Smooth as Hell (Studs in Scrubs Book 3)

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Smooth as Hell (Studs in Scrubs Book 3) Page 5

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  Wanting to get it off fast, he slowed himself down before he became all thumbs. He didn’t want to fuck this up, get all excited and then come before he had a chance to ’pass go. With one finger, he traced the satin edge of the torture device and salivated. She tremored under his touch and her jaw clenched. He held her gaze and her tongue swept out to moisten her lush lips, still swollen from his kiss. He gave attention to the nipple that threatened to bust through the lace. Her mouth fell open with a sweet moan. “Merf, I could almost climax just watching your face.”

  A sound found its way beyond his lips, one that didn’t even sound like him. He inhaled and sucked in the air between his teeth, leaving him hungry to see her naked breasts. Reaching around, he unclasped the bra and the material fell away. She took a step closer and kissed him and he hungrily lapped at her lips, gently pushing her backward until the backs of her knees hit the edge of the bed and she slowly lowered back onto the crumpled sheets. “Sorry, babe. I didn’t make my bed. Didn’t expect company.”

  “I’ll forgive you.”

  “Is this somehow breaking the rules? No women in my room here?” He chuckled.

  “Stop talking,” she demanded.

  He joined her, kissing and savoring how sensual her lips felt against his. If ever two mouths were made for each other, theirs were. He consumed her and they met each other—lick for lick. He’d lost all logical thought and the only thing he cared about was putting out the fire in his loins.

  He unsnapped, then unzipped her shorts. She lifted her bottom as he dragged the denim down her toned legs. Mouth to mouth again, he licked her lips, tangling her tongue with his, making love to her mouth. Her nails were on his bare back, nicking his skin.

  Teasing the hot slit between her legs, she trembled and arched her back, pressing her lace-covered pussy against his fingers.

  Needing skin to skin contact, he pulled the material aside and slid his fingers along her moist slick skin. Her body was dripping with need—the need for him.

  Using the tip of his thumb, he scraped over her clit and she cried out. So this was her spot? He swirled his finger around the plump fleshy head, rubbing and catering to it. Saliva pooled in his mouth as her musk scent reached his nostrils. He relished in the familiar scent of desire and soon, if things went his way, he’d be savoring the flavors with his tongue.

  Instinct warned him that she drifted close to the edge of release. The idea of having her come on his fingers both delighted and excited him.

  He wanted to possess her, all of her, and hear his name on her lips in the throes of passion. What he wouldn’t give to have this over and over.

  He flipped her over and lifted her bottom high, entwining his fingers in the dainty panties and leisurely dragged them down her ass, but he didn’t bother removing them completely. He twisted his fist in the lace, lifting her higher, holding her steady while he fumbled for the snap and zipper of his jeans. Once they were down below his thighs, he clutched for his raging, hard cock, holding his aching shaft. He wasted no time and buried himself in her sweet, tight, welcoming body. He’d never felt something more pleasurable.

  “Sweet, sweet, Jayde. Feels so good.”

  Her whimpers, combined with the pounding in his head, urged him to continue thrusting in and out of her, sliding his tip along the coils of her insides. Her bottom circled, accepting his deep thrusts until his entire body ached to explode.

  Feeling her wet muscles clench around him, she took him down a path where the only thing he knew was the bittersweet throbbing in his balls. His body grew tighter, like a rubber band reaching its limit. His thrusts became jerky, his moves steady, while his moans were deep and echoing off the wall.

  She clutched the headboard, using it as leverage as she took him deep, her cries growing louder as her passage grew tighter and slicker. Her weeping sheath milked him, stroking him in an erotic caress.

  He wanted to slow down, but he was being dragged into an abyss. All he could do was hold on. The only way he could prevent coming so fast was to stop completely, and that wasn’t happening—couldn’t happen. Not now. Maybe on their third or fourth time, but not this time.

  Gripping her shoulders, he slammed into her, ramming her, lifting her. He looked between their bodies, watched how his cock disappeared inside her, his stomach slapping her firm, luscious ass.

  Her screams told him she’d found her release and with that he allowed his body what it hungered for. His need to come could no longer be denied.

  His entire body washed away in primal waves. He climaxed, pooling his seed inside her, not caring that he’d forgotten the condom.

  The hot, scorching release tore through his body. Sweat beaded his brow dripping onto her skin and the smell of sex filled his nostrils.

  This was pure heaven, right there in her sweet body.

  Sweet, sweet Jayde.

  He’d never felt better, never wanted anything more.



  Jayde looked at Janet who was across the space of the room in her house that seconded as the office for Flips by Chics. She was sitting at her desk, thrumming her fingers, with a curious expression marring her delicate features. “You noticed. I put a little mascara on this morning.”

  “No. Something else.” Janet narrowed her gaze.

  “Hmm. Maybe I’ve lost weight? Got some color?” Jayde looked down at the purchase order she was trying to read. Her friend might see straight into what she’d done last weekend.

  “How did things go at the island house?”

  Giving a slight shrug, she put on a nonchalant attitude. “Oh, same as always. Did some painting. Pounding. That’s about it.” Her face warmed as her thoughts meandered back to what she and Merf shared. She had an urge to fan herself, but instead turned around and lowered the temperature setting on the AC thermostat. “I’ve been thinking…”



  Janet chuckled. “When you suggest that you’ve been thinking it means there should be a drumroll.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready to put the Cross House up for sale.”

  “As in you still have renovations?”

  “As in I love it there.”

  Janet leaned on her elbows. “Sweetie, have you forgotten something? A problem?”

  “What are you referring to?”

  “A handsome, two-hundred-pound problem.”

  “Oh, that. He wants to continue with the plan.”

  “Well, it was your agreement. Do you have another option? Can you buy him out?”

  Jayde looked out the window and sighed. “Probably not.”

  “Is there a plan C?”

  “That he and I could take on the task together. Open Cross House up for a bed and breakfast. No doubt we will have earned back every dime we’ve sunk into the renovations in the first year and turn a profit by year two.”

  Janet’s chuckle brought her chin up.

  “What, Janet?”

  “You had sex with him, didn’t you?”

  Her friend’s accusation made Jayde’s toes curl. Jayde wasn’t sure why she became flushed when she and her bestie talked about sex. Possibly because Jayde had barely recovered from the wild weekend. In fact, her inner thighs were still raw. Scooting her chair closer to her desk, she propped her elbows on the edge and sighed. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

  Her snort vibrated the walls. “Well, I’ll tell you. You left Friday hating his pretentious guts and come Monday you want to open a bed and breakfast with the guy. Yeah, you crossed a line, but can’t say I blame you. I wouldn’t kick him out of my bed.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  Janet slapped her knee. “I knew it! And by the new light in your eyes, I’m also very jealous. I always knew the man had…a nice tool.”

  “I don’t kiss and tell, but I also have no complaints.”

  “What the hell? The rumors about that house are true. You were caught under a spell b
y the ghost. What’s her name?”

  “Elena. And no, the place isn’t haunted. Just for the record, I never said I couldn’t stand him.”

  “You didn’t have to. All the other creative words said so.”

  Jayde shrugged. “Apparently, I was a bit mistaken.”

  “You mean the sex was so great you completely forgot that he’s an egotistical ass? Yeah, he must have been smooth as hell between the sheets.”

  She opened her mouth to respond, but the door swung open. Johnny, a tall muscular blonde with long hair that he kept in a ponytail, greeted them with a friendly smile. “Hello there, lovely ladies,” he said in a deep southern twang. His work boots came to a sudden stop. “Wow. You look different, Jayde.”

  Not sure exactly what they were talking about, she wondered what she must have looked like before.

  Janet snorted loudly. “See, I told you, sweetie. You’re a walking ad for sex.”

  “Sex? You met someone?” Johnny’s eyes widened.

  “Don’t be too shocked.” Jayde narrowed her gaze in warning.

  He shifted and stuck his thumbs into his front pockets. “Sorry. That didn’t come out right. As long as it’s not Ace again.” He rolled his eyes. The two men had butted heads many times. “He wasn’t worth a damn other than what he had between his legs.”

  “No, not Ace.” Her cell beeping from the corner of the desk granted her a welcome diversion from the discussion. She looked at the screen and her core throbbed. Merf had left her a text message.

  “Morning. Not sure if this is breaking the rules, but I wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you. M.”

  Jayde worked her bottom lip.

  “Is that your doctor now?” Janet teased.

  “Don’t you have work to do? Both of you?” She looked from both Janet to Johnny and they scattered.

  Alone, she could now concentrate on texting back. Typing in…

  “No, you’re not breaking any rule, if so, I am too because I’ve been thinking about you also.”

  Clicking ‘send’, her heart raced and her hands turned clammy as she waited for a response. It didn’t take thirty seconds before her phone beeped.

  “Will you be at the island this weekend? M.”

  “Not sure.”

  “Maybe we could show up and spend time together? M.”

  “That could be arranged.” The warmth spread from her cheeks into her neck.

  “See you this weekend. M.”

  Like a teenager going on their first date, she couldn’t control the shaking in her hands.


  JAYDE DRAGGED OPEN the door and her smile was lost. Her heart pounded and disappointment slithered through her. Standing on the porch wasn’t who she’d expected to see. In fact, it was nowhere close. “Josie? What are you doing here?”

  “I stopped by to see you and Janet told me you were here for the weekend. I need to speak to you.” Josie had blonde hair cut into a short bob, her makeup was in place, as always, and she looked like she could step right onto the cover of a magazine. They were complete opposites and the only thing they had in common were power tools.

  “And you couldn’t call?” The desire to slam the door in Josie’s face was tempting, but several thoughts weighed heavily on Jayde. She expected Merf to show up any minute and she certainly didn’t want to hash out any issues with her sister in front of him. Not to mention she had plans for the weekend that didn’t include a third wheel.

  “No. I couldn’t.” Without an invitation, Josie brushed past Jayde and dropped her overnight bag on the floor. “This place is great.”


  Her sister spun around and looked at her. “Yes?”

  “Have you forgotten that you and I aren’t on speaking terms?” It seemed that Josie needed to be reminded of the way things currently stood between them. Jayde didn’t bother shutting the door because she didn’t want her sister to think she was staying. Jayde completely ignored the overnight bag.

  “You aren’t over that yet?” Josie looked genuinely surprised.

  Jayde rubbed her forehead. “You slept with my boyfriend, Josie. If I was over it, I would have spoken with you by now.” Being angry with her sister was difficult when the woman had no idea what boundaries were.

  “I did you a favor. You should be thanking me,” Josie groaned.

  “Although I second that, you’re my sister, Jos. You’re supposed to have ethics…limits.”

  “Then we’ll work on that issue this weekend. We’ll make popcorn and watch chick flicks like we used to.”

  “That can’t happen.” Dread slithered down her spine.

  Josie blinked. “Are you expecting someone?”

  Her brain snapped back quick. The last thing she wanted was her sister knowing about the fling with Merf. “I’m working on the house. I’m almost finished. I plan to be busy.”

  “I can see that. It looks more livable.”

  The pounding of heavy footsteps on the porch made Jayde jump a second before the shadow was in the doorway. “Damn, that was one long trip.” Merf’s smile faded when his gaze settled on Josie. There was a long pause as each of them looked back and forth at each other.

  Jayde was the first to recover. “There’s my working buddy now. I’m glad you showed up. I didn’t want to have to do all the work alone again.” She chuckled, hoping her sister didn’t catch the slight tremble in the sound.

  Thank goodness, he was on his toes. “After you threatened to tar and feather me I thought I’d better show up.” He dragged his duffel bag from his shoulder and dropped it at his feet with a loud thud. “I had no clue you were bringing company.”

  As Jayde stood there dumbfounded, she swallowed hard. “It was a surprise to me too.”

  Josie didn’t seem wise to anything suspicious, which could be related to the fact that she was completely wrapped up in her own self. “Well, it looks like I’ll be watching those chick flicks alone while you two pound away.” Josie smiled and gave her skirt a twirl.

  Merf snorted. “Maybe you should reconsider catching that last ferry.”

  Jayde felt her knees weaken at the mention of ‘pounding’. Lord, if that word could have held more meaning…

  Josie caught him with a narrowed gaze. Jayde crossed her arms, already putting out a fire. “Only because you’re right, we’ll be pounding away and you might be kept up.”

  Flipping her hair over one shoulder as if she could flick away Merf’s suggestion, Josie sighed. “I’ll pop in ear plugs and spend lots of time by the water. Hopefully, I can grab a moment to talk to my sister about…girl stuff.” She laughed.

  Merf shrugged. Jayde could see the disappointment in his gaze.

  “Where can I sleep?” Josie didn’t miss a beat.

  “There are twin beds in my room. I’ll share,” Jayde offered only because this meant she could coax her sister into going to bed earlier.

  With a wrinkle of her nose, Jayde expected her sister to whine, but it didn’t come. Instead, she picked up her bag. “Lead me in the right direction and I’ll try my best not to find my way into your room, Merf.”

  He didn’t respond.

  Once Josie’s tap-tapping of her heels could be heard on the second floor, Jayde turned to Merf. “I had no clue,” she whispered.

  “What the hell is she doing here?”

  The last thing she needed was her sister sniffing out what was happening between Jayde and Merf. Josie seemed to put a wrench in everything.

  “Apparently, she decided we needed to talk and a call wouldn’t suffice. I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to apologize.” He took a step closer and dragged her against his chest. Every cell in her body came alive and the ache between her legs renewed wildly.

  “I guess this changes our plans,” she mumbled against his shoulder.

  “We’ll just have to be creative,” he murmured next to her ear.

  As much as she wanted to jump his bones right then and there, his words were almost a c
hallenge…and exciting, but she’d have to push off the need. Hearing her sister call for her at the top of the stairs fizzled some of the heat. Taking a step out of Merf’s arms, Jayde shrugged. “Yes?” she called out.

  “Can you come here please?”

  “Sure.” Jayde puckered her bottom lip. “I better go,” she said to Merf.

  “Yup,” he groaned. “I guess you should.”


  Merf watched her head up the stairs and his chest tightened. Damn. There went their plans, and his cock deflated. Yet it wasn’t a total loss. He’d enjoy being here, close to her. Truth was, he hadn’t thought of much else but her since they’d parted last weekend. Not only about the hot sex they’d shared, but how they’d spent a lot of time talking. Who knew they had so much in common.

  Later, he had her on his mind as he hammered the nail into the fence and caught movement out of the corner of his eye. He sighed. Josie was heading his direction. Now what did she want?

  “Hey there, muscle man.” She smiled, showing off even white teeth, and Merf guessed she used that as a tool to get what she wanted from the opposite sex, but it did nothing for him except irritate him in a bad way. “I brought you a glass of fresh lemonade.”

  Yeah, she was up to something.

  He accepted the glass and took a long sip. It did taste pretty darn good and refreshing to his parched mouth. “You make this?”

  “Well, no. Jayde did, but I saw you through the window and thought you could use a nice, tall glass. Honestly, this gave me an excuse to get away from my sister’s bossiness. I don’t remember agreeing to help work on this place.” She settled herself up next to the finished part of the fence and leaned her foot on the bottom rung. She shifted her body in a position that brought the hem of her shorts high on her toned thigh. She and Jayde looked a lot alike, but character-wise, there were miles between them. “I have a question.”

  He swiped the back of his hand across his brow. He’d rather just get back to work. “Yeah?”


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