Smooth as Hell (Studs in Scrubs Book 3)

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Smooth as Hell (Studs in Scrubs Book 3) Page 7

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  “Before you and I had sex. It was a fluke. We were drunk and we kissed.”

  “No.” She turned her back to him. “I can’t look at you.”

  He stood too, but didn’t touch her, no matter how much he wanted—no needed—to. “It was only a kiss. It meant nothing.”

  She twirled on heel, staring him down. “Meant nothing? Is that your excuse for everything? If it doesn’t mean anything, it doesn’t count?”

  He ran a palm over his head. “I’m sorry. Wrong words. Once we kissed I realized I’d made a fucking huge mistake.”

  She laughed and it lacked any humor. “Oh, and that explanation is so much better.”

  Did he see wetness in her eyes?

  If she cried he’d lose it.

  “I’m telling you because—”

  “You want us to end,” she blurted.

  “Hell, no. That’s not what I want. Far from it.”

  “You should have known if I’d had any clue that you and Josie…” she swallowed hard.

  “If I could erase it, I would. In my defense, it was only one time. I knew I wanted you, years ago and I didn’t think I’d ever have a chance.”

  She snorted. “So, you thought you’d go for the sister that would give you the chance?’

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  “Really? I’m supposed to know exactly what you’re saying? Hell, I would have never thought you and Josie would sink so low. She knew how I felt about you. She and Allison both knew I was crushing on you.”

  He blinked. “I had no clue. I really didn’t. I thought you despised me.”

  “Did my sister threaten to tell me and that’s why you’re divulging this now?” She flipped up a brow.

  “I told her we could both tell you.”

  She chuckled. “Wow. Here I was, all this time, and had no clue you two were talking behind my back.”

  “It wasn’t like that. My God, Jayde. Do you think I could have been this giving with you if I had a sliver of thought for another woman, someone sleeping down the hall? I might be a dick at times, but I’m not scum. Last thing I want is for you to be hurt.”

  “If Josie would be naked wrapped in a red ribbon, you still wouldn’t notice her, remember?” She reiterated the words he’d spoken to her. “Or was that just pillow talk?”

  “I meant those words.”

  “No, that was a lie. That might have been a good time to tell me the truth.”

  His shoulders slumped. “The truth is that it was during the fourth of July. Remember the fireworks? We were all at the cabin for the weekend, including Josie. I didn’t give her an invitation to climb into my bed that night, but you know her. Does she ever need an invitation? I’d love to say that I immediately came to my senses and told her to leave, but I didn’t. I had a moment of stupidity that I regret. But it was only for a minute until logic kicked in. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you, but honestly, it meant so little that I had forgotten.”

  The sincerity in his tone softened the blow…some. Yet the nagging feeling remained. “We’d made a pact. Friends with benefits. I don’t have any right to your present, past, or future. It has been fun, but all good things must come to an end. There are only a few things left to do on this place and I can finish those before I leave.”

  His tan turned two shades lighter. “What are you saying? You know there’s more than just a fling between us.”

  “Do I know that? Right now, all I know is that I feel betrayed once again. You should go and let me do what I need to do here so that we can be out from underneath this property.” Although her body ached to fall into his arms, her mind and heart closed the doors. She’d been hurt enough to know when she needed to jump ship. From the beginning, she’d known the risk, and a man like Merf came with plenty. The punch might be sweet, but it comes spiked with poison. No, she wouldn’t be sucked into another web. Lifting her chin, she looked him in the eye. “Let’s not make this harder than it needs to be.”

  His jaw tightened. “Have it your way, sweetheart, but eventually you’re going to have to realize people do change.”

  And he walked away…


  HE KNEW HE missed her, but when he saw her standing on the porch at Cross House, he realized just how much.

  Jayde looked beautiful. Her long hair hung in soft coils down her back. She wore a yellow dress that fit nicely to her body, her slender waist and flared hips. When he’d received her call, asking him to show up today, he’d tossed around the idea of not coming, but how could he deny her? Even if she only wanted to see him with the real estate agent to go over the finer details of selling the property. At least he’d had the opportunity to take care of his own business.

  When she saw him, several expressions flickered across her lovely face, finally settling on a guarded stare. He stepped up onto the porch, roving his starving gaze over her porcelain smooth skin. Pert nose. Full, pink pout to the slender line of her silken neck. He wanted to dip lower to admire the low scoop of the neckline, but he couldn’t handle the torture.

  “Hi, Jayde.”

  “Hello, Merf. Thank you for coming. I know it’s in the middle of the work week.”

  He gave a slight shrug. “You asked. I came.” Could she hear the slight tremor in his voice?

  Her tongue came out and swept along her bottom lip. “The agent should be here any time. He’s local and has an office here on the island.”

  “Then I’m sure he will be the best at selling the place.” His chest constricted. “What the hell am I saying? Jayde, I’ve been thinking about this long and hard. We shouldn’t sell.”

  She blinked and her lips thinned. “What? We’ve been through this. You even said this is what we agreed upon from the beginning.”

  “You were right. Allison and Devon didn’t give us this responsibility for us to sell. They knew what would happen if you and I spent any time together.”

  Her chuckle was shaky. “Come on, Merf. Let’s not do this. Neither of us know what they were thinking.”

  “You just don’t want to see it.”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  She stepped toward the door, but he caught her elbow, gently holding her. He bent his mouth close to her ear, inhaling her scent that excited him. “It matters. To you and to me.”

  “We shouldn’t—”

  “What, sweetheart? We shouldn’t give in to the magnet between us? We shouldn’t admit that whatever this is, it’s much bigger than we can deny?”

  Lifting her chin, he could look into her eyes, see the flush of her cheeks. He wanted to kiss her more than he wanted his next breath.


  “Tell me that you haven’t missed me,” he whispered.

  “I have.”

  “Then why are you still fighting this?”

  “You know why. We’ve tried this between us and it never works. Two people can’t base a relationship on only sex.”

  “Do you think that’s all I want from you?”

  She opened her mouth, but the sound of footsteps on the gravel brought both of them around to find a well-dressed man coming up the walkway.

  Jayde pulled her arm away and took a lengthy step away from Merf. “Hello, Mr. Gerald. Thank you for meeting with Merf and me this morning.”

  “It’s my pleasure. I was the one who sold the property to the Cross’.” The agent stepped up and greeted them both with a firm handshake. “I was very sorry to hear about their accident. They were a very kind couple.”

  Merf swallowed against the constriction in his throat.

  “Since you’re both here, I’m sure you’ve had time to discuss the changes of the title.” Mr. Gerald reached into his briefcase and pulled out a stack of papers. “Of course, because your request, Doctor Cross, was so recent, I haven’t had time to draw up formal documentation, but I assure you we’ll have them completed in no time.”

  “Wait. What changes? Doctor Cross and I haven’t agreed to anything.” Jayde appeared

  Some of the agent’s smile faded. “Oh, I’m sorry. I just assumed you knew.”

  “Knew what? Can someone tell me what has happened?”

  “Doctor Cross?” Mr. Gerald cleared his throat.

  “It’s simple. I’ve spoken with Mr. Gerald and asked him to draw up necessary paperwork so that I can sign my half of the house over to you.”

  She blinked and her mouth parted. “What?”

  Merf shrugged. “You realized before I did that this house shouldn’t be sold off. It was a part of Allison and Devon and they loved it here. It’s your decision, Jayde. If you decide we can’t run this place together, then I’ll sign all my rights over to you. However, we can take a plunge and see where this goes. We might be surprised.”

  “Th—this is silly. You can’t just sign over your share of this place. It’s worth three times what it was when we started.”

  “I can and I will. Your happiness is worth so much more than anything monetary.”

  Moisture filled her eyes. She turned and quickly made her way into the house, slamming the screen door behind her. Merf smiled at an awkward appearing agent. “I’m sorry, Mr. Gerald. If you’ll give us a moment to talk alone, I’d be very much appreciative.”

  “Sure. You go right ahead. I’ll be down by the dock.” The man hurried without a backward glance.

  Finding Jayde in the great room, Merf didn’t make any attempt to get too close. He needed to allow her time to soak in what had just happened. Several minutes passed before she swiveled and faced him. “Why, Merf?”

  “I told you. Your happiness is worth more.”

  She worked her bottom lip. “Is this a trick?”

  He chuckled. “No. It’s all been set into motion.”

  “I-I couldn’t possibly keep this place…” She clasped her hands tightly together.

  “Why couldn’t you? Don’t you remember how Devon felt fear buying this place, afraid they’d go under, but Allison told him—”

  “What’s life worth without all the risks.”

  Merf nodded. “She always made him feel calm. Just as you do me, Jayde.”

  “I’m not Allison. I don’t have an endless amount of patience,” she admitted.

  “And I’m not Devon, but I have changed. For the first time in my life, my path is clear.”

  “What are you wanting?” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I put in my resignation with the FBI. I’ve given them fifteen years and now it’s time I spread my wings. I wonder if Bodie Head Island could handle us? I certainly do think this place would be packed with tourists. Don’t you?”

  Her arms dropped to her sides as if she dumped a lot of baggage. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m offering to join you in making this place what Allison and Devon wanted. No doubt they saw something in this place that took me a bit to see myself, but I do see it and I know you do too. Maybe I can open a medical office here. I like that idea. In fact, I saw an available office in town.”

  “But, you and I? Running a business? How would that work?”

  “It won’t be easy.” He scrubbed his jaw.

  “I’m sure it won’t.”

  “But working out how two people date each other while living under one roof might be hard, yet I’m hopeful we can work it out. And damn, let’s throw away that white board. Who the hell had that idea in the first place?” He laughed.

  “You fully well know it was my idea. What makes you think I want to date you?” One corner of her mouth quivered as if she fought back a smile.

  “Because you like making me crazy, and baby, I’ve never been crazier in my life wanting you.”

  “This is a ludicrous idea. You do know that, right?”

  “There have been crazier ideas.”

  She exhaled slowly, turned and strolled to the white board, pulled it off the wall and gave it a toss through the open doorway. “You’re right. That was a useless thing.”

  “You should listen to me more often.”

  “Let’s not go that far. For now, let’s start slow.”

  “Is a kiss too fast?” His breath hitched.

  “I think a kiss to solidify the deal is in order.”

  He wasted no time. He had her in his arms with his mouth covering hers, sweeping his tongue in and out of her mouth, loving how she felt against him. His body reacted strongly, which he needed to control.

  She pulled away slightly. “Where’s Mr. Gerald?”

  “Oh, shit. He’s still waiting for our answer. What do we tell him?”

  “We tell him that you and I have decided to keep the property together.”

  His chest filled with satisfaction. “You’ve made me a happy man, sweetheart.”

  “You keep that in mind when we have our first argument,” she teased.

  And then he kissed her again…

  Not the end but only the beginning…

  From the author:

  Thank you for reading. Please leave a review and let others know your thoughts.


  Rhonda Lee Carver

  At an early age, Rhonda fell in love with romance novels, knowing one day she’d write her own love story. Life took a short detour, but when the story ideas were no longer contained, she decided to dive in and write. Her first plot was on a dirty napkin she found buried in her car. Eventually, she ran out of napkins. With baby on one hip and laptop on the other, she made a dream into reality—one word at a time.

  Her specialty is men who love to get their hands dirty and women who are smart, strong and flawed. She loves writing about the everyday hero.

  When Rhonda isn’t crafting sizzling manuscripts, you will find her busy editing novels, blogging, juggling kids and animals (too many to name), dreaming of a beach house and keeping romance alive. Oh, and drinking lots of coffee to keep up with her hero and heroine.

  For other titles by Rhonda Lee Carver, please visit:

  Find me on Facebook, too!

  Here are some other wonderful selections by Rhonda Lee Carver


  Second Chance Cowboy (Book 1, Second Chance Series)

  Second Ride Cowboy (Book 2, Second Chance Series)

  Second Round Cowboy (Book 3, Second Chance Series)

  Second Dance Cowboy (Book 4, Second Chance Series)

  Second Song Cowboy (Book 5, Second Chance Series)

  Second Burn Cowboy (Book 6, Second Chance Series)

  Second Hope Cowboy (Book 7, Second Chance Series)

  Second Sunrise Cowboy (Book 8, Second Chance Cowboy Series)


  UNDER PRESSURE (Book 1, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  PRESSURE RISING (Book 2, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  PRESSURE POINT (Book 3, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  SECRET PRESSURE (Book 4, Rhinestone Cowgirls)

  RESISTING PRESSURE (Book 5, Rhinestone Cowgirls)


  Cowboy Paradise (Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Ropin’ Trouble (Book 2, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Smoke. Fire. Cowboy (Book 3, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Kissed, Spurred, & Valentined (Book 4, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Cowboy is Mine (Book 5, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  The Discreet Cowboy (Book 6, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  A Perfect Cowboy Daddy (Book 7, Cowboys of Nirvana)

  Here’ a sneak peek of Hot as Hell (#1, Studs in Scrubs)


  “SORRY TO BOTHER you doctor, but I have a serious problem.”

  “And what’s the problem, Miss?” Sam Saxour looked at the beautiful brunette with bright blue eyes who was relishing a lollipop. She was leaning against the doorjamb, one foot propped against the frame.

  “I have a little fever.” She pulled the lolli from her plush lips with a smacking sound and fanned her face dramatically.

  His body tingled and the hairs on his neck shot up, just like another
part of him.

  “Come, have a seat.” Sam patted the end of the bed, still untidy from last night. He skimmed his gaze down her red tank top and black yoga pants to her slender ankles where the remnants of finger bruises were evident on her pale skin. “How are the ankles?” Guilt slithered through him.

  “Amazingly sore, like the rest of me.” She flushed.

  She must have just come from her beach class because her hair was pulled up in a ponytail and the damp top clung to her ample breasts. Her hard nipples pressing against the fabric made it obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. He barely kept his tongue from falling out of his mouth as he took in her hour-glass hips down to her legs that went on for miles as she sashayed her way to the bed. He had a feeling she put an extra dose of sexy in each step.

  “Right here, doc?’ She pointed at the end of the bed, smiling.

  “Yes, there.”

  “Looks like someone forgot to make his bed.”

  “I dragged myself out just before you showed up. I was…,” he grinned. “kept up most of the night.” Literally.

  Lolita, as the pretty brunette called herself, sat down and slightly parted her knees. He quite envied the seam of her pants. She rolled her tongue around the ball of the sucker, then popped it back into her mouth only to remove it again. Damn. He’d never enjoyed watching a woman suck candy more. Sweat beaded on his forehead and he couldn’t blame it on the Florida heat, although he could fry an egg on the sidewalk. Hell, he could fry an egg on Lolita’s hot ass.

  “Yoga was great this morning. All the stretches and moves smoothed out the kinks,” she said in a soft, sensual tone.

  Sam knew exactly how athletic she was because he’d had the pleasure of examining her closely over the last week, every stunning curve and dip. Her five-foot-five, luscious body had him in knots. He opened his black, medical bag, took out the stethoscope and went to her, kneeling on one knee. “I’ll listen.” He pressed the chest piece against the area over her heart, his knuckles brushing one firm breast.

  “Am I okay, doc?” Her eyes twinkled.


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