Maria Callas

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Maria Callas Page 8

by Arianna Huffington

  All was ready except for one thing: the signing of the contract between Maria Callas and Edward Richard Bagarozy. He was to become Maria’s “sole and exclusive personal agent for a period of ten years,” for which “the said Personal Representative” was to be paid, “the sum equivalent to ten per cent of all gross fees earned by her in Opera, Concerts, Radio, Recordings and Television, said fee becoming due and payable upon receipt of money earned by Artist.” In return for this, Bagarozy agreed “to use his best efforts to further and promote the Artist’s career.” Maria should have been bound to the Bagarozys by sentiment and gratitude, but something in her would not let her sign the contract. Finally on June 13, 1947, the day of her departure, unable to think up a convincing, logical reason why she should not sign it and not prepared on this occasion to follow her instinct, she signed—an action that would later trigger one of the most unpleasant episodes in her life.

  As she was kissing Eddie and her mother good-bye on the quay, Maria seemed strangely withdrawn. An awareness of obligation very rarely engenders affection, and Maria longed, more than anything, for a completely fresh, uncluttered start. On June 27, 1947, the S.S. Rossia dropped anchor in the Bay of Naples, with Maria Callas and Nicola Rossi-Lemeni, two of the main forthcoming attractions at the Verona Arena, on board. Eighteen months later than de Hidalgo would have wished, Maria had arrived in Italy. Geographically it made little sense to go from Greece to Italy via the United States, but many times during her life Maria was to prove that what seemed like diversions turned out to speed her on her way. The longest way around was often the quickest way home.


  THE RAILWAY STATION IN VERONA is not far from the Hotel Accademia, but for Maria it could not have been too close. The journey from Naples had been almost as exhausting as the thirteen days on the Rossia. The train was so crowded that Nicola, Maria and Louise Caselotti, who was traveling with them, had to take turns sitting on one seat. The heat was stifling, and when she was not sitting down, Maria spent most of the time standing next to an open window, catching the breeze. But a few hours rest at the hotel were more than enough to revive her excitement about Gioconda, Verona and the future.

  The excitement, however, was mixed with anxiety and fear as Maria was getting into one of her two suits to meet—or rather face—Gaetano Pomari, a representative of the Verona Arena, and Giuseppe Gambato, a representative of the city. They were to come by the hotel to take her to dinner; Nicola Rossi-Lemeni and an opera-loving Verona industrialist, Giovanni Battista Meneghini, were going to join them. When they arrived at the Pedavena Restaurant, Meneghini was already there, surrounded by a few more city dignitaries. All Maria’s insecurities came instantly to the surface, and she spent most of the dinner in silence, by turns dutiful and withdrawn. Yet she was clearly being treated with the deference that was the artist’s due. The director of the festival, who had burst into song with his new Gioconda during her audition in New York, had made the rounds of Verona describing Maria’s voice, the story growing more dramatic with each retelling.

  Meneghini’s interest in the artist was intensified by his fascination with the woman. “Battista is our local Romeo,” said Signor Pomari to tease him. Verona’s current Romeo was a short, wiry man in his early fifties, head of the family building business, an acknowledged bon viveur and a dedicated ladies’ man. In provincial Verona, it did not take much to acquire an aura of culture or of worldliness, but, after wartime Athens and lower-middle-class New York, Maria felt and behaved as though she had reached a pinnacle of sophistication. “I knew he was it five minutes after I first met him,” said Maria some years later, looking back on that first meeting. Perhaps; but what is certain is that she felt warmer, less afraid, more secure and more alive as a result of his presence at the table. Lovers had played no role at all in her life, and even her daydreams were not of handsome princes, but of first nights, singing feats and operatic triumphs. There is nothing to suggest that up until that time any man had inspired her with the slightest erotic excitement, nor is there any indication that Battista Meneghini did either.

  Yet she liked him. She liked his stability, she liked the way everyone deferred to him, and above all she liked the way he liked her. She was the focus of his attention. Whether because of the reports about the mysterious powers of her voice, an intuitive sense of her greatness or perhaps a bit of both, Meneghini was behaving that night as though he was in the presence of genius—for Maria always a lovable trait. At the same time, unlike many others, he seemed not only aware that the bearer of the genius was a woman, but positively pleased that this was the case. Meneghini had been assigned by the festival to be the official escort of the visiting prima donna, and before the dinner was over he was determined to see a great deal of her in the course of his “duties.” And he did—starting the following morning with a day trip to Venice. Maria, who had not been pursued by many men, found herself for the first time continually flattered by a man who seemed to understand the art of making himself at first agreeable, then gradually indispensable to her.

  They began exploring Verona and the surrounding countryside. Maria was discovering Italy and at the same time the pleasures of being courted and admired for herself and not just for her voice. And she was enjoying the second discovery even more than the first. In the middle of July she started rehearsing with Tullio Serafin, who had just arrived in the city—and the second gentleman of Verona quickly overshadowed the first. The joys of intimacy took second place to the passion for music, work, success and the discovery of working with Serafin. “It was maybe the main lucky thing that happened to me,” said Maria later. “He taught me that in everything there must be an expression, there must be a justification, he taught me exactly the depth of music. . . . I really, really drank all I could from this man.”

  Serafin loved Verona and Verona loved Serafin. His bond with the city went back to 1913 when he had conducted the first performance at the Verona Arena. Since then he had become one of the most famous conductors in the world, his engagements taking him from the Rome Opera to the Met and from the Met to La Scala. During those thirty-four years he had worked with the greatest singers of the day and had molded the career and direction of Rosa Ponselle, who sang her first Norma at the Met in 1925 after eighteen months of working with the maestro. His influence on Maria’s musical outlook and direction was to be even greater. De Hidalgo had pointed her toward the bel canto repertory; Serafin led her to it and provided her with all the opportunities to master it onstage. “As soon as I heard her sing,” he said, “I recognized an exceptional voice. A few notes were still uncertainly placed but I immediately knew that here was a future great singer.” And that knowledge, which was unmistakably communicated to Maria, fortified her, gave her confidence and made the rehearsal period leading up to the opening night less of a torment and more of a delight than any other intensive working period had been.

  As the summer progressed, so did her interest in Meneghini. If Serafin was from the beginning her mentor, guide and inspiration, Meneghini was her gentle and serviceable critic. Sure of his devotion, she felt totally unthreatened; she could let herself go and accept his, in any case, constructive criticisms without bridling.

  Maria could not remember ever having been happier, and yet, as she wrote to her mother, she was “tembling like a leaf” at the prospect of her first night at the huge Arena, singing in front of an audience of 25,000 Italians, all of whom regarded themselves as operatic experts. During the dress rehearsal, growing anxiety and overenthusiastic acting caused her to fall on the rocky stage of the Arena and sprain an ankle. She spent a painful and anxious night in her hotel room, with Meneghini sitting the whole night at her bedside, nursing her back to health and confidence. Ten years later, just before Onassis came into her life and her marriage came to an end, Maria remembered that time with gratitude and the kind of exaggeration that she often used to hide her growing doubts: “This was just one little episode that revealed my husband’s character. I would
give my life for him immediately and joyfully. From that moment on I understood that I could never find a more generous man. . . . If Battista had wanted, I would have abandoned my career without regret, because in a woman’s life love is more important than artistic triumphs.”

  That was, of course, after the artistic triumphs had been achieved. On August 3, 1947, as Maria was waiting in the wings for her Italian debut, there was no room for anything except the prospect of the artistic triumph ahead. It was not to be. She hobbled around with a bandaged leg, self-conscious and suddenly unsure of the enormous stage. The reviewers praised “the vibrant quality and easy production of her high notes” and “the timbre of a most moving and individual quality,” but this was hardly the praise from which artistic triumphs are made. There was not even the offer of a return visit to Verona. Yet Maria, drawing heavily on Serafin’s trust and Meneghini’s devotion, sang the remaining five Giocondas and then stayed in Verona confidently waiting for the next big opportunity.

  Maria, who had said no even when she could not afford it, could now, thanks to the fact that Meneghini had become her unofficial sponsor, be selective without hardship. So the first offer—an invitation to sing Gioconda in Vigevano, near Milan—was turned down. The prospect of an interview at La Scala was looming up and Maria trusted the future enough to say no to this run-of-the-mill production in an unimportant town. But the immediate future turned out to be bleaker than Maria and her protector had expected. Mario Labroca, assistant director of La Scala, heard Maria sing and muttered something about vocal defects and something else about the possibility of her taking part in La Scala’s forthcoming production of Un Ballo in Maschera, but a week went by and no more mutterings were heard.

  That first week of enforced leisure was largely spent wandering around Verona, indulging in an activity the pleasures and agonies of which she was just discovering—shopping. While Maria was discovering shopping, Meneghini was discovering that shopping with his future wife would reduce anyone to blasphemy or tears. She was an undecided and exasperating shopper, and even when someone else was paying, she found herself brought to a standstill by the difference between the price she thought something should cost and the invariably higher price it did cost. Later, when she had more money than she could possibly have spent in her lifetime, her greatest joy was to go to Woolworth’s or Macy’s and devote a whole morning or even a whole day to buying bric-a-brac—a lemon squeezer, a potato peeler, a new kind of coffee grinder. On one occasion in 1962, Maria, lunching at Claridge’s with her friend Edith Gorlinsky, spread out the entire loot of her morning’s Woolworth’s expedition on the table and, pushing the china and the crystal to one side, proudly displayed the knickknacks.

  The novelty and pleasure of Verona, shopping and Meneghini’s company could not sustain her for more than a week. With Meneghini in tow, she was off to Milan to begin once again the round of agents. For the next two months, and despite Serafin’s lobbying on her behalf, it was as if Verona had never happened. Maria was beginning to realize, more fully than ever before, what an extraordinary departure she represented from the musical conventions of the time. “Immediately after my debut in Italy,” Maria said later, “I was not loved that much. . . . No agent would give me a job. . . . I was something new to listen to and they disliked anything that took them away from tradition.” She was later described by the Italian critic Teodoro Celli as “a star wandering into a planetary system not its own.” She would have been much more at home in the nineteenth century than she was in the twentieth. In the century of Pasta and Malibran, the century of unbridled romanticism, the voice became an instrument in the service of emotional drama; and this was the forgotten tradition to which Maria belonged. From the outset she recognized the totality of voice and emotion, the one the perfect dramatic embodiment of the other. She could fan anger into a conflagration, just as she could distill melancholy into an essence that could break one’s heart. And, without in any way detracting from the drama, she brought “finish” back to the music: each phrase, each word, was meticulously weighed; words were used positively as part of the musical sculpture she brought to life; and, although she raised vocal display to new levels of expression for our time, she never allowed it to become meaningless embroidery. Technique was subordinated to expression, and vocal beauty to dramatic truth. “It is not enough to have a beautiful voice,” Maria explained later. “What does that mean? When you interpret a role, you have to have a thousand colors to portray happiness, joy, sorrow, fear. How can you do this with only a beautiful voice? Even if you sing harshly sometimes, as I have frequently done, it is a necessity of expression. You have to do it, even if people will not understand. But in the long run they will, because you must persuade them of what you are doing.”

  In the end they did understand, although a considerable minority remained unconvinced and bitterly opposed to her. In the autumn of 1947, however, it was those who did not understand who were in charge of the casting, and they clearly could not cope with the “peculiarities” of the Callas voice. What they were after were beautiful, ravishing voices—Tebaldi voices. Well-known as the favorite of Toscanini, Renata Tebaldi had made her debut at La Scala the year before and was visiting Verona surrounded by the aura of that success. The famous rivalry between Callas and Tebaldi was partly real, partly dreamed up by the press and largely symbolic of how musically and dramatically irreconcilable these two singers were. The differences between them were reduced by the Tebaldi partisans to “beautiful” and “ugly” and by the Callas faithful to “dull” and “exciting.” Their paths first crossed at the Verona Festival. Maria was the visiting mystery soprano; Tebaldi, singing Marguérite in Gounod’s Faust, was the star female attraction. Although they were obviously fully aware of each other’s existence during the festival, they did not meet face-to-face until the following year.

  The time when Maria’s star would climb higher than Tebaldi’s was not far away. Meanwhile, however, while Tebaldi was being feted at one opera house after the other, Maria was sitting in Milan waiting for the telephone to ring and growing more and more depressed. It was Serafin who enabled her to make her next vital move. An official of La Fenice was dispatched from Venice to Milan to sign up Maria for the production of Tristan und Isolde that the maestro would be conducting in Venice. It was in fact a package deal: Isolde in December, Turandot in January and 50,000 lire per performance. Maria signed the contract without reading it, and only after she had signed did she turn her attention to the fact that she had agreed to sing a part she did not know. She revealed this to Serafin when he arrived in Milan the next day, and fully expected Serafin to be appalled. Instead, he was amused. “One month of study and hard work is all you need,” he assured her. This solid demonstration of his faith in her was enough to wash away the bitter taste of the previous two months.

  Suddenly the surrounding world ceased to exist and there was nothing but the role. A triumph was around the corner. The opening night was just before Christmas; it was to be her first triumph outside Athens, and Athens already seemed a lifetime away. Her unqualified success made this Christmas—her first in Italy, her first with Meneghini—the happiest of her life. In the new year, Isolde was followed by Turandot, and the Turandot that she was to have sung in America turned out in Venice to be a marvelous confirmation of the promise Isolde had held out. Her acute sense of what is emotionally right was here enhanced by a no less sure sense of what is dramatically right. That was the majority opinion, but not the unanimous one. Louise Caselotti, who had come to Venice to hear Maria and to look for some work for herself, was, as she put it, “alarmed” when she heard Maria’s Turandot. “The soaring high notes we admired when we were preparing the part for Chicago had lost their freedom and hovered badly. Her low register was also weak. I knew that she was on the wrong track and told her so.” Even if Madame Caselotti genuinely believed that Maria was on the wrong track, there is little doubt that it was a wrong track she would have given a lot to be on herself.
br />   Maria, despite her public statements to the contrary, would never be indifferent to praise or blame. She resented criticism, but she resented insincere praise just as much, and felt no hesitation about showing it. And criticism from friends was registered as disloyalty, almost betrayal. In many ways she needed betrayal to feed her image of Maria against the world. She was therefore on the lookout for it all the time. Louise Caselotti and her husband were the first casualties. On this occasion, Maria was to some extent right; Louise’s frustrated ambitions made it impossible for her to rejoice in Maria’s success. But there was also a part of Maria that, as soon as she started getting ready to leave America, wanted a break with Eddie and Louise Bagarozy. A break with them would be one more symbolic break with the past, with all its uncertainty, fears and pain. Each new phase in Maria’s life was signaled by the breaking of old friendships even more than by the making of new ones. She had almost a bonding instinct toward whoever was dominant in any given period of her life, as if she had time only for her art and one other person, and her other friends would fade into the background. For the moment, Meneghini had replaced everyone else, always by her side through these first uncertain Italian days.

  Venice was the turning point. The offers began pouring in. It is true that the musical citadels—La Scala, the Met, Covent Garden—had not yet fallen, but 1948 was a good, even a great year. Maria’s itinerary in the course of that year was a complete tour of the great Italian cities: Venice, Udine, Trieste, Genoa, Rome, Turin, Rovigo, Florence. In Trieste, Maria sang her first Verdi heroine: Leonora in Forza del Destino. Torn between passion and filial love, Leonora gave Maria plenty of opportunities for dramatic expression. And like the great tragedian that she instinctively was, she exploited them all. From Trieste she went to Genoa to sing Isolde once again, this time with her friend Nicola Rossi-Lemeni as King Mark. She sang Isolde five more times in Rome in 1950 and then, as soon as she could choose, she dropped this Wagnerian role from her repertoire.


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