EVAC : Zombie Apocalypse

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EVAC : Zombie Apocalypse Page 10

by D G Leigh

“No, sir. The opposite.” The Sergeant remained silent for a couple more hundred metres. Out of earreach of anyone. “There's a SEAL team en route to pick you up.”

  “Really! Why?”

  “I informed the Major about your rock sample. Top brass back on the mainland want it and you in person. Chopper evac, high priority.”

  “What about.....?” Referring to Jo and Susan.

  Scott didn't want to discuss them. “The crew have implicit orders to take only you.”

  “That's not good enough.” Leslie refused to go any farther.

  “It's non negotiable. They're not family.” Scott grabbed Leslie's elbow pulled him forward. The marine knew all the body's pressure points to get somebody to move in the direction you wanted them to go.

  “Do you think that matters now?” The world had gone to crap.

  “It's not up to me. There's important people here that deserve a seat on the helicopter, others would even kill for the chance. Count yourself lucky. Golden ticket off this dinner plate. That's why it's landing away from the complex. It's here solely for you and that sample.”

  “Can they join me later?”

  Scott didn't need to answer that question Leslie knew the reply would be no. “You're being flown to our carrier Endeavour. She's stranded in Pearl Harbour but her flight deck is operational. A jet will then transport you to an undisclosed location for debriefing.”

  “A government bunker?”

  “I'm not at liberality to say, sir.” Scott reached the rendezvous. Selected the pre-arranged channel, placed the radio call. “Clean-up on isle five.” Was it really necessary to converse in code? Standard procedure when in conflict with an enemy.

  Static for a moment. “Roger. Bathtub inbound ETA sixteen minutes.”

  “Copy that.” Scott's soldiers fanned out to secure the perimeter.

  Another message sounded from a different operator, unmistakable terror in his voice.“Sergeant Scott, do you read? ” Communication from Bravo-Camp.

  “Scott here.”

  “Zak is in the hen house. Return at once. Confirm.”

  “Bathtub imminent. Request hold steady.” Scott's orders to stay with Leslie until handover.

  “F**k that.” Radio officer dropped protocol. “Major wants all your asses back here double-time. Code red. Leave Leslie for the SEALs.”

  “Affirmative.” Scott signalled his troops, swirled his right hand. “Pack it up!” Gave Leslie the strongbox containing Eugene's rock. “We're needed back at Bravo.” His face grave. Code red, what difference would his unit of six men really make? “Your.....family must accompany us back but it's not my fault if they can't keep up with professional soldiers. Considering the woman's injured leg.” Hinted that he wouldn't take them in the first place. “If they get lost and can't tell up from down they might come across the observatories that are in the totally wrong direction.” Before parting he made sure Leslie understood. “The chopper WON'T take them.”

  --- Ten ---

  The high altitude temperature dropped dramatically as the sun vanished below the cloud bank. Sergeant Scott correct, the helicopter dusted off with only one new passenger onboard. Barcoded bracelet identified the VIP as Leslie Harris. The SEAL holding the mobile scanner frowned, wasn't expecting a sweet little girl, had intel screwed up? After the nuclear detonation some of the older military hardware had been on the frizz.

  “You were excepting a boy?” Susan handed him the core container before he could ask her any prying questions. “I get that a lot with my name.” Danced her raggedy unicorn in the air. “Have you got room for Captain Trips? He's never been flying before.”

  “What's the hold up?” Squawked the pilot. Over the noise of the rotors he could hear an immense exchange of artillery taking place at Bravo-Camp. “Is there a problem with the package?”

  “Negative, sir.” Relaxing his suspicions the Navy SEAL lifted Susan inside the Blackhawk. “We're good to go.” Strapped her in.

  Farther up the slope Jo and Leslie paused to watched the helicopter lift safely into the crystal clear evening sky fall of stars. Holding hands Jo's bracelet loose around her wrist, Leslie's missing.

  Climbed together as shadowy ambiguous figures, blended by sheer numbers ravenously clawed their way up the steep incline towards them.

  --- The End ---

  If you enjoyed this short story and would like to be notified when part two is released please email my desk to be added to EVAC's mailing list.

  [email protected]

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  Algae Bloom (HAB) : A rapid and dangerous increase in the population of toxic algae colonies. This phenomenon is also known as Red Tide as such blooms often take on a red hue.

  As the crow flies : Talking a straight line route to a destination.

  Beijing Anomaly :Seismic evidence below North Eastern China that large amounts of water are contained within the mantle.

  Challenger Deep : The deepest known point in the Earth's seabed.

  CDC : Centre for Disease Control. An institute to study and prevent world wide spread of deadly communicable contaminants.

  Coming out the wazoo : A plentiful amount, more than what's ever needed.

  EDO : A heavy suit of body armour designed to withstand the pressure generated by a bomb and any fragments the explosion may produce.

  EMP (E1-E3): Electromagnetic pulse. NEMP/HEMP caused by the detonation of a nuclear device. Damages electronic equipment.

  FEMA : Federal Emergency Management Agency. Coordinate the response to a disaster that overwhelms local resources.

  Fire-mediated serotiny : Plant spores released in response to an environmental trigger, fire.

  Guerrillaitarized : A non-combatant becoming well versed with tactics and strategy of hit and run warfare against a larger enemy force.

  IBCM : Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. Long range ordnance primarily designed to deliver a nuclear warhead.

  ISS : International Space Station. The satellite has been continuously occupied for over 16 years, the longest human presence in low Earth orbit.

  Lap your own car : The daring act involving the driver of a moving vehicle slipping out of his/her window climbing across the roof of their car then returning through the offside passenger window to continue driving.

  Leprosy : A long term nerve and skin infection that might result in the loss of extremities.

  Milwaukee Deep : The deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean.

  Mauna Kea / Loa : Twin volcanoes. One dormant, one active.

  Noodle arm : Surfing slang. Weak after a long session of paddling.

  NORAD : North American Air Defence (Command). Provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty and protection for the United States of American.

  Onizuka Centre : A complex of support facilities for the technicians that work at the Mauna Kea observatories. Renamed after the astronaut Ellison Shoji Onizuka, who sadly died in the Challenger space shuttle disaster.

  Paddlepuss : Surfing slang. Someone that stays in the shallows riding the tame white water.

  Plantdrone : A person that has fallen under the influence of the red weed and to all means and proposes becomes a zombie serving the continued survival of the algae organism.

  Prepareathon (Shakeout) : An American school educational program for preparedness against natural or terrorist events.

  Tight as a duck's ass : A person not willing to part with money.

  Totally Texas : A Norwegian expression (Helt Texas) translated means a crazy situation.

  Radiated dikes : A rock ridge usually high-angle to near-vertical in orientation.

  Rednecks : A derogatory slang term. An Uneducated brute with a gun in one hand and a beer in the other.

  Ringwoodite : A mineral found in Earth's upper mantle. Its crystal structure inherently attracts hydrogen and traps water. Theorized that it retains the equivalent to three times the volume of our surface oceans.

  Shield volcano : A shape of a volcano that res
embles a Greek warrior's shield laying flat on the ground.

  Wall-hanger : Surfing slang. A board so beautiful you don't know to ride it or hang it on a gallery's wall.

  WHO : World Health Organisation. An agency that monitors public health issues worldwide.

  Yellow Jack : A yellow and black square flag flown by a vessel to indicated disease.

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  Also by this author



  Zero Day

  Zero Day + One

  Zero Day + Two

  Zero Day + Three

  Zero Day + Four


  Created with Writer2ePub

  by Luca Calcinai




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