Between Friends

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Between Friends Page 20

by Lolita Lopez

  Mick visibly relaxed. “Okay. Great.”

  “I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but have you two decided which one of you will do the proposing?” It was a heavy conversation topic, so Whitney tried to lighten the mood. “Are you going to Rock, Paper, Scissors for me?”

  Mick threw back his head and laughed. “Honestly, it may come to that. Of course, I’ll have to cheat.”

  “To win?”

  “To lose,” Mick clarified as the waiter returned with their drinks.

  Thrown by that admission, Whitney stumbled through her order. When the waiter left, she stared at Mick. “Why don’t you want me?”

  His eyes snapped wide open. He hurriedly grasped her hand. “Whitney, that is so totally not what I meant. God, I love you so much. You are everything to me.”

  “But?” She couldn’t figure out why he wouldn’t want a chance to be her husband if he loved her so much.

  “But marriage isn’t as important to me as it is to Eddie.” He winced as he spoke. “I know how terrible that sounds, but it’s true. To me, marriage is just a piece of paper. I love you just as much today as I will tomorrow and fifty years from now. I don’t need someone else to tell me our commitment is ‘real.’” He drew air quotes. “What we have is already real enough for me.”

  “I see.” And she did. Whitney understood his view. It made sense for a man like Mick, but Eddie? No, Eddie was a very traditional sort of man.

  “Eddie needs to get married. He needs the wedding and the rings and all that jazz. He wants to give his last name to the woman he loves. It’s very important to him.” Mick squeezed her hand. “And because it’s important to him, it’s important to me.”

  Whitney melted as Mick explained his reasoning. “You’re a good man, you know that?”

  He cocked his head and bobbed his shoulders. “Yeah, that’s what I hear.”

  “You realize I’m going to have crazy, wild sex with you when we get home, right?” Mick spluttered into his drink at her brazen confession. She laughed and picked up her beer. “But first dinner and then dancing.”

  * * * *

  Eddie leaned his head against the tile and let the hard, pounding spray knead his aching muscles. His wrists and ankles itched something fierce. Damn chiggers and mosquitos! The training grounds had been swarming with the evil little bastards. Thank god they’d finished up their night-assault drills early and had been cut loose. They were lucky to have made it out alive. If they didn’t all come down with West Nile virus, Eddie would be stunned.

  He switched off the water and grabbed a towel. He dried off and draped the wet towel over the rack. He didn’t bother with clothing. Home alone, there didn’t seem to be much point. Instead he padded into Mick’s dark bedroom and flopped down in the center of the humongous bed. The ceiling fan spun overhead and cooled his still-overheated body.

  Trying to ignore the irritating itch, Eddie thought of Mick and Whitney. He’d expected to find them when he got home, but they’d skipped out for dinner, apparently. Whitney had sent him a text a few hours ago, but he’d heard nothing since. Neither answered their phones when he called to let them know he was on his way home a night earlier than expected. Thankfully the two were together, so he didn’t have to worry. Between the two of them, they could handle things.

  He turned over and pressed his cheek to Mick’s pillow. It smelled of Whitney’s shampoo and Mick’s antiperspirant. His cock stirred as the familiar scents ignited something primal within him. He’d always been a smell man. Weird, but there it was.

  Eddie considered reaching down to stroke his stiffening cock, but those goddamned bites were driving him batshit. There was no way he could sleep like this. Growling, he rolled over and climbed off the bed. He stalked into the bathroom in search of something, anything, to help with the frustrating itch.

  As he dug through the medicine cabinet, Eddie heard the unmistakable sound of the front door unlocking. He went totally still as he listened. Whitney’s high-pitched giggle floated through the house. Mick’s low laugh followed. He heard keys hitting tile, muffled sounds, and then a moan.

  What. The. Fuck.

  Miserable and itching like crazy, Eddie stomped out of the bathroom and headed toward the living room. He caught Whitney and Mick making out fast and furious in the archway between the entry and living room. Her slim legs were wrapped around Mick’s waist, her skirt kicked up to reveal lace panties. Mick’s hands gripped the backs of her thighs.

  So much for the ground rules they’d laid out on day one, Eddie thought angrily. What happened to no two-partner sex? He wondered if this was the first time the two of them had gone at it like this.

  “Oh, Dr. O’Loughlin, I have a fever and a terrible ache.”

  “I bet I have the perfect medicine for that fever.” He pumped his hips. “Probably need a little physical therapy for that ache, though.”

  “Whatever you say, Doctor.”

  Mick laughed and kissed her noisily. “We should go find Eddie. Let him hear the good news.”

  “You’re right,” Whitney replied excitedly. “Can’t wait to tell him we’re getting married.”

  Eddie’s gut clenched painfully. The contents of his stomach lurched, and that gross burrito he’d shoved down threatened to make another appearance. It was fucking Miranda all over again.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Eddie stepped out into the living room, revealing himself fully to the canoodling pair.

  “Eddie!” Whitney’s eyes brightened. “You’re home.”

  “Hey, man.” Mick lowered Whitney to the floor. “Rocking the no-clothes look tonight?”

  “Oh, fucking stow it, Mick.” Eddie’s hand slashed the air. “I heard you, okay? I know what’s going on here. You stole Whitney from me the same way you stole Miranda.” Jaw clenched, Eddie fought the urge to punch out Mick’s lights. “Well, screw the both of you. I’m out of here.”

  He spun on his heel and stalked to his bedroom. Whitney called his name, but he didn’t stop. He wasn’t about to wait around for another pitying rejection. He’d had enough of those, thank you very much.

  He flipped on the light as he entered and cast a glance around the room. What he needed tonight was a suitcase and enough clothing to get him through a few days.

  “Eddie, stop. Right. Now.” Whitney’s furious tone chilled him. “You turn around and talk to me or else I’m going to throw you face down on that bed and use your own belt to whip your ass.”

  Slowly, Eddie turned to face her. Her face was beet red, and her eyes flashed. He was suddenly struck by the idea he might have gotten it all wrong. Well. Shit. He’d screwed up again. He’d promised Whitney he would do better, and he’d broken that promise. Real smart, he thought. Now he’d probably lose her for good.

  Sighing, Eddie flopped down on the bed and put his head between his hands. The bed dipped as Whitney sat down next to him. Her cool palm caressed his back. He heard her murmuring and glanced over to see her lips moving. “What in the world are you doing?”

  She narrowed her green eyes and froze him in place. “I’m praying for wisdom to understand you, love to forgive you, and patience for this crap you sometimes pull. But I’m not praying for strength because if I do, I’ll probably beat you to death.”

  Mick guffawed from the doorway. “Amen, sister! Amen!”

  Eddie started to tell Mick to fuck off, but Whitney gasped. “Oh my god! Your wrists!” She leaned forward. “Your ankles!”

  Eddie lifted his head as she dragged his arm onto her lap. “Chiggers or mosquitos or both.”

  “Mainly chiggers,” she said, studying the bites. Like a general, she looked at Mick and ordered, “Go into my bathroom and grab that box of antihistamines, the mouthwash, and some cotton balls.”

  Mick frowned. “What the hell are you going to do with mouthwash?”

  Whitney scoffed. “And you went to medical school?”

  Mick rolled his eyes. “Again, surgeon. Not a dermatologist.”

“Neither am I,” she whispered as she studied Eddie’s red skin. “These must hurt so badly.”

  “They itch, mostly,” Eddie replied. He swallowed his pride and added, “I, uh, I think I need to apologize for what just happened.”

  “Yes, you do.” Mick handed Whitney the mouthwash and cotton balls before sitting down beside Eddie. He tossed the box of antihistamines onto the night stand. “I’d give you these now, but they’ll probably make you drowsy.”

  “Later,” Eddie said. “I’ll take them later.” He blew out a hard breath. “I’m sorry, Whitney. I’m sorry, Mick. I came into the living room and saw the two of you going at it, and I lost it. It was ridiculous of me.”

  “It’s okay,” Whitney said with an understanding smile. “I’ve been so skittish lately with the whole sex thing. I can only imagine how that must have felt to see Mick and me pawing at one another when I’ve been turning you down for the last month.”

  “And I know what you’re thinking,” Mick chimed in, “and the answer is no. Whitney and I have never slept together without you. We all agreed to three-partner sex, and we’ve stuck to that promise. What you saw tonight was just foreplay.”

  “Well,” Whitney interjected with a frown, “not exactly. I was planning on having sex with you.” She shot Eddie an apologetic frown. “I’m sorry.”

  Eddie shook his head. “Mick and I were ready to get it on in the kitchen without you that one time.” Eddie’s face was hot with embarrassment. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t right for me to jump to conclusions and snap at you two, especially since I was just as guilty of initiating a two-partner tryst.”

  “It’s all right.” Whitney said in her sweet, forgiving voice. “We all make mistakes. We just have to communicate better, okay?”

  “Okay.” Eddie watched Whitney unscrew the cap on the bottle of mouthwash and soak a cotton ball in the bright orange fluid. He pulled back when she tried to dab his wrist. “What are you doing?”

  “It helps. I promise.” She crossed her heart. “When I was a kid, one of my foster families was all outdoorsy, and we spent, like, the whole summer touring national parks and camping. I hated it at first, but after a while it really grew on me.”

  “And you had your first run-in with chiggers?” Eddie guessed.

  “Yep. Mrs. Grantham knew all of these folksy home remedies.”

  Mick took the bottle from her and studied the ingredients. “Huh,” he said, seemingly surprised. “I bet it’s the benzoic acid.”

  “Sure, why not?” Whitney shrugged. “Whatever it is, it works.”

  She took hold of Eddie’s arm and held it still while she dabbed at the red patches of bumps on his wrist. Eddie hissed in pain as the liquid stung some of the open spots he’d scratched, but then, blessedly, there was immediate relief of the pain.

  “Oh, hell, that feels so good.” He happily complied with Whitney’s directions to hold still as she continued doctoring him up. He shot a teasing smile to Mick. “So much for that MD of yours.”

  Mick glowered. “Blow me.”

  “Happily,” Eddie said and reached for Mick’s crotch. He yelped when Whitney slapped his hand. “What was that for?”

  “We’ll play later. Right now, I want the two of you to tell me about this Miranda person.” Whitney screwed the cap back on the mouthwash and set it aside with the cotton balls. She squeezed in between Eddie and Mick. “Well?”

  Eddie sighed loudly and launched into the tale. Whitney listened patiently and never once interrupted, quite an achievement for her. When he finished, Whitney took his hand and Mick’s and said, “I’m not Miranda. I’m Whitney Montcrief. I don’t mess around with people’s emotions. Barring infidelity or domestic violence or something crazy horrible, I’m not going anywhere, okay?”

  “Got it,” Mick said and pecked her cheek.

  “Okay,” Eddie answered. But what he’d overheard nagged at him. “The marriage thing.”

  Whitney huffed and thumped his bicep. “If you hadn’t freaked out, I could have clarified.” She touched his jaw. “I’m going to marry you.”

  Eddie replayed what he’d heard earlier and realized he’d misinterpreted her words. We’re getting married. She hadn’t meant her and Mick. She’d meant the two of them.

  He looked over at Mick and was surprised to see such joy in the other man’s eyes. “You’re okay with this?”

  “I’m thrilled,” Mick answered honestly. “You know me and marriage, Eddie. I love you. I love Whitney. The two of you return that love. That’s enough for me.”

  “I’m not choosing,” Whitney clarified. “Marrying you doesn’t mean I love Mick less or vice versa. I don’t want just one of you. I want you both.”

  “Good thing,” Eddie said and kissed her. He broke away and took Mick’s mouth, too. “We come as a package deal.”

  He wasn’t sure who made the first move, but soon fingers were tearing clothing and undies were flying. Naked and nearly mad with lust, the three of them fell back onto Eddie’s bed with Whitney strategically placed between the two men. Mick clutched at Eddie’s waist as Whitney nibbled his pecs and let her tongue draw lazy circles around his nipples. Eddie met Mick’s hungry gaze over Whitney’s head, and the two of them silently communicated.

  “What?” Whitney exclaimed in surprise as Mick pulled her onto her back and Eddie straddled her thighs, pinning her to the bed.

  “You first, sugar.” Eddie nipped her lower lip. “It’s been a long time since I’ve heard you scream my name.”

  Mick kissed her silly as Eddie worked his way down her body. He licked and bit and kissed every inch of her gorgeous skin. He faltered once, when he came eye to eye with the scar arcing along her belly, but quickly recovered. He pushed the thoughts of that terrible day from his mind and focused on the here and now. And on the stunning beauty who would soon be his wife.

  Eddie’s heart threatened to burst. Finally, everything was coming together. He’d have the wife and husband he’d always wanted. The family, the kids…it was perfect. And a bit scary.

  But Mick was right when he’d reminded Eddie that some things were simply out of his control. He couldn’t dwell on the risk of everyday life. His energy was far better used loving the people who meant the very most to him.

  His tongue dipped into Whitney’s navel and then zigzagged down the sloping plane of her tummy. The musky scent of her arousal engulfed him. He put his hands on her inner thighs and opened them wide. His tongue watered from pussy deprivation. He couldn’t wait to slide his tongue between her juicy folds and suck that pink clit right between his lips.

  He parted her pussy with his thumbs and stared at the dusky flesh. Slick, shiny cream dripped from her cunt. He bent down and swiped her opening, gathering the salty fluid on his tongue. The taste of her pussy made his groin tighten. He could eat her all day long and still want more.

  She bucked her hips and cried out against Mick’s mouth as Eddie’s tongue flicked over her clit. He took his time stimulating the bud. Slow and easy, his flattened tongue moved up and down and side to side. Above him, Mick caressed and squeezed her breasts. He played with her nipples and made Whitney squirm.

  Eddie’s tongue changed pace. A little firmer. A little faster. He slipped two fingers inside her tight channel and pumped shallow. It had been a long while since Whitney had been penetrated. He didn’t want to go in guns blazing and hurt her. Slow and steady wins the race and all that.

  She responded so quickly to his thrusting fingers. Her hips swiveled, and she panted in between Mick’s deep kisses. Eddie followed her cues. He suckled her clit, pulling the engorged pearl between his lips and fluttering his tongue over it until she shrieked. Spasms rocked her cunt, her orgasm so strong he felt the pulsation against his lips. That just made him harder and more excited. He didn’t let up on the sensual torture. No, he attacked her pussy with more fervor and made her come again.

  Whitney slapped at his head, desperate for him to stop after the second orgasm ripped through her spent body. H
e relented and lapped at her cunt honey while she caught her breath. He loved the silky sensation of the slippery nectar on his tongue.

  Mick slid off the bed and dug around in one of Eddie’s bedside drawers until he found condoms and lube. Since Whitney’s lung was still healing, birth control pills were too risky, so Mick and Eddie had agreed they’d glove up for the foreseeable future to protect her and give her body time to fully heal.

  “My turn,” Mick announced as he rolled on a condom.

  Eddie laughed and moved over to make room. Grinning, Mick reached for Whitney and repositioned her. She squealed with delight as Mick loomed over her. He took his cock in hand and explored her pussy with the sheathed tip. She moaned and clutched at him, her fingertips grazing his ribs.

  Mick thrust inside her, and Whitney rose up to meet him. Eddie nestled close to her side and turned her face so they were nose to nose. She traced his lips with her tongue before kissing him. He palmed her small breast and rubbed his thumb over the hardened peak. She brushed her lips over his. He caught the spark of mischief in her eyes. “What?”

  “I want you to take Mick while he takes me.”

  A sizzling burn of excitement raced through his groin. He glanced at Mick and received an encouraging smile. “Do it.”

  Eddie practically jumped up on his knees and crawled down the bed to get behind Mick, who had gone still inside Whitney. She squirmed impatiently as Eddie globbed lube onto his fingers and prepared Mick. His longtime lover relaxed easily and was soon begging for Eddie’s cock.

  “Just fuck me, Eddie.” He reached back and clapped a hand on Eddie’s hip. “Fuck me hard.”

  Eddie applied a condom and slathered more lube on the outside of the latex. You could never have enough lubricant when playing around the back door. Besides, it made the experience so much better for everyone involved.

  Grasping Mick’s trim hips, Eddie lined up and slowly eased inside his tight hole. Mick groaned as he pushed back against the hard shaft and swallowed inch after inch. Eddie’s head pounded from exhilaration. There was nothing better than watching his cock disappear in Mick.


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