. I smiled at the lone female researcher who gave me a once over before returning to the privacy of her cubicle.

  “There are two available cubicles, which are ready to go. The IT department has already registered you in our systems and you’ll find your log-in information at your desks. Later today, you’ll be provided with security swipes.”

  I headed for the cubicle which was near the window, leaving Ryder to settle in the remaining one, close to the other researchers. Once he was satisfied that we were settled, Carter turned on his heel and headed for the door. “Please provide a draft outline of your preliminary research by five o’clock tomorrow,” he said. “If you have any questions, you can consult any one of these fine people, or contact my secretary.” Then he left.

  My eyes shifted over to Ryder, who was looking back at me. “Let’s get to work,” I advised sitting down and signing into the computer.

  “So we’re researching the current market,” he confirmed.

  “Apparently,” I responded. “And then we can investigate at the five Ws and the H.”

  “I’m not doing that,” he grunted.

  “Fine, I’ll do it myself.”

  Silence, except for the sound of me banging on the computer’s keyboard.

  “And since Carter opted to take my approach, it seems appropriate that I would be the lead on this project,” he added after a while.

  “The hell you will,” I shot back. “This is my baby, Ryder. There is no way I’m going to fall into the background while you shine on stage.”

  “We worked on the project together, Laila, and together we put the meat on the bones of the idea. I am very capable of pushing this thing to its fullest potential. You’re only here because of what I said in the boardroom that day. Don’t forget that.”

  I vibrated and hopped out of my seat, unable to contain the rage. I stomped over to where he was sitting and hovered over him like a piñata. “Is that what you think?” I seethed. “Do you really believe you’re the reason I’m here?”

  “We both know it’s the reason,” he said leaning back in his chair to get a clear view of my face. “But it doesn’t matter. You’re here and so am I, and we need to work together to make this thing happen. We can fight over who the better intern was when it’s all said and done.” He turned around and refocused on his computer screen. “For now, all you need to do is stick to the plan, which was approved by Mr. Carter, and we won’t have any problems.”

  I stood glaring at him, the hatred consuming me. “I don’t need to prove myself to you,” I said and walked back to my station. “If you want to be in control, go right ahead. The better woman will prevail.”

  “Whoa guys.” Katelyn stuck her neck out from behind her cubicle. The one long braid she wore swung like a pendulum and her eyebrows smashed together. “You’re bringing a lot of energy into the office.”

  The other researchers grunted but didn’t say anything.

  My cheeks burned as I logged into my computer. “No need to worry,” I assured her. “I’ve finished talking with Mr. Hanson. I’m here to work and that’s all.”

  Katelyn smirked and looked at Ryder, who shrugged and proceeded with the tasks he had been assigned.

  I spent the rest of the day and the following one working with Ryder and the research team on the first phase of the project. By 4:30 PM on Tuesday, we had a comprehensive outline of the research regarding what was already happening in the world of cyber insurance.

  Ryder and I fell back in our chairs at the communal workspace basking in a deep sense of accomplishment. He closed the file we had created and threw his arms over his head. “Well, we did it,” he said with a broad smile.

  “We sure did,” I agreed with a smile.

  “And with minimal arguing, I might add,” Katelyn said throwing her hand up for a group high-five. Ryder and I joined in, laughing, but our hands recoiled at the last minute.

  Katelyn cleared her throat and started to pack her things away. “You’re leaving?” Ryder asked looking up at her.

  “Yeah, I’ve made my contribution. Don’t forget I have my own workload to attend to. Besides, I have an acting class that I cannot be late for.”

  “Acting?” I smiled at her, trying to engage in light conversation to break the tense moment. “That’s different. I never would have imagined you to be an actress.”

  She offered me a tight smile. “Never judge a book by its cover, right?” She looked at Ryder. “Hey, if you’d like to join me sometime...”

  “Sounds like fun,” he said. He glanced at me. “I’ll think about it and let you know.”

  She smiled and we both watched as she exited the room.

  Ryder rubbed his brow and focused his gaze on me. His tie hung loosely around his neck. “So which question should we tackle first?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The five Ws and the H. Should we consider the Who or the What?”

  I hissed my teeth and removed myself from the table. “I already told you I’d do it,” I reminded him walking over to the coat tree and pulling my blazer off. “I don’t need you to help me with that part.”

  “Lai,” he groaned. “Can we please not argue? I’m trying to move past this.”

  “Yes, I can tell,” I shot back.

  Ryder’s neck snapped back. He pointed out the door. “You think I’m interested in Katelyn?”

  I rolled my eyes and shoved my arms into my slim-fit blazer.

  “Lai...” Ryder pushed his chair back and approached me. He touched my shoulders and I stood as stiff as a board. “Look, I know that I hurt you yesterday. I was emotional, and I took my feelings out on you.”

  I moved away from his touch. “You can’t hurt me, Ryder,” I informed him. “You don’t have that power over me.”

  He exhaled, and his head hung.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to give this to Mr. Carter’s secretary and then I’m heading home. I’ll see you in the morning.” I marched out of the room.

  Chapter Nine


  ‘Finger on the Pulse’

  Making my way down the hall, trying to shove aside thoughts of Ryder Hanson, a certain fragrance attacked me. My breath hitched in my throat and my knees wobbled.

  The CEO was standing at the secretary’s desk, looking impeccable.


  My mouth dried up and electricity zipped through my body. I tried to steady my breathing. I stretched my neck and proceeded, but my heart immobilized when his hazel eyes seized me. My posture turned rigid and he stood tall, turning to face me full on.

  I smiled and eased my way around him, so I could drop the file into the secretary’s hands. “For Mr. Carter,” I informed her. I turned to acknowledge the CEO with a smile, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, and hurrying back down the hall.

  His voice arrested me. “So you got it done?”

  I swallowed and turned around to look at him. “Of course, and with time to spare, I might add,” I replied.

  The half-smile.

  I cleared my throat. “Pending Mr. Carter’s and your approvals, we’re ready to move to the next phase.”

  “Certainly,” he said. “Carter is out of the office, so I’m thinking I might grab that file and review what the two of you have done after I wrap up what I have on my desk.”

  “To have your approval would be marvelous.”

  He walked in my direction until we were side by side, heading through the hall. “I didn’t get to see you after our tour yesterday. After...” His head dipped, and he looked at me through lowered eyes. “Miss Renaud, I’m really sorry about that incident yesterday morning.”

  “Mr. Hamilton, please. Don’t worry about it.” I shrugged, looking for the right words. “Stranger things have happened. It’s really okay.”

  “No, it’s not okay,” he insisted. “Emily, the woman who interrupted our conversation, she’s the kind of person who has no boundaries or awareness of social cues.”

  “Mr. Hamilton, its fine.”

  He looked at me as if he didn’t believe me.

  “She’s your girlfriend. Perhaps she thought I was flirting with you.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” he said quickly. “I mean, she was my girlfriend, but...” He trailed off and his mouth pulled into a straight line. “It doesn’t matter. I’m obligated to apologize. You didn’t deserve to witness or be a part of that drama.”

  I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “Okay,” I said cautiously. “The point is... it’s okay, I’m okay.”

  Mr. Hamilton exhaled and stretched his neck. “Fine, I guess I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  “And for the record sir,” I added, “I didn’t expect to see much of you after the shadow. I know you’re super busy. I’m actually shocked to have bumped into you like this.”

  He smiled. “Yes, I am very busy, so I’m here late every day,” he confirmed, “but I’m the type of leader who likes to keep his finger on the pulse.”

  “The pulse...?”

  “I like to keep my ear to the ground and be present. I’m not the kind of boss who’s so far removed from the front line that he doesn’t know the culture of his building.”

  “So you understand the importance of company culture?”

  “Damned right I do,” was his immediate response.

  I gaped at him.

  “And since the two of you are new to the building, I want to be able to keep tabs on the both of you.” He paused. “You in particular.”

  We stopped walking and he turned to face me. He moistened his lips and searched my face. I swallowed feeling the pressure of his intense scrutiny.

  “Miss Renaud, I’ve noticed a few things about you. You’re a strong and independent woman. That’s something that was very clear from the moment I heard you speak. Women like you skyrocket towards the stars, despite opposition.” He paused. “I have a good feeling about you. I want to help you reach your goals.”

  “I don’t want special treatment, Mr. Hamilton.”

  His brow furrowed, and he dipped his head to the side. “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate your kind words, but I want to do this on my own. I need you to see me for who I am and what I can bring to your firm.”

  “I get that,” he acknowledged quickly. “Still, it’s my duty to ensure that you reach your fullest potential. I need for you to allow me to do my job.”

  My eyes fluttered.

  He peered at me, his eyes burning me like the hottest flame. “I hope I haven’t offended you,” he whispered.

  “No, not at all,” I responded jolting. “I’m just taken aback.”


  I paused. “Because even though we’ve only been acquainted for a short while, it feels as if you really know me.”

  His mouth slackened, and a pregnant silence dropped between us. I prayed to God he didn’t notice how my body trembled.

  He moistened his lips and shrugged one shoulder. “I try to be attentive,” he said, still staring at me. “Your type, the combination of brains and drive, doesn’t pass through as frequently as I would like, so when I see it, there’s no mistaking it.”

  My hand flew to the back of my neck and I wiped beads of sweat off it, but the light sheen coating my palms muted the action. A fluttery bottomless feeling settled in the pit of my stomach and the feeling I’d had in the boardroom washed over me.

  “I just want to let you know that I’m here to guarantee your success, Miss Renaud. Whatever your needs are, all you have to do is ask.”

  “In that case, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

  The CEO nodded, his features taut and focused. “That sounds perfect.”

  An unacceptable amount of time passed before I ripped my gaze off him. My heart thumped against my breast. The intensity of this man’s sex appeal was too much for me to handle. I needed to create some distance.

  “I’m going to head home,” I said pointing over my shoulder. When I realized I’d pointed in the direction of the secretary’s desk, he laughed and so did I.

  “Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.

  I no
dded, my eyes lingering for a second, before I hastened away.

  Chapter Ten


  ‘What Intern’

  Three Days Later

  It was 7:30 PM and I was still at work, flipping through the pages of Ryder and Laila’s report, taking note of their progress thus far. They had submitted the research - the document that Laila had handed over a few days prior - and according to Carter’s short debriefing yesterday, they were now they were working on the who, what, where, when, why, and how.

  I was reading the why and could feel Laila’s passion threaded all through. I could hear her voice with every word I read. Her zeal and fervor were jumping off the page. The more I read, the more drawn I became, not just to the content of the work, but to her.

  Each passing day forced me to question why I thought I’d be strong enough to be around her. I’d called her into the office several times to discuss the project and she’d blow me away with her insight and intellect.

  And she was sexy.

  My eyes were drawn to the elegance of her graceful neck and her full bosom. The way her firm behind rolled under her knee-length pencil skirts made me rock-hard with unadulterated need. A few times I’d allowed myself to imagine what it would be like to have her straddled on top of me behind the closed doors of my office, or even in the Sky Lobby.

  I was now at the point where I was deliberately maintaining my distance. Laila Renaud was striking and what should have been normal, effortless conversation about business-related matters was proving to be very difficult. It was no fault of Laila’s. She was professional, educated, and talented. She displayed the utmost respect for me as the CEO of the company. There was nothing she was doing to appear loose or wanton. She was always impeccably dressed in knee length skirt suits and well-tailored pants suits; tasteful heels and appropriate hairstyles.

  Her long tresses were always neatly arranged. There was the day she her hair in ringlets and the time she had it pulled back in a severe ponytail, but my favorite was always when she wore it long and straight, swooped in the front behind her ear.


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