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Beast Page 16

by Cassie-Ann L. Miller

  Finally, I come to a scuffed, dark wooden door bearing the name “Liam Cartwright” on a scrap of paper stuck to the door with masking tape. I attempt to steel my nerves despite the insistent pounding of my heart against my ribcage. I knock confidently.

  “Open.” The gritty baritone carries out the door.

  One deep breath later, I push past the heavy wood and am standing in a large, quaint office. The room is rather dark, illuminated only by the slivers of light penetrating between the blinds and a single Edwardian-style lamp. I can see that the heavy cedar furnishings are dated and quite dusty. My eyes sweep across the expansive room, but Liam Cartwright is nowhere in sight.

  “Hello?” I squeak hoarsely.

  Just then, the large crimson-colored executive chair swivels away from the bank of windows overlooking Union Square and Liam Cartwright comes into view.

  He eases slowly to his feet.

  He’s tall. Real tall. He hovers somewhere near six feet four inches. I can barely make out his facial features in the dim room but I note that his silky black hair falls in thick layers around his face. His dark brow casts a shadow over his cloudy gray eyes. His beard is well-groomed and emphasizes the plumpness of his full lips.

  I gasp softly, admittedly taken aback by his attractiveness.

  He clears his throat. “Hello.”

  And just like that, my pussy quivers at the grit of his deep, raspy voice. I swallow hard, even more nervous now that I’ve actually put a face to the name, Liam Cartwright. Here I am, face to face with the man behind the mystery.

  Despite his overwhelmingly powerful presence, there’s something restrained about him. Apprehensive, even. I can feel it as his eyes dart over me quickly from head to toe.

  “Are you the intern?” he asks. In the dim lighting, it appears that he’s grimacing. Maybe he was expecting someone else. Someone more put together. Someone who doesn’t look so lost and disoriented.

  I’m determined to prove his first impression of me wrong. “Yes. Jasmine Santiago. I’m eager to assist you, tonight, sir. With whatever you need.” Jeeze – where did that come from? I couldn’t sound more awkward if I tried.

  He just stands there silently observing me for an agonizingly long moment. I feel so self-conscious. I’m suddenly painfully aware of how snug my suit jacket is. Too snug. It’s unprofessional. And my hair must be a brown, frizzy mess right now. Plus, I really think that my shoes make my ankles look fat. No. I’m positive that these shoes make my ankles look fat.

  Liam finally adjusts his tie and sinks back into his seat with the grace of a panther. “Please – Sit, Ms. Santiago.” He speaks without lifting those cloudy gray eyes to mine.

  I quickly sink into the patterned armchair facing his desk.

  He clears his throat again as he picks up a pen sitting on his desk. “I have a pretty straightforward task for you. Our client, X.U.S. Industries, is negotiating its way out of a 20-year supply contract with West Texxoleum Oil, in favor of a shorter term contract with a renewable energy supplier out in Albany, New York. The settlement contract has already been drafted but West Texxoleum has made a few modifications. I need you to go through the new draft and highlight all the changes that West Texxoleum has made. Simple.” He taps his pen against the desk. “I’ll print out a copy of the contract for you so I can explain a few of the more important points before you begin.”

  He fiddles around with the printer sitting behind his desk and gets nothing but a loud, beeping error signal in response. He sighs in frustration.

  “I apologize, Ms. Santiago, but I’m having some difficulties with my printer this evening and it appears that all the workers on the firm’s tech support team have gone home for the night. If you don’t mind, I’ll move to the chair next to you and we can go over some of the finer points of the contract on my laptop.”

  My breath hitches in my throat as he lifts from his seat with his laptop in hand and rounds the desk before sinking into the chair to my right. The warm, musky scent of his skin creates a force field around him and I instinctually feel my body straining towards his as he rests the computer on his lap. His body language is so natural and unassuming. It’s as though he has no idea how alluring he is.

  Gosh – he must be so good in bed.

  Again, I swallow hard. The contrast between his unassuming nature and his stunning good looks has me off-kilter. I would expect a man as gorgeous as Liam Cartwright to be arrogant and pompous. But, him…I don’t know…there’s something reserved about him…and it’s a major aphrodisiac.

  Liam opens a file and begins explaining to me the issues to look out for in the contract at hand. His hair falls in layers around his face as he trains all of his attention on the document in front of him. I take notes as quickly as my quivering hand will allow. Things are going as well as can be expected until I look up and catch a glimpse of his supple, juicy lips.

  And I find myself staring.

  I know that I’m staring but I can’t stop. I can’t stop imagining how those lips would feel gliding down the sensitive skin at the back of my neck, grazing along the valley between my breasts, skimming the edge of my lace panties –

  “Don’t stare at it!”

  I’m jolted out of my daydream by the harsh rasp of his voice. I bring my eyes to his and see nothing but rage there. “E—excuse me?”

  “Don’t stare at my scar!” he demands, his thick fingers jumping to his cheek. He quickly pushes to his feet and sets the computer down on his desk.

  “I—I’m sorry. What scar?” I have no clue what he’s talking about.

  “This scar!” he growls, pushing his hair off of his cheek and pointing at the patches of shiny pink scar tissue interrupting his thick beard on the left side of his face. “This ugly, hideous scar!”

  Wait – That’s his secret? That’s why he hides out, far away from the world?

  I can’t deny that, even in the dim lighting, the damaged flesh is visible now that his thick, hair has been pulled away from his face. But I honestly hadn’t even noticed it until he pointed it out.

  “I wasn’t staring at your scar. I didn’t even notice it,” I say in a mousy voice as I recoil, slightly intimidated by his sudden outburst. I could never have imagined that this reserved man housed the potential to explode in such a manner.

  “Don’t insult me,” he roars. He lowers his head and walks slowly over to the window. “I know when someone’s staring. Someone’s always staring…”


  No. No. No.

  This is my big chance to work on a meaningful file and cement my position here as an asset to the firm so that when the approaching wave of layoffs hits, I won’t get carried out the door with the tide.


  I won’t let this opportunity slip through my fingers. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that Liam Cartwright doesn’t kick me off this file.

  I leap to my feet and drop my notepad in my chair. I approach him tentatively. “Sir – I promise. I didn’t even notice your scar.”

  He doesn’t answer. His shoulders heave harshly as he breathes ragged breaths.

  “Sir – please,” I say gently, resting my fingers lightly on his arm. He flinches softly but doesn’t shrink away from my touch. “I swear. I wasn’t staring at your scar.”

  He’s still facing the window, refusing to look at me. “I know – I’m hideous. Half of my face is burned off. Half of my left ear has melted away. Children cry in horror when they look at me. Adults cringe. I get it. I’m ugly.” He finally spins around to face me. He towers over me, looking down on me with an intensity that should frighten me. Instead, it arouses me. “But, I got this scar defending our country. Fighting for our freedoms.”

  His words are harsh and defensive but the vulnerability in his eyes is unmistakable. It lets me know that I can be vulnerable as well. My voice comes out soft and breathy. “I wasn’t staring at your scar…I was staring at your lips. Your beautiful lips. I was wondering what it would feel like to kiss you.”r />
  A heavy silence settles upon us and his eyebrows crinkle as my words register in his mind. I can see the confusion on his face – it’s as if I’ve spoken to him in a language that he doesn’t even understand.

  I haven’t gotten through to him. This file is a lost cause for me. There’s no way he’d agree to work with me now. And on top of that, I’ve just humiliated myself by admitting that I was fantasizing about kissing him.

  I’m kicking myself on the inside. Way to make a professional first impression, Jasmine.

  I might as well salvage what’s left of my dignity and leave the reclusive Liam Cartwright alone with his demons.

  And head back to the world of uncertainty that is the rest of Cartwright Moretti Stevenson.

  I turn around slowly and reach for my notepad on the chair.

  But then, I feel the pressure of his large hand wrapping aggressively around my wrist. Alarmed, I spin around to face him.

  Not a fraction of a second later, his strong arms circle my waist with a startling urgency and pull my soft, curvaceous body into his hard, sculpted frame. His lips bear down on mine with a bruising intensity. Stunned and breathless, I groan against his soft lips. His rough beard scrapes against my face as he tilts his head to the side, kissing me with a wild, feral passion. His tongue darts into my mouth when my lips part, gasping for air. Possessed by an indescribably intense desire, I grip the lapels of his suit jacket to keep from melting into a puddle on the floor as my eager tongue licks against his.

  My every nerve ending is on fire. Sweat dampens my skin. My heart pounds in my chest. I feel his erection pressing against my stomach and it drives me absolutely wild.

  His hands slide down my back to my buttocks and he lifts me off of my feet. My skirt bunches around my waist as I wrap my legs around his back. I throw my arms around his neck and grind my core shamelessly against him as he carries me to the edge of his desk where he sets me down.

  He grabs a handful of my long, dark hair in his fist and thrusts his warm tongue deeper into my mouth. The force of his kiss pushes me backwards unto the desk until I lie splayed beneath his heaving body. My panties are soaked – drenched with the need to feel him deep, deep inside of me.

  Sooner rather than later.

  “Oh, god. I want you,” I moan, unable to control myself.

  Suddenly, he jerks himself off of me and stumbles backwards as if the sound of my voice has ripped him out of a trance. His eyes are heavy with arousal, his brow damp from exertion. “What the fuck am I doing?” he mumbles to himself as he rakes a hand through his disheveled hair.

  I’m sprawled off on his desk, desperate and panting for him and dazed by his abrupt change of disposition. “What’s wrong?” I rasp breathlessly.

  He shoots a daggered glare in my direction. “You’re an intern. And I’m an animal. Look what I’ve done. Five minutes alone with a beautiful woman like you, and I’ve already lost all control.” He’s pacing the floor now, running his hands through his hair.

  I prop myself up on my elbows and crane my neck to follow his movements. “What?” I don’t understand what he’s talking about. I’m as eager for this as he is.

  He stops pacing and faces me, but keeps his eyes lowered to the floor. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Ms. Santiago.” I can hear the shame in his voice.

  I leap off of the table and rush over to him. “Liam – I want this,” I say firmly, my small hands reaching for his strong shoulders, willing his eyes to meet mine. When he refuses to look at me, I climb onto my toes and press my lips to his. “I want you to fuck me,” I beg playfully, “Please, Mr. Cartwright.”

  He reacts fiercely to that. “That’s what this is about?” Anger flickers in his eyes as he shrinks away from me and retreats to sit on the edge of his desk. “It’s part of your plan, isn’t it? Fuck the boss’s monster-son so that you can advance your career. Is that what you’re trying to do? Because there’s no way that a gorgeous woman like you is attracted to me – I’m disfigured…and ugly.”

  I’ve had it! Enough of this!

  “Stop it!” I shriek. “Stop saying that! You’re fucking gorgeous and I just want you to fuck me!” Liam stares at me as I approach him, no doubt shocked by my outburst. “I. Want. You. To. Fuck. Me.” He just stares at me dumbfounded. Those cloudy, lusty, intense gray eyes staring at me. I place my hands on his shoulders and lean in close to his face. I run my tongue, slowly and leisurely, along the scarred tissue blemishing his cheek and jaw. I feel his erection grow against my stomach as his eyes flutter shut and his breathing deepens.

  My tongue trails down his neck, lapping at the salty flesh and goose bumps rise along his skin. I feel my nipples tighten and my breasts grow heavy as I witness his arousal. I yank off his tie and push his jacket off of his shoulders. My fingers work to undo the buttons of his shirt and he lets me. I stare in awe at his beautiful, chiseled chest and stomach as his shirt slips off of his body. His muscular arms are adorned with patriotic tattoos that make him even more irresistible to me.

  I flick my tongue across his nipples and he moans my name in response. I smile softly to myself as I watch his inhibitions melt under my touch. I unbutton his pants as I continue to kiss and lick his torso and he writhes, barely able to control himself. His pants and underwear slide to the floor and his long, thick, rock-solid cock bobs in his lap. I lick my lips, painfully aware of how badly I want it in my mouth.

  “I’m gonna suck it,” I announce quietly, sinking to my knees in front of him.

  He looks down at me, his eyes wide and betraying his eagerness. “I want that,” he whimpers softly as he grasps his heavy cock in his hand. I sigh hungrily at the sight of his long fingers stroking up and down his long shaft. He responds by rubbing the wide head against my bottom lip. My eyes roll back into my head and a guttural noise escapes my throat when I swipe my tongue across my mouth and taste the tang of his precum.

  I greedily reach forward and yank his cock towards me. I waste no time wrapping my lips around the warm, rigid column. His fingers curl around the lip of the desk behind him as he struggles to keep his cool. My head bobs back and forth as I devour his dick shamelessly. His hands thread into my hair and he guides the back of my head over his cock, shoving it deep into my mouth. The rougher he tugs on my roots, the more pleasure I feel. Gagging on his dick only excites me further.

  I can’t help but glide my hand up under the hem of my skirt and shove my lace thong to the side. I moan and rub my fingers furiously against my throbbing, aching clit, as the need for release builds in me. The harder I rub myself, the more desperately I suck on Liam’s pulsing cock. My lips tighten around him and I suck long and hard, pulling loud, raw sounds from the depths of him.

  “Ohgod, Jasmine. I’m coming. I’m coming,” he pants just as his body tenses all over and his face pinches with strain. I rub myself frantically searching for release. He thrusts against my lips as he pumps his virile juices into my mouth. I explode fiercely, orgasmic relief seizing me, as his cum shoots down my throat.

  Breathless, he sags against his desk as I fall back onto my heels, reaching for a chair to give me support. His face is flushed, his eyes hazy.

  It takes him a moment to compose himself. When he does, he reaches for me, shame once again covering his expression. “I was rough with you,” he says tenderly. “I’m sorry I got carried away.”

  I’m still struggling to regain my bearings. “But I liked it,” I say softly, hoping to reassure him.

  “You’re beautiful and sexy. You deserve so much better than this.” He helps me to my feet.

  I step closer to him and look deep into those cloudy eyes. “You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to.”

  He watches me, probably trying to evaluate whether there’s truth in my words. “I feel like I’ve dreamed you into life,” he growls in a sensual voice before wrapping his arms around me and pulling my lips into another luscious kiss.

  I feel so much with his lips on mine. I just want to give my body to him c

  My eyes flutter shut when he scoops me up in his arms and carries me across the room, his lips never leaving me. I hear the sound of a door creak open and then I feel him lie me down on a bed. My eyes slide open and I find him hovering over me, leisurely unbuttoning my mint green satin blouse in the dim lighting of the small, understated bedroom. His eyes explore each inch of my café au lait skin as it is exposed to him. I’d usually be self-conscious about granting a man an unencumbered view of my extremely voluptuous body. But the nearly violent desire in Liam’s eyes has me dripping like a faucet. He removes my skirt. Then he removes my bra and panties. And I lie there, fully exposed to him. Curves and all.

  “Spread your legs for me,” he commands in a tone that rumbles with desire.


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